Question Thread #17 Post All Questions In Here 12/04/15 (Fri) 00:44:16 No. 62839
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Post last edited at 12/04/15 (Fri) 00:50:40
12/04/15 (Fri) 01:17:23 No. 62841
I'm relatively unread as of right now, so please excuse me if this is a question that would resolve itself easily if I simply did more reading.
I'm wondering about freedom. How can a human being be said to be free, if we are bound by cause and effect, have a body with physical structure, and a mind with mental structure. It seems like a degree of bondage is implied by merely existing, being bound to be what one is. It seems like an insidious double-bind, that existence would bind one to be in a bondage of the absolute, but allow one a relative degree of freedom depending on physical or mental conditions.
While I think this kind of limitation is necessary to organize consciousness, especially in linear time, it scares me to think that this condition is inescapable because I have no strong affinity for this world or any essential purpose or identity to live out herein.
So, how should I think about this and what should I do? Is the kind of freedom or liberation I'm talking about actually attainable in some sense? How would you suggest acting on the lack of affinity for this world and lack of ultimate purpose?
12/04/15 (Fri) 01:24:26 No. 62843
I keep failing at basic things like lucid dreaming and getting into a light trance. I just can't keep my mind silent for too long. What am I doing wrong?
AuntWatermelon 12/04/15 (Fri) 03:09:28 No. 62848
Not being stupid for a while, eat well, sleep well, don't talk to people, work on yourself, no tv, internet, phone for 2 weeks. A total retreat from normal life, all you can do is eat and meditate.
In about two weeks you'll be much better.
Look at Buddhism and Tantra.
12/04/15 (Fri) 03:23:40 No. 62850
Is Franz Bardon really a reliable source? I got through the theory part of IIH and it made sense up until
>the magician should spare neither time nor effort to communicate his spiritual treasures to the seeker and lead him towards the light (not sure what this means. maybe not to show "proofs" but to show them the way? or not to show at all)
>it would be foolish for someone who performs heavy physical labor to deprive his body of subtances […] because he occupies himself with yoga or mysticism in private (talking about how vegetarianism is bad)
>the idea that eating the meat of animals also causes the transference of animal characteristics is foolish
>abstinence from sexual intercourse also falls into this category [of being recommended only for very specific magical operations]
These go against a lot of what I have read here, and generally just doesn't seem right. I have gotten results from abstaining from sexual intercourse, and I try to help people as much as I can, so I'm a bit confused. Was I doing something wrong, or should I just take these parts lightly?
Not sure if this is what you mean, but things like breaking laws hurts the free will of others. When you invade the free will of others you bring bad "karma" onto you, as part of cause and effect.
Transmuting pleasure to pain isn't denial, it's simply moving on a spectrum. Pleasure and pain are the same thing, just different poles.
AuntWatermelon 12/04/15 (Fri) 07:07:51 No. 62854
Franz Bardon in a nutshell:
>died at 60
>smoked cigars everyday
>no records of his magical practices
>legends surround him like he is some kind of hero, but they are no single proof
>stories wildly differ
>his books are crap, really, they are, read them from top to bottom 3-4 times and you'll understand that most of it is just using big words and fake intellectualism to over complexify simple practices.
Seems to me that if smiley wrote occult books, he could largely be the new Bardon. A dillusional mentaly ill pseudo wizard who read and absorbed far too much info for no practice at all.
Why would you follow the advice of a roleplayer who couldn't fix himself and happened to have channeled an entity by mistake to write books on hermeticism ?
Such a "great and powerful wizard" did not even finish his "life's work", which was to write 4 shitty books on the first 4 tarot cards.
He only wrote 3 on 4 and spend the rest of the time living like a mundane and wasting his time.
Bardon is just an armchair occultist, get over it.
12/04/15 (Fri) 08:20:28 No. 62855
Some of this is hard since I have a job and college. But I'll try to limit time spendings on useless things some more
12/04/15 (Fri) 16:34:06 No. 62872
>post edited
>no dubs, everytime I make a questions thread I make sure to get dubs
12/04/15 (Fri) 17:32:36 No. 62877
>implying dubs are important.
why not answer questions instead of sperging at people not to break rule #2, smiley ??
12/04/15 (Fri) 19:52:38 No. 62885
wtf is the iron pill?
like the green pill but fighting harder, or what?
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/04/15 (Fri) 20:19:55 No. 62888
Are emotions useful for getting things?
I've read here that emotions make things happen faster.
But I also thought that in meditation one evolves beyond or transforms lower emotions, and I would think that forcing an emotion goes against what one desires from… spirituality?
Like… can't one just trust that anything one wants/needs will be provided by the Divine and forget about everything other than self-development and pursuit of immediate goals and assume they'll come regardless without feeling a desire/emotion for them?
For example, I wanted to attract something specific (tools to heal someone), but then realised it was selfish and the root desire will be fulfilled regardless of whether I am involved/it will happen if it should. (the tools will come to me or that person when proper)
I'd think that developing "muscles" of energy and such is useful, but mostly to the extent of becoming a better channel for the divine (like muscles make you a better channel for electrical energies) so that if you're supposed to do something according to a higher will you'll be able to do it without being drained/destroyed by the energies flowing through you.
12/04/15 (Fri) 20:48:58 No. 62895
I didn't want to bother making a whole thread dedicated to this, but I just wanted to say that /fringe/ was right about Wicca.
So this girl from college offered to give me a ride home, and I noticed she had some occult symbol decor items in her car. I asked her if she was into the occult, and she replied "there is no such thing as the occult, I don't believe in that" but then she proceeded to tell me how she is a witch in Wicca, but doesn't do anything related to magic or religion. And yes, she was fat.
All of the stereotypes /fringe/ told me about were appearing before my eyes. It was so awkward, so I just didn't bother continuing to discuss the topic.
How to get wizard gf? 12/04/15 (Fri) 21:33:26 No. 62896
How to get spiritual gf?
I want to practice Tantra and Sexual Magick with her. I want to live self-sufficiently and according to nature with her, have a cozy family of non-indoctrinated kids and have similar spiritual families as friends.
Why are most women worthless, filthy animals and where do I find a proper girl?
I'd look into Hindu grils, but racemixing is kinda not good.
Wicca girls are probably mundane pieces of human trash with a lot of mental problems. She'd probably try to curse me behind my back, just because. Also: >>62895
I feel really lost m8s. Should I just get a mundane gf and train her like the animal she is? You know, so she can emulate the most basic human behavior and not seem like an egoistic reptilian scumbag?
>Just get a girl in the astral
Pic related for those people who know the feel.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/04/15 (Fri) 21:55:23 No. 62897
Just walk the path of balance.
[Practice loving all aspects of yourself to raise your vibe and the vibe you give to others],
Do your practice, find the hobbies that most naturally resonate with you, even if they're scary.
You'll find people with a similar vibration once you decide to better yourself, if you believe.
Talk to the people who are drawn to you, and if you're also drawn to them, be friends. You'll find someone.
(The two times I decided to raise my vibe and go out I found amazing women. One I had a super-powerful astral connection with [didn't work out 'cause I gave up/fell from grace] and the other one is supposedly my wife, from readings I've gotten)
I wouldn't get a mundane girl, unless she's at least doing yoga regularly. Yeah we're all animals on some level, but if you aren't in tune with things you won't know whether you're . The 2nd woman I thought wasn't too special at first, but she ended up having a depth of being and ability that I'd never have expected.
Just ease into topics of spirituality and a path, and if she's on one, she'll be cool enough to hang out with. If you vibe well together, date her, whatever.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 12/04/15 (Fri) 22:04:28 No. 62899
The 2nd girl didn't reveal that she was sensitive until I did something tremendously stupid.
Work on yourself and you'll attract better people. Be "weird" (just be you) enough and you'll drive off most mundanes. Be in tune enough and you'll be aware of who to avoid.
Find love for yourself in yourself, try to be comfortable alone, or if you "need" someone, bring light to your bodies (physical emotional mental) and then go to another plane and feel the love of someone. Just make a selfless connection to share love, and then if you want, you can find that person in physical space.
Don't go into it with the intention to get anything, though, or it will backfire badly for you.
(I did that on accident rather than on purpose and it was bad enough. My ego was utterly shattered first by the realisation of how shitty of a person I was, and trying not to identify with that, in addition to psychic backlash, which resulted in a difficulty in thinking/doing anything for hours. Then I attempted to prove I wasn't that bad, which again was an ego reaction and resulted in psychic backlash where I felt I was underwater/drawn out of my body)
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 12/04/15 (Fri) 22:31:01 No. 62901
>Why are most women worthless, filthy animals
because most men are "worthless, filthy animals."
Think about it; we're all energy/vibrational beings, and we attract the type of people we are. We don't generally care to associate with those we see as lesser, and the same for those greater than us.
12/04/15 (Fri) 23:14:42 No. 62907
First, I want to thank you for your lengthy response and kind words.
Now on topic:
>[Practice loving all aspects of yourself to raise your vibe and the vibe you give to others],
Funny. Several years ago I did this PUA shit as a teenager. It featured the same vibe-story that you describe. I had some success with it, but it didn't feel right - sometimes I was acting like I'm the shit although I really wasn't. I pretended to love all aspects of myself, but I actually didn't, but it still worked, people fell for it. That made me sad.
>Do your practice, find the hobbies that most naturally resonate with you, even if they're scary.
My hobbies are usually solitary or very male dominant activities.
>You'll find people with a similar vibration once you decide to better yourself, if you believe.
>Talk to the people who are drawn to you, and if you're also drawn to them, be friends. You'll find someone.
Nice, I actually had some insight while meditating on this once:
You know about all those acquaintanceships that are not really your friends right? Well, the truth is that they're just tools to be used to find the people which you intend to meet.
There's this matrix of acquaintances and their social relations is where you want to get. Meeting friends of friends of friends, until you find the person you look for. Being aware of the intention is key here.
Of course it might hurt some of your acquaintances that you're merely using them as beacons to find your true friends, I'm still not sure how to solve this matter though.
>Just ease into topics of spirituality and a path, and if she's on one, she'll be cool enough to hang out with. If you vibe well together, date her, whatever.
That's actually more tedious than it sounds. I don't even know where to start looking because I've basically cut ties to almost all of my friends, because of:
>Be "weird" (just be you) enough and you'll drive off most mundanes. Be in tune enough and you'll be aware of who to avoid.
Yeah, it sucks.
>Find love for yourself in yourself, try to be comfortable alone, or if you "need" someone
There is no need for someone, I just want to practice deep love, tantra and sexual Magick with a girl. My heart chakra is fucking blocked, I need someone to practice on opening it.
>because most men are "worthless, filthy animals."
Women are objectively lower than men. It's in every spiritual teaching and even observing females will show their strong bond to the earthly things.
Basically, the whole fucking YIN energy is mundane. Maybe I'm asking too much of a woman if I want her to be more yang like me.
>We don't generally care to associate with those we see as lesser, and the same for those greater than us.
Yeah, thanks again. I basically want to meet other people who seriously practice spirituality. The only 2 friends that I have left, at least listen to my spiritual blabbering without laughing and then returning to mundane pursuits immediately.
I just don't know where to look for people. Is the goa-scene a good place to start? Their abuse of psychedelic drugs lets them grasp a bit of spirituality at least.
12/04/15 (Fri) 23:44:43 No. 62909
12/04/15 (Fri) 23:49:10 No. 62911
Reposting from the last thread:
How do I contact my ancient ancestors?
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/04/15 (Fri) 23:56:49 No. 62912
Is tiredness after energy work the "sore muscles" equivalent to working out, or is it something else?
I also got sleepy after having reiki done on me, when it got to my heart center, which was, at the time, not very active.
I feel like my [least developed/"weak" or perhaps "blocked" or "tense" or "closed" would be more accurate] chakras are the ones where I get tired if they are worked with.
I've found that tension is just a thrill of energy that is being resisted, and this seems to be the opposite. Not enough energy in there?
Also trying to get rid of negative compulsive habits, like searching outside myself/gathering more, or nose-picking or what-have-you.
I assume meditation is the way for this.
The toughest habits to break seem to be the mental ones; expecting anything to be done/someone to do something instinctively, which causes problems when one is powerfully psychic (but I always shy away from people/close my abilities off when this happens)
>You know about all those acquaintanceships that are not really your friends right? Well, the truth is that they're just tools to be used to find the people which you intend to meet.
>There's this matrix of acquaintances and their social relations is where you want to get. Meeting friends of friends of friends, until you find the person you look for. Being aware of the intention is key here.
>Of course it might hurt some of your acquaintances that you're merely using them as beacons to find your true friends, I'm still not sure how to solve this matter though.
I dunno. Try to appreciate their company, and you'll probably be introduced to the other people naturally. Just interact with them a little less if you don't vibe well with them, or if they're too negative for you, let them go/stop responding, which should actually attract new energy into your life, hypothetically.
Yeah, actually I found the people who I like most right now because of an old friend with whom I shared a shitty vibe. I was a shut in for several years and then he took me to a retreat center where I found other seekers and this girl I mentioned. (I was there for 3 months; could have left at around 2; that was how long it took for me to get strong enough mentally/emotionally to deal with my previous life)
My vibration had changed to sincere seeking and I was transformed.
> I don't even know where to start looking because I've basically cut ties to almost all of my friends
if you have no ties, try doing something like WWOOFing.
Volunteer work in other states/countries. Travel, and you'll meet people.
Maybe go to a Vipassana retreat (idk if I spelled that right but google knows. it's a silent retreat, 10 days) to renew yourself.
Maybe figure out new likes/hobbies (or rediscover abandoned ones. I abandoned my favorite ones bc of shit but recently rediscovered them); they can be cultivated to a good extent.
Work somewhere related to something you like.
Or take up yoga. Yoga chicks are cooler than the average bear, and yoga classes always have more women than men.
Yoga also works on non-physical bodies so she won't be too mundane if she's been at it for awhile.
>My heart chakra is fucking blocked…
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/04/15 (Fri) 23:58:16 No. 62913
You'll probably attract someone with a blocked heart chakra if yours is blocked, or she'll be screwed up in another way. As within, so without.
Men and women both have to work on themselves to attract better people; emotional, chakra, shadow-self work.
You can open your heart chakra by imagining green/pink waves going in. Golden light to clear blockages, white light to recall your energy, green/pink to vibe the heart open. Front and back, for giving and receiving. (I did this over a few days and got psychic as FUCK and couldn't handle it) Chakras are like muscles. Also blocked by traumas; try to release those somehow.
What I did was sing and imagine myself grieving for the things that caused me to perceive a perception of separation from god, going through each chakra, then 1 round being grateful for experiences of each chakra, then 1 of all of them working in harmony. That happened to resonate with me, but you can do a chakra meditation if you don't have anything you can figure out yet. Khan's thread talks about working with chakras.
>YIN energy is mundane.
It's because the divine masculine is the unmanifest potential, consciousness.
The divine feminine is the physical world.
Shiva Shakti.
They can't help but be tied to this place, because it is their essence. That doesn't make them "mundane", just more solid in a way, and instinctively tied to our animal nature. Which also makes them naturally gifted, whereas we have to work for it more. They allow more to flow through them, for better and for worse. To dislike them is to dislike the world, and you can cultivate a love for both; they can teach you to love things you don't love yet.
Cultivating love is the best thing you can do, changing both your desires and reactions. If you respond to everything by seeking what you can learn from it, you can grow with light and love. Framing is everything.
I'd recommend The Way of the Superior Man for general women-dealings; far more eloquent and in depth than I.
In addition, women/this world are containers, and grow through love. What you expect of them is what they adapt to (to an extent), just as they've adapted to this world. Yang is guiding.
So basically. The world/woman is mundane because you think it is, but it also has the potential to be amazing. It adapts, whereas man/yang leads, creates, grows through adversity.
Someone here said souls are androgynous.
So she can have plenty yang principle. But if you've got a masculine core, you won't want hers to be that strong, probably. You won't be attracted to that.
>The only 2 friends that I have left, at least listen to my spiritual blabbering without laughing and then returning to mundane pursuits immediately.
The thing is… waking people up early doesn't usually work. People find the path on their own, and living an awesome life is what will make them want to be more like you.
The spiritually ignorant are like starving people. If you feed them a whole loaf of bread (knowledge), they'll die (or their natural interest will).
Khan I think mentioned specific ways to talk to people about it; being more questioning (do you believe in a higher power?) bc that makes them reframe it as if they asked themselves somehow. I don't know the details.
But yes I've made my friends sick of spiritual preaching too. Then I figured out
A) I'm not fully living it, and my obsession with sharing was egotistical (so their protests helped me tone down my ego. The farther you get the harder it gets to have an ego. Try dmt or mushrooms in a high dose or ayahuasca or lsd to break your ego. Once you realise higher consciousness you see the things you're doing to yourself/others and ego dissolves/"you" die).
B) I was feeding loaves to the starving.
Use your reactions to others and others' reactions to you as a metric. If you preach too much you'll probably attract people who preach too much (maybe crazy ones! then again some are here ;) ), and you'll hate it and hopefully realise "OH. Of course, this is how I sounded."
I don't know what goa is.
Maybe look for transformational festivals/events. There will at least be drug shamans and people with good energy.
Good luck. I've been in there and worse places for a long time, and only finally have reached into the light. Your will and your love for/attention to yourself are the things that attract what you need.
I've still got a ways to go.
You are welcome; in helping others we help ourselves.
[Though one should not seek to impose one's ideals on others, which I've only stopped doing recently]
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/05/15 (Sat) 00:04:28 No. 62914
about the pink/green waves thing, I imagined a divine being sending them. Could be anything for you. Your divine self, the divine masculine/feminine, that which goes beyond duality.
In any case, my heart chakra had a poor flow as well; drained me terribly. I could let it out but not in, causing me to distrust.
Osho's Book of Secrets (tantric text) speaks of transcendence of dualities. Duality is what fuels the physical world, the demiurge.
Choose a method of centering and be that.
Either everything is holy or everything is unholy.
I choose everything to be holy and of the light and chosen for my advancement, so my perception is that I learn from negativity/drive much of it away. That doesn't mean I don't face adversity, but I always believe it is the amount that I am strong enough to handle.
Go into a deep meditation and choose the path you want, whether it looks slow and gentle, or steep, or steep with slow bits.
12/05/15 (Sat) 00:14:47 No. 62915
What would you recommend reading instead? IIH seems recommended by anybody. Is it worth reading because it's a compilation of other sources?
It's also the only book I've seen fire/water/air/earth and magnetic/electric shit in.
Also, a question I replied to reminded me of something that's been in the back of my mind for a while. What can I do to appear as more confident and suave? I feel pretty good right now but I haven't a gf or the confidence to talk to women in seriousness (I can do humor) since I've started felt great about myself. Really a pathetic question, but I'm sure I'm not alone in wondering this.
Wicca is a new age fad, and what women believe so they can be unique in not believing in abrahamic nor atheist religions.
>Why are most women worthless, filthy animals
Because society and degeneracy makes them want to fit in. It's unlikely to find a "proper girl".
>where do I find a proper girl?
Normally you'd find a good looking girl who's as pure as they can get these days and be as dominant as possible to get her to be submissive and "proper". But I really doubt you'll be able to convince a girl about metaphysics, even the redpill is hard to swallow and that's all physical.
I have heard that you have somebody of the opposite sex meant for you and you can bring them closer to you doing something but I am not sure what.
12/05/15 (Sat) 00:58:02 No. 62918
>Try to appreciate their company, and you'll probably be introduced to the other people naturally. Just interact with them a little less if you don't vibe well with them, or if they're too negative for you, let them go/stop responding
That's exactly what I do. But ultimately, you'll have to drop every acquaintance that didn't become a real friend at some point. This is the whole realization.
> I was a shut in for several years and then he took me to a retreat center
Dude, I don't know what to say. Congratulations on such a significant transformation, I guess. Going from shut-in to wizard through some mundane retreat center definitely shows how pursuit of higher things is your destiny. Being a shut-in loser was just the symptom of denying your higher self's goals.
>Volunteer work in other states/countries. Travel, and you'll meet people.
Actually this is what I crave constantly. Foolishly, I don't make it happen because of mundane activities - university to be specific. It's really a tough decision whether I should drop all mundane pursuits now, because if I drop university, a return to a normie life with a job and all the material safety will be impossible in this life. My age and job experience (zero) actually forces me to finish uni now and then get entangled into mundane working and debt-paying for a long time. That will also mean that traveling will be impossible for a long time.
Or I drop uni and start traveling, spiritually developing but also never having a normal life again.
…actually the decision is already made, I'm just too much of a coward to let my mundane life behind. Also I'm really attached to the expectations of my parents and family. They would be really disappointed if I became "a hobo without a job".
Fuck, I need some push to make the final decision. Currently I'm subconsciously manipulating all my university efforts to turn out unsuccessful. I fail exams almost on purpose and stuff like that.
Fuck, I'm too attached to this mundane shit. Wat do?
>yoga classes
Come on, almost every Western Yoga class is blue-pilled bullshit.
> Chakras are like muscles. Also blocked by traumas
Yeah, no shit. I'm traumatized as fuck on my heart chakra, but I don't even remember why.
Thanks for the tips though.
>Khan's thread talks about working with chakras
Yeah, I know. In fact, I started reading it yesterday and I just randomly opened some ebook and it was a Mantak Chia one. Fucking Magick, how does it work?
>It's because the divine masculine is the unmanifest potential, consciousness.
>The divine feminine is the physical world.
Exactly my thoughts when i wrote that statement.
>To dislike them is to dislike the world
I actually do. That's why I put the Ironpill as my posting-flag. War against this demiurge shithole full of suffering.
I don't understand why Buddhists and other spiritual systems teach to love the world?
Life is suffering, there's nothing to love about it.
>they can teach you to love things you don't love yet.
That's like fooling myself to accept life in a pile of shit instead of an heavenly paradise.
For some yet unknown reason, I feel disgust for the physical existence.
Maybe this disgust is the source of my yang-inclination, or the my yin-yang imbalance is the cause for my disdain for the physical.
I don't know what's the cause and what's the effect here.
>The thing is… waking people up early doesn't usually work. People find the path on their own, and living an awesome life is what will make them want to be more like you.
Yes. One of the friends almost doesn't respond at all - At least I got him to believe in higher-dimensional beings by showing him that the human eye can't even see infrared waves.
The other friend listens with interest though. He's a red-pilled Hitler fanboy atm, but when I tell him some small chunks of greenpill tier knowledge, I can literally feel how he's craving more to leave behind the mundane nazi redpill (Hitler and his crew allegedly explored the occult themselves, so it's actually not a big step from there) . Too bad, I can't really teach him though, because as you can see, I'm still learning myself.
> If you preach too much
Haha, don't worry. I'm still learning and restrain myself from teaching as much as possible.
>transformational festivals/events
Can you elaborate please?
12/05/15 (Sat) 01:18:15 No. 62922
>Choose a method of centering and be that.
>Either everything is holy or everything is unholy.
That sounds really interesting, thanks.
I really dislike the writing style of Osho's books, but it seems that I'll have to deal with it once more.
>Because society and degeneracy makes them want to fit in.
Degeneracy is obviously just the clouded minds of the people. Society is people cluding themselves, then other people and getting influenced by other peoples' clouds.
People creating lies that they later believe themselves in, same principle.
A proper girl would be one who isn't a slave to society.
Also an easy way I discovered to test whether you still are a slave of society's "rules":
Whenever you feel shame or ashamed because of your actions or the actions of others, in these moments you feel bad for breaking the unwritten rules and behaving "awkward" - being a slave of society that means.
When you no longer feel shame, you are free.
>I have heard that you have somebody of the opposite sex meant for you and you can bring them closer to you doing something but I am not sure what.
Damn, it would be really helpful.
Strangely enough, some skinny girl from my school days just appeared in my mind. She was very lively and energetic. Always kind and interested - maybe she's the one. I don't know though, she was a pretty normie gril. I even forgot her name.
12/05/15 (Sat) 01:49:47 No. 62924
I'm new here.
What does /fringe/ think of mainline non-gnostic Christianity? From my Coptic perspective, after lurking for a little bit, everything discussed on this board is evil, and all magic is deception, coming from one powerful evil Deceiver.
I'm not trying to get you to repent (although that would be nice) I just want to hear what your take on Christianity and its ideas and tenets, especially as it relates to prohibitions on the occult.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/05/15 (Sat) 02:02:41 No. 62925
>I have heard that you have somebody of the opposite sex meant for you and you can bring them closer to you doing something but I am not sure what
I'm guessing finding yourself, improving yourself, going out and being you.
That is what I maybe would/should have done, but I met mine once I seriously started on the path. I've been and continue to be around significant negative energy, but I'm strong enough to overcome/change it now, and she definitely helped me get there.
>Dude, I don't know what to say. Congratulations on such a significant transformation, I guess. Going from shut-in to wizard through some mundane retreat center definitely shows how pursuit of higher things is your destiny. Being a shut-in loser was just the symptom of denying your higher self's goals.
Ha. Yeah, aside from occasional visual guided meditations, I was hardly a wizard.
It was a fantastic awakening, though difficult.
It seems most well-developed people in esoterica have had some shitty shit happen to them.
