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ITT: We post deep sounding bullshit until we tire ourselves out and then resume doing it again later.

Anything profound sounding goes here.

I was once asked how I’d like to be remembered and I simply smiled and said “I’d rather stay forever.”


we're dead in the future but we're not dead yet'


how are we dead in the future if there's no future?



I stared into the abyss, and it stared back into me.




In the heart of all things, of whatever there is in the universe, dwells the Lord. He alone is the reality. Wherefore, renoucning vain appearances, rejoice in him. Covet no man's wealth.

Well may he be content to live a hundred years who acts without attachment – who works his work with earnestness, but without desire, not yearning for its fruits – he and he alone.

Worlds there are without suns, covered up with darkness. To these after death go the ignorant, slayers of the Self.

The Self is one. Unmoving, it moves swifter than thought. The senses do not overtake it, for always it goes before. Remaining still, it outstrips all that run. Without the Self, there is no life.

To the ignorant the Self appears to move – yet it moves not. From the ignorant it is far distant – yet it is near. It is within all, and it is without all.

He who sees all beings in the Self, and the Self in all beings, hates none.

To the illumined soul, the Self is all. For him who sees everwhere oneness, how can their be delusion or grief?

The Self is everywhere. Bright is he, bodiless, without scar of imperfection, without bone, without flesh, pure, untouched by evil. The Seer, the Thinker, the One who is above all, the Self-Existent – he it is that has established perfect order among objects and beings from beginningless time. To darkness are they doomed who devote themselves only to life in the world, and to a greater darkness they who devote themselves only to meditation.

Life in the world alone leads to one result, meditation alone leads to another. So have we heard from the wise.

They who devote themselves both to life in the world and to meditation, by life in the world overcome death, and by meditation achieve immortality.

To darkness are they doomed who worship only the body, and to greater darkness they who worship only the spirit.

Worship of the body alone leads to one result, worship of the spirit leads to another. So have we heard from the wise.

They who worship both the body and the spirit, by the body overcome death, and by the spirit achieve immortality.

The face of truth is hidden by thy golden orb, O Sun. That do thou remove, in order that I who am devoted to truth may behold its glory.

O nourisher, only seer, controller of all – O illumining Sun, fountain of life for all creatures – withhold thy light, gather together thy rays. May I behold through thy grace thy most blessed form. The Being that dwells therin – even that Being am I.

Let my life now merge in the all-pervading life. Ashes are my body's end. OM . . . O mind, remember Brahman. O mind, remember thy past deeds. Remember Brahman. Remember thy past deeds.

O god Agni, lead us to felicity. Thou knowest all our deeds. Preserve us from the deceitful attraction of sin. To thee we offer our salutations, again and yet again.


There is no god but man.

Man has the right to live by his own law— to live in the way that he wills to do; to work as he will; to play as he will; to rest as he will; to die when and how he will.

Man has the right to eat what he will; to drink what he will; to dwell where he will; to move as he will on the face of the earth.

Man has the right to think what he will; to speak what he will; to write what he will; to draw, paint, carve, etch, mold, build as he will; to dress as he will.

Man has the right to love as he will.

Man has the right to kill those who thwart these rights.


There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same.



the definition of a miracle is " the impossible happening ". all effect requires a cause as the most fundamental law of the universe. whether one believes in the big bang, creater, or both for the universe neither can be explained as to what caused them. even if and when known those still require a cause. ad infinitum

so somewhere along the line something was caused by nothing and the impossible happened creating all of creation. therefore there is at least ONE proven honest to goodness Miracle that has effected us and our lifetimes gy virtue of us existing at all.

A miracle also cant happen twice due to this definition. If the sky cracked open and it started raining frogs one day that would be a miracle unless somehow happening through natural laws, as that breaks the rules of physics as we know of them and is thus considered " impossible " to most. but…

if the exact same thing happens twice, only the first is a miracle. the second one would have occured after it was proven possible that could happen from the first time it happened. at that point it is merely unlikely.

