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Esoteric Wizardry


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I find it nearly impossible to keep my mind clear/silent. I'm always thinking of something and being distracted. I think and imagine stuff so much that I can't even focus on anything. And lately my head has been feeling heavier too. I think too much even when I do mundane things while at work, school, or even driving. I also spend all of my free time on my phone or laptop just browsing the web and wasting time. And my mind has also prevented me from having a true experience. Whenever I try to lucid dream or AP it ends in failure. Usually I'm able to get to the point where my body feels pretty relaxed and I'll start visualizing an image or scenery, it becomes slightly vivid. I can see a silhouette or something but I can't make it stay, I can't seem to let it grow or anything. I usually end up getting distracted, give up because I'm tired or end up using the bathroom. The fact that so many mundanes who have probably never even heard the term 'esoteric' do this bugs me a lot. Should I give up occult stuff and just do nothing? I don't think this stuff is for me anymore.


Shameless self bump


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Do you have music that is special to you because it resonates with you? Melodies, vibes, that really work for you? Or maybe it's not music but field of research or paintings that stand for tradition that for some reason you crave to cherish and protect?

If not, stop masturbating, fix your diet and exercise, mediate, and come back to this post later.

If yes, sublimate this passion you have and empower it until you experience very strong desire to share, cherish, empower and protect it. At some point it becomes so strong you injure it in your mind's eye - not because you want to be a wizard, but because you enjoy the visual or auditory projections so much. They resonate with you and you are drawn to them like magnet.

Your passion becomes your drive, your energy that you learn magic through.

Many powerful wizards, like William-Adolphe Bouguereau or Leonardo da Vinci, developed godlike visualization abilities as a side effect of their total and utter obsession with what resonated with them - what they considered truth, and because of their powerful magic they manifested in their works, what is often our truth nowadays. In their notes you can read about their experiences of what can be generalized as astral travels or trance.


I struggle with this too OP, the way to overcome it is to somehow completely focus all of your intention into the matter and have no competing desires, and to really intensify your emotions and you'll go into deep trance pretty fast.



Also, astral travel is harder than any kind of magick that doesn't involve fully projecting your astral body, so just do psychomancy and thoughtforming exercises instead of what you're currently trying to do OP. It's much more useful anyways.


2 suggestions. Kirtan and/or Japa meditations.

Wayne Dyer made a Japa guided audio meditation using the first 10 words of the Lord's Prayer but it can be used with any words.

I can probably find and upload the meditations if you need em.

Kirtan is devotional singing. You focus on god while singing, and singing helps clear the mind/one can focus more on it.


Cleanse your body, everything else will align.


When you have thought in your head, why does it conflict with you? Because you want your mind to be empty? You definitely can not get rid of something in your mind by thinking it away. You need to be okay with it, you need to let the ideas be there, and fade away naturally.



mundanes don`t really do any deep stuff, they just do meditation for like 15 minutes as a body relaxing technique.

the idea is to develop focus little by little


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Unfortunately I haven't found that one 'passion' thing yet. I actually don't even know what I wanna do for a career yet (I'm 22). Thanks for the advice though I'll try to search for something


Thanks the no competing desires part sounds interesting. I'll give it a go.


So I should do that as practice? When should I try to AP? And what about lucid dreaming?


Usually other thoughts come barging in. Many times without my notice.


>mundanes don`t really do any deep stuff, they just do meditation for like 15 minutes as a body relaxing technique.

I could kind of tell now.

>the idea is to develop focus little by little

Yeah I'll try. Iv been at it for a while now and still can't even get a lucid dream right. Maybe drugs will help who knows. But I'll keep practicing as well.

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