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File: 1449743906137.jpg (617.75 KB, 1724x1500, 431:375, Manchurian Candidate was t….jpg)


Hey /fringe/. Thought I'd bring this issue to your attention. Alot of serial killers have come from programs like this, too.

Note: Not "all," but probably most, or at least many.

This documentary is about an hour, but it's made-for-TV by professionals in the biz, so it shouldn't be boring. And god bless Derren Brown for making this, because it is literally the only way that you can quickly and easily clue people in to this absolutely KEY issue that exists under the table of modern politics.

We live in complicated times.



Can you explain how this is related to this board? Is there anything occult or whatever wrapped up in this?



>Is there anything occult or whatever wrapped up in this?

Holy jesus, yes. I don't even know where to start, man. But yes this directly ties to the Illuminati-occult shit.

That's not the most important aspect of this information, though. I'm more just trying to give some air to some very basic, but very important information. Cart and the horse, and all that.

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