( at the third point it is not even as unlikely )


when you have reached the top of the mountain, then you will begin to climb



There is a difference between having choices and having freedom, freedom is something that the world gives you, when you have true freedom it is limited only by yourself. Choices are something created by those who want to control you to give you the illusion of freedom. The system decides the choices you will have and the choices you won't, choices are not limited by only yourself but the people who are giving you the choices. Next time you are given a choice in your mundane wageslave life do not mistake this with you having "freedom", the higher ups and the government are the ones who are truly in control not you. If you want to break free of the control of others you first must learn to control yourself and to free your mind, never just accept the world around you. Once you have freed your mind from toxic outside influence you can start to search for real freedom. I do personally think it's a good idea to limit yourself in some aspects to remain decent, it troubles me that so many people are becoming nihilistic sociopaths nowadays and although disconnecting yourself from your morals will take away restrictions and will make life a little easier it will make you inhuman and not in a good way. I'm not saying become a social hippie because some people are arseholes and need to be informed of it but at least have the decency not to seriously hurt people unless it's in self defense. Murder and cruelty is on a very different path to the one of spiritual enlightenment and deeper understanding.




I just got into a long winded discussion on /pol/ about memes

Memes are absolute shit and the most destructive influence possible. They are viruses bent on killing you and your individuality, creativity, spirit, biological functioning, willpower, and everything that is sacred. This is part of the scheme of aliens letting humanity have too much tech too soon and it is overrunning all sensibilities. We have lost our senses and communication with the natural environment, we are for all purposes dead and flat when communicating on this evil chan medium. Memes ruin lives. The immune system is meditation and kundalini. Must attain personal power and perception of organic reality, as this is the true link to all power, not fucking vampiric memes. All you little loosh vampires make me sick and the only drive to power I now have is to absolutely destroy this fucking parasitical swarm of channers. This is all going to end soon anyway, but it has set me back by having to entertain the shitbrained idiots with their little memes. May may my fucking dick, bitch. Wait, that's impossible. Well, no fucking shit.

"The only way we are going to survive this time in history is to go back into our past to find what was lost." - Gregg Braden

It's going to take a lot of seclusion and reading/absorption of high consciousness material to rid me of this sickness.


Deepness cannot be communicated, it comes from the stillness.

You tryhard faggots are pure fucking cancer. Why aren't you dead?


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Moé j'ai un garage, un gros garage





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this site is 2 deep f4m e madsoa thfat ofd me



The truth is in the felt space of the body in the moment.

Some great religions have gotten this far, and they -whatever they are and there are many of them- come at last to advocate something called meditation.

Which has many guises and travels under many names and methods.

But what it primarily is, is

Attention to ==Attention==



Do not believe liars. I am a liar.

Only entertain them. Refusal to entertain lies is inefficient. There is no lie which does not occur without being in connection to truth.

Every lie is a shadow of truth. Much can be discerned by looking at the shadows.

It is only because of the light that you can even see the shadow and know truth.




What you see is what you get



It doesn't matter where the starting point is. The center of all is everywhere. However, if you refuse to find your center, and expand out from there then you will be lost within All.

>implying most of this thread isn't actually shitposting profound shit in a thread that's supposed to be pseudo-profound


Truth has nothing to do with words. Truth can be likened to the bright moon in the sky. Words, in this case, can be likened to a finger. The finger can point to the moon's location. However, the finger is not the moon. To look at the moon, it is necessary to gaze beyond the finger, right?


He who is a fool, he who rejects foolishness and yet remains ignorant, he who sees wisdom in foolishness.



When we get angry at others, it's usually because we get angry at something we hate in ourselves.



if you swallow a match will it set the whole world on fire?



I came close to death, he gave me a pat on the back. #deep


She knelt down next to my head

The stink from her menstrual flow making me gag

"I need to peel the scabs to let the puss flow…" She whispered softly in my ear

Coughing bile out of my throat was my only answer.