Maybe most people, honestly, and only some find the Path.
> almost every Western Yoga class is blue-pilled bullshit.
that doesn't mean the subtle bodies aren't developed. A lot of fit people are psychic, they simply don't believe in it. And women are more open to that stuff.
fringe knowledge isn't too widespread, but that doesn't mean people aren't interested in it. I'm sure a lot of people would love to be psychic.
>I'm still learning and restrain myself from teaching as much as possible.
that's good. I definitely had a "my way is superior/ tv,etc is garbage" complex for awhile.
>transformational festivals/events
actually not too much; I haven't been to one. But a friend of mine who is of a similar development level has been.
Probably just energy/idea/drug sharing. I think there's music too probably. Different people are there for different things. google transformational festival/event.
>A proper girl would be one who isn't a slave to society.
>When you no longer feel shame, you are free.
so I assume that sex/drug use or any such thing isn't a factor then, since it doesn't matter what society thinks.
I don't tend to feel shame for much or for long, but I do feel anxiety.
The girl I mentioned has a problem with similar issues of shame/anxiety.
It's a duality, and it's hard to decondition/unlearn without serious development or some drug use.
>she was a pretty normie gril
people change (:
the take here is that prohibitions on the occult are just people who don't want the average person to have power.
As a long-since former Christian, you're surrounded by hypocritical people and a hypocritical religion. That doesn't mean there isn't good there, but your religion is based on being ashamed of yourself.
Sex is only for procreation, despite it being a natural impulse.
suppress yourself because you're evil. etc etc.
Then again you might be trolling, since you have a pic of thoth… lol
12/05/15 (Sat) 02:16:19 No. 62927
not trolling. Not a Thoth fan. In Christianity, we realize that what man WANTS to do, is often the most destructive for his soul. As fallen beings we are tempted to harm our souls by having multiple partners, overeating, or seeking power or secret knowledge, etc. but God has told us to deny ourselves mundane pleasure, because it only leads to the destruction of the soul. What do you mean by "there's good in there"?
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/05/15 (Sat) 02:33:17 No. 62929
I mean the general message is hopefully that god/jesus loves and protects you. I've called upon Jesus to save me when I am assailed by negative energies, but I don't need to anymore because I am no longer bound by Catholicism.
That doesn't mean I don't appreciate the energy of the thoughtform/Christ consciousness, and I can still access it. I am very thankful for having been raised in a spiritual family, even if Catholicism as a whole may have stunted my growth in some ways.
Another problem I have with Christianity is the fact that everyone else is going to hell because they haven't accepted Jesus, right? Buddha went to hell, I assume. Doesn't matter how good you are.
You didn't answer my problems with Christianity, but that isn't really a big deal, since any organization has problems. Religion is generally silly and spirituality (finding your own path) is better. Starting by using someone else's is decent though.
Through Tantra you and your partner can move to elevated states of awareness/consciousness and truly “know thyself” in ways that nothing else can touch.
Tantra is truly the bridge to higher consciousness, and that is precisely why organized religion has tried to make all sorts of rules and taboos to regulate it. They have deliberately created so much guilt and lies about sexuality to guarantee that you will not be free to explore and express your True Nature, the authentic God or Goddess within!
If you never know the God/Goddess with in, you will always be looking on the outside of yourself to find “God.” This way, “they” have control because you believe they have the roadmap and an “In” with God. They set themselves up as a mediator to Source…and you would NEVER want to cut off your link to “Source” …..Therefore, they “OWN YOU!”
If you believe in Christianity and haven't explored the ideas of other religions your spiritual growth/knowledge of "truth" isn't too significant, unless you've meditated enough to become Christlike.
Christianity's message has been changed a lot over 2k years, even if Jesus did exist as he's said to. (he's certainly not a white dude, ha. but that is a convenient image to show white people to go kill those brown people in the holy land [crusades]).
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/05/15 (Sat) 02:37:19 No. 62931
If Jesus existed, he might have gone to India and learned how to channel the god energy inside of him to create the miracles he did.
Anyone is a miracle worker if they are close enough to god.
I intend little to nothing to do that goes against divine will. I just don't subscribe to a religion of guilt/control.
Well wishes to you, friend, and good luck on your path. I was once in or near your shoes.
12/05/15 (Sat) 03:17:39 No. 62941
you have a couple misconceptions about Christianity. It might benefit you spiritually and intellectually to read up on the core concepts of real (not modernist bs or cultlike heresies) Christianity, or even lurk /christian/ if you want to. One of Jesus' most radical propositions was that no mediator is necessary. The Holy Spirit vacated the Temple, and it shortly collapsed, representing that no longer must we mediate our prayers through the Temple and the High Priest. Where did the God go when He left Solomon's Temple? He entered the hearts of believers. God is an ontologically separate Entity from us, however we do recognize that there is a "authentic God or Goddess within".
I don't know what Tantra is. I'm assuming it's some kind of sex magic. Christianity also recognizes the holy mystic power of sex. That is the very reason why we hold it in such reverence and sanctity. A mystical bond takes place during sex, connecting the souls of the two parties involved. "they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh". Because of this sacred bond between man and woman, we have special rules about how it can be respected and not abuse this powerful gift of God.
God is outside of us by default, you're right. However, he can be welcomed in without the help of a mediator or a Church. Also, the "Christianity has changed over 2k years" meme is for the most part a gnostic lie. The Apostles, taught by the Son and guided by the Spirit, built Churches (also guided by the Spirit) and some groups within the Church attempted to diverge from the teachings of the Apostles who founded it. Some of those heretics gained significant ground, but ultimately the true Church has usually been able to squash heresy and preserve the Apostolic tradition. The only real event which was a massive change in Christendom was the reformation. Also, the "Jesus never existed" is fedora-tier and even secular historians laugh at the claim. Everybody knows that Jesus wasn't snow white. Only /pol/ Nazis have an issue with that. Every culture draws Jesus as their own race. Go to a black church and you'll find pictures of black Jesus. Go to Japan and see pic related. European icons depict Jesus as white, and that isn't an issue.
I've heard the "Jesus went to India" idea before, and it seems historically discarded for the most part but maybe he cast a magic spell so people wouldn't find out I guess. Yes, anyone can be a miracle worker, as many saints were, but only Jesus was the God in the Flesh.
I've heard people say that Christianity is "controlling" before, and it's one of the most insidious lies the Devil has at his disposal. Satan lures people in by offering them "freedom". Satan says:"God says if you eat that fruit you'll die? Pfffft. If you eat the fruit, you will become like God. He just wants to control you and prevent you from becoming like Him. If you follow my belief system, I promise to let you do whatever you want. You can fuck all the men you want, eat all the forbidden fruits, and you will be free". Satan can only offer you freedom in a finite world. What is freedom in a finite world? Slavery. In Heaven, there is true infinite freedom. That is the promise of Jesus which Satan can never match. Even if you're the most powerful wizard in the world, slaying Balrogs left and right, you are a slave to Satan who controls the source of your power, and also to God who sets the laws of nature which even Gandalf cannot break. Magick corrupts the soul. It will be especially hard for someone influenced by demons to see the truth in this, but give it a good hard look.
12/05/15 (Sat) 06:25:39 No. 62960
12/05/15 (Sat) 06:28:19 No. 62961
Whoever shared aibi.pdf saved my life. I hope you see this message.
12/05/15 (Sat) 08:07:12 No. 62968
share it back you mong
AuntWatermelon 12/05/15 (Sat) 10:23:30 No. 62971
Emotions, are there for now, at a certain point in your life, when you'll have a strong energy body and will have experienced multiple kundalini risings, the knot in the heart chakra will go away and your emotions won't be influenced by the outer world anymore.
For the moment, it is needed to experience them and transmute them to the best of your abbility, see this as a day to day excercise.
At a certain point, however, all your emotions, good or bad will be channeled into spritual development, you won't be able to feel anything for others, you'll see your friends as useless, physical things as illusions, possesions as prisons, family as mere genitors and the rest of the world as a shadow.
At that point, you'll probably need a retreat from the modern world, until, your heart knot is unlocked.
Then you can truly live the bodhisattva way.
Look into Kriya yoga and especially the thokar excercise.
On the subject of just trusting the divine, it is something that has to be learned and practiced day to day, I'm a big fan of the Voice of God method in the Book of knowledge, apply that to your life until you see results and enjoy doing it.
From personal experience, the voice of god method at first only works for inner situations and phenomenas, but when it is culivated, it also starts to work on the outside world.
12/05/15 (Sat) 10:51:57 No. 62972
He is trying to get a point across.
None of that health shit is required at the end of the day to get shit done.
If you can cultivate the right mental framework and train your own mind with proper meditation, you can consume pigs asses covered with mayo for breakfast and all day and still do proper magick.
Does that mean being healthy and maybe alkalizing your body won't assist you in the beginning? Maybe. Depends entirely on your mind.
Your final goal is to not rely on anything outside yourself to accomplish shit.
People think humanity is hot shit.
AuntWatermelon 12/05/15 (Sat) 11:21:40 No. 62975
Reading IIH is nice, good introductions to the elements, I actually recommend reading it a couple of times, the theory part is okay. The practice is the thing that is shitty, but understanding the underlinings of it and what it tries to (improperly) develop in the student can be useful and a starting point for you to develop your own intitiation system.
There is no complete initiation systems that doesn't suck, even the inner orders one's are pretty crappy, simply because initiation is a personal matter.
Initiation is about creating the proper conditions for a student to be able to do the "real practices".
Those are the general things to develop to be a proper and grounded practicioner instead of some schizophrenic mentally ill retard:
1. Being Healthy, strong and flexible, you don't want to be sick, break a leg or not be able to properly and comfortably sit still while you try to tame your mind do you ?
2. Not being stupid, life is already hard enough. Do some intellectual activities that develops your critical thinking skill and genius. Healthy skepticism is essential, follow some scientific news source, learn to only believe your own personal experiments, they are no demons if you've never seen one and haven't examined and interacted with them properly, they don't exist for you, until, you have physical proof that can not be denied as anecdotal or dellusional. Learn to enjoy these things, they are pretty fun.
3. Develop intuition and find someone/thing that gives a good source of information. It can be divination, contact with entities, inner guru's, using your subconscious/collective consciousnes, a real guru, insight meditation, divine help,…
Remember to extensively test the answers you get, one day, you'll go through something no one has gone through around you and you'll be in need of help, you don't want your source of guidance to fuckup when you need it the most…
Develop introspection, you are not doing it right unless you end up to the conclusion that you are a piece of shit that knows nothing and come up with realistic plans to better yourself up.
4. Meditation and concentration. Taming your mind is necessary. Everyone starts by this but not many people understand that if you do not develop your physical body, intellect, intution&introspection, taming your mind is impossible. Do the necessary sacrifices it takes to have a stil mind. If you have to avoid stimulation and an exciting/rajastic life in order to get it under control, do it until you don't need it anymore. If you have to live like a shaolin monk to get results, do it. If you have to change jobs/school because it gives you unnecesarry things to worry about, do it.
5. Energy work, become good at it, insanely good. You aren't good enough until you can spontaneously manifest an object on the physical plane just by shaping it with energy and giving it enough for it to manifest right in front of your eyes. Do this gradually, first get aquainted and master inner energy work, get in touch with powerful energies, kundalini, divine energies, akashic states… Then, you may try to learn to create thoughforms that affect physical beings, then try to use this skill to produce things such as pyrokenesis or telekinesis, then try the manifestation of an object, straight from the unmanifested to the physical plane, the manifested. In the process of developping your energy body, you'll gain all kinds of supernatural powers and when you are good enough, people will even call you a magus.
After that, you choose your road, you'll have enough knowledge on what to do next, enlightenment, immortality, rebirth in a subtler plane of consciousness, rejuvenation, body jumping, … your choice.
Do and read whatever you need to develop these. You can do it however you want, in whatever form and steps you need, it's a really personal stage of developement, some like the yoga/tantra, others like hermeticism, others like the pagan traditions, heck, even a proper wicca system if carried out in the right way and coherently will turn you into a complete human.
As a wise men once said, "just b urself".
It takes time, a life time, but really, if you are getting into this without being ready to show dedication and discipline, you won't have any lasting results.
>Be healthy, strong, agile and flexible.
>Don't be stupid.
>Develop intuition and introspection.
>Get the mind under control.
>Master energy manipulation, everything is energy.
>Just b urself sun. Do what works and discard what doesn't
12/05/15 (Sat) 11:45:56 No. 62977
How do you test a thoughtforms lifespan?
I mean, wouldnt simply thinking about it revitalize it? How do I know that the thoughtforms that I created are functional, and that others are not? Is it the emotional charge associated with them?
12/05/15 (Sat) 11:50:59 No. 62979
>everything discussed on this board is evil
"If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise." - William Blake
12/05/15 (Sat) 12:24:24 No. 62982
You cant find a decent girl, because you are a filthy and worthless animal.
You don't deserve a woman, you would not know what to do with a truly special woman.
Stop feeding your ego with this bullish that you are this spiritual awesome dude, you literally act like the fringe version of the fedora dude. "I am too much of a gentle man, women don't value that". No faggot, its that you have an over inflated ego that does not allow any criticism for yourself, and only criticizes women and others.
The reason why I am so harsh on you is that if you don't get what I am saying to you, you will remain without your spiritual GF for a long time. And judging by the disgusting post that you wrote, you really need a lot of maturing before you deserve a real partner woman, boy. Yes boy. In more spiritual terms, you are not a mature masculine energy, that is why you cant attract a mature feminine energy.
12/05/15 (Sat) 13:50:09 No. 62986
not that guy, but what exact energy work are you talking about? Is the thread about it here on /fringe/ enough? Or should I rather look into some books on it? If so, care to give any recommendations?
AuntWatermelon 12/05/15 (Sat) 14:14:48 No. 63005
Anything that works with you.
To find it, it involves a lot of binge reading and "chaos magick" aka, doing random things until you find what works.
Robert Bruce's book on energy work is a good start.
12/05/15 (Sat) 14:17:47 No. 63007
Have you reached a point where you can manifest anything?
AuntWatermelon 12/05/15 (Sat) 14:55:34 No. 63012
Nope, haven't dedicated myself to create and manifest random stuff between my hands out of pure energy yet.
For the moment I'm trying to controll and harness kundalini energy for practical things and generally continuing to strengthen my energy body and practicing hardstyle Qi Qong.
This is not to boast about my achievement, but to show that they are multiple ways of training the energy body, literally thousands of ways and hundreds of disciplines, once you find something that works, you have to stick with it though.
One doesn't build a well by diging small holes at multiple locations does he ?
12/05/15 (Sat) 15:58:08 No. 63017
Not a particularly helpful answer tbh fam
12/05/15 (Sat) 22:21:09 No. 63033
Now look at that edgyposting, let me give you some loosh fam:
>You cant find a decent girl, because you are a filthy and worthless animal.
I won't deny it, I'm a straight ridah
You don't wanna fuck with me
Got the police bustin at me
But they can't do nuttin to a G
>You don't deserve a woman, you would not know what to do with a truly special woman.
Tantric practices and Sexual Magick are the highest possible forms of interaction with a woman, everything else is too mundane tbh. But maybe I'm wrong, please inspire me.
Do you want me to do animal things with her? How do we ever raise to a higher dimension with an attitude like yours? Fedoras are at least right on this one, that's why you hate them - you don't want them to tell you what a filthy animal you are while they are imperfect themselves. But at least fedoras try to change, you just keep being a half-monkey and accept it as spirituality.
>you have an over inflated ego that does not allow any criticism for yourself
it's a useful defense mechanism from mundane bullshit like yours.
>boy. Yes boy. In more spiritual terms, you are not a mature masculine energy, that is why you cant attract a mature feminine energy.
Actually you're right on this one. I even look like a boy. But that's just appearances. Actually I can be any energy that I want, but I prefer to keep my masculine energy at bay, so I don't start raping bitching cunts like you while embracing my animal existence.
12/05/15 (Sat) 23:34:49 No. 63037
>I won't deny it…
Look at your reaction. That was my point. Would you like this energy projected towards you? Then how can you expect to manifest a high level woman, if you vibrate with " i need a filthy woman to do my magical practices". You attract what you vibrate. That is my point.
>Tantric practices and….
Yes, it is the highest form, but again, how do you expect to reach this position of a healthy spiritual sexual magic, with looking at her like an animal with a single purpose, using her. How is this love, or if this word terrifies you, how do you think it will effect the connection for your magic practices… ?
Fedoras are a stereotypical liars with a mask of a "good guy". They create an intellectual structure of what relationships is, what women are etc. Pure intellectual, foul bullish. Based on a fear of actually experiencing reality. A true warrior, wizard or simply lover is born from experience. The same with women. How can you expect to reach any healthy heights in your spiritual path, if you devalue a different polarity than yours. Its simple energetic imbalance. You have a feminine side in the divine yourself, and any unhealthy repression in that sector is an imbalance.
Listen, the reason why I am talking to you, is because I see my past self in you. A disregard for the feminine will not lead to healthy development. Luckily, in my case, I had a vision in one of my meditations in which a feminine spirit came to me, and revealed the nature of the feminine. Also, for one reason or another, I am what women consider a friend of women. I had plenty of experience with them, which started with yes, PUA like yourself. It felt fake and shit. And from fake persona evolved to a natural and honest relationship with women. This is my experience talking. You ask how to get GF. This is the advice of someone who actually has no problem getting a GF. On top of that, 80% of my time was spent in two relationships, around 7 years in total.
Believe, not believe me, I just think that with your attitude, you will either: not get a GF and stay bitter, get a GF and fuck it up with your passive aggressive attitude towards the feminine(this shit ALWAYS comes out)
Finally, lets get back to the real world. Having a GF is not just magic sex. Its also responsibility, care for another human being, raising children, every day bullshit. In a tight space like that, every little shit comes out. And if you wont deal with it now, it will come out in the middle of a relationship as a volcano of shit. You will be hurt, she will be hurt and anyone else involved.
Your call.
I love you Smiley 12/06/15 (Sun) 00:14:21 No. 63040
Hello. I've been living in a trailer park in Detroit for a while now. I have a bad case of HIV. I was fucked by a man named Learningcode who transmitted it to me. He told me that the only way to cure it is by Smiley's magic. Please help me.
AuntWatermelon 12/06/15 (Sun) 02:07:43 No. 63045
>I won't deny it…
Real shit, muh nigga, straight up.
>Tantra and Sex Magick
Don't be a silly westerner, you don't do tantra with a women/external tantra when you are not an inner tantra master, if you were, you could find a women in less then an hour.
Tantra is union of the different parts of you to make the complete self, it's the esoteric branch of Buddhism, please, go learn you some basic knowledge.
12/06/15 (Sun) 04:51:04 No. 63053
>That will also mean that traveling will be impossible for a long time.
Balderdash. Hitch hike. I've personally been thousands of miles on no more than 2 dimes. And if you really need help do not be afraid to ask or go to church and ask. Find farms via word of mouth,, WWOOFing, etc. Music festivals/hippie concerts are also good places to look and ask.
Do you fear death (change)? Do you crave evolution (growth)? Then really do something about it, worry not. Pray and ask for help from God and it shall be given. Walk by faith tempered with intuition and just do it.
>Life is suffering, there's nothing to love about it.
Do you want want to become more God-realized? God is love. Become more loving.
Regarding chakras/the heart. You can do simple affirmations; 'I am love' and/or chant tones; YAM, to stimulate your heart chakra/center of love and compassion. You can also do much more, but this would be a good basic start.
12/06/15 (Sun) 04:57:14 No. 63054
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Is it possible to be an effective wizard and still masturbate? Or do you waste loosh with each orgasm?
Sorry if I sound mundane af. I'm looking practical green pills, something to encourage me to study what's on this board. This video by Michael Talbot helped a lot.
12/06/15 (Sun) 06:23:11 No. 63055
Sometimes I feel like I'm scared of developing myself. What the fuck is wrong with me and how do I fix it?
12/06/15 (Sun) 10:48:47 No. 63079
what does robert bruce get wrong since people suggest him for astral projection?
12/06/15 (Sun) 10:49:34 No. 63080
the reason i say cause he believes in reality shifts and the idea that the person i talk to today isn't the person i talk to tomorrow sorta frightens me.
12/06/15 (Sun) 13:33:55 No. 63089
>esoteric branch of Buddhism
It seems you need to learn some basic knowledge. Tantra (apart from Vajrayana) isn't related to Buddhism at all. It is older than Buddhism itself.
12/06/15 (Sun) 13:47:50 No. 63091
And Tantra is a far more complex system to sum it up in
>union of the different parts of you to make the complete self
If I would have to sum it up shortly, I'd say that Tantra is a system of worship, personal empowerment, acquirement of siddhis, bhakti, bliss and liberation.
Even this brief summary won't do justice to Tantra which is so multi faceted and can lead into many different directions. Especially considering how many Tantrik schools there are and how many various tantras were written, each having a different type of Sadhaka in mind.
12/06/15 (Sun) 14:28:11 No. 63095
If mental transmutation is the process of alchemy, is it the same process for turning lead into gold (figuratively)?
AuntWatermelon 12/06/15 (Sun) 15:27:12 No. 63106
>It seems you need to learn some basic knowledge. Tantra (apart from Vajrayana) isn't related to Buddhism at all. It is older than Buddhism itself.
Please… I'm not talking about shitty hindu shamanism. If you are still doing that, you should probably start to learn about the other schools. And I'm not talking about Vajrayana, which is only the prerequisite for actual High Yoga Tantra.
>If I would have to sum it up shortly, I'd say that Tantra is a system of worship, personal empowerment, acquirement of siddhis, bhakti, bliss and liberation.
Through which means Sherlock ?
Yes the control of kundalini and experience of the elemental discharge to achieve enlightenment.
I don't really have time to debate with people who have no experience of what they are talking about and who read three books to get their "facts". But I'll still post this, it might help some one.
Tantra is pretty simple, underneath it's highly traditionalist and ritualitic aspect, there is a simple essence, the Buddha simplified the discipline, but couldn't go to the core of it, he lived and showed how it was done simply, but because people weren't ready yet, they needed a ritualistic aspect to feel safe, he instructed them about the middle path and Vajrayana stemed from it, but just like any religious traditions, they were secret teachings which just like Christian Gnosticism, is only the most important and essential parts of the puzzle and a clear and concise roadmap to siddhi's and enlightenment.
"The revelation of God is contained unto one point, it is only Man that has made a mountain out of It."
”Its power is perfect, after it has been united to a spirituous earth. Separate that spirituous earth from the dense or crude earth by means of a gentle heat, with much attention. In great measure it ascends from the earth up to heaven, and descends again, new born, on the earth, and the superior and inferior are increased in power.” ~ Hermes Trismegistus
12/06/15 (Sun) 15:30:53 No. 63107
Why do we incarnate into a certain race over another?
AuntWatermelon 12/06/15 (Sun) 15:35:06 No. 63108
>shitty hindu shamanism
You can leave the shitty part out and not get triggered, let's say extremely bloated over time by shitty human's interpretation.
12/06/15 (Sun) 15:43:55 No. 63109
>shitty hindu shamanism
It's sad that one who claims to have the highest of truths is so easily moved by the fact that someone else's opinion may differ than his. It's also sad that you don't respect the roots from which your practices grew. Either way, that "hindu shamanism" IS Tantra, whether you like it or not.
>Through which means Sherlock?
It's elementary Watson. Mantra, Yantra, Sadhana, Mudras, chakras, Kundalini, meditation etc. Through the whole of Tantra practice. If you have to ask by what means one achieves that then you do not know anything about Hindu Tantra.
>no experience of what they are talking about
>who read three books to get their "facts"
Are you projecting something?
>everything else that you said
What you are describing is Buddhist mode of practice. I don't insult your system, because I know it's worth. You insult mine, because you lack knowledge of it. I simply like when things are called as they are. Tantra as Tantra, Buddhism as Buddhism, while you want to convince other people that only your truth is truest and anything else is just bunch of nonsense.
My point was - Tantra isn't a branch of Buddhism. If you claim that it is, you don't know anything.
12/06/15 (Sun) 15:52:46 No. 63110
Furthermore, if you really think that Hindu Tantra is just primitive mumbo jumbo than you should really do some research as it is a highly complex metaphysical system.
AuntWatermelon 12/06/15 (Sun) 16:09:24 No. 63115
>"hindu shamanism" IS Tantra, whether you like it or not.
I missused laguage (again) I made myself kind of clear in the second post of why I qualify it of shitty, because i finded it over bloated and that much of it's divine nature has been lost. But yes, you are right, it is Tantra. And if you have the mind and affinities for it, it can be a fantastic road ahead.
> If you have to ask by what means one achieves that then you do not know anything about Hindu Tantra.
Wow, you know, that was a rethoric question for what followed…right ?
>Are you projecting something?
I am! You should probably investigate more about psychological projection, it's real world aplications and derivatives though, it's not as simple as "I'm doing it, therefor I say someone else is doing it, because it'll make them feel as bad as me doing it"
>You insult mine, because you lack knowledge of it
Sorry that you took that as an insult, like most people, I generally don't develop my ideas fully, which I should and sometimes I'll just qualify something as shitty without using the proper words and explaining what I really meant by it's use.
This goes without to sayig that on a text based form of communication it's a pretty shitty (here I am again) flaw to have.
> your truth is truest and anything else is just bunch of nonsense.
Again, that's another case of me not explaining clearly what I meant because I spent much time going through it and at the end came up with a simple assosciation for my mind to recall the full details and subtleties of the conclusion.
> Tantra isn't a branch of Buddhism. If you claim that it is, you don't know anything.
Kay, next time I'll be over pompous and keep on using "High Completion Stage Yoga Tantra" instead of just describing the path I took as Tantra…
Little missunderstandings can make us both lose time, I'll take that as a lesson to try to express myself clearer next time.
Great day to you, heard you wanted to fix your sadhana later today, (might be an other anon) well, I can only encourage you, I've been doing the same and I can say that an efficient and logically sequenced practice really helps to conquer boredom and lazyness :)
12/06/15 (Sun) 16:29:53 No. 63117
Yeah, lets just leave that at the misunderstanding. I have a great deal of respect for Buddhist Tantric practice and I'm interested in learning it myself (although I don't suppose I would leave the generation stage quickly).
My reaction was also caused by many severe misconceptions that people have about Tantra. You know, sex magic, or as you stated it "hindu shamanism". I'm fed up with it.
>I finded it over bloated and that much of it's divine nature has been lost
I could try to convince you that this is not the case, but you have your opinions and that's fine. Tantras are practical and straight to the point. Just read Kaulajnana-nirnaya tantra for example! Of course, one must made oneself acquainted with some Sanskrit names and terms, but occult knowledge is never given on a silver plate.
>Sorry that you took that as an insult
Truth be told, "shitty" is an insult, but nevermind that, I found it insulting that you think that Hindu Tantra is… well… useless? Filled with nonsense? That is not the case, but whatever, you cleared that out.
>Great day to you, heard you wanted to fix your sadhana later today, (might be an other anon)
Some other anon, but nevertheless, great day to you!
12/06/15 (Sun) 16:38:45 No. 63120
alright folks explain to me how thoughtforms really work. I've seen so many different explanations and none of them explain it clearly or anything, what I know is that apparently you make a being in your mind by thinking about it and give it a name and purpose, I however have no idea on how to know if it's still there, or how to speak to it, or how to effectively charge it
12/06/15 (Sun) 17:45:37 No. 63125
Sluts are honest women, females who suppress their sexual urges for no good reason are ridiculous. Men don't get called "sluts" for having plenty of sex but are instead seen as alpha males, why are women shamed for having too much sex? Sex feels good and good feelings make life worth living. Personally I'd rather have a sexually open girl rather than some stuck up high horsed princess.
12/06/15 (Sun) 18:02:21 No. 63129
12/06/15 (Sun) 19:24:47 No. 63132
Is /fringe/ as powerful as the illuminati? If not, why?
12/06/15 (Sun) 19:40:55 No. 63134
12/06/15 (Sun) 19:41:25 No. 63135
Is there anything esoteric I can do with silver and gold? I buy bullion and I have it sitting in my safe.
12/06/15 (Sun) 19:51:59 No. 63137
Meditate with (feel) them, much as you would do with any crystal or mineral/stone. Everything has a vibration, so do metals. In alchemy gold is not the highest ideal nor the result of the philosopher's stone for nothing. Silver is a lunar/receptive/yin energy. Play with both.
12/06/15 (Sun) 20:12:25 No. 63139
File: 1449432745228.png (419.59 KB, 880x904, 110:113, 225d71510937621eb0479d22a2….png )
So, I wake up from my shitty ass dream right. And I'm just laying down with my eyes closed thinking to myself like I do in the morning. Suddenly an image pops before my eyes and it's like 4 thin horizontal slides side by side. The first one is one of a guy with red skin in like some kind of General's uniform but I'm not sure, the rest were copies like this. Red, green, red, green. A stereotypical military sounding guy, was making my brain say "the powdered wig" and then a number, I don't remember the orders of the numbers could of been a countdown though. He did that 4 times then said thank you. And then I went back to my senses. What kind of black ops brainwash bullshit is this?
12/06/15 (Sun) 20:26:27 No. 63140
12/06/15 (Sun) 20:30:40 No. 63141
>Think about it; we're all energy/vibrational beings
I want new age to leave.
12/06/15 (Sun) 21:24:09 No. 63145
Same guy. Is there a specific Chakra or something I should focus on?
12/06/15 (Sun) 21:38:13 No. 63149
>Stating a metaphysics fact is now newage.
People need to understand that they mimic actual shit sometimes and that just because it sounds all comfy and familiar doesn't make it newage.
12/06/15 (Sun) 21:39:39 No. 63150
12/07/15 (Mon) 01:00:50 No. 63166
Affinity. When the soul is preparing for it's incarnation, it'll vibrate towards an ambient in a similar wavelength, to say so. If in your prior life you ended with a lot of carnal desires unfulfilled, you'll tend to an environment that can help you fill the need; if your soul ended up lacking spiritual guidance, you might be reborn into a more conservative family, from where you'd grow that lasting bit you needed before you can rise beyond humanity.
Of course, souls are not omnisapient and may miss the shot in the long run, ending in even more unfulfilled needs and experiences.
12/07/15 (Mon) 01:25:08 No. 63170
I'm no expert, and I´ll answer only based on what the Arcane Teachings has to say about them.
Thought-forms are condensed thought-clouds, meaning they're a set of vibrations on lower planes of matter that stay attached to each other because of their affinity, call it Law of Attraction. Thought-forms are one level beyond the clouds because they're animated by the Thinker, who has invested thought-force into them, by repetitive and intentional investment of thought, passion, emotion and Vril.
The common thought-cloud is dispersed some time after the Thinker stops giving it attention, but the thought-form becomes "alive" on a lower plane of existence because of the investment of energy on it, and can engage life-sustaining activities such as moving and feeding if left alone. A thought-form will tend to places with vibrations similar to its own, and absorb thought-clouds to sustain itself if the original source of energy runs dry, but unless extremely rebel or strong, it can always be tamed by the Thinker or just about any strong mage to fulfill a purpose.
The correct way to bring a thought into existence is investing mental power unto it. Consistently and thoroughly, giving it a body and a name to make it easier to condense the thought and the energy. You can use your different mental and spiritual capabilities, building it around Desire or Will. Of course, the more you exercise your mind, the more you can invest in your creation, just keep in mind to do it consistently, so the thought doesn't vanish or dissipate into the ether, feed it with your thought and remember to have it under control, otherwise you might find yourself leeched of energy.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/07/15 (Mon) 02:23:29 No. 63174
If the Christian church isn't controlling, you must have grown up someplace nice.
It was too oppressive for me (Christian parents, really, I suppose), and why would anyone who learned about Christianity through the Christian church want to be a Christian?
Maybe you know something I don't, in "secret" teachings or just standard ones. I don't see following Christianity as useful. Knowledge of Christ/god energy is fine, accepting it might be fine, I don't know for sure. It certainly saved me from things.
But for all I know, it caused them in the first place. Beings of darkness masquerade as beings of light, and beings of light are painted into beings of darkness.
(Lucifer is in one of the two categories, and I have no idea which, to be honest)
Not that I believe it caused them, but it doesn't matter anymore because I no longer "rely" on it, exactly, and simply the idea/vibration of the divine is there if I need it again. (which, as far as I know, I do not, as I have a solid divine connection [though it has to be maintained through meditation etc until I'm "permanently" in that state])
Do you know of Kundalini/energy work? I wonder what you think of eastern religions. Tantra is finding the power within. There's a tantric meditation added to the meditations thread now.
I don't know that magic corrupts the soul. I don't believe it, either. Perhaps some forms of it, but that really seems like something someone would say because they're afraid of people who use magic/want it only for themselves.
What's the difference between magic and miracles to you? As far as I know it's the same thing applied in different ways.
Is focusing on a goal and meditating on it magic? Does that corrupt your soul?
That's basically magic; the law of attraction. But everyone does it when they have any desire whatsoever. Some people are more aware of pulling from Source energy.
Maybe you think of magic as spirit summoning or contracts or something.
Either way, I don't think either of us will convince each other of anything, but it is interesting to note.
I have little ego invested in this type of thing, and am more interested in energy work and developing some abilities of vision/ being aware of divine will and saying what I should/hearing what I'm supposed to hear from others.
As it stands, I can calm people, but people don't trust their feelings as much as their brain/words sometimes, so I'd like to be able to tell them something about their situation that they need to hear. To give voice to the quiet whispers of deceased/divine.
I think being able to manipulate elements would be fun though. Not sure if I'll do that beyond learning martial arts that seem appropriate to the element.
One thing I had a problem with dogma of "you'll go to hell if you haven't been baptized/saved by Jesus".
Is Buddha in hell? Non-catholic saints?
I'm sure you know better the problems I can bring up, because I haven't tried to pursue conflict/denial of other people's safety blankets recently. I find church a nice place to meditate, though I haven't been there recently since I got more energy sensitive. But imagining the divinities in us coming together is powerful, and the energy was powerful even when I wasn't sensitive.
I recall getting hot meditating in church once at a Christmas mass, and my family members nearby felt it.
I wasn't sure if it was the actual temp or the energy I was manipulating
(not intentionally. Simple Japa meditation using the first 10 words of the Lord's Prayer as a focus, focusing on the words one at a time in order to be better able to focus on blankness between. Wayne Dyer stuff from The Power of Intention)
Hope you haven't gone; these are the answers about which I am most curious. (:
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/07/15 (Mon) 02:30:14 No. 63175
If this
is you, that may have answered some of my questions here >>63170
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 12/07/15 (Mon) 03:15:54 No. 63188
also, Khan answered this in his qi/energy thread.
Think of it like this. Your computer has a 600 Watt power supply and comfortably remains stable. You then proceed to plug in two graphics cards and start having energy problem.
Your electric anatomy needs time to heal and develop. To be able to strengthen the cables so it can withstand more energy. Also remember to store extra or unused energies in the lower dan tien as this will keep you more energized.
As for tension I've found it to be like this. Any form of tension in the body will create a block. You could even say that the tension "is" the physical manifestation of the blockage.
Try to wrap around, relax and push through the tension. Always focus on relaxation as this allows a proper flow of energy in your bodies cycle - Microcosmic orbit."
12/07/15 (Mon) 04:28:41 No. 63194
Are there any decent greenpilled podcasts you guys listen to?
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/07/15 (Mon) 04:30:58 No. 63195
What do people think of /catscradle/?
I don't know what to think of it, since it doesn't say much of anything…
but I want to learn more about it… I think?
[later: eh, whatever. doesn't seem useful, and I'll find it on my own if it ends up being true]
I suppose I'm still in the state of wishing for gnosis instead of focusing on just being. I should stop that and meditate more.
12/07/15 (Mon) 04:32:33 No. 63196
I listen to GnosticNYC podcast.
12/07/15 (Mon) 04:36:18 No. 63197
How do you restore sanity.
12/07/15 (Mon) 04:41:51 No. 63198
Map out your mind, find the dissonance, follow it to its root, invoke the proper elemental correspondences, bam sanity restored.
It's no different doing it for someone else either btw.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/07/15 (Mon) 04:41:52 No. 63199
12/07/15 (Mon) 05:02:53 No. 63202
Note about this: it not only restores sanity but also increases the amount of available energy that can go towards productive ends instead of being wasted in dissonance.
12/07/15 (Mon) 05:55:41 No. 63205
Can someone give a good NLP resource for once please?
12/07/15 (Mon) 05:58:36 No. 63206
Or you know resource on mind control in general?
12/07/15 (Mon) 06:17:09 No. 63207
How would someone go about doing that.
12/07/15 (Mon) 07:51:23 No. 63209
How do I find just ONE person at least who wants to approach magick "scientifically" like I do, doing experiments, actually attaining and mastering and testing out all the abilities, actually DOING magick beyond the typical shit people use magick for?
I am sick of people into symbolism, synchronicities, shitposting, and ego-tripping.
Yeah, there is symbolism, there are correspondences that can be made, there are many ways to use symbolism, etc.
I blow the minds out of mundanes and neophytes who keep pushing me to read into symbolic stuff. It's easy.
I don't care about that shit. I don't like vagueness and spiritual mumbo jumbo that goes along with a lot of people into the /fringe/.
oh and yeah I see the synchronicities. Stop getting worked up over them and you'll experience even more intense ones too.
Majority of faggots want to use magick for really boring every day reality manifestation shit like money and relationships and so on and are generally undisciplined, weak-willed, lazy fucks who don't want to walk the long walk and really cover all bases.
I've tried to find one neophyte that is worthy of me but all of them either give up a little while after they get confirmation and have a few experiences they don't seem to want to press on further, some give into fear, many get distracted, many more are just lazy and don't want to put a massive effort and work over a very long timespan to achieve amazing results.
I need a magickal partner who is serious about psychokinesis, mind-reading, using the astral productively not just fucking around, mental influence, deep trances, psychomancy, mediumship, etc. someone who is developed enough and determined enough like me to actually wield immense elemental power.
Nobody makes the cut so far and one thing all these unworthy neophytes all share in common is they spend way too much of their time everyday on inane banter and shitposting or they're cowards.
To Know
To Will
To Dare
To Keep Silence
If you don't have these qualities or don't make them your own you will never be a true magus.
12/07/15 (Mon) 08:10:24 No. 63211
You have to map out all the information you have about a person and begin a chart mentally (you may also create it physically as long as you don't neglect creating it on mental level as well) where you start mapping out a person and putting together all information you know about them and examining the desires behind their every motive, thought, etc. and you look at the patterns / cycles in their behaviour and see how they respond to things and so on and you keep mapping this out into an bigger and bigger map noting the connections and interplay between these different things and taking note of which elements predominate in every case.
Eventually when you map them out enough details start filling in automatically including stuff you didn't know beforehand.
If you're going to actually draw this on a board use one of those huge white paper boards you can buy and use alchemical and elemental symbolism mostly so you don't run out of space as you place each piece together. I just do it entirely mentally.
You should gather a lot of astral light for this and let the subject manifest through it.
When you succeed you'll have evoked the person and you will have a map of them which lets you gain control over them and as for the dissonance that occurs anywhere that conflicting desires are found to be cancelling each other out and creating problems. Tracing them back through the web of desires linking different aspects of your being, through many memories and experiences and through those patterns and so on, you eventually can put an end to the dissonance and free up a lot of energy that was going to waste. Dissonance is like trying to crank a window open while at the same time having a chain in your other hand that is attached to the window which you are using to pull it shut very hard. You're applying conflicting desires against each other and getting nowhere. You need to align all these desires in your being so that they are all working in harmony and can be 100% directed and concentrated to a single point and you will become healthier and more sane.
I forgot to mention fragmentation but that's also an issue. Heavy emotional traumas break up your mind and you need to defrag in order that one awareness penetrates it all and shares in the knowledge of your whole being. When parts of your mind are so fragmented that they operate completely independent of your mainline there can be problems, you can have negative entity attachments / weird programs that undermine you and fuck your shit up. It's ok to compartmentalize the mind in some ways and also to create and use magickal entities that separete from your field of consciousness to do work independently of you but there are many ways fragmentation can be undesirable and lead to you doing things you don't even understand because different programs are getting activated and turned off and you have amnesia about it.
12/07/15 (Mon) 08:39:52 No. 63212
>don't make your own thread
>ask here
>nobody answere
this board is gay
AuntWatermelon 12/07/15 (Mon) 08:43:00 No. 63213
What happened to moving on, changing your lifestyle and not being stupid ?
Fixes 99% of the problems anyone has on this board…
12/07/15 (Mon) 08:47:32 No. 63214
Methods to abstain from masturbation?
12/07/15 (Mon) 10:32:24 No. 63221
Shouldn't you be able to find one easily if you're that advanced? Would it work with the implanting your desire into akasha method?
AuntWatermelon 12/07/15 (Mon) 11:04:32 No. 63223
Looks like smiley posted that, the guy can't even fix his own insomnia and cut bread, let him talk a lot, nod your head and move on, no one has time for a dellusional wizard…
12/07/15 (Mon) 11:37:04 No. 63226
What are /fringe/'s recommend methods of charging sigils? I've been using the ejaculation method, but it feels as though I'm letting my energy go to waste by doing so. What should I be doing instead(keep in mind that I'm incredibly new to all of this)?
12/07/15 (Mon) 11:52:26 No. 63227
Some methods I have seen listed:
I also tried holding the paper in front of a burning candle in a dark room so the sigil is backlit and focusing on it for a while, then burning it.
12/07/15 (Mon) 12:11:03 No. 63232
How can I get better at talking, being more charismatic, energetic, and knowing what to say and saying it?
12/07/15 (Mon) 12:15:19 No. 63233
>Majority of faggots want to use magick for really boring every day reality manifestation shit like money and relationships and so on and are generally undisciplined, weak-willed, lazy fucks who don't want to walk the long walk and really cover all bases.
This is why magic shouldn't be common knowledge like some people here believe.
Why would you need a partner anyway? Just about anything can be achieved solo in our line of work.
Also to the apparent influx of newfriends who are asking questions that were answered in pretty much every past question thread and are pissed that nobody is responding, I welcome you to check the archives of those threads as the answers to your questions have been answered by numerous people many times before.
12/07/15 (Mon) 12:20:37 No. 63234
>Pure intellectual, foul bullish. Based on a fear of actually experiencing reality. A true warrior, wizard or simply lover is born from experience.
Thanks m8, that is actually one of my flaws. I am aware of it, but I tend to avoid putting things from theory into practice - I'm just too lazy to put a significant amount of energy into it.
>How can you expect to reach any healthy heights in your spiritual path, if you devalue a different polarity than yours.
>and revealed the nature of the feminine.
Please help me out on this one.
I fail to see how the feminine manifested nature isn't just a product of the masculine creator nature.
>please, go learn you some basic knowledge
Please recommend some literature. According to your discussion with the other anon ITT, you have a specific view on Tantric teachings.
>Hitch hike.
The problem wouldn't be the money, it's the lack of time. If I decide to finish university, I'll lose 2 years of possible traveling time. If I decide to start working after that, extensive traveling won't be even a possibility anymore because jobs are a fucking prison if you don't want to settle down yet.
>Find farms via word of mouth,, WWOOFing, etc
That's what I actually planned to do. But I will have to drop university for that - that's exactly the crossroad that I'm facing atm.
The biggest issue is that I will lose my ability to find a well-paid job later. I have to decide between freedom or safety.
>God is love.
God might be love, but the physical world obviously isn't.
Fun fact: I've received that mantra by meditating on shrooms once. That was before I even knew any mantra.
12/07/15 (Mon) 12:48:45 No. 63236
12/07/15 (Mon) 14:16:51 No. 63240
12/07/15 (Mon) 14:57:15 No. 63243
What is a good grimoire for non-Goetic entities? In particular I am looking for old European gods.
12/07/15 (Mon) 15:17:13 No. 63244
>To Dare
And yet you're looking for neophytes to practice with because you're scared of other initiates?
Neophytes like me are still learning, you won't get much quality practice out of it. Except if you want to teach them, but I doubt that.
12/07/15 (Mon) 15:43:36 No. 63245
>I am sick of people into symbolism, synchronicities, shitposting, and ego-tripping.
>they spend way too much of their time everyday on inane banter and shitposting or they're cowards.
12/07/15 (Mon) 17:00:41 No. 63248
Try dying and reincarnating it is effective for achieving what you want.
12/07/15 (Mon) 17:03:57 No. 63249
I don't care if you're an initiate or adept.
Wow someone is buttblasted.
How are you going to test out telepathy and a number of other things without a partner?
Not easily but it can be done also my question isn't serious I can answer it myself.
12/07/15 (Mon) 17:08:45 No. 63251
So where do live, fag?
At least tell that so you can meet up with other people.
12/07/15 (Mon) 17:20:37 No. 63254
I already resolved the question before it was asked. It's rhetorical.
Hint: I opted for creation over finding.
Never try to find and search for what you can create.
Khru !bqNTtjs6XQ 12/07/15 (Mon) 18:11:29 No. 63259
>Please help me out on this one.
>I fail to see how the feminine manifested nature isn't just a product of the masculine creator nature.
As I understand it, the divine feminine is being that flows anywhere, like an ocean.
And the divine masculine is consciousness without being, but can guide the divine feminine.
I'm nit sure if they both create but the feminine with less direction, or what.
Maybe without the feminine the masculine couldn't create?
>If I decide to start working after that, extensive traveling won't be even a possibility anymore because jobs are a fucking prison if you don't want to settle down yet.
There are traveling jobs. Working trade shows, sales, for two. You can learn a craft/trade and do that too.
Or be homeless. I don't thinj it's the worst. I don't want to do it,though, bc I have lot to learn and do where I am.
>I will lose my ability to find a well-paid job later. I have to decide between freedom or safety.
Ehh. I don't think you need a degree to get a well paid job if you find the right one amd the right people. (Mb work your way up over time too)
Which theoretically a wizard can do.
12/07/15 (Mon) 18:35:07 No. 63260
>Maybe without the feminine the masculine couldn't create?
Sounds reasonable.
>There are traveling jobs.
You don't get to choose destinations though.
>You can learn a craft/trade and do that too.
That's what I would do with finishing university, but I will pay my precious lifetime for that.
>I don't think you need a degree to get a well paid job
In my country you do.
> work your way up over time too
Sure, working for 20 years until you have a good position sounds gud enough kek.
No, seriously, work just sucks if you want to get around. Best option for wizards would be stock trading, I guess.
This one you can actually do from anywhere around the world where you can operate a computer with internet. But even getting into this topic is so mundane that it hurts.
12/07/15 (Mon) 19:34:16 No. 63265
>good feelings make life worth living
Forget sex, if you really believed this you would be an opiate addict, or does some part of you recognize that hedonism does not give life meaning?
The illuminati tremble before /fringe/'s awesome ability to harness the power of pure shitposting and epic meme magic.
There's a thread for that.
12/07/15 (Mon) 19:45:33 No. 63266
12/07/15 (Mon) 21:12:34 No. 63271
I'm not the only person posting in this thread with the templar cross, so keep that in mind since there's no IDs. I'm the person you replied to.
Maybe you had a bad church or parents who tried to use religion to control you. I was blessed with a great Orthodox upbringing and great Orthodox parents who taught me that Christianity is ultimately about love. I know lots of people who grew up in typical American households who grew resentful of the Church in their teenage years because it can sometimes be controlling, or seem like it only wants your money (sometimes this is true unfortunately). I never had a rebellious phase, and when I was a teenager questioning the big questions of life, I delved into theology and Christian spirituality rather than reject or neglect the Church like lots of people do. I think I have a lot in common with the people on this board, and probably with you. The reason we browse this board is because we both are seeking invisible, supernatural things. We both know that there is more to this world than can be measured or detected by conventional means. You might think that the occult brings you truth and freedom, while Christianity is restrictive and simplistic; but that is not true. Christian theology is the most advanced theological system in the world, and it works to describe the nature of God to the greatest extent which logic, reason, and inspiration allows. It is a common trick of Satan to offer freedom, but as I said in my last post, we will all die. Our bodies will rot regardless of how much freedom we had in life. Through Christ we have eternal life and ultimate freedom. Both of us, as seekers of spirituality, are looking for the Truth. I tell you with complete confidence that I have found Him. Some people, like those on this board, are naturally drawn to spiritual things. Enter Christian Mysticism, read the great mystic masters Meister Eckhart, St. Therese of Avilla, St. John of the Cross, and the countless anonymous authors who were so godlike and humble that they refused all credit for their masterpieces. Even the person most desirous of spirituality can be satisfied by the godly peace learned from these masters. This board is brimming with people who would like to become gods. They are chasing after a hopeless dream. There is one God, and by His infinite Love, he has invited us to be with him as coheirs of the throne of heaven. In the words of Clement of Alexandria: "the Word of God became man, that thou mayest learn from man how man may become God”.
I will admit that I know very little of the occult, and I only understand very basically the ideas and practices you mention. I don't know much about Kundalini, energy work, tantra, or eastern religion. I do know (or at least I believe. I could possible be wrong, and some magick could possible come form yourself), however, that there is no "power within". There are external forces which compete for your soul, and if a Christian wants to work "magick" as medieval, or renaissance Thaumaturges/wizards did, he must rely solely upon the power of God. Moses did not part the red sea,or bring plagues upon Pharaoh. Joshua never stopped the sun, The apostles never healed anyone, and no priest has ever by his power cast out a demon or turned wine to Blood.
Some of your questions I'm not qualified to answer. I know that sounds like a cop-out, but you're better off asking a priest. Even a google search won't be very effective. You'll have to wade through a lot of stuff to get at the truth (lowercase t). If you want to find Truth with a big T, you'll need to pray to Him, earnestly because He is nothing like the pagan gods.
I am unsure if all of the occult is evil/demonic. I do know, however, that it is not necessary. I delve into the deeper, mystical aspects of the faith but I do not look down the people who simply go to Church, praise the Lord, and live by his commandments with blind faith because Christianity is a very simple religion. You don't need mysticism, theology, or the occult. Necessary things can be eliminated, because we are on this earth to glorify God and to live by His law and to seek His salvation. As an occultist, you might be interested in 1 Corinthians 10:23 which says "All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful, but not all things edify". I shouldn't be asking (nor should you) whether the occult is "lawful". We should instead ask if it is beneficial to our souls.
I can answer your question about non-Catholic saints. The Apostolic Churches generally recognize that eachother's saints are in Heaven, and it's ok, for example, for an Eastern Orthodox Christian to venerate a Roman Catholic saint. These are good questions for /christian/, or, if you want a catholic perspective, the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
12/07/15 (Mon) 21:39:58 No. 63276
Where can I find the books in the OP?
12/07/15 (Mon) 22:41:24 No. 63281
can someone answer this please?
12/07/15 (Mon) 23:53:57 No. 63287
Spoken like a true christ-cuck.
12/08/15 (Tue) 00:32:38 No. 63290
I wrote a muuuch longer post than you did. I'd appreciate it if you'd grace me with at least an attempt to reply to it.
12/08/15 (Tue) 00:48:49 No. 63293
Okay /fringe/, is there a such thing as oversleeping? Or is it a myth created by the system to trick us into thinking that alarm clocks are okay to use, and in fact you can actually sleep longer than you should to a point of it becoming unhealthy for you?
I've been having problems with sleeping lately, I've started to go to sleep at a certain time consistent, but the problem is that I'm waking up at different times of the day. Sometimes I sleep for 8, some days I sleep for 11. So even though the sleeping time is consistent, waking up time is not, which in turn makes going to sleep at the decided time pretty hard.
Wanted to get the fringe side of it, rather than the mainstream surface level bullshit. Thanks in advance.
12/08/15 (Tue) 00:51:39 No. 63295
1. Little to no knowledge of the occult, meditation, kundalini or eastern practice.
Why am I not surprised?
2. "There is no power within"
Than why are there "Forces competing for my soul then?"
3. "…because we are on this earth to glorify God."
Just because you like to spread your ass for the demiurge and say you like it isn't going to make me want to do the same.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/08/15 (Tue) 00:55:11 No. 63296
>You don't get to choose destinations though.
True, unless you're selling an invention of yours or something.
>>You can learn a craft/trade and do that too.
>That's what I would do with finishing university, but I will pay my precious lifetime for that.
Hm. One can make or sell stuff too. Some kid on Shark Tank made ties and made a business doing that.
or buy something at a garage sale, sell it online (Idk I read it on a site, flipping stuff).
>>I don't think you need a degree to get a well paid job
>In my country you do.
Ah, ok.
In the US, I figure one could get some certification or another and start doing things on one's own. Or get like, reiki or massage certified, charge for that.
Yeah, topic of work usually sucks.
>Christian theology is the most advanced theological system in the world, and it works to describe the nature of God to the greatest extent which logic, reason, and inspiration allows.
I dunno, Osho's Book of Secrets is a tantric text which seems to do it pretty well imo.
I wouldn't claim any one system is best though; what works, works.
>I will admit that I know very little of the occult, and I only understand very basically the ideas and practices you mention. I don't know much about Kundalini, energy work, tantra, or eastern religion. I do know (or at least I believe. I could possible be wrong, and some magick could possible come form yourself), however, that there is no "power within".
I can't say one way or the other. Any power within may be from external sources, or possibly not.
Humans/animals are inherently psychic, and that seems like magic to some.
I don't rely so much on "my" power as the power of my "higher self" and connection to the divine.
The answer I've found for myself in terms of God is that I/one should meditate and refine oneself, and develop whatever one is drawn to, in order to grow into a channel through which divinity flows into the world. In my case, it's in a capacity for healing.
I can control the emotions of people around me, and emanate an "angelic" aura that calms others. I was on a bus the other day with a woman who was crying, and I gave her positive messages (you are safe and protected, connected to the divine) along with a heart chakra connection. She definitely felt it.
I learned that stuff not through Christianity, but it's not like it can't be learned there.
Taoism and energy work/qigong are quite useful, and have no mention of gods/beings that I know of.
I'd recommend you read the thread on here about that.
Kundalini/energy work makes one a stronger presence, and in this way one has a larger effect on the world around.
As I said, I develop to be a divine channel, so it's the energetic equivalent of working out so that one can help carry something better.
Not related to any entities, simply bioelectric energy, though it goes beyond that to subtle bodies.
> can answer your question about non-Catholic saints
Oh, I meant non-Christian saints, rather than non-Catholic.
Like Buddha.
Thank you for the response.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 12/08/15 (Tue) 00:58:07 No. 63297
oh and there's the idea that there's a battle between false beings of light and darkness, where both are actually dark.
So dark beings posing as angels, etc.
This is part of the demiurge, keeping this world as it is/in illusion. I don't know the full details but there that is.
>2. "There is no power within"
>Than why are there "Forces competing for my soul then?"
Good observation.
12/08/15 (Tue) 01:04:30 No. 63300
I don't mind helping you. If you are to accept a neophyte like me as an assistant. I just stumbled upon this board so I haven't had a chance to start a practice.
12/08/15 (Tue) 02:20:54 No. 63310
I didn't ask you to be surprised. I think much of the occult is evil, so I do not know much about it.
The forces which compete for your soul are external.
are you a Gnostic? Even Gnostics believe in obeying God, don't they? I didn't come here to have a shit-flinging contest.
Feel free to not respond to this if you don't have anything to say. I won't interpret it as surrender. The discussion can be over if you'd like. I assume you're different from the original guy I was talking to. He was more polite.
I hadn't heard of that Tantra book before, looks interesting. But I stand by my statement about Theology. Christian Theology's fullness would never fir in a single book, nor a library. Of course, you can't really measure exactly how "advanced" systems so complex are, so it doesn't really matter.
When I initially said that all occult is evil, I retract that. What is called "occult" meaning esoteric, hidden spiritual truths, seems like it can come from non-demonic sources. In fact, Christian mysticism could fall under the dictionary definition of the occult and is a totally orthodox practice. As I step further into the world of Christian spirituality, I'm seeing more and more that I describe the same God which Indians call Brahman, occultists might refer to as "the One", or "the divine", and I am saved by the same Jesus which Pagans call the Logos, and Taoists call the Tao. There seems to be spirituality outside the Church which is not evil, albeit imperfect. More and more I'm understanding on a deeper level that Jesus came not as a Messiah for the Jews, but as the capstone of every religious tradition, all of which were (and are still) naturally flawed in their understanding of the Uncreated. If I was initially preachy, sorry. I got a bit too zealous, expecting to be like a ray of light upon a den of vampires. Man cannot know Infinity. Occult and Pagan traditions can catch a glimpse of the Immanating Light of God, and that single glimpse may be so blinding that it spurs centuries of study and meditation upon that Pinpoint. But ultimately, God is unknowable, and he loves us in an equally unknowable, infinite way. Pagans grasped at these pinpoints of Light for millenia, but then the Incomprehensible One became flesh so that we might know the things which are otherwise unknowable. God became man so that, through Love, man may become god. There was no other way that the unknowable mystic Truth could be known to us. I've stopped preaching about the evils of your ways, but now I will tell you that the Pagan's, or the magician's, or the Initiate's search for Truth can be over. Meditation can never allow man to know what we admit is Unknowable. Only if God himself shows us the way, can we have salvation.
>Like Buddha
It is the teaching of the Church (every Church that isn't a super-heretic i.e. Unitarian Universalist) that Gotama Buddha is in hell because he was not saved by Jesus.
Sorry for ending that nice, mystical, inclusive paragraph with a legalistic copy-paste from the Canons Law, but that is what my Church teaches. However, the nature of Hell is debated. Some would say that "hell" is simply separation from God, similar in some ways to this world. Those people would say that he is not being actively tortured, more likely just mourning the fact that he didn't make the cut. Judgment is a subject which we leave alone a little bit. We avoid making any quick assumptions about who is in Heaven or Hell, and we can trust that God loves every one of us. This is called the "problem of Hell" and there's several theories about it, some of which are scriptural, and some of which are sugar-coated heresy. A Universalist, for example, says everyone goes to Heaven. That's just an unscriptural lie which they use to attract more people to their cult of degeneracy and guiltless sin. Others would say that hell is temporary. There's a somewhat popular theory in the Eastern Orthodox Church that eventually all people, and even fallen angels will enter Heaven in an ultimate reconciliation of Good and Evil. This is different from Universalism which simply says "unapologetically fuck all the men in the ass you want and then murder them all and you still go to Heaven when you die"
I'll keep dumping mystical Christian pictures. Last one is a scene from Dante's Inferno .
12/08/15 (Tue) 02:25:26 No. 63311
I meant to reply to you. whoops.
12/08/15 (Tue) 02:38:31 No. 63312
>You don't get to choose destinations though.
Depends on the job. I work in Data Entry and I'm going to start traveling around my country starting next year, I've been thinking about moving into some more rewarding job like programming our web design, I could work through websites like upWork (formerly odesk) and live wherever I want.
Programming is fun and it can be learned on your own, also the good thing is you don't need a diploma or having been through college, most companies I would say don't care where did you learn something as long as it's the thing they rant you to do. How many other fields of expertise have the same amount of college dropouts who made fortunes just by hitting a keyboard?
12/08/15 (Tue) 03:01:03 No. 63314
Does the number 93 have any significance? I keep having people quote it at me when I'm trying to discuss esoteric shit and have no idea what I'm supposed to take from it, if anything.
12/08/15 (Tue) 03:17:02 No. 63315
i know for 93 (which, fyi is 31*3, prime number three times, dunno where to go from there tho) sure its something to do with crowley/thelema, an important number in that belief system. wait for someone with more knowledge on this for confirmation though.
AuntWatermelon 12/08/15 (Tue) 04:01:30 No. 63316
>I think much of the occult is evil, so I do not know much about it.
Question is, what is evil anon ?
Can you tell me exactly what is evil and has no use for spiritual development? How would, "this is evil, I'm telling ou it is evil, therefor it is and thus I do not know abut it" be nothing but circular logic? Jesus knew and had mercy over prostitutes, if you can not understand the meaning of this, that All the Divine is reflected in All things, then I suggest you either study harder or stop studying Christian Mysticism, do your own experiments and come to your own conclusions. Knowledge of Good and Evil only comes to the seeker…
>Christian Theology's fullness would never fir in a single book, nor a library.
Agreed, the bible, if you don't count the misinformed translations and interpretations, is a perfect book. However, are you perfect enough to understand it? Do you think annyone who only swore by one point of view, be it christianity or "evil occult" can be perfect? One thing I know is that he wouldn't show true kindness and understanding to all of creation and another thing I know is that thatthis is supposed to be the first thing a christian is supposed to do… Didn't Jesus said himself that nothing from the creation of the most Holy has impure ?
>There seems to be spirituality outside the Church which is not evil, albeit imperfect
How so? Can you even proove your point? How do you define imperfect. No one has killed for that "imperfect spirituality" you talk about, yet, Templars have slaughtered countless mens and innocent womens and childrens without even wanting to know about who they were.
> but as the capstone of every religious tradition, all of which were (and are still) naturally flawed in their understanding of the Uncreated.
That's funny.
You are saying that as if you looked and studied all as much as you studied christian theology, don't be silly…. God manifested in human's time and time again in the form of "prophets" and "revelations". The revelation of God is progressive and coherent. There is no highest or lowest and the message christianity gave has nothing to do with theology,
Moses came for ou to love your race and family, Jesus came for you to Love your brother, no matter the race and family, Muhammad came for you to Love your Nation and religion and some would advocate, but you'll call them heretic and blind yourself to the facts anyways that Baha'ullah came for you to love the world, no matter, race, nation or religion, to instaure unity in diversity in this new inerconnected Age.
This goes far beyond the main monotheist religions and can go even further then Zoroastranism and Krishnic Faith.
> Man cannot know Infinity.
Yet he can become the perfect image of God and thereby, know the perfect reflection of infinity. He can even dissolve and merge with the One when he so desires.
Man cannot do these things, but who said you should stay a man?
>Meditation can never allow man to know what we admit is Unknowable. Only if God himself shows us the way, can we have salvation.
Yet, jesus had to isolate himself from the world and meditate to be able to reflect the rays of God.
Which are casted upon All, at the same time and same intensity, but only your capacity of reflecting them is stoping you from reflecting the One.
The guy wasn't perfect in the beginning, sure he was a special and calm child highly intelligent maybe, but so was hundreds of geniuses, no, what made him different was his personal development and search of Truth, Within. Saying that all inner development is just folly and an attempt to exhalt yourself as god is either deep misunderstanding, stupidty and generally a savory mix of both that one mistakes for Ambrosia.
>Gotama Buddha is in hell because he was not saved by Jesus.
Yet you didn't consider this important question. Who saved Jesus? Why would you be saved by a man instead of the Divine? Isn't the Divine in All things? Is it then such a mistake to look for it inside if he is the building block of all things, the base, the end, the Alpha and the Omega?
Guess it is, well, I'll go burn in hell, that seems perfectly logical.
>separation from God
Buddha united himself with God.
Please…Check your shit…
>Judgment is a subject which we leave alone a little bit.
Just like death and when it comes you are scared as hell. Why? Why blind yourself to one of the multiple facets of the manifestation of the Law of God?
>the rest you said about Hell and Heaven.
You know that all this heavens and hell is just a simplification for the simple human mind right? I hope you understand that reality is much more complex then Good vs Bad…
12/08/15 (Tue) 05:26:28 No. 63322
What is enlightenment? Is this guy right? I've come to the same conclusion as he after years of thought. Is it really this simple and insignificant?
Khan 12/08/15 (Tue) 05:45:12 No. 63325
Yeah I'm coming to the conclusion that enlightenment is to understand the game or God, nature, light. To know the rules of it and how it works(mathematics, geometry, frequency, vibration, etc). Being the laws of light (7 hermetic principles) and of the circle or cycle.
But I figure this is only the first step. Once you learn the game you get to become a strong player in it. You get to become a self actualized God. The world is your playground where you express yourself.
12/08/15 (Tue) 06:05:10 No. 63327
I think I understand it now. This is when the pendulem starts swinging back. This is as far as philosophy and understanding can carry me. I've hit the wall, come to the end of the path of understanding, and now I turn around and walk in the other direction, looking at everything from behind and seeing the world in a light I never thought possible.
AuntWatermelon 12/08/15 (Tue) 06:11:24 No. 63329
He's right, enlightenment is realizing the absolute truth, however following the path of the absolute when one has a finite mind is impossible, thinking or qualifying the state of being free from the mind as insignificant is the proof that we have not freed ourself from the body and mind yet.
One of the most effective ways to do this is still through the practice of these disciplines which have been proven to give one enlightenment in an efficient way, these includes but are not limited to yoga, tantra, martial arts, meditation,…
When the body and mind has been fully controlled and completely mastered, freedom fro m the mind can arise, naturally, it's constructa and duality start to faid away and then, completely disapears, this is what the yogi's call samahdi. An extremely blissfull experience.
When freedom of the mind is achieved, then, one can see the absolute truth in all things and see that it has always been there. He is then called an enlightened being. The blissful experiences only arises from controlling and freeing ourself from the mind and body, the same way as a prisoner experience extreme pleasure when he get's out of his prison. Then, the actual progressive experience of progressive and natural enlightenment can begin.
12/08/15 (Tue) 06:42:20 No. 63333
>I think much of the occult is evil, so I do not know much about it
Could you please stop blogging in the question thread? Start a dedicated thread instead of shitting this one up.
12/08/15 (Tue) 08:35:56 No. 63336
I've been reading The Science of Breath lately, and I've been having trouble figuring out "Rhythmic Breathing'.
I get the concept, just breath in time to a count, but I haven't been able to feel like I'm getting anything going. Does anyone have a clearer explanation of what you're supposed to do than the book provides?
human races? 12/08/15 (Tue) 08:38:11 No. 63337
assumption : anyone who takes hinduism/tantra/mantra-japa seriously can not believe non-whites are inferior shitskins or whatever name-callings that 4chen /pol/ comes up with.
assumption : since media tries so hard to convince everyone is equal, no speciality in human races, just what you can 'achieve' in the system, no uniqueness, therefore races _must_ have some fundamental differences, not merely trivial physical ones.
given both assumptions are true, what is your honest opinion on the differences in races - on all levels, not just physical. please give as complete an answer as you can and tell me if i should make a new thread.
tipp 12/08/15 (Tue) 09:19:53 No. 63338
Summon it, how strongly can you feel its presence?
When a man cums in a virgin his ancestors gets first dibs on reincarnating in all the offspring she has.
She collects the semen, it changes her DNA, she vibrates the frequency of that lineage.
>you make a being in your mind
no, you make a being on the plane of thoughts, out of the essence that is thought. it does not contain the essence of soul.
If you imbue it with a part of your soul, you've fucked up, split your being and will do lots of penance in the afterlife, mainly because you're missing the piece of you that you discarded/traded away.
I can tell you more but you're going to have to be specific.
examine your mind, find what the cause is, snuff it out, banish it.
see >>63198
theres a good book about the elements, can't remember the name though. lost my library.
through good books. book is called four winds or something, four elements. its somewhere here on fringe. requesting it for this guy, you post it i'll recognize it.
depends on how you look at it, the northern pantheon could very well be the same deities of the greeks, aliens in the physical, our creators - but in occult circles regarding the northern pantheon, they are archetypes. ask about archetypes or find a book about it.
>tl:dr you summon the qualities of the archetypes, powerful etheric beings that bestow their powers, knowledge & traits upon you should you want to channel them
rythmic breathing is full breathing effortlessly. its not something i can teach over text, its something that emanates from your being, being able to feel the rythm of everything, to respond to it and to express it.
i would suggest taking shrooms/lsd/cannabis and sitting in lotus listening to trance music, specifically shpongle, until you without thinking stand up and express the music, it can come in thirty seconds, it might take months, but once divinity touches you and lets you experience rythm you'll be doing moves from hindu dances, throwing mudras left and right.
then you will know what rythm is, but it will never always be with you, it is something you have to summon by being in the absolute now, an expression of thoughts emotions and sound.
doing rythmic fullbreathing effortlessly is a milestone.
tipp 12/08/15 (Tue) 09:59:13 No. 63339
to expand just a little more on rythm, stand up, place feet steadily and little wider than your shoulders, transfer weight in a soft motion from one foot to the other until you get a rythm going, make the transition better with each plant of a foot until there is no resistance, no hard step on the ground, no large force exerted on a single joint or step.
continue until you wiggle like a snake, left to right, let the rythm and motion transfer from your legs, base of spine, up through your body, through your shoulders, into your arms and ultimately your head.
this is a very good, potent exercise.
12/08/15 (Tue) 09:59:53 No. 63340
>How are you going to test out telepathy and a number of other things without a partner?
By using them on mundanes and then asking them what they were thinking and doing at time x and describe what location they were at.
If your experiment involves telepathy as specific information transmission just head to the /fringe/ IRC where someone might help you. I tried it before but both me and my partner got pretty blurry and inaccurate transmissions that held the basic form of the image transmitted but were generally skewed based on the current mental states of us both.
For example due to the lustful state of my partner when I sent him a scene of a wedding he received lips in greater focus than the rest of the scene.
I think it's worth keeping to a tight schedule of about 8-10 hours of sleep per night depending on whether it's the weekend or not. Nothing /fringe/ about it though, I don't like wasting time on sleep and I feel broken if I sleep for too long.
12/08/15 (Tue) 11:13:59 No. 63342
>the same way as a prisoner experience extreme pleasure when he get's out of his prison. Then, the actual progressive experience of progressive and natural enlightenment can begin.
Prisoners get entangled in the mundane life sooner or later though and lose that blissful feeling. How to not lose "samadhi"?
>anyone who takes hinduism/tantra/mantra-japa seriously can not believe non-whites are inferior shitskins
I believe this is a false assumption. Women, for example, have less powerful biological abilities than men. However they tend to have a closer connection to the spiritual by default. So inferior races might have the same relation to that of higher races.
12/08/15 (Tue) 11:27:55 No. 63343
>I can tell you more but you're going to have to be specific.
yeah what I just meant was a normal thoughtform/servitor, I'd be grateful If you could answer those questions I had
12/08/15 (Tue) 11:30:44 No. 63345
About the feminine… First of all, you have to stop treating it as a different kind of masculine. It is not masculine, and the things that look important to us are not that important to it. Look at women. When guys get in to relationships, they still care about their careers, about their goals. Woman is their partner, but it is not their main goal. Women on the other hand, care so much about making your home clean, they enjoy cooking for you or any other way that they express their feminine care.(I know I am quite stereotypical, but its useful for a mind game to explain it).
I was in a low spot when I had the vision with the feminine spirit. I was lost in regards to women and feminine. When the energy came, it showed me the way of the woman, by putting me in their shoes for a second, and then showing me the masculine role.
It is my role to go out, to create, conquer, push myself to the limits. It is her role to greet me on my return, give me warm food and make me relax, make me go "down to earth". Real women ground a man when he too high, and inspire him when he is too low.
Also, your comment about the failure to see how feminine isn't just the product of the masculine is weird. Just think about it, where would the masculine seed grow? We could not plant seed in each other, we, men cant really accept and embrace. We shoot out energy, we create ideas, energy outward, outward all the time. A woman, unlike a man, can truly accept, can truly be a receiver. This becomes obvious when you get in a relationship, and if a woman loves you, she will listen to you with her eyes shinning, she will want to know everything about you. This knowledge she will latter use to motivate your or point out your weak points. You fail to see the duality of this reality. Everything is dual in this reality. Light-dark. Ying-yang all of that stuff. Its like saying - this side of the coin is more imporant! What the fuck does that even mean.
This board is amazing and all, but sometimes the views that some guys have about women are simply disappointing. They declare these ego jackoff shows, saying how women are inferior or something. First of all, that is completely ego jerking. Anyone doing that, is in a low- acceptance begging consciousness. It is also the way that boys in the playground look at girls. Ewww, girls are yucky, we boys are better, we are cool, you stupid girls play with barbies, and we play with cool cars, that is why we are cool. The difference is that on this board, boys go : eww, you girls are the inferior beings, we boys have more magic, and we have these cool meditations, and we can be wizards, boys rule!
I dont really judge you guys, I can see that you have probably did not receive a womans love and care, if you did, you would not dare to speak like that. If you did, you would see how women are simply another side of the coin, different, yet the same.
And final point. Women are amazing as helpers for your evolution. You know why? Because when you are not in a relationship, you have your guy friends and all, but we guys dont usually get very hard on each others flaws. With a woman, it is not possible to hide your flaws. Because she is a receiver, sooner or later you will become transparent to a woman(of course, this depends on the wisdom of the woman in question). So you know that little fear that you have, that fact that you might think that you are a pussy? She will know what. The fact that you are lazy? She will know that. Every little dark corner will be discovered by a wise woman. This my friends, is a true gift for anyone seeking the goals that we are seeking. Because sometimes, we lie to our self about how cool we are and so on. But in reality, we are not. And deep down we know that. A woman exposes that, and makes you humble. This is the starting point of true development. Because of my most important women I have found my biggest blockages. I can confidently say, that if it werent them, I would be 10 times the pussy, the idiot and a blind man than I am today. Dont underestimate the power of someone who can RECEIVE very effectively.
I am not sure what else to tell you. I think you should start thinking about this yourself. Maybe read the way of the superior man. Its a nice book on male/female dynamic.
Also, you can ask me more concrete questions if you like.
tipp 12/08/15 (Tue) 11:35:12 No. 63346
12/08/15 (Tue) 11:40:00 No. 63347
After you form the thoughtform, how do you know that it's still there after some time? How do you effectively charge it and how do you see it and speak to it?
tipp 12/08/15 (Tue) 11:43:50 No. 63348
assign it a form, a geometric pattern is good, a 3d form.. you focus on it during deep meditation, if you can feel its presence strongly you don't need to charge it.
you charge it, you transfer energy from you to it. imagine you siphoning power from your chakras to it, not the other way around or you might get in trouble.
you see it with your minds eye, you give it commands through thought that has the emotions of the thought.
12/08/15 (Tue) 11:50:16 No. 63349
Any tips on how to see it more clearly?
tipp 12/08/15 (Tue) 12:00:00 No. 63350
meditate on your third eye for a while then work with thoughtforms. envision your room, and everything in it. feel/see the room beyond your bed. spread your awareness.
train, doing cubes, circles, triangles, shapes, spin them, flip them over, color them.
sense the thought energy in the space where you create the thoughtform and mold it as you feel it in your presence.
good visualization also makes charging easier.
12/08/15 (Tue) 12:01:29 No. 63351
Should I project the thoughtform in my room or in my astral temple?
AuntWatermelon 12/08/15 (Tue) 12:39:19 No. 63352
>Prisoners get entangled in the mundane life sooner or later though and lose that blissful feeling.
They loose the blissful feeling, largely due to their untrained minds, in tantra, when one achieves their samahdi in the form of internal union, they are allowed to experience external union with a women, their vows of celibacy end and they experience external perfect union.
One thing that the yogi can do with his absolute control over the mind, is that he does not need to reexperience the external union to get the benefits from it, he can recall it and reexperience that memory extremely realistically as if he was experiencing it right now and with a little bit of time and will, he actually experiences the bliss of the external union, in the physical world with no need of a partner.
