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Esoteric Wizardry


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I'm willing to give someone a 10 dollar google play card ( not anymore because you faggots complain, so now I'm just going to ask it be done FOR FREE ) if they do a voice recording of themselves reading Initiation Into Hermetics and upload it to youtube. If the video lets you read the text that is being read at same time (shows page in vid that is being read) that is even better.

Submit a voice sample of yourself reading a page or chapter or whatever out of IIH first though, you need to have a good voice I actually want to listen to so if your voice is too autismal or currynig or something don't bother. Whoever completes this first gets the google play card or if multiple people complete it at once whoever does it better overall gets it. Don't care if it's a male or female voice as long as it's pleasant to listen to. Also your voice recording equipment ought to not be shit.

I will also give a card ( nope, but will give thanks/loosh ), same conditions as above, for someone who does recording for The Universal Master Key.

I will give the card when all chapters have been read and uploaded.

I might do something nice for when you're done don't know what though.

Haters please don't even post in this thread I've deleted the other one. Your objections to audiobooks are absurd, it's good to both listen to stories read as well as read them, and it's not just for me I want to be able to share the audiobooks with others.


I'm just curious why'd you need someone to read it for you


I've read all of the Kybalion and listened to the Kybalion like 10 times btw.


I WANT AN AUDIOBOOK I CAN SHARE WITH OTHERS (and I want to do some non-harmful magick that I need someone to record their voice for, working on a thoughtform that does automatic conversions of voice to text and stores what was said in text format and vice versa auto-reading text) and that I can listen to as well in addition to actually reading the book.

It also helps you concentrate and set a new pace for your reading when you both have the PDF up and are reading it while also listening.

I don't have a good voice for reading out loud otherwise I'd probably start up a youtube channel and read out loud hundreds of different audiobooks.



I intend to memorize IIH btw. Nothing like having an audiobook to listen to on repeat until the entire book is imprinted into your memory.


are you smiley?



Memorizing a book is just wasting time and potential. Unless of course you don't like thinking for yourself and experiencing things on your own.

Also, IIH isn't even that good.



not op, but what's a better book? book of knowledge?



It depends on in which direction you want to go.

If you are starting out then sure, go read IIH, book of knowledge, basically anything you want and you will see for yourself what is worthy and what is not.

And this basically, it should be sticked or something



File: 1449793903426.pdf (1.11 MB, Max Freedom Long - The Sec….pdf)

Read this.



I am trying to develop a strong memory you faggot. I could be memorizing random strings of characters.

What is wrong with you people? Every time I post now it's all just discouragement and trashing what I am doing as if you can't both think for yourself, experience things, imagine intensely, and memorize things all at once.

My memory needs to be worked on.


As a rule anyone posting without a flag on here is a newfig and can be disregarded. Read whatever you want in the library it's all good material. I'd only make specific recommendations if I knew your philosophical and religious background, your time constraints, and if you want to know the barebones minimum or to achieve true mastery over years of study and practise.



>As a rule anyone posting without a flag on here is a newfig

you jelly of my hax faggot?



>Tor or Phone or maybe fucking with the CSS/HTML/JavaScript in order to avoid selecting a flag.


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Just record it yourself.


I was just putting a reasonable objection.

>I'm willing to give someone a 10 dollar google play card ( not anymore because you faggots complain, so now I'm just going to ask it be done FOR FREE )

And this somehow will motivate people even more??

Somehow I am supposed to feel self-righteous and morally superior, because I am reading for a crippled BSR who can't cut bread??

>Your objections to audiobooks are absurd

It wasn't really absurd, you asked for a magician to heal your skin for 10$ google play card, you're now asking people to read the book for you for 10$ google play card(before you got butthurt and deleted the first thread). All I was saying that healing=/=reading a book for you, they are not 10$ google play card each.

Also, I also noted that you have wasted a huge amount of money on mundane's skincare and degenerate ZOG product to heal yourself. Proof:


Fringe Wizard

tfw going all out spending like nearly a hundred dollars to destroy my acne


Fringe Wizard

tfw applying all the mundane methods I know and it's not working too well


Fringe Wizard

Just gonna have to keep it up but apply magick with it


Fringe Wizard

then I'll push things over the edge into being finally fucking healed

Why wouldn't you use that money nearly a hundred dollars to rent/buy a reading of a book by some professional audiobook makers??

Is it because of your meeting with dwarf you want to look super kawaii for her?

>and I want to do some non-harmful magick that I need someone to record their voice for, working on a thoughtform that does automatic conversions of voice to text and stores what was said in text format and vice versa auto-reading text

Why didn't you put that in the original post of the thread?That you're a jew who want to keep his shekels and use someone's voice as your personal book reader? I'd like to wonder here, Why don't you use any existing audiobook by professional and then thoughtform it to read for you??



>just make an extremely shitty recording with your autismal voice over a mic that is garbage

No thanks.



because of faggots like you I'm giving absolutely nothing now so good job.



Are you ever going to give back to that anon whose bitcoins you stole?



Btw, you're being a kike by demanding all these shekels to do anything.


OP have you tried fiverr? You could try asking someone to read the book out loud in that website.





Allow me to adjust my flag to reflect my feelings toward your butt's current state.

>because of faggots like you I'm giving absolutely nothing now so good job.

You're welcome, friendo.

>Are you ever going to give back to that anon whose bitcoins you stole?

No, I gave it to my degenerate friend so he can buy so degenerate drugs

>Btw, you're being a kike by demanding all these shekels to do anything.

First, thank you for the loosh, may I point out that you're projecting being a Kike on me??

>Btw, you're being a kike by demanding all these shekels to do anything.


Am I the one who wasted nearly hundred of dollars on skincare(which you proclaimed to be crap) to look nice for meeting dwarf?

Am I the one who expect that paying 10$ google play card will solve any problem I have?

Am I the one expecting people to work for me just for 7$ while I have a tight grip on my 60k stocks?

Am I the one here who make the excuse that people should do stuff free for me just because they trashed me?

>Edgy Fuckwad flag

top heh


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Why can't I leave my old life behind?

Why can't I free myself from these shackles. They aren't even real…




Have you tried killing yourself?



I'm close to it.



you can't die

you think you die but then you just respawn and live your life again up until the exact same point that you died

then you either kill youself again and respawn or carry on

until you find a way out of this loop



how do you know this



Mmt of "chiron last" on youtube



Kinda like Dark Souls huh?

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