"First we give the maggots their throne,

Let them gnaw the flesh from the bone…"

Then she licked the inside of my ear.

Later, the search and rescue people would compliment me on my primitive medical 'know how', as the chopper carried us out of that forgotten wilderness.

No words I had could explain "her" to them.

Or replace my missing limb.


The pallet was laid out



It was a pallet, wood pallet, the kind forklifts lift

and it was raining

and on that pallet was at least one eye, a scalp patch of hair, and some teeth.

We stared. I confirmed. With a deep sigh. The limousine waited. In the rain.

Eight years old.


Some loved me because I was hated

Many hated me because I was loved

And those who saw through me were rejected by all


and then

[and then we saw things no human mind was ever meant to see]

except us

because we were meant to see

[the mother sound asleep, protected from what her final son would see]


I forget things.

Intuition sings high

"They" hate it

Sings high

"They" explain it away

Sings run away

"They" you need to stay


"They" Why Don't You Stay!


run way way

"They" WHY Wouldn't you STAY?!"

run away


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I woke up with a dog licking the dried vomit off my face.

Its a special feeling waking up in a dirt street, your clothes nothing but rags soaked in your own shit and piss.

The dog, an angel from heaven.

I heaved up bile.

Then moved according to the shadows.

This is what I had prayed for. A physical existence.

What I did with it was now up to me.



technically this shoulds reeeds […what (w)her final son would be…]


There is a shadow

that shadow

Okay, but seriously



Thank You.

I accept that you hate me.

I only wanted life.



Oh Lucifer!

How far did fall?

Or did you fall at all?

The apple of eternal life doesn't seem to be to bad of a fall.

Lilith is quite beautiful afterall.



>how far did fall



Aryans are very fascinating. They have had a mysterious past, have risen in a short amount of time and are able to overcome any odds. They have shown that they are very capable in arts, philosophy and crafts, and last but not least, warfare. No other people like to fight and conquer as much as the Aryan race, it's true. Aryans are fascinated by order, large empires and dominance.

The other peoples of the earth (Especially Sub-Saharan Africans) see us as 'different', and they make up the wildest claims to where we came from. Perhaps our white skins and weird blue eyes intrigue them, just as their black curls and dark eyes are exotic to us.

Some of them claim that while we are humans, we are not originally from earth. They call us aliens or conquerors. According to one theory from meso-America, Aryans came from the sky. (Vid related)

Another theory claims that we came from Mars, and fucked up our ecosystem. Because martians were exposed to less sunlight, they developed light skin and blue eyes (or didn't need to evolve darker skin). Our circadian rhythm is also believed to be longer than the African, native American or some Asian circadian rhythms. Therefore, we are actually more suited to a life on Mars than on earth. After we fled Mars, we conquered a few pieces of land, built pyramids and ruled over some groups of Terran humans. We couldn't stand the sun though, so large parts of Africa were spared until modern times. Sometimes, Aryans were called people of the moon or moon-eyed people.

Yet another theory claims that we have been grafted from the original black people into evil, white men. Quit far-fetched if you ask me, but it still emphasizes the 'difference' between Aryans and Africans.

Nobody knows where we came from, even we don't. We don't know our purpose on earth, or why we are here. We are just trying to make the best of it and keep the Aryan race intact until we know more or can return home. Therefore, these threads and this meta-history are important to us. To me, it's not about supremacy and domination, it's about my roots and the whole purpose of us being here.

So therefore,


Until we know, please don't shit on our history don't shit on our countries.

We are just trying to live on this planet. Right now, we are a somewhat lost people, but you are too. We'll learn though.


>as above

>so below


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What was once now, now is not. What was not will be, unless it is not to be. For that is the cycle of time: in each death of now comes a birth from not of now.

But, there is not a not, because a not is an is, therefore all that is not is. It is only a question of when.

This is the true power of now: to know that this now is all that there is now, but not all that there will be. So embrace the now.



Everyone can make magic things with wood rock and wind

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