After samahdi, all forms of tools and crutches are droped and one's spiritual developement is to experience and keep that state of samahdi in all things he will do.
And when he chooses, to abandon his physical body, at this time, he will have tons of options since he has a complete control over the death process. From transfering his consciousness into another body to reincarnation in subtler planes or buddhafields or to bathe in the eternal samahdi and perpetual union with the Divine (Nirvana). He can choose to do all of these things and even more when he wishes
tipp 12/08/15 (Tue) 12:40:56 No. 63353
>>astral temple?
Looks like we got us one o dem fancies over here fellas.
And I ain't sure weather or not we take kindly to your folk around here…
Dunno. If you're adept enough to make the vicinity your astral temple it doesn't matter. (hue).
If you can't copy your surroundings and make a stable thought replica, use your astral temple.
12/08/15 (Tue) 12:45:15 No. 63355
>has an astral temple
>needs thoughtforming tips
tipp 12/08/15 (Tue) 12:50:50 No. 63356
I fucked my first gf of four days for seven hours and couldn't for the life of me figure out how to cum, I learned during that spectacle that you can be both good and bad at things, and that you shouldn't mess with tantra.
Nice dubs but stop implying idiocy while pretending to be superior, it only harms yourself in the end.
12/08/15 (Tue) 13:48:41 No. 63358
I think you guys misunderstood, by astral temple it's definetly not something fancy, it's just a constant workplace for all my astral rituals I keep in my thoughts, I can't full OBE astral project yet, but I do all my evocations/invocatons in that astral temple and it works, the only problem with thoughtforms is that when I try to create them they feel very vague, like there's no definitive thing there that I usually feel through evocations/invocations
tipp 12/08/15 (Tue) 13:59:26 No. 63359
>make sigil of command
>meditate and empower paper
>make thoughtform out of burning paper
>envision sigil wreathed in flame
Thoughtform 101
If it doesn't stick around, cum on the paper next time. While thinking about the command.
AuntWatermelon 12/08/15 (Tue) 14:06:30 No. 63360
That is probably not the type of thoughtforms he is reffering to.
Read the magical use of thoughtforms and the creation of magickal entities, in the huge mega.
tipp 12/08/15 (Tue) 14:28:44 No. 63364
Why don't you tell me instead?
The thoughtforms I use are servitors to attract or bother, non sentient spheres that I feed power so they can roam around me.
How are they different? Whats he looking to do?
They work best if given one task, making one out of a sigil is great for that purpose, base program/command to enhance mood/give headache/make me stand out/lift the atmosphere.
AuntWatermelon 12/08/15 (Tue) 15:01:10 No. 63365
I was refering to thoughtforms more as an astral programing language then a practical magic servitor.
For example, a thoughtform of that kind would be able to use various sytems of divination, make conclusions out of them and clearly show the results from these probabilities to give them to you in an easily understandable way.
The concept can be improved upon and with further work, you can find yourself with an iron man style Jarvis thoughtform that would act as an artificial intelligence to manage stuff in your life, set reminders, catchup on some events, calculate probabilities and give notifications when events that would likely result in a positive outcome appear for you to be able to know that this "thing" is worth "investing in".
That's just one example, you could have thoughtforms to assume certain attributes, a thoughtform that would read one's aura and other charachteristics of a person and even a person's path of life, previous incarnations, main struggles, unresolved guilt and all the information they have imprinted in the ether, (basically everything they ever thought, talked or did) compile them and send the knowledge to you on the fly so you can better know what people are thinking or how they are reacting and get information you would only be able to get through being the person.
It's a pretty deep field that is investiguated through intuition and practice mostly, even though books exists on the methods in which to start "programing" astral matter effciently, for the most part, the knowledge is gained through experience. Knowledge in the field of actual computer programing helps a lot in being able to determine the most efficient structure and flow, but also the side effects that a thoughtform could develop. If they are not tamed properly, these beasts will fuck you up. Note, I didn't say can fuck you up, I said will fuck you up. The stronger a thoughtform is the stronger you should be to control it. Making them is easy, nothing hard in that, but controlling them and their side effects is the hardest, just like babies, everyone can make them, but who sticks around and raises them ?
>inb4 ur mom
Oh also, bewae, it's one of the easiest paths I know where you can fall into extreme self dellusion and think that you are the great and powerful Oz when in fact you can't fix something as simple as insomnia.
Astral temples, mental palaces, even the akashic records are all thoughtforms…
tipp 12/08/15 (Tue) 15:13:58 No. 63366
Everything but previous life comes naturally to me within seconds of meeting a person.. I have never had to make thoughtforms for these things.
I think everyone can achieve a high level of awareness if they worked on their energy body/chakras.
And yeah, I don't want to dabble to much with thoughtforms, they can easily go wrong.
But how are those thoughtforms different from servitors?
tipp 12/08/15 (Tue) 15:42:43 No. 63367
come on now nigger, you claimed me wrong, how is a servitor not a thoughtform? how does your "proper" thoughtform differ from mine?
i'm not fluent in thoughtforms but i've got enough intuition to make them powerful and useful, and i know enough to have this conversation.
>>I was refering to thoughtforms more as an astral programing language
what i'm doing isn't programming thoughtforms?
>>practical magic servitor
say, a thoughtform?
AuntWatermelon 12/08/15 (Tue) 15:59:17 No. 63369
Calm down,patience is a virtue that has to be cultivated…
Basically it's just a subtler use of thoughtforming, you can do all of these things manually and with great degrees of accuracy, but that is why I used the similitude "programing language", what you are saying is "I can do mental math (clairvoyance) and I have a calculator (sigils and serviors), why would I need a computer for ?"
It's pretty much the same principle, it's all talking about math, it's all talking about thoughtforms, but in practice it's a lot different, you don't do mental math the same way you use a calculator and you don't use a calculator the same way you use a computer.
Basically, use the right tool for the job.
AuntWatermelon 12/08/15 (Tue) 16:02:03 No. 63370
Calm down,patience is a virtue that has to be cultivated…
Basically it's just a subtler use of thoughtforming, you can do all of these things manually and with great degrees of accuracy, but that is why I used the similitude "programing language", what you are saying is "I can do mental math (clairvoyance) and I have a calculator (sigils and serviors), why would I need a computer for ?"
It's pretty much the same principle, it's all talking about math, it's all talking about thoughtforms, but in practice it's a lot different, you don't do mental math the same way you use a calculator and you don't use a calculator the same way you use a computer.
Basically, use the right tool for the job.
12/08/15 (Tue) 17:49:19 No. 63374
Alright, I'm getting really confused now, so what a thoughtform is capable of depends on the way you create it?
12/08/15 (Tue) 18:13:54 No. 63376
How much hermeticism is there in the Kybalion? If there is none, is that a good thing or a bad thing?
12/08/15 (Tue) 18:37:33 No. 63377
Unlike many other people on this board, I´d like to know how to become a man.
Secondly how can manic-depression be cured? Best outcome would be just the manic part, but that just the other side of the same coin. So basic balancing?
AuntWatermelon 12/08/15 (Tue) 18:39:33 No. 63378
Don't Panic!
There is just two ways to do this, I'd suggest you read a chaos magick book like alan chapman's advanced magick for beginners so that you get the first method, which is basically making a sigil.
Then, for the second way, read "the creation of magickal entities" and "the magical use of thoughtforming" to know about the subtler ways of using thoughtforming.
Then experiment with both, take conclusions and note results.
12/08/15 (Tue) 18:42:16 No. 63379
So do you feel weak or are you literally a woman?
12/08/15 (Tue) 18:43:27 No. 63380
alright, I've used sigils in the past and they would give me results, but pretty weak ones, from what i've gathered on this site, these subtler thoughtforms you speak about should be much more powerful if powered daily by emotion
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/08/15 (Tue) 18:47:12 No. 63381
What do people think of the egregore of archangels; positive, negative? Demiurgic? Is invoking/evoking anything other than higher selves/beings beyond the demiurge (who knows which) something that holds one back?
Asking due to
12/08/15 (Tue) 18:53:54 No. 63382
Neither. Not weak, just "pointless". I have no will power and everything I do is just annoyingly feminine. Actually my whole existence is more "being" than "doing".
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/08/15 (Tue) 19:09:49 No. 63385
I'd like this q that is in a locked thread answered.
Pulling information out of the astral 0 - Anonymous 12/03/15 (Thu) 08:14:43 No.62790[Watch Thread]
What are the best ways to acquire previously unknown information through the mind? Only thing that comes to mind are the akashic records, but it's a bit too advanced for a neophyte like me, some people reported pulling information just from meditation alone
if you're a woman, maybe this in reverse.
If you're simply a weak man, I'd recommend reading The Way of the Superior Man, listening to or reading David DeAngelo stuff, and doing energywork to balance out yin and yang energies (it's in Khan's energywork/qigong thread. you can overcharge on yang if you want/are deficient, but yin/yang imbalance can cause problems), maybe working with crystals to connect to the divine masculine (sunstone is one). Get muscular, rub your balls [or imagining rubbing balls would prob work if you aren't a man] and/or sex for testosterone.
awesome answer! Thanks auntwatermelon, that is fun information. (:
that and the kundalini meditation you have seem like awesome info. I haven't had a rising that I know of (so probably haven't had it) so I won't do that one to the full extent yet but I appreciate it a lot!
Seems like I should read the other question threads for fun stuff, though that's the info that will be useful for me today.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/08/15 (Tue) 19:11:53 No. 63386
yeah, sounds like you're deficient in the fire element (from what I've read on here).
Get you some yang, mang.
The Universal Master Key and its applications might help (I don't know, but I've heard it helps balance the elements). I have no idea how to invoke the fire element within though, aside from qigong/meditation in/on the fire channels in the body.
12/08/15 (Tue) 19:19:17 No. 63387
not a /fringe/ answer, but I was in a similair position until I started going to the gym, basically the problem fixed itself in about 6 months, but I'm sure you could just change your mindset overnight, try invoking your favourite role models you look up to, doesn't matter if they exist in this world or not
12/08/15 (Tue) 19:20:08 No. 63388
12/08/15 (Tue) 19:48:01 No. 63389
The first thing that came to my mind is that in gematria the hebrew word El (Aleph, Lamed), meaning god or lord has the value 31. So 93 would be 'three times god'. Perhaps a reference to the trinity?
No doubt there are countless more connections that could be made here. I'm pretty new to gematria so don't take this interpretation as law.
12/09/15 (Wed) 00:12:01 No. 63402
i already knew about the first part but i was essentially asking about the second part of your answer, yes. thanks for clearing it up, can't believe i didn't think of it myself.
12/09/15 (Wed) 01:37:36 No. 63420
What magic can I do to restore family relations?
Also what magic can I do to really know my ancestry and heritage? So I can know what cultures and traditions to follow and what spirits and gods to build relationships with.
12/09/15 (Wed) 03:32:29 No. 63427
Difference between the normal and the definitive edition of the kybalion? did anyone read both? is the definitive edition worth it?
12/09/15 (Wed) 03:38:19 No. 63428
Why do I feel so at home and happy in graveyards?
Also, I started using the solar grounding ritual that's featured in another thread, and I feel a lot more energetic/passionate and it's a direction I really want to head in. Any way to up this practice?
12/09/15 (Wed) 07:44:14 No. 63444
Wow. I feel exactly the same.
12/09/15 (Wed) 08:39:51 No. 63449
>>1 ?
the mega link?
12/09/15 (Wed) 08:42:37 No. 63450
You're talking to a disinfo retard who doesn't know anything.
Servitors are indeed thoughtforms.
AuntWatermelon 12/09/15 (Wed) 09:02:28 No. 63454
Wow, I'm such a disinfo agent provokateur from the NWO, shilling for edgyness!
Where did I say servitors were not thoughtforms ?
Last time I checked disinfo stemmed from ignorance, which has one of it's source in the non abbility to read properly. I could go on about how you might be psychologically projecting to hide your innability to cut and eat bread properly, but no, I'm a good guy.
Many kisses to you smileberg.
12/09/15 (Wed) 09:04:30 No. 63455
not the board owner
12/09/15 (Wed) 09:10:18 No. 63457
>similar tone
>similar triggers
>similar apparent flaws
>reposts using tor to hide his ip from himself and other mods indicating some form of personality schism coupled with vanity and the need to appear as powerful, trutheful and "generate"
>not smiley
Well then, I'll have to send you less kisses.
btw, I'm totally not Aunt Watermelon.
12/09/15 (Wed) 09:23:07 No. 63459
Board Owner uses symbols and other silly nonsense as seen in the ecample of using beaheart "magic" and rituals like gnostic pentagram.
12/09/15 (Wed) 10:20:03 No. 63463
Why do my palms sweat all the time? I've been told that palms the palms are huge energy receptors/transmiters.
(In case of double post. The first one was an error.)
12/09/15 (Wed) 11:42:51 No. 63465
Namefags are the cancer killing /fringe/.
You've answered your own question.
12/09/15 (Wed) 13:12:21 No. 63468
>>63465 Yeah but what does that mean? Do I have an excess of energy or is something else is causing it?
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/09/15 (Wed) 13:30:25 No. 63469
You're the guy Eminem was singing about. Mom's spaghetti.
(but seriously I dunno)
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/09/15 (Wed) 14:00:50 No. 63471
Rolled 3 + 1 (1d13)
>Why do I feel so at home and happy in graveyards?
tfw you're dead.
nah I dunno.
It could be ignorance of negative associations, connection to them, or just a feeling of peace from peaceful rest of the dead. I haven't actually felt the energy of a graveyard so I don't know what it feels like and if it is inherently positive or negative, due to spirits and relatives' vibrations.
Try drawing in solar light [say hi to it (:], calming all of your bodies (first physical, then emotional [making it like a clear lake reflecting the light of the sun], then mental [breathing in light, breathing out lower thoughts/vibrations that dissolved in the light]), draw in your soul/higher self, imagine the divine light flowing into and through your heart, link at the heart with light.
If you don't do this with light and no real intention other than to share love, it WILL have negative repercussions; be well-aware of what you're wishing for. There's no telling when it will manifest.
12/09/15 (Wed) 15:21:32 No. 63475
File: 1449674492546.jpg (35.44 KB, 300x394, 150:197, 300px-First_Principles_of_….jpg )
I don't get all this astral talk. The Astral plane is the emotional realm. Emotions are great, but what about the manasic realm. Is that where any awake/not asleep man's thoughts occur?
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/09/15 (Wed) 16:05:37 No. 63477
> I got a bit too zealous, expecting to be like a ray of light upon a den of vampires.
I imagine many of us have been there, and possibly stepped back due to figuring out that such a thing can be simply another form of ego.
Meditation is supposed to be the way to find God inside, the original state of man in "Eden". [My interpretation, which seems to be a decent interpretation of the creation story, where the mind is the overactive unnecessary bit that causes judgment/suffering]
I thought today of how invoking/evoking beings isn't really any different than praying to Saints. "The patron of lost objects Saint Anthony" or some entity. Either way, they are both pieces/aspects/"personality traits" of God.
Excellent. Glad someone answered with more theological knowledge could respond.
The only thing is that Christianity says "Jesus is the only time God himself incarnated into human form" so some of the things you brought up are "trumped" so to speak by a closed mind-worldview.
I doubt Jesus himself said "I am god himself made into human flesh, heed me, for I am the only one that ever was or will be so". That's probably what humans said so that other humans would listen to the words of their church/be under their control.
>I hope you understand that reality is much more complex then Good vs Bad…
It doesn't seem so. That is a rather "difficult" lesson to learn when within the yoke of dogma. I think Osho's Book of Secrets was the first place I heard of that (transcendence of duality, all is holy or all is unholy to the tantrika or somesuch) and I was well-prepared to learn it.
as AW said,
meditation allows one to be a more perfect reflection of the divine.
It gets one's ego out of the way (and/or refines it). One does more intuitive things, one speaks and loves more beautifully.
If Jesus himself came back, how would we know it? He'd probably be killed a lot faster/before his message got out, and/or smeared as crazy. Any big enough mental ward has a "Jesus" in it.
I'd be surprised if someone like you wouldn't assume it's not him, but that doesn't mean it's so.
Strong psychedelic dosages will acquaint one with death of ego, and force one to accept it or be in something of a nightmare/crazy world. Definitely helped me with my kundalini rising.
that's relative, as everything
>When a man cums in a virgin his ancestors gets first dibs on reincarnating in all the offspring she has.
>theres a good book about the elements,
Universal Master Key?
Oversleeping is totes a thing. If you feel you did, you did.
Sleep as long as you need to. You might have to force past sleeping too long out of laziness, but if you're developing in some way, you may need more sleep.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/09/15 (Wed) 16:16:34 No. 63478
>When guys get in to relationships, they still care about their careers, about their goals. Woman is their partner, but it is not their main goal. Women on the other hand, care so much about making your home clean, they enjoy cooking for you or any other way that they express their feminine care.(I know I am quite stereotypical, but its useful for a mind game to explain it).
The Way of the Superior Man goes over this sort of thing in detail. Great book.
>With a woman, it is not possible to hide your flaws. Because she is a receiver, sooner or later you will become transparent to a woman(of course, this depends on the wisdom of the woman in question). So you know that little fear that you have, that fact that you might think that you are a pussy? She will know what. The fact that you are lazy? She will know that. Every little dark corner will be discovered by a wise woman. This my friends, is a true gift for anyone seeking the goals that we are seeking. Because sometimes, we lie to our self about how cool we are and so on. But in reality, we are not. And deep down we know that. A woman exposes that, and makes you humble. This is the starting point of true development. Because of my most important women I have found my biggest blockages. I can confidently say, that if it werent them, I would be 10 times the pussy, the idiot and a blind man than I am today. Dont underestimate the power of someone who can RECEIVE very effectively.
Yeah, the woman I found a few months ago… we could see into each other extremely well, and she tested me again and again, helping me drop one flaw after another. Didn't end up doing anything with her, partly because we resonate so strongly that we bring up the "bad" in each other, making it difficult to be around each other until we've gotten to a certain point. I think I've gotten to that point, but it took 4 months of deep development, and a long time before that of dropping much of my "self" and being open to near anything, at least mentally.
>Maybe read the way of the superior man. Its a nice book on male/female dynamic.
Oh, lol. You mentioned it!
Yeah, I found that balance is perhaps a better way. The masc/fem dynamic is what we are comfortable with but not necessarily always what we embody.
Or maybe I'm full of it and have a hard time being a man. Yet, that's the way I've accepted being less "masculine" than I know I can be. I'm a man, but not the man I will be.
It was hard getting over attachments to others, getting over wounded bits.
Most people just work with it/suppress it, and don't do heavy spirit/shadow work.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/09/15 (Wed) 16:39:43 No. 63480
seems like a cool dude, even if it's hard for me to wrap my head around divine people being around recently/currently. But I suppose wrapping my head around it is what I'm not supposed to try to do!
I am attempting to love more and more as well, though I'm in sort of a bubble keeping me from dealing with things beyond my capacity, "luckily".
tipp 12/09/15 (Wed) 17:00:18 No. 63482
>Universal Master Key?
ah yes thats the one, thanks.
LF 4 mudras tipp 12/09/15 (Wed) 17:21:52 No. 63486
I do postures and Mudras spontaneously, probably done some two hundred over the course of soon four years.
Some i instinctively feel which chakra they belong to, because a part of my body corresponding to it gets "unlocked" or "snaps" open.
Didn't think much of them until I did Garuda and opened my heart chakra, so I made sure to remember the "move" and googled "Hindu/Buddhist handsigns" - And found it, since then I've been doing more and more of them.
There weren't really that many of them until I came to the third & fourth chakras as the two lower are mainly postures, steps and "dance moves".
I tried doing Mudras from books and from guides online, but they're not nearly as powerful as they are when they just come to you instinctively.
This means I've been doing Mudras without really knowing what they represent, correspond to and mean.
Lately they've decreased and during rest, meditation, generally sitting still, my hands relax into this (pic).
It feels like a very stable, secure posture, but I can't feel it connect to any chakras.
I really don't know, but it feels like its stability and represents, literally, locked in place.
I think its some kind of lock.
>TL;DR you holla this Mudra before?
tipp 12/09/15 (Wed) 17:36:02 No. 63487
There are variations of this, during meditation on the three higher, mainly two, most formerly crown, I do this.
While the "basic" sign feels like "interconnectedness" between all chakras and my spine, this variation very much makes my third eye & crown respond.
I'm asking because I've been searching for a few weeks and found NOTHING similar, and I'm very curious because I would call these signs a culmination of my progress so far, these are my most complex Mudras.
Might go to the cities Buddhist temple/collective, but I don't want to bother them just yet.
tipp 12/09/15 (Wed) 17:39:16 No. 63489
Last one, this ones during contemplation.
I need to know what these are, need confirmation that I'm doing it right, and if not, to improve, but so far I haven't even found something that implies anyones done this Mudra before.
AuntWatermelon 12/09/15 (Wed) 17:44:43 No. 63490
Congrats. The more you work with energy, the more intuitive you get and the more you figure out stuff that has already been figured out by old sages before.
>I think its some kind of lock.
Mudras do mean lock and they create a sort of a energy circuit that locks itsel to a particular spot so that all the energies absorbed by the body go to that one spot, which can be a chakra, a nadi, a meridian,…
Why don't you search "mudra list" on google though ?
tipp 12/09/15 (Wed) 18:07:20 No. 63496
>tfw no qt hindu gf
And no, still haven't found it, closest i got was SARVAVASHANKARI and theres nothing on the net about it.
tipp 12/09/15 (Wed) 18:10:24 No. 63497
AuntWatermelon 12/09/15 (Wed) 18:45:24 No. 63500
The same mudra, which would close the same energy circuit, can be done in different ways, if your mudra looks like another one, chances are it's either a subtle variation or the same.
tipp 12/09/15 (Wed) 18:57:21 No. 63503
looking for an explanation to a state experienced during recent meditation, its similar to the vibrations that might rock/shock you before you start astral projecting.
>lie down
>calm state
>finger and thumb no longer feel each others touch
>lie there, doing regular meditation, feel for blocks
>breathing and stuff trying to force sun energy down my crown, earth energy up my ass, the regular
>do.. something
>results in a feeling of floating and currents of energy, not moving through my body but instead ramping up
>instead of the flow of a river its like boiling water
>fluctuating, non circulatory energy that is "scaling up"
>as if whole body vibrates
>someone comes home, abort meditation
>exit this state of "boiling energy"
>like many times before during deep mediation attempt to move, think i move, don't actually move
i know the basics of AP but never really delved deeper into it, done it a few times, i know i'm dislodging my astral body, but i'm curious about this vibration state.
it wasn't like the vibrations that violently wracks the body before completely tearing the astral body from the physical.
it was a distinct feeling of energy boiling/buzzing.
do you know what state i'm talking about and what are the benefits of it?
tipp 12/09/15 (Wed) 19:01:36 No. 63504
no you muppet, even slight changes in a mudra has huge impact, affecting the area of the body from east west south noth, directing flow and pressure.
change two fingers and you're pressuring the spinal disc towards your stomach and upwards instead of towards your back.
they're all different and the only way to find the right lock is to feel it.
AuntWatermelon 12/09/15 (Wed) 19:19:34 No. 63505
>wow, much hostility.
>such powerful wizards must be absolutely right.
Kay, whatever, what I'm saying is that the conscious energy circuit is what matters, you don't actually need to do any mudras when you understand how energy circuits work.
Even the Maha Mudra becomes useless once one success in the control, knowledge and understanding of the energetic nature of things.
But yeah, do it like you do so well, don't listen nor consider and especially, don't look at, might shake your view of things, you don't want your ego to be put in a position of discomfort do you ?
tipp 12/09/15 (Wed) 19:43:01 No. 63510
I come back for a few days and this place is full of namefags that don't know shit, namely you.
You're a passive aggressive cunt with a superiority complex, bitch you can't even spell humble, you strut around saying dumb shit with underlying implications that people are wrong while you give poor information, barely know what you're talking about and don't know things well enough to simply summarize them but instead refer to books which you might or might not have read, but certainly don't understand.
I'm gonna get my questions answered, answer what hasn't been in return and then leave for another few months.
AuntWatermelon 12/09/15 (Wed) 19:52:23 No. 63511
12/09/15 (Wed) 20:46:19 No. 63515
>This board is brimming with people who would like to become gods
Goes to show how much you actually know. Even as a lowly neophyte I still know of the warnings against wanting to become god. The most basic book warns you not to get overwhelmed by your abilities and think you're in any way godlike.
tipp 12/09/15 (Wed) 21:10:15 No. 63516
u see auras, nice.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/09/15 (Wed) 21:15:49 No. 63518
Which book?
Yeah, I don't think I care about having personal power anymore; siddhis are pointless compared to seeing more of divine truth.
I want to start seeing people as their energy beings. Is that the "next step"? Are auras a good place to start?
I had weed and I am feeling like once I realised why I wanted cool things, it was just because I wanted to have power in order to defend myself, but I know that drawing in light is the way to do that, and I can rely on higher self/Spirit to do that.
So I pretty much just want to create and know reality at this point rather than learn party tricks.
12/09/15 (Wed) 21:19:36 No. 63521
Is the mind spirit?
Sorry for dumb question
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 12/09/15 (Wed) 21:20:42 No. 63522
I don't think so. I haven't learned this in depth but I'm sure someone can explain it.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 12/09/15 (Wed) 21:22:00 No. 63523
What is the point of learning things if we cannot "know" anything and belief is arbitrary?
Is it just the spiritual sexiness of having a large physical energy mental body?
tipp 12/09/15 (Wed) 21:24:14 No. 63525
Good4u, now repeat this
>I want power so that i can use it to help others
Knowledge is power, and it will come to you if you take this sentence to heart.
Seeing auras is fancy but not necessary nor easy to do, what you should focus on is to be so in tune with the present and your surroundings that you instead can feel the aura, or mental state of others.
Mind is not spirit, mind is a lower frequency energy.
Ponder the summary of the Law of Vibration in Kybalion while playing with fire,or a warm object.
Being high is an option.
Feel free to touch the warm/cold object and think about what is happening.
tipp 12/09/15 (Wed) 21:26:25 No. 63526
>What is the point of learning things if we cannot "know" anything and belief is arbitrary?
Things are relative but that's a faulty assumption.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 12/09/15 (Wed) 21:27:05 No. 63527
if this is true are we just moving for emotional satisfaction in creating and expressing?
I recall someone said
I just realised why people conflate fire with spirit, to an extent I am not even sure I should write it out.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 12/09/15 (Wed) 21:30:48 No. 63530
I assumed this is true enough as a >>63527
then thought about fire, and how if we're energy beings if we raise ourselves high enough we become fire, and thought of it like summoning higher spirits.
all seems to be divine play, and I'm not fully sure why I'm here except to help others. but is there a point to doing that, or should I just go into "enlightenment" and lose my ego?
Is the point of development enlightenment through loss of ego or a refined higher ego?
tipp 12/09/15 (Wed) 21:32:45 No. 63531
>Is the point of development enlightenment through loss of ego or a refined higher ego?
development as in learning?
i could tell you, but i think you would want to figure this out yourself.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 12/09/15 (Wed) 21:36:31 No. 63532
and is the way to sustain this sort of realization development? should I consciously train my upper chakras more? my heart is fairly well-developed, but my 3rd eye has been not powerfully activated other than by drugs or kundalini.
yeah learning, energywork, excercise, sustaining high vibration. I mean, I figure we ascend to another place, but that's about all I know.
Alright, I suppose going farther isn't a terrible thing.
tipp 12/09/15 (Wed) 21:40:08 No. 63533
Sorry, I got that wrong. Thought you asked something else entirely.
While shedding the ego momentarily through development is something someone could strive for, its mostly something that just happens as you learn the higher truths.
The higher ego is the inner witness, you soul, the spirit which inhabits your body is always learning, but is also on a mission to evolve.
> figure we ascend to another place
Its kinda the question I first thought it was..
Basically you're asking what purpose of life & evolution is, do you want this answered?
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 12/09/15 (Wed) 21:42:06 No. 63534
in my current state I think so, but if you think it's better to realise it myself then I guess I'm okay with that.
I just started seeing it as a game and not being sure I need/want to play games anymore, since I've started to stop doing so in all other aspects of my life.
tipp 12/09/15 (Wed) 21:44:31 No. 63535
Good to mention, meditation brings you closer to your higher ego by shedding your lower, mortal ego.
Good book about this is the Bhagavad Gita.
long answer or short answer?
12/09/15 (Wed) 21:45:21 No. 63536
Do you actually know how to attain siddhis though?
12/09/15 (Wed) 21:51:02 No. 63539
If materialism is false, then how does /fringe/ explain split-brained patients?
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/09/15 (Wed) 21:59:47 No. 63540
Yeah guided meditations on light & love (there's also refining ego, I didn't do those…) have had me have an attachment to my higher ego, which is pretty unfazed by anything.
I should meditate more again to sustain that.
I fell out of meditation because I got sick, but that was probably a symptom of advancement/burning out for a bit from speed of that.
I'd love both, but if the long answer covers the short, that's fine.
I tend to appreciate details, and write a lot of them too, but if that's something I shouldn't care about then I'd want the short answer.
At this point my answer is that this is kind of pointless, and that I should merge the self that thinks it's pointless with the rest of me, assuming it's all a sea of love in the end.
I love being here (because of bhakti attempting), but my heart chakra doesn't yet sustain that enough, and I'm not sure if there's a reason to be here aside from helping others.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/09/15 (Wed) 22:08:32 No. 63541
nope. aside from "tantra books, meditation, other books". is any psychic ability a siddhi or are there certain ones that are siddhis?
The word siddhi also reminds me of the Vinayaka kirtan.
I feel like bhakti is soething I need to do in order to be loving 24/7 in order to ascend to a heart-chakra-based dimension if it's instant manifestation there.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/09/15 (Wed) 22:52:15 No. 63547
I wonder if ayurveda is different for different places/more applicable in India.
For example, if a person goes by it and says x time of the day is pitta time, but because the sun is always out at that time in India, perhaps that doesn't work in the places not near the equator.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/09/15 (Wed) 23:16:57 No. 63553
It would be awesome if prison worked to rehabilitate and remove structures of faith and division; now THAT is a next-level prison.
Seems like one could run a prison that freed people's minds.
I wonder if that would be destroyed by the world for being too good for it or if would be protected by divine will.
12/09/15 (Wed) 23:34:35 No. 63555
Am I going crazy? Ever since I've proved I can influence people and things, I've been worried people can hear my thoughts. I'll start thinking about somebody, and then panic thinking they can hear me and I have to force my brain to stop by imagining a screen of static followed by nothingness or something like that.
I heard having your third eye open without the rest of your chakras open can make you crazy and is the cause of a lot of crazy spiritual people, and I took a quiz that had a thread here and it said my third eye and crown were open and the rest were not.
Prison is to generate money these days.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 00:07:18 No. 63562
Sure, they'd work for the prison so you could make money off of it while enlightening prisoners.
People can hear your thoughts if you think it loud enough and they're sensitive enough, but they probably will think it's their own thoughts unless they are trained to know what it feels like when it's someone else's voice. That is my belief of things that seems true.
nice trips
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 00:20:51 No. 63568
thinking it loud enough = intensely, but it would probably take a significant time or meditating on the thought or a significant emotion for it to happen with a random person. easier if they like you because that probably means they like your vibe and/or are on a similar vibe or can get there without much effort
12/10/15 (Thu) 00:21:40 No. 63569
So I've been seeing real results in terms of psychological change from tarot, praying to gods (that I make up), and a modification I made to the solar grounding ritual featured in one of the beginner magic threads. While I'm only scratching the surface of all of this, it seems like I'm finally moving forward for once.
I'm reading through the introductory stuff, and that will take me a while, but in the meantime, I have a few questions about where to take my current practice.
I really like the solar grounding ritual, and the modification I made, which is basically basking in internal solar energy, seems to be doing wonders for my energy. I also seem to be able to cultivate this continuous orgasmic sensation in a similar fashion. It's more of a struggle to summon the solar energy, and a little bit of abstinence does wonders for the sex-energy side. Probably something I'm going to be doing for longer periods of time. Anyways, the cultivation is working, but isn't as lasting as I want it to be, at least with the solar side. Any thoughts on how to up the practice or make the changes longer-lasting?
On a related note, I'm dealing with some emotional stuff that seems to be related to a fire-element deficiency. It's definitely getting better, and the elemental change is starting to have a purifying effect. This is something I really want to facilitate. I'm taking on more and more of this energy. Any thoughts on this? Any good way to increase fire dominance? Advice on going through with the process?
Also, random life advice question: I'm looking for more adventure in life, and a reason to struggle for a worthwhile cause. I resent my comfortable and domestic life, and yet I don't see a way out or know what's worth fighting for. Any guidance here?
12/10/15 (Thu) 02:12:01 No. 63585
Isn't that basically like scientology? People who joined are essentially prisoners but retain enough freedom to be successful and pay up.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 02:36:58 No. 63587
But scientology actually imprisons.
I was thinking more of a prison where convicts go that's simultaneously a rehab center and a place where they can be deconditioned of as much of their junk as possible.
12/10/15 (Thu) 03:28:11 No. 63598
I really wish something like that could exist. However, we are developing a better prison system and it is coming from the privately owned ones rather than state ran ones (just like any other industry, shocking). Ask anyone who's done time and they will tell you that the best prisons are the ones that are privatized and that every prisoner that isn't at one wants to be transferred to one.
The reason why is that quality of life in a prison designed by an innovative person will always be better than one created by bureaucracy. These places have activities that allow prisoners to channel themselves through creation and learning. For example, a prison in Maine that is filled with the worst kinds of people who are serving multiple life sentences has a fantastic woodshop program where prisoners create really awesome things, which the prison sells in a store literally called "Maine State Prison Store". Another benefit is that being in a "good" prison means that behaviour is naturally better otherwise one would be transferred and someone who would be happy to behave well to go to the better prison would take his place.
Of course this leads to the problem of a prison industry where private interests want more prisoners, however I'd say that we already have that kind of culture. There really isn't a good answer. I just know what's going on right now doesn't work. People are really shocked to learn that people with multiple felonies exist when it's the prison system that programs them into being a criminal.
12/10/15 (Thu) 04:08:47 No. 63608
Anybody have insight on DXM as a spiritual/exploration/Astral Projection drug? Good? Bad? Dangerous? I'm not a druggy so I don't really know but, I was hoping to explore some altered states of mind with this drug in particular. I am aware of psychedelics.
12/10/15 (Thu) 07:28:19 No. 63623
newfig questions but,
What is desire? How does one manipulate one's self to feel it? I seem to have difficulty in this aspect of occultism, so much so that lately almost all of my spells I perform lately are blood magic. Only one though, the rest I deemed too trite to bother with the repercussions of blood magic.
AuntWatermelon 12/10/15 (Thu) 10:08:31 No. 63633
The point in aryuveda is that you are supposed to change and it's ever changing. The three doshas represent, the sleep, the dream and the waking stage.
Kapha is asleep, Pitta is dreaming and Vatta is awake.
You go from tamastic to rajastic to balancing both and naturally reaching sattvic. When sattva is reached,you cultivate the balance and once it's well cultivated, you are ready for liberation/doing practices that leads to elightenment instead of focusing on practices to equilibrate yourself.
Yoga is used for the equilibrium of the self.
Hatha is the base for all of them, then depending on your dosha you will do mantra, for kapha, raja for pitta and laya yoga for vatta.
And add other minor yogas if you need the kind of help they offer to ease out the path. Nidra to optimize sleep , Kriya to purify and cleanse,…
When the sattvic mind/Vata dosha has been well equilibrated and cultivated and success in the corresponding yoga (laya yoga) is reached, you move on to disciplines leading to enlightenment.
To avoid getting into another debate of "Muh what u said iz factually innacurate" (even though the counter argument only goes on further to prove the point…) I'll say tat one of them (and not the only one, like I want to say) is Highest Yoga Tantra, the completition stage practices of Tantric Buddhism. All the other enlightenement practices are simply different flavors of it, the principle is the same, However, HYT demistefies the whole mechanism of the system when understood and practiced with understanding and not blind faith in clunky ritualistic practices. All is just an Illusion.
All of the Yogas have to be builded up, together, in union. You don't pickup hatha yoga till you are a master and then move on to your yoga, no, you build both practices slowly and gradually. The Tantras can only be practiced when success in Yoga is reached though. Success in yoga is defined by a sattvic personality and a well tamed kundalini.
Have fun!
tipp 12/10/15 (Thu) 11:50:04 No. 63635
I'll be back in a few weeks with the long answer. Short answer is to evolve back into God.
did this again, i think i'm opening and maintaining my crown chakra, pulling in a constant flow. if anyone is interested in how, back of upper neck there is a sweetspot that you can stimulate, just focusing on it and willing it to tense just a wee bit and its done.
someone confirm please.
tipp 12/10/15 (Thu) 11:53:54 No. 63637
File: 1449748435524.png (188.68 KB, 732x765, 244:255, this spot, by willing a so….png )
12/10/15 (Thu) 14:52:48 No. 63641
Has anyone tried MILD technique? Does it work? Any tips? I tried it for the last two nights but it never worked
12/10/15 (Thu) 15:02:17 No. 63643
12/10/15 (Thu) 15:59:43 No. 63647
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 16:03:45 No. 63648
Rolled 3 (1d9)
Thank you for the detailed answer. Are there any books you'd recommend about HYT?
Though I perhaps should just get into AP and pull from the astral/akash.
I've had difficulty with visualising but I'm probably getting better at it anyway.
Time to get more into yoga on my own then. I know just the places to get started. As for tantra, I am in the middle of Osho's Book of Secrets, so that's a start for additional meditations/basic knowledge.
Ok. That'll do. Thanks.
Bhakti isn't boring, at least, even if I can lapse into wondering if there's a point. For now I'll adopt playful evolution & creation, which seems like an acceptable permanent state.
12/10/15 (Thu) 16:30:28 No. 63652
It's the best way if you don't want to fuck up your sleep. Reality checks aren't time consuming and they do transfer over to the dream state if you do it enough.
12/10/15 (Thu) 16:46:21 No. 63656
This is gonna sound petty I know but is there some sort of charm or whatever fits the purpose that lets me work better when I'm among other people?
Someone skipped the line in front of me at the grocery store and I didn't do anything mostly because I feel like the energy I'd put to make him move back isn't worth the effort (I'm anxious around people). Some lady even mocked me because of it which hurt.
This is a reoccurring problem, I'm detached from everything when I'm not alone and doing anything around people is hard, like they're syphoning me out of energy by virtue of just being there and I wish there was a method, maybe something to do just before going out, that gives me more control.
12/10/15 (Thu) 17:31:13 No. 63659
>Someone skipped the line in front of me at the grocery store and I didn't do anything mostly because I feel like the energy I'd put to make him move back isn't worth the effort
There is something to be said for choosing your battles and going with the flow, however you need to also learn to balance it with a strong sense of assertiveness when it is necessary. You do not want to be trampled over and literally not have the will to even provide spoken resistance. Charging/balancing/working with your solar plexus chakra will help this.
>mocked me […] it which hurt.
Part of the pain, and the continued twisting in similar ways are a result of you choosing (or in this case, choosing not to change/alter yourself/your perspective). You are RE-acting in a programmed, determined, uncontrolled, negative way just because you are exposed to a certain stimuli. Cultivate non-attachment, or at least try to transmute the (emotional) energy.
>like they're syphoning me out of energy
In a way they (or the STS beings shaping them) are, because you are surrendering it without putting up (psychic) resistance.
>I wish there was a method, something […] that gives me more control.
12/10/15 (Thu) 18:00:17 No. 63660
I'm reading your link and admittedly the situation looked really tailored around me for a series of reasons.
Thanks for the help, will look into something among the lines of what you described.
12/10/15 (Thu) 18:04:56 No. 63666
>Which book?
The Kybalion.
>Chapter V.
>The Mental Universe
>… Some men, indeed, realizing that THE ALL is indeed ALL, and also recognizing that they, the men, existed, have jumped to the conclusion that they and THE ALL were identical, and they have filled the air with shouts of "I AM GOD," to the amusement of the multitude and the sorrow of sages. The claim of the corpuscle that: "I am Man!" would be modest in comparison.
And "The All in All" chapter works on it even further.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 19:50:26 No. 63683
If we're all tulpas of god, why did god fragment his consciousness?
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 19:51:53 No. 63684
>is there some sort of charm or whatever fits the purpose that lets me work better when I'm among other people?
try psychic protection stones,
and then whatever chakra stone you think you need.
If it's inner fire/connection to angels, maybe golden labradorite.
more fire/divine masculine is sunstone.
12/10/15 (Thu) 20:09:17 No. 63687
12/10/15 (Thu) 20:10:47 No. 63689
So God could know it self as infinite experienceally.
AuntWatermelon 12/10/15 (Thu) 20:19:34 No. 63690
It's okay, keep it simple and sequenced.
For HYT, I recommend reading and understanding "The Practice of The Six Yogas of Naropa"
Keep in mind that this is Tantra, that means it is "ceremonial" and "technical". As in Yoga, while the practices have to be done correctly, the practices are not what is important to understand, what is important to understand is how those practices work together,what are their objectives and most importantly what are the core principles at play which make these practices work.
Simplify it for your own mind, just like Bruce Lee wisely says (paraphrasing): Take what works, disregard what is useless and to these things, add your own.
Don't be affraid of investigating, understanding deconstructing and sequencing these things to make them unite with your own constantly evolving and ever changing self. This has to be done at all times if you wish to have practices that suits you and promotes development, constant evolution and progress, runing water never runs stale.
At the same time, the individuality of the self, the ego, has to be developed and always chalanged. Adapting things to you if you do not change yoursef only leads to stagnation, they have to be done at the same time and intensity.
A book, a person and even the inner guru/Divine Intuition can not understand things for you, they can give wisdom, but at the end of the day, you are the one who has to understand the wisdom, understand it's correct applications and uniting it temporarly with your individuality (the ego). Before killing it when you don't need it anymore, death is evolution, death of all the illusions is enlightenment. Enlightenment is rebirth.
12/10/15 (Thu) 20:22:18 No. 63691
Alright guys, these buddhist terms are killing me, what are tantras, siddhis, and what are all these books I haven't even heard about surfacing here over the past few days? Most about yoga and such, how esoteric is yoga actually?
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 20:30:41 No. 63693
The esotericism of yoga is inversely proportional to how deep you are willing to get into it.
God is a union in and of itself but I wonder if there is anything outside God.
I suppose that's only possible if one thinks of god in finite terms, but hm.
Is the nature of god cyclical? Cyclical how? Hm. So is every universe simply god knowing itself in a different way?
Does everything merge together at some point? Is there anything left at that point? It's hard to conceptualize complete merging. Perhaps it's never complete so long as there are archetypes, and then when archetypes cease there is nothing? So then the nature of god is creating all and then merging again. It's hard to know what merging is, is it "dark?" Is that what
12/10/15 (Thu) 20:31:52 No. 63694
I thought yoga is kind of like an additional tool to manage the chakras, is there something else to it?
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 20:37:14 No. 63695
Rolled 594 (1d1024)
Śiva is? Consciousness, infinite potentiality. The Dao.
It responds to its own thoughts, creating them infinitely until the thought experiences love and it is released, moving to the next thought.
When citta vritti nirodha, what happens?
I suppose a cycle of "nothingness" that could be forever but there would be no time so it would it have any conscious experience? But it's a warm nothingness I feel.
I'm probably going at this too intellectually.
As said by Patanjali, yoga citta vritti nirodha.
Yoga is the cessation of the turnings of thought was the one translation I've seen.
Many meanings in the sentence though.
It's a merging together, a yoking of different aspects of self into a higher self. But it can build one's ego if one isn't careful, and one needs to also overcome a lower ego to merge with a higher ego.
There's a lot to it, but in a large sense yoga is one of the paths to god. Osho in the Book of Secrets says it's a longer path than tantra which seeks to realise god rather than work toward becoming more godly.
12/10/15 (Thu) 20:40:53 No. 63697
alright, and what exactly is tantra?
AuntWatermelon 12/10/15 (Thu) 20:43:46 No. 63698
Think of it this way. Keep in mind it's only a metaphor.
The sun, the Light, God. Is bright and amaizing.
Then, by a work of Love, it decides to create a mirror, for it to be able to see Himself and enjoy his perfection.
He then proceeds to create a mirror. In which he can see and enoy his reflection.
We are the reflections on that mirror, god's reflection, different faces of Him, different degrees of Him, God is the sun, the One thing, reflected in All things.
Thus All is a reflection of the One. All that is above is reflected in all that is below and all that is below is a reflection of all that is above.
Now what is the nature of a reflection then?
An image, that looses a dimension, it looses a realm of experience, a 3d thing can only be reflected on a 2d plane, a 4d thing can only be reflected on a 3d plane.
Thus, if the One is reflected through us, the highest plane, the most subtlest plane of our existence is still one dimension lower then the One.
This is not a happy outlook is it ?
However, take it a step further, what is a reflection in it's truest nature ?
An illusion.
It's simpy an illusion, it has lost subtance, in our plane, a reflection looses depth, a reflection is the difference between porn and sex…A whole realm of experience is closed to the reflection, but the reflection itself only is an illusion. And in the way the mirror is built, it even has multiple degrees of reflection reflecting upon itself…
You can go on like this all day, but at the end you come up to the conclusion that All is an illusion and since we know that All is Mind, the key to free ourself from All is to free ourselves from the Mind. This means removing the chains that binds us to the All, step by step, removing all the constructs of the minds and then, removing, even, the need for constructs, so that the formless mind can be achieved and able to experience non duality and be One.
AuntWatermelon 12/10/15 (Thu) 20:54:11 No. 63699
Tantra is a vast discipline and to any definition you will give to it, someone will come up and yell at you that the definition did not include his tradition or something.
Basically it's a coherent system to achieve liberation which is essentially divided into two parts.
The first one is where It builds upon Yoga and yogic principles to develop yourself into a purer, more harmonious and subtler being.
The scond is where the real Tantra begins. It is then, the practices that one does to reach enlightenement and liberation.
12/10/15 (Thu) 20:55:22 No. 63700
Interesting, any good books on it?
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 12/10/15 (Thu) 21:00:01 No. 63701
Rolled 197 (1d1024)
you… aren't exactly wrong, are you. I suppose every answer is right to some degree
I see why brings would stay in the light once they've been dissolved.
I feel like I want to meditate a lot on merging with my higher self before trying to be an ego on this planet.
And this makes me consider skipping steps and being a renunciate.
I've wondered "who am I" before, and is seems the answer is "in this body, whatever "I" as an ego want it to be." and then that goes on forever until consciousness is merged into total divinity.
okay. I do still feel the need for books for techniques for "being" more.
if enlightenment is rebirth, it sounds like being born into a higher ego.
I would think that one would be more passive/interested in constant refinement/merging/dissolving.
Also. You mentioned this world is a reflection. Oh! This makes a lot of sense as to why people see fractals and imagery when the veil is pierced by psychedelics.
12/10/15 (Thu) 21:01:20 No. 63702
I like the idea of setting up altars for my specific preference. I do like the planetary way of looking at it. But I was wondering, do any of you have some good tips where to find details about specific planetary/main forces items, traditions and so on?
If I would want to make a Jupiter altar, how would I go about it? Use the obvious associations?
The reason for making it, is getting more in touch with certain energies that seem to be imbalanced in my life.
Also, after I set up an altar for a particular deity, planet or whatever, can I simply dismantle it when I want?
Any info on altars in general?
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 21:06:20 No. 63703
So it sounds like the goal is to "be" at the end.
Where does sustaining the illusion/eating come in?
Why develop the illusion?
Is our developing the illusion simply according to the inopposable will of the divine to see a reflection of itself?
If one doesn't wish to participate in the illusion it seems to end oneself would be the thing, but I suppose simply knowing that one isn't real intellectually doesn't count until it is the entirety of one's being, and then one can choose whether to end it's life, since it actually isn't a choice of the self but a choice of the divine that simply Is at that point.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 21:09:06 No. 63704
It seems creation is almost hubris in itself.
Simple isness is the end, so why would one change anything? I would think change is a distortion of the reflection… or simply a ripple in the "mirror" that is forever moving.
AuntWatermelon 12/10/15 (Thu) 21:09:28 No. 63705
Well, it sounds good on paper, but most of the time it's not fit for westerners minds. It's extremely ritualistic and dogamtic, especially the first part, the second part is more relaxed and easier to digest, simply because the mind has been developed enough and does not need such silly rigid systems to keep it firm. My problem with it I guess is that it forces you to go through the system and it doesn't adapt to all individuals right from the start.
I have discovered Tantra spontaneously at the time fit for me to do so, so no, I do not know about good ressources on the first stages of it. I've heard Kali Kaula is good though, might want to take a look at that.
Those are the reasons why I generally recomend getting on yoga first until success and then passing on to tantra's completition stage. SInce yoga is less dogmatic and can be addapted more easily to the individual.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 21:13:42 No. 63706
okay, I do feel like the second part is where I've already been getting into, having recently instantly mixed everything I learn with other stuff that I think goes with it.
and your statement gives me more faith/interest about reading the book you recommended. (I'm a little overloaded on books)
AuntWatermelon 12/10/15 (Thu) 21:26:48 No. 63707
There is no killing of the ego, the ego is the final illusion that dies naturally of starvation when there is no more illusions to feed upon. It's more accurate to say the death of the ego, killing would imply a voluntary act.
Merging with the higher self is pretty silly, when there hasn't been made a good relationship with it before hand, that means seeing and talking to it and him being able to affect reality for you at best time and uide you petty explicitely. It's just a concept of the mind that has to be abandoned at some point in time. Nothing wrong in doing it, just go at your pace and don't regard it as absolute truth.
Killing the ego first and then the illusions is a sure recipe for disaster, thats what happens to those with "missfired" kundalinis who become wrecks at the end of the process. It's like starting math with calculus instead of learning to count to ten and basic addition.
Enlightenment is rebirth with no mind. There is no more ego when there is no mind, no concept, no illusions really even saying it's rebirth is garbage, there is no one to say what is enlightenment since it's non dual. I made a mistake in doing so.
The illusions arises from the mind in an attempt to understand what is formless. The mind has a form, thus it can't undersand what is formless. So it develops the illusions, trying to put a form to the formless and the formless happily agrees to fit into whatever form it's given, just like water, you put water in the cup, it becomes the cup. But only limiting yourself on sustaining of off the cup is not very smart when there is an infinite ocean you could swim in right next to you.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 21:35:13 No. 63708
I assume getting burnt up in kundalini/dying simply makes one do the advancement all over again, and refinement is the thing to do to merge/become/attain.
I'll see how often I'm called to invoke kundalini. Or should I just let it do it on its own?
I'm really tempted to do it daily, but I'm afraid I'll burn myself out, so I'll do it weekly at most for now.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 21:39:29 No. 63710
>Merging with the higher self is pretty silly,
oh. Hm, I had assumed that my higher self is one of love and that love is the state of being that I wish to achieve, as it is the most comforting one.
It seems like that would be a useful thing to do until the higher self allows itself to dissolve/be anything, as divine love would? Hm… I've had that programmed into me, and I accepted it because of its message of peace. I don't know if it's good for progress or not.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 21:43:50 No. 63712
I've basically been following this. Fairly self explanatory. It basically makes you more loving and then refines your ego that way before transcending it.
AuntWatermelon 12/10/15 (Thu) 21:44:14 No. 63713
No problem, go at your pace, peacefully and harmoniously. Even the masters continue to do the basic practices everyday, it's the fundamentals for further progress.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 21:49:08 No. 63714
It's not so much you merge with your higher self as you become your higher self; I was incorrect.
AuntWatermelon 12/10/15 (Thu) 21:51:51 No. 63715
Hey, don't quote me like that :D
I said:
>Merging with the higher self is pretty silly when there hasn't been made a good relationship with it before hand
It's just that I see lots of people all happy and doodly about how the higher self is going to solve all problems "all I have is to pray to it and be thankful". Even thought that is not absolutely false, it's not right either, there is a lot more to do with the higher self (which btw, is nothing more then a well crafted thoughtform filled with divine energy) then praying it. A relationship of guidance between guru and student has to be made, that's the point of it, to offer guidance to the practicionner. The higher self is the guru, the one which puts you in the light. But at a certain point in time, the guru simply has to die and thus you shouldn't cling to it too much, since it's an illusion too. The outer guru, the physical one is just there to show the student how to start, do the practices and where to find the inner guru.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 21:55:52 No. 63716
ahh, my bad.
I see now.
AuntWatermelon 12/10/15 (Thu) 21:56:07 No. 63717
After the first raising, calm down for a while, let it act and do it's thing in the background, center and ground yourself. Then when you are ready, raise it daily or whenever you feel like it. Do not forget about daily practices, it's not because you have had a kundalini rising and meet one of the criterias of success in hatha yoga that you have to abandon it all, it becomes secondary, but still is extemely important.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 21:57:55 No. 63718
Indeed. I assumed you were right about it doing its own thing in the background; even if I don't feel it that much, my mother told me the other day that being near me makes her feel hot.
The divine fire is burning! :D
Presumably. (:
AuntWatermelon 12/10/15 (Thu) 22:05:39 No. 63720
Then,you just enjoy the process of daily self improvement, yoga and kundalini risings.
Guidance, insights and incredible changes will come.
Kundalini gives knowledge, siddhis and liberation. In that order.
12/10/15 (Thu) 22:16:25 No. 63722
How to know if you're ready for a kundalini rising?
AuntWatermelon 12/10/15 (Thu) 22:24:23 No. 63723
Do you do pranayama and energy work every day ?
If the answer is yes, then it will come when you are ready and you shouldn't worry about anything else then deepening your practices and purifying your channels. If the answer is no, you aren't ready.
Kriya yoga helps a lot in having a system which prepares and cleanses you to be able to have a a good, blissful and extatic rising,
12/10/15 (Thu) 22:32:39 No. 63725
>Is the nature of god cyclical?
Sort of, it is to a degree, but each cycle is greater, more glorious, increased in complexity, and thus is of a more intense/powerful/rapid vibratory rate. Reality is but the standing wave form of you/your environment as manifested in 3 dimensions by the waves of consciousness.
>Cyclical how?
Toroidal. Which manifests as in energy cycles, breaths, days, moon-ths, years, ages, etc.
>So is every universe simply god knowing itself in a different way?
Basically, but that is not the totality of it. Through each perspective, given the choice of freewill, it (the piece of God) can expand and grow in a non-deterministic way
>Does everything merge together at some point?
I believe so, yes.
>Is there anything left at that point?
Of course, even with complete, conscious, active, (co)creative union with God and the entire universe on an intimate level, you, as God help it in turn grow as you did, and in doing so become even more, ad infinitum .
>It's hard to conceptualize complete merging.
One step at a time. First accept anything is possible, as you are a piece of God awakening to to your self-realized Godhood, learn to become increasingly more aware, then use your power/awareness in Godly ways.
For many this is mastering your fleshly form and your mind. And you learn to move your awareness/consciousness into your environment, ever increasing the amount of God/love you can channel and thus becoming greater and more glorious (e.g., saintly, enlightened, etc. )
>Perhaps it's never complete so long as there are archetypes […] when archetypes cease there is nothing?
Ultimately they help people find themselves and thus carve a new, unique slice of God.
>So then the nature of god is creating all and then merging again.
Becoming aware of, you as a unique piece/collective-ion of consciousness will still retain your freewill, you still exert it as you will/desire, you just KNOW yourself as God, by the experience/state of being.
>It's hard to know what merging is, is it "dark?" Is that what
Seeing as higher dimensional energy is often metaphorized as light, and it is said that prime source/God is love which is light, I would imagine not. And in my limited slice of experience that has also not been the case.
Or perhaps do you mean another sort of dark? If so, please do explain.
12/10/15 (Thu) 22:43:35 No. 63726
Hey guys, some day ago I was in bed and I don't even think it was sleep paralysis but I basically woke up and looked at a dark object in my room (which existed).
Then I thought that object was a demon and a monster spawned from it and started to whisper horrible things (i just know they were horrible but I couldn't hear them).
I fell back to sleep but what I wanted to know is if that "thing" had something real about it? I'm still kinda scared to look at things at night as of now because that stuff was terrifying.
12/10/15 (Thu) 22:48:50 No. 63727
kek what a bitchboy spirit, should've demolished his face anon
12/10/15 (Thu) 23:00:08 No. 63728
Don't know how to do that.
Besides it caught me by surprise like holy shit a moment I'm chill looking around my room, then I see this jacket and tell to myself that it might be a demon and the moment after this thing comes out of nothing.
Guess I learned the weight of thoughts the hard way.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/11/15 (Fri) 00:07:01 No. 63732
I meant dark like a womb maybe, if everything came together and was infinite potential, I assumed there would be "nothing" there, other than perhaps a single point of consciousness so small it wouldn't be able to see itself.
Thank you for your detailed response.
I had representation of Śiva/the dark part of the Tao in mind when I thought of this.
12/11/15 (Fri) 01:09:22 No. 63735
Is there reliable technique to getting full body orgasm for men?
Is there a technique for stretching out the amount of time I can masturbate joyfully before ejaculation?
Is there a meditation for orgasm without sexual touch?
Are there forms meditation that can be done during sex?
Here is the Republic by Plato, for your trouble.
12/11/15 (Fri) 02:14:43 No. 63737
>here is a book that is easy to find and widely available
All the things you asked about exist. I am a master of no-touch techniques myself. You can vibrate fuckloads of energy through your whole body or over your dick if you want, evoke a succubus, etc. and all that will work.
12/11/15 (Fri) 02:15:55 No. 63738
There's a big thread called "Renouncing lust".
You might not want it but you may actually need it.
12/11/15 (Fri) 02:43:56 No. 63742
Can you explain it, or direct me to relevant literature?
I rather redirect my lust as means to an end, rather then the means it's self, I do not want to just throw it away.
12/11/15 (Fri) 03:13:10 No. 63745
Hey fellas.
I went outside about 10 minutes ago and found myself stargazing. I spotted something near the center of the sky and soon realized that if I looked directly at it, it would almost disappear. I had to use my peripheral vision to see it. All I could really make out was that it was relatively big, huge compared to what airplanes looked like at that height, assuming it was at a similar height to that of an airplane.I stared into the sky for a while. I believe I started hallucinating because the stars at one point turned green, like Christmas lights funny enough. Then I saw something shoot from one part of the sky to another, leaving a red fiery red trail before it vanished. I've seen meteors before and they looked nothing like this. Anyone else experience something like this? Any idea what exactly I saw?
12/11/15 (Fri) 03:13:29 No. 63746
How do I use wizardy to amass LARGE amounts of wealth?
I'm looking for about 25-50 million USD
I'm talking large amounts of money. Not small trickles of money. I am willing to put into it lots of loosh and energy. thank you.
12/11/15 (Fri) 04:32:56 No. 63758
Someone answer the question about teh drugs
12/11/15 (Fri) 04:49:26 No. 63760
Are animals subject to reincarnation /fringe/? Would it be possible to get a new cat with the same "soul" as my old one?
12/11/15 (Fri) 05:01:47 No. 63765
Hey wizards
I'm gonna swerve the anti-christians on here for a sec and ask those who respect Jesus a question
what the fuck was Jesus doing on the cross? I mean what do you suppose he was doing astrally until he said "it is finished"? What was? i grew up Christian and always thought our sins were payed for when he was dead and in hell and then came back when he was done burning it all off or some shit. But yesterday I started thinking about the fact that he said "it" was finished before he even died , so now i'm just confused as fuck and wondering if anyone has some educated guess, speculation or insight into what the fuck he was doing.
12/11/15 (Fri) 05:05:04 No. 63766
if you can use wizardry good enough to get that much money why would you need money when you have strong wizard powers?
12/11/15 (Fri) 05:08:03 No. 63767
>Can you explain it, or direct me to relevant literature?
12/11/15 (Fri) 07:47:02 No. 63773
How do I get a purpose/reason to exist?
I feel like a very blank slate. I've spent my entire life trying to define myself externally, but I've found out that most of who I think I am is just a bunch of limiting beliefs. I'm not sure who I am anymore, and that's really exciting.
It's also confusing and gives me an existential crisis. I feel like I'm being tested, but I don't know what my true test is. I can't exactly puzzle out who I am, either.
I'm also worried that my life task won't amount to much. I really wish I could matter.
Any thoughts? Any meditations I could do or methods I could use? Should I focus on relying on my intuition?
12/11/15 (Fri) 07:57:50 No. 63774
See this is the problem with modern Christianity. The Bible is ALLEGORY, he was never actually on a real cross. Majority of the bible and it's stories are metaphor to be decoded not LITERAL.
THIS is why Christians are fucking stupid, on top of their intrusive way of forcing their beliefs on EVERYONE Literally going out of their way to destroy legitimate spiritual cultures and lifestyles in order to spread brainwash cancer.
Christianity = Pagan Judaism.
12/11/15 (Fri) 08:14:43 No. 63775
>The Bible is ALLEGORY, he was never actually on a real cross. Majority of the bible and it's stories are metaphor to be decoded not LITERAL.
i can take genesis as a possible allegorical book (or else bullshit) but the rest are most definitely written to be taken as historical accounts except for the poems, explicit visions, and proverbs. the way the rest of it is written can't be relegated to allegory, it's glaringly obvious that it purports to be historical accounts. i treat the universe as the true unadulterated word of God, and the historically assertoric content of the bible as some jews scribbling down what they allegedly heard and saw.
>inb4 it's on purpose to trick u lol
>Literally going out of their way to destroy legitimate spiritual cultures and lifestyles in order to spread brainwash cancer.
yeah that's a problem i see with every form of moral realists tbh. they try to lambast everyone into puritanical oblivion whether it's christianity or islam or social justice. i just view it as a grease trap for plebs who can't into ascension
>Christianity = Pagan Judaism
not sure what that means unless it's like christianity is to judaism as mormonism is to christianity or something
12/11/15 (Fri) 08:24:21 No. 63776
I'm currently trying to come to a deeper understanding of Memetic Magic, what resources would help me?
12/11/15 (Fri) 09:50:07 No. 63781
Cross=Kabbalistic Cross metaphor
Spear by roman=Spear of mars
Resurrection/baptism=Christ consciousness
Kingdom of heaven=Kether being met with malkuth aka higher self alignment
>not sure what that means unless it's like christianity is to judaism as mormonism is to christianity or something
Christianity is just Judaism with pagan influence.
12/11/15 (Fri) 10:55:44 No. 63782
I understand we're living in the Kali Yuga and human civilization sucks right now but is the whole of creation really evil? I have a hard time believing what creating nature is completely evil.
12/11/15 (Fri) 12:05:18 No. 63784
He was attempting hardcore transmutations; assimilating his own human nature to that of all human-kind and by that, trying to kill all the sins of the humans (the consequences, not the acts themselves) with his own death. I don't know if he succeeded but he definitely tried. Also trying such alchemy across all time and space should've been enough to drain even a god.
Well I made that up but sounds magical doesn't it? Go read and meditate to find the truth.
12/11/15 (Fri) 14:06:34 No. 63791
Is there reliable technique to getting full body orgasm for men?
Is there a technique for stretching out the amount of time I can masturbate joyfully before ejaculation?
Is there a meditation for orgasm without sexual touch?
Are there forms meditation that can be done during sex?
12/11/15 (Fri) 14:20:24 No. 63792
You're wasting your life pervert.
>mantak chia
12/11/15 (Fri) 14:30:02 No. 63793
Are you still writing that manual?
12/11/15 (Fri) 14:42:36 No. 63794
When the christ (the oil) is crucified (crossed, in the brain), it (the process of transmutation) is finished.
It refers to a process within your own body. See book for more details.
12/11/15 (Fri) 15:05:14 No. 63797
Today I'm painting a bunch of stuff on my walls. A lot of it will be symbols that are important to me but I want to get /fringe/'s input on what symbols might be a good idea to paint on. ie. Protection symbols, positive energy transmutation symbols.
>tl;dr what are some symbols I should paint on my wall.
12/11/15 (Fri) 16:08:03 No. 63800
You forced virgins are so elitist. Just give me some literature, that is more secular too.
AuntWatermelon 12/11/15 (Fri) 16:18:19 No. 63801
Thrust slowly, it's not a race.
Look at ankhing.
Look at mulha banda and bhastrika.
Make the energy move, control the breath, raise the energy again, inhale and exhale slowly, contain the breath while rising the energy.
Rinse and repeat. That's all you need to know fam, now off you go, practice, may your energy circulate and your breath be slow.
12/11/15 (Fri) 16:19:04 No. 63802
That is smiley(Board owner of /fringe/ ), a roleplayer with 3 years of armchair occultism, claim to have reached step 7 of IIH. Smiley claim to be an initiate Considers himself a wizard, is able to help others along the path and teach them as well . While smiley claim all this, he is known to have done:-
1.Not being able to cut bread
2.Cut his dick with nailcipper as sacrificial magick.
3.Is an energy vamp.
4.Unable to fix his insomnia with 3 years of studying magick.
5.Mind-rape and control his gfs/ex-gf/waifus using thoughtform.
6.Stalked his ex-gf.
7.Thought he was going to die because of protein overdose.
8.Most of his knowledge is based on ripping off IIH, and other books with direct copy&paste or paraphrasing it.
9.claim Kybalion is a 'central holy text in hermeticism.
I wouldn't put my hope in smiley writing a manual.
12/11/15 (Fri) 16:28:37 No. 63803
I really don't think that's him though
12/11/15 (Fri) 16:40:07 No. 63804
fucking kek, that one with the dick is unconfirmed
12/11/15 (Fri) 16:56:10 No. 63805
So is it possible to steal female loosh during sex much like how a succubus would steal from a guy? I think that in today's emasculated world it's very easy to get casual sex from females and being a male succubus is possible, if such a thing could exist.
Keep in mind I really have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm very new to the entire occult concept. I don't know whether fucking is good or bad or neutral and it's been bothering me ever since I happened the misfortune to accidentally into this rabbit hole.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/11/15 (Fri) 17:49:12 No. 63808
that sounds pretty cool.
No idea though.
Think of it more like true and untrue in terms of being a reflection of god (I asked about the nature of the universe above your q and the answers seem to make sense).
Good and evil are relative. In a tantric (according to Osho in Book of Secrets) perspective, everything is holy or everything is unholy to the tantrika. So that one can get over the dualistic mindset. It's two ends of the same thing.
I have a strong urge to say "phalluses".
He literally told you what author to read and you insult him. I'd advise to look past your own ego, even if it isn't uncommon to get derisive responses on a chan board.
Anything is possible. I'd work with instead of against women though, using tantric/taoist sex stuff. There's some material a few posts up, & mantak chia
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/11/15 (Fri) 19:11:44 No. 63811
Who's tried drinking their own pee?
Any benefits? I wonder if that's a beneficial thing to do in any way. I suppose trying it for myself is the only way to be sure but the one time I did I didn't notice much/anything. I think I noticed some feeling of a blockage, but I don't know if that was caused by the thing or if it made me aware of it through increased sensitivity.
It's interesting how much progress one can make by focusing in any direction; I've focused a lot/spent a lot of time outside of myself and made some progress, though without the [lesser?] inner progress/guided meditations, I'd be a wreck/dead from kundalini.
12/11/15 (Fri) 19:14:14 No. 63812
So you didn't even do any energy work before raising kundalini?
12/11/15 (Fri) 19:55:31 No. 63818
I have trouble being in one position for longer than an hour with meditation, this might sound stupid but I just can't keep still, the whole body starts feeling very tired after an hour of being in one position, any tips on this?
12/11/15 (Fri) 21:22:29 No. 63832
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Are there any /fringe/ approved music artists? I've been hearing lots of lyrics differently since lurking here. Pretty much all of Russel Hobbs lines in Clint Eastwood, to me, describes the occult.
12/11/15 (Fri) 21:27:50 No. 63834
I'm more into metal, I can say basically the whole genre of technical death metal is /fringe/-tier and a micro-genre known as unorthodox black metal is very heavily /fringe/ too
12/12/15 (Sat) 01:42:46 No. 63864
Wasn't he a trap?
Like the cult of smileys , someone interested in killing you or steal your power
like Lisa lam or the girl who lost the elevator game
this world is full of traps , dualism, vampires, the matrix, astral parasite forms , end of world cults , illuminati ,internet curses ,and i don't know what else
I don't even want to scape right now if I understand right , we will have the opportunity when we die so no hurry at all, I only want to make my trip more pleasant
I never contact anyone on internet, especially in a taiwanise soup anonimus board
Cuestion , if we reject karma we can do anything?
How to reject it properly?
Just ignore the toughs form?
All the tough forms?
Becoming enligment ?
Because I don't want to become enlighten yet ,I want to slow burn my desires until I don't want to have desires no more , I did like that with food and drugs I used them in related inmoderation to the point of I don't care anymore
Using magic generate karma? Like accepting assurance in a car will make your Premium go up or like purchasing a karmic part time
Cuestions if we use a soulless human that doesn't generate karma ? I just don't want to violate the free will of another fellow prisoners
Cuestion do you know something else we got to be careful? I know if you keep silence the matrix tough form will ignore you most of the time the same whit illuminati what other danger whe got in this prision
I do , taste salty and it works, actually cure a sore eye in less than a day, usually sore eyes last a week without treatment.
That's why I am asking so many cuestions, if drinking your own pee works, I am afraid that the rest of all your crazy ideas may be right, I will be trying psyonics, becose sounds like the less crazy of the theorys that you have here.
12/12/15 (Sat) 01:58:12 No. 63867
Anything more secular, also I need to get hard without touching, or porn, how?
12/12/15 (Sat) 02:11:37 No. 63871
Ydes I am stilt emul. siin it … causality desire , transmutation, introdution, done more to come getting interference
12/12/15 (Sat) 02:13:12 No. 63872
As you can see… magick and web browsing do have strange rsei lst it's hard time see.
12/12/15 (Sat) 02:16:11 No. 63873
>some altered
disp bhefoara
12/12/15 (Sat) 03:04:59 No. 63884
Earthing: the Most Important Health Discovery Ever? by Clint Ober
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/12/15 (Sat) 03:37:35 No. 63887
I did, but not enough that I felt energy strongly.
I meditated on and off for 2-3 years, did martial arts a bit when I was younger (along with energy-based breathing techniques), did yoga. Recently got into energy stuff more.
I can feel it if I'm relaxed enough, but that requires me to open my heart chakra more than I'm used to (only started doing that seriously like 4-5 months ago)
I had a good respect for ego death/spirit and have dedicated my life to not messing around, so that's why I could handle it.
My heart and crown chakras are fairly developed.
Meeting my twin flame definitely helped; being around her for 3 months helped me get myself prepared because I'm probably just getting to the level of energy she's been at for a while. (I don't think she did kundalini but I don't know, she's had kundalini symptoms)
12/12/15 (Sat) 05:29:17 No. 63900
So meditation + kundalini is solve
How to cuagulate?
Is there a metod? Or just eat fuck and drugs, that seems to be the ting Bardon did
AuntWatermelon 12/12/15 (Sat) 06:20:57 No. 63903
Get the book energy work by robert bruce, seems like you are visualizing too much. Despite what everyone says, visualization has no place in energy work. Tactile feeling is by far better.
Meditation, Energy work, every day until it happens, that's the safest way. I had a spontaneous rising too, didn't do anything special, but if you want to cultivate it intentionally, you'll need all the energy work you can get. Kriya pranayama is good for purifying the energy channels in the body, thereby it makes kundalini less painful, more enjoyable, easier to attain and way more intense.
AuntWatermelon 12/12/15 (Sat) 08:02:20 No. 63911
>didn't do anything special
Except meditating and energy work every day that is.
12/12/15 (Sat) 08:16:33 No. 63913
The sky is full of unconventional shit. I doubt you were hallucinating. Was it triangular? It may have been a "stealth blimp" (startpage it).
Staring out of the corner of your eye is poor man's night vision. You have two (I think) types of rods in your eyes, peripheral vision uses the type that is less color sensitive but more sensitive to monochrome.
I haven't seen what you saw, but I have seen UFOs on two different occasions, one time with my dad. I believe all of them were human craft.
A great youtube channel for unusual aerial activity is crrow777. The Hadibov material is massively entertaining if nothing else.
Exorcism recommended techniques 12/12/15 (Sat) 10:20:11 No. 63919
My occult research has led me to a problem.
I think it originally happened because I tried to force a magic spell to work by casting it several times.
It's not exactly spirit posession, because it's not controlling me, but is something very dirty has come into me, defiling my body and possibly attracts other problems.
It's a being made up of energy. I can actually feel it. I know where in my body it is and I can feel its grip.
How do I exorcise it? What books or methods does /fringe/ recommend?
I wonder if some kind of energy manipulation might be effective. Is there any knowledge of using energy manipulation (qigong or psionics) to push out entities out of the body?
Of course, I welcome any knowledge of effective methods, regardless of whether it involves energy manipulation or not.
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 10:37:12 No. 63920
Where has it lodged?
Does it feel sentient or could it be the energy you tried to cast?
What spell was it?
Set your speaks up so that all vibrations go through you and put this on medium high volume, you should feel the vibrations pulse through you.
Then do this
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 10:42:09 No. 63921
Vizualize breathing in holy white, golden energy/air, breathing out you expel tar, soot, smoke and evil.
Upon each breath out, collect the black smoke in a ball, compress it and seal it in a ball of white energy/glass.
Put hands under ball and focus energy up your palms or fingers, focusing the power like a bunsen burner, incinerate the ball without letting the casing break, you want to cleanse that in it with fire.
Ask God for help in banishing, command the being in the name of God to leave you and return to where it came from/cease to exist.
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 10:43:05 No. 63922
>Om Dum Durgayei Namaha
With the video.
Look up who Durga is.
12/12/15 (Sat) 10:43:51 No. 63923
Ah I had one of those in my chest sometime ago, maybe a few weeks ago.
It was quite a struggle to exorcise it, took a few days, forget exactly how I did it. Tried a great many things.
Other than basic formula for achieving absolutely anything in magick I'm not sure what to tell you about the specifics.
Shit's complicated. Books that I'd recommend? All of them. Methods? Try anything.
If I had that shit in me right now, I'd simply strongly fixate upon the desire to purge it, and would start to automatically while going into trance to take actions to begin to expel it. Those actions would be informed by my studies of course but all my best magick I never really know what I'm about to do, if I think or declare I'm about to do something, I usually end up doing something different the next instance.
Without using magickal techniques to diagnose you and maybe fight the thing for you I'm not sure what to say.
You can try submerging yourself in a kind of astral water and them imagining yourself like a sponge and washing out the creature.
You can try pulsing yourself many times until you burn out and expel the creature.
You can try to find through akashic principle what causes are behind it and correct them or sow causes that will eliminate it.
You can try processing techniques from The Invisible Influences and Transcendence books which are both in the /fringe/ library under Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski .
You can try creating a thoughtform, servitor, etc. whose task is to eliminate the entity attachment.
So many things to do.
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 10:44:39 No. 63924
When you think you've removed most of it, breathe deeply, full breath violently, stack up energy and surround yourself in an aura of golden white, burn everything in your aura that does not belong that.
I fucking hate these scenarios.
12/12/15 (Sat) 10:45:35 No. 63925
It has lodged in my crown chakra.
It's sentinent. It's a being. Possibly more than one.
It's a spell that came from a book called "New Avatar Power".
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 10:46:18 No. 63926
What did you invoke faggot, don't hold back if you want help
12/12/15 (Sat) 10:47:03 No. 63927
>creating correspondence between black, smoke, etc. and evil
I use black energy for productive ends because it adsorbs the full spectrum of light and can take in many good influences as well. I love the colour black and have many good associations with it.
heh your magick is somewhat similar to my mom's and I've #wrecked her before after I finally had it with her one day and decided to burst her through her protections n' shit
AHAHAHA you actually fell for Omran's bullshit!
wow lol, can't believe you fell for him, never do any of the shit he recommends again he's a disinfo faggot
12/12/15 (Sat) 10:48:02 No. 63928
if you read it, please give some input:
is it worth the effort of reading it as opposed to other books on the subject?
is it simpler, more concise, easier to understand, more "for dummies" than others?
what other books do you suggest on the subject?
12/12/15 (Sat) 10:49:47 No. 63929
Black energies are very useful for concentrating anything into them. They aren't inherently evil, they are just very good at holding things in them. Makes them useful for pulling an entity out.
You can try constructing a thoughtform out of black energy just to absorb the energy being in you and trap it into there then start filling it with other things to utterly fuck its shit up while it's trapped in there and dissolve or transmute it
12/12/15 (Sat) 10:51:57 No. 63930
It was supposed to be an angel, but I forget the name.
For a while I was following the standard Christian advice to remove all occult stuff from your life, and I deleted the book.
I'm going to try to find it and download it again.
I think that the entity behind most of the spells in that book is Beelzebub.
The entity has manifested has a fly before in my dreams. I think that's what it is.
12/12/15 (Sat) 10:52:35 No. 63931
The Astral World by Swami Panchadasi.
Read that, only 20 pages long, and if you want to read another book that is longer read Life Beyond Death .
ProTip: all planes overlap, you are active on all planes, you are always connected to the astral and it's not hard to get there. Your main problems are using the astral productively and developing the astral senses like in Initiation Into Hermetics .
Get it out of your mind that astral projection is hard because it's not.
Also do other things besides AP first, like thoughtforming, mediumship, and also all the stuff in Psychomancy and Crystal Gazing .
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 10:56:35 No. 63932
>You can try constructing a thoughtform
See sphere prison
>dissolve or transmute it
You don't want to reabsorb negative energy. Dissolving it will distribute it into the immediate area, rek it with fire.
Call for God to help you, then do as i advised.
You should be done within 20 minutes, check back in then.
Remember to, on each breath out draw it from where its at out into the sphere.
These aren't sustained methods, ie no firewall, this is a search and destroy.
12/12/15 (Sat) 10:57:13 No. 63933
I'm going to find out what it was, but it's might take me a couple of hours.
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 10:58:17 No. 63934
No. If you can feel that its negative, you want that shit fixed ASAP.
Don't talk to it, anything that trespasses into your domain is benevolent.
Unless you allowed it to, in which case, you're a retard.
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 10:59:20 No. 63935
12/12/15 (Sat) 11:00:46 No. 63936
I'm in a country without access to youtube so, I can't do it that quickly because I have to wait until the proxy is working again.
12/12/15 (Sat) 11:03:17 No. 63938
It's probably already settled, for months. I'm going do whatever it takes to destroy it though.
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 11:09:45 No. 63940
>Om Dum Durgayei Namaha
You're in deep shit, but you already know that.
Don't do any energy work until its gone, don't link any chakras to your crown, don't try to pull in cosmic/solar energy.
Search, trap and destroy.
Once you feel that its gone, explore every crevice that its been in, every mental wound, rip them open, purge and fill with white energy.
>find leech
>pull it out
>examine wound
>expand, make it bleed, scoop out rot
>cleanse with fire
>fill with energy
12/12/15 (Sat) 11:11:49 No. 63941
I did find the spell that I used here it is:
nvocation to Give Secret Knowledge
"Titanic KAH-DREE-ELL, I invoke Thee. I require Thee to transform me
to one who can know things that are hidden from others. I desire to
know what will befall the future. I wish to know the thoughts of
others. I demand insight into the comings and goings of my fellow
creatures. All this shalt Thou do for me, placing the knowledge
within my mind during both waking and sleeping. I seal this command
thus: EE-BAN-HER-EE-ON-AH-DOH-NYE. So mote it be."
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 11:15:02 No. 63942
Please tell me what kind of hurtful energywork you do.
Favorite three.
And why your own mother?
12/12/15 (Sat) 11:17:39 No. 63943
What can happen if I try to pull in cosmic energy?
I've been trying to pull in universal light through my crown chakra. It's the only thing I've been doing that it has reacted to.
When I do this I sense pressure on my head and face, as if the bug has been squashed a little, but it hasn't left it. So far it's been my best hope of getting rid of it.
I figure it's a being of darkness so maybe the light will damage it or kill it.
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 11:20:15 No. 63944
Either it lodged in the crown because its feeding off your connection to the heavens, or because it wants to block you from it so it can feed off your earthly energies/what you generate.
If you say you're feeling it weaken by doing so, try it some more, but make it your top priority to figure out what its doing.
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 11:22:22 No. 63945
If you're sure that its hurting from you receiving through your crown, do the sphere imprisonment while you replace what you hollow out with cosmic energy.
12/12/15 (Sat) 11:23:29 No. 63946
Has anyone ever used magic to chase insects away?
My dog has got itself some fleas recently after finally managing to genocide most of his ticks, (despite not fucking letting him outside.) and they keep coming back even after baths so I guess its pointing at an infestation.
I really hate insects and would like nothing more than for them to stay the hell out of my house. Is there anything I could do? Is a bug chasing servitor a viable idea?
12/12/15 (Sat) 11:24:29 No. 63947
Wow I think I have a similar problem but it's connected to my third eye. What entity is this exactly?
12/12/15 (Sat) 11:25:38 No. 63948
Take your dog to the fucking vet and call an exterminator.
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 11:26:36 No. 63949
a strong astral leech.
12/12/15 (Sat) 11:27:10 No. 63950
I'm certain one of the things it does is it blocks me from receiving energy from the heavens.
I will try this.
12/12/15 (Sat) 11:27:23 No. 63951
wtf why what's wrong with what Omran said, aren't the NAP spirits just Jewish Angels? Is there something inherently wrong about NAP?
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 11:27:34 No. 63952
Usually these things don't get inside your aura, as it wards them off, like earths van allen belt to radiation, but if you're weak, frail, sick, or invite it in, its gonna sit really comfy.
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 11:27:45 No. 63953
Jewish angels are demons.
12/12/15 (Sat) 11:28:51 No. 63954
Why? I thought people have been working with them for quite awhile in Western esotericism when it was largely influenced by the kikes?
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 11:29:01 No. 63955
>I'm certain one of the things it does is it blocks me from receiving energy from the heavens.
That could be bcause its feeding of off it.
Figure out if it does, if it does, don't continue siphoning. Close the chakra, starve it and root it out.
12/12/15 (Sat) 11:30:42 No. 63956
There seems to be a frat war, Omran is on one side, smiley on the other. Baseless shit probably.
You literally just linked a video that evokes them.
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 11:31:17 No. 63957
A service to self entity wants sacrifice, halal slaughter, blood libel.
12/12/15 (Sat) 11:32:13 No. 63958
It's been on for a very long time I think. It probably feeds off my sex energy and my escapist habits of the past. I've called someone to get a powerful spirit to exorcise it though.
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 11:32:56 No. 63959
Durga is a banisher of evil/demons, she stands taller than all other male Hindu entities because she could kill what they could not.
12/12/15 (Sat) 11:34:03 No. 63960
The prayer video it calls out to all the angels.
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 11:37:16 No. 63961
>>Spirit of our God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Most Holy Trinity, Immaculate Virgin Mary, angels, archangels, and saints of Heaven, descend upon me.
>>Please purify me, Lord,
mold me, fill me with Yourself,
use me.
>>Banish all the forces of evil from me, destroy them, vanquish them, so that I can be healthy and do good deeds.
>>Banish from me all spells, witchcraft, black magic, malefice, ties, maledictions, and the evil eye; diabolic infestations, oppressions, possessions; all that is evil and sinful, jealousy, perfidy, envy; physical, psychological, moral, spiritual, diabolical ailments.
>>Burn all these evils in hell, that they may never again touch me or any other creature in the entire world.
>>I command and bid all the powers who molest me – by the power of God all powerful, in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior, through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary – to leave me forever, and to be consigned into the everlasting hell, where they will be bound by Saint Michael the archangel, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael, our guardian angels, and where they will be crushed under the heel of the Immaculate Virgin Mary.
>>Lord Jesus, I ask you to protect my family from sickness, from all harm and from accidents.
>>If any of us have been subjected to curses, hexes or spells, I declare these curses, hexes or spells null and void in Jesus' Name.
>>If any evil spirits have been sent against us, I decommission you spirits in the name of Jesus Christ. In Jesus' Name, I send you to the foot of His Cross to be dealt with by our Lord Jesus Himself.
>>Then Lord, I ask You to send Your holy angels to guard and protect all of us.
ANGELS, yes, not demons.
Angels are service to others.
12/12/15 (Sat) 11:39:15 No. 63962
So if you add "Jewish" in front of angels then they become demons?
Aren't Christian angels from Judaism anyways?
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 11:43:50 No. 63963
Those that stand by the throne of God oppose those who rebelled.
The heavens are full of celestial bodies and phenomena which are the material body of astral minds, chaotic ones that devour could be considered "evil" because they do not serve the higher purpose of balance.
You can make offerings to God, a lambs energies directed to a higher entity coupled with a prayer is bound to get a response, but God does not require nor demand it.
Whereas entities considered "evil" will only help if they get something out of the bargain, energy, attention, life force, fame.
Service to others vs service to self.
12/12/15 (Sat) 11:45:46 No. 63964
>Jewish angels are demons
The arch angels are the jewish angels
Yes exactly
You're really starting to sound like you don't know what you are talking about.
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 11:47:02 No. 63965
Jewish angels are STS entities from Babylonian faith, "Daemons", that require a constant flow of energy else they wither, which is why they do not help selflessly as to not expend themselves.
One could argue that the same is for God and his angels.
Difference is that the All, God, is all mighty, he is the higest essence from which all angels spawned, he meddles with the material as he wishes without energetic repercussions.
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 11:50:31 No. 63966
Entities from the higher vibrational planes partake of source energy through God, but they are only allowed in his presence by virtue of purity.
Entities who have renounced God instead feed on entropy destruction and death, and require a constant flow of this to maintain their essence.
I don't know each individual Angel or Demon, but one that trespasses ones personal holy temple to feed off it can't truly be called "Angel".
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 11:52:53 No. 63967
That said, Jews don't worship God anymore, they worship YHWH, a STS, lower vibrational entity.
12/12/15 (Sat) 11:56:37 No. 63968
Okay clearly you lost your marbles at some point.
The all or the one is not the christian god. It isn't a HE or SHE either. I don't know how you can call yourself a hermeticist when you don't even know that the source isn't that interdimensional parasite jewweh.
The source energy itself is connected to all things, you don't go through anything to receive it.
You do realize that worship is a demiurgic practice in the first place. And the source doesn't want or need any worship. So no they do worship God. All the abrahamic religions praise parasites that accept sacrifices and make their followers believe they can never grow past what they are and need to beg for salvation.
12/12/15 (Sat) 11:57:12 No. 63969
Stop spreading disinfo>>63965
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 12:03:32 No. 63970
>Okay clearly you lost your marbles at some point
>>The all or the one is not the christian god
Yes! The all is the essence from which the material ruptured forth from, matter is degenerated source, there was a loss of tension in the nothingness of space and the divine essence imploded in on itself, resulting in a fiery explosion which further created our known universe, of which the Demiurge, YHWH is god.
>>you don't go through anything to receive it
It is ever present because it penetrates the material, but you can only connect to it during Gnosis.
>>You do realize that worship is a demiurgic practice in the first place
Yeah, and planets/constellations are angels/entities - Angels/demons.
The real angels are those that dwell in the all, but YHWH has his own angels, planetary consciousnesses, who are really demons, STS beings.
12/12/15 (Sat) 12:05:07 No. 63971
Nice way to try and cover your ass.
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 12:05:52 No. 63972
its what ive been trying to convey the whole time.
i don't understand whats unclear.
12/12/15 (Sat) 12:09:58 No. 63973
Holy fuck, I go away for a couple of days and everyone seems to have acquired a multitude of astral larva parasites.
Listen niggers, before you start messing with spirits, strengthen you own power first to make sure nothing will affect you, especially poisonous jewish entities that have previously been used for selfish ends.
Develop your own chakras, get your energy work up and start feeling that eternal love from STO entities from higher astral planes.
12/12/15 (Sat) 12:16:02 No. 63974
I had mine since before I even became conscious to the occult. I have no idea when it got on.
12/12/15 (Sat) 12:22:04 No. 63976
12/12/15 (Sat) 12:25:58 No. 63978
I think tipp already mentioned some purifying techniques, but my two cents would be to fill yourself with purifying light to purge the shit, alternatively when you notice it trying to take control, invoke your higher self and tell the little shit that you're the one in control here and you order it to leave your body before you tear it to pieces with your will.
In other words have faith in your superiority as a wizard and thy will shall be done.
tipp 12/12/15 (Sat) 12:35:52 No. 63980
>>fill yourself with purifying light to purge the shit
12/12/15 (Sat) 13:01:26 No. 63981
Is anyone here familiar with Domino's Notes? I made contact with a trio of effeminate twink entities last night and my desire to know more intensifies. Figure this is the best place to ask about them if they're real. They were probably lying sons of bitches though.
12/12/15 (Sat) 13:06:23 No. 63983
Ew, what kind of freaky shit were you getting into last night brown pill?
12/12/15 (Sat) 13:11:22 No. 63984
Jus anoddah day in da magickal 'hood. But do you know anything about the notes though?
12/12/15 (Sat) 14:16:47 No. 63990
>if they're real
Well anything you could imagine (and thus interact with) is real by virtue of having an existence.
Now the question I think you mean to ask is, Are they who they claim to be? I know not of them, however you can analyze what they do, how they do it, and what they are asking of you to discern the true agenda.
Goes over it in detail; (there are many more parts as well, but these seem the most relevant)
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/12/15 (Sat) 16:20:31 No. 64003
the taijji pole in khan's qi-gong thread is supposed to banish too.
gold/white, interesting.
I had guided meditations that did gold first to clear then white to call back one's own energy.
A different one did blue to relax the body which I had someone do before the gold and white when they asked me to guide them in a meditation.
>your magick is somewhat similar to my mom's and I've #wrecked her before after I finally had it with her one day and decided to burst her through her protections n' shit
>why would you do that
I don't know enough to say one way or the other about black, but it's not like you provide a positive example for attempting to convince anyone of its non-negative associations when you seem negative/egotistical.
12/12/15 (Sat) 18:07:59 No. 64005
12/12/15 (Sat) 20:51:25 No. 64010
Why is my left nostril always blocked?
12/12/15 (Sat) 21:21:05 No. 64012
Falling asleep or "meditating myself" into theta at some point I feel I'm somewhat falling for half a second, and then immediately I feel a shock, as if someone caught and shook me or electrocuted me. Is this a subconscious blockade made of fear that is supposed to protect me? How can I get rid of it if I can't tap into subconscious in the first place? Is there a trick?
SAGE! 12/12/15 (Sat) 21:45:48 No. 64015
look up ida/pingala and I assume one side of your body is blocked. Maybe you've been practicing too much male or female, STO or STS.
Those are all the right/left side associations I know of.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 12/12/15 (Sat) 21:55:52 No. 64017
I've wanted to be able to speak and listen psychically for awhile.
The one person I know who does this only hears certain people.
Anyway, should I just let this develop naturally?
>you instead can feel the aura, or mental state of others.
I'm fairly empathic already, so that should be not too difficult, refining it.
I'm getting a deeper understanding of the elements as a result of pondering this post and it's applications vis a vis Khan's planet/element chart.
I was thinking about how water is calming because it's the next highest state above earth and being water is a good default.
relating it to kapha pitta vatta now.
I can see why vatta is the highest.
I have to train my mind to be this relaxed/perceptive without pot :\
Time for meditation/shadow work.
this says the archangels might not be what they seem.
I don't feel enough to be certain though, and I just figure I'll connect to the self-advancement/perfect light equivalent of what I'm asking for when I think of archangels.
I'm not really interested in "fighting" as much as self-advancement and aiding others, being lighter.
AuntWatermelon 12/12/15 (Sat) 21:56:16 No. 64018
It's a normal phenomenon, you just have to adapt to it, with time, it will disapear. When you feel that jolt, just calm, down and get back to your state, this time, you probably won't feel any shock and will be able to go deeper.
AuntWatermelon 12/12/15 (Sat) 21:58:12 No. 64019
Do a couple of rounds of controlled and deep nadi shodana every day. This will purify your energy channels and in no time, you'll be able to breathe through both nose strils. Then, develop the abbility to at will, change the flow from the ida to the pingala and vice versa and at will, trigger shushuma breathing.
12/12/15 (Sat) 22:58:17 No. 64024
Post some sources, Auntie.
12/12/15 (Sat) 23:06:08 No. 64025
Does anyone know a good documentary about buddhism?
AuntWatermelon 12/12/15 (Sat) 23:06:38 No. 64026
Eh, just search for nadi shodana, alterned nosestrils breathing is not rocket science. I don't know any sources about the science of breath other then a couple of fragments here and there, mainly learned from personal experience and divine intuition.
tipp 12/13/15 (Sun) 01:50:20 No. 64036
Do we need a solid discussion about the essence of Lucifer & the Real Divine Light?
12/13/15 (Sun) 03:20:23 No. 64040
>Bound by cause and effect
>Not being a cause instead of an effect
Basically, the one that is bound is the effect, not the cause; that someone will die does not determine that a bullet is shot, but rather a bullet being shout determines somebodies death.
The art of magic is that, to become a cause. Also, when people say that humans are free, they mean they *can* be free, while in lower beings their nature pulls just too strong. Still, most people in the world are indeed slaves to a system, culture, personality, etc.
12/13/15 (Sun) 15:36:02 No. 64079
Some questions regarding resources.
1. In the "/fringe/ Archive and Original Content" MEGA trove, in the /Basic Daily Practices/Yoga/1-9/ folder, I've noticed two issues:
-"3 Plough.pdf" isn't downloading
-"5 Sitting Forward Bend.pdf" is apparently a copy of "6 Cobra.pdf"
Would someone please fix these?
2. I've noticed that chaosmatrix is struckthrough as a reference. Could I ask the reasoning behind this?
12/13/15 (Sun) 15:54:47 No. 64082
12/13/15 (Sun) 15:58:40 No. 64084
>implying every cause is not also an effect and every effect is not also a cause
12/13/15 (Sun) 16:48:40 No. 64090
>actual bullshit "occultism" in that one mega
good job, disinfo faggots, you ruined /fringe/
12/13/15 (Sun) 16:54:42 No. 64092
So what do you all think of melatonin? Good way to enhance lucid dreaming and astral projection?
12/13/15 (Sun) 16:59:09 No. 64094
explain what you mean by "bullshit occultism" please
12/13/15 (Sun) 18:15:42 No. 64112
>It's a normal phenomenon, you just have to adapt to it, with time, it will disapear. When you feel that jolt, just calm, down and get back to your state, this time, you probably won't feel any shock and will be able to go deeper.
It's completely automatic. If someone creeped behind your back and scared you at this very moment, you'd be disturbed, even if a little. I can't turn off such a thing. Especially that when I'm barely conscious when it happens, my memory to remember about this thing is turned off.
Khru !bqNTtjs6XQ 12/13/15 (Sun) 18:41:42 No. 64119
Yeah I dunno. I assume you're right but don't know or feel enough yet to self-verify, and I know enough /have enough to go on/pursue
to be less interested in taking more on faith than I was.
Just wanted to question and provide perspective for people who also do not know. I have little idea of anything still, so it's time for me to get to work on development.>>64036
AuntWatermelon 12/13/15 (Sun) 18:43:51 No. 64120
I know, just go with it, get starteled move a little and continue your meditation. WIth time it won't arise anymore.
12/13/15 (Sun) 20:07:12 No. 64137
4 books so far mention the process of accessing subconscious in just one paragraph. I had to put a lot of effort to scoop for clues like "eyes down", "look for tv distortion effect" etc. Then I found contradictory clues like "visualize object, scenery or person" and then "don't visualize anything and blank your mind until the visualizations start to come independently from you". Is there a source devoted completely to the mechanics of lowering one's brainwaves to these fit for visualization?
I see "tv distortion" overlayed on things every time I remember to check. Even now on screen as I type. I get itching between eyebrows and I see the stuff around fingers after few minutes of staring. If I touch aura from one finger to aura of another, I feel the itching on both fingers.
You get melatonin automatically when it's dark. There is program called lux that adjusts your screen light depending of the hour and it improves your melatonin production. From what I read taking melatonin in pills could make your body produce less of it on its own after it realizes you're supplementing it.
AuntWatermelon 12/13/15 (Sun) 20:26:54 No. 64140
1. Don't focus on your breath, no slowing it down or making it faster, that's a sure recipe to gasping for air and discomfort. Also, regular breath patterns = slumber.
2. Focus on the energetic side of things, feel the energy flow going trough both of your nosestrils then to the third eye and to the back of the head, down the three channels of the spinal cord and to your perinium. Don't focus on breathing, just the energy flow ,the breathing will follow automatically, allow it to do so.
3. Repeat until you are filled with the energy and start seeing lights, colours, feelings,…
4. Enjoy, try to get control over this state, for that, go deeper, feel yourself falling or going down a lader. At a point, you'll get that jolt feeling, as I said, get back into a comfortable position, breathe in more energy and continue to go deeper and deeper, until the dream state or the deep sleep state starts.
5. At this point, do what you want and adapt this process to your needs and goal.
AuntWatermelon 12/13/15 (Sun) 20:28:51 No. 64141
At step two after the energy gets to the perinium, make it go through all the parts of the body and circulate it while you are exhaling.
12/13/15 (Sun) 21:28:19 No. 64152
What can I do to conquer cripplingly severe general anxiety.
I feel so lost. I messed up by reading too many different occult texts and basically lost my way. I have no direction. Just walking in circles.
I do LBRP every day, and I have noticed no effects other than an improvement in visualization abilities.
How do I defeat emotional disturbances when they are keeping me from accomplishing effective change and magick?
Help me, please.
12/13/15 (Sun) 22:07:34 No. 64159
Is the concept of Ṛta, the same as the conept of Dao?
12/13/15 (Sun) 22:51:48 No. 64166
the program is called "flux"
12/14/15 (Mon) 02:42:05 No. 64191
How long does it take to rejuvenate the vital energy after ejaculation?
12/14/15 (Mon) 04:24:35 No. 64197
Are corporations egregores?
If so, can I somehow use this to my advantage?
tipp 12/14/15 (Mon) 13:06:44 No. 64217
Read three months somewhere.
>What can I do to conquer cripplingly severe general anxiety.
Learn to love and accept yourself.
>How do I defeat emotional disturbances
Find yourself.
12/14/15 (Mon) 13:46:28 No. 64222
Made me laugh for a minute straight and thought I'll share. The transparent text on the background appears every 10 seconds
tipp 12/14/15 (Mon) 14:04:08 No. 64225
>mp3 chakra buy now
nice get
12/14/15 (Mon) 15:14:09 No. 64232
i've read the astral world - concise PARTIAL PRESENTATION of what astral world is but not HOW TO "GET THERE"
robert bruce's "mastering astral projection", is it a good starting point? other/more concise resources?
why do i need to master thought-forming first?
AuntWatermelon 12/14/15 (Mon) 15:35:11 No. 64233
Best post of the thread right there.
>"Buy Chakra MP3 Now"
what is your opinion on drug use 12/14/15 (Mon) 17:05:03 No. 64236
I been smoking pot ever since I was a kid. (and have experimented with others drugs) I was curious of what you guys think about the use of drugs to reach higher thinking and if so what drugs, or do you think they should be avoided
12/14/15 (Mon) 20:21:33 No. 64243
Should I practice visualization or just meditate on my third eye chakra?
12/14/15 (Mon) 20:24:36 No. 64244
Are thoughtforms just as effective when you can't see them because of your underdeveloped astral senses?
tipp 12/14/15 (Mon) 20:56:31 No. 64247
When you say see, do you mean see them with your eyes, or your eye?
See them with your minds eye.
Both. At the same time.
Feel and visualize your third eye, bathe it in purple and make it spin violently.
12/14/15 (Mon) 21:07:11 No. 64248
By seeing it with your mind's eye, you mean visualization right?
tipp 12/14/15 (Mon) 21:10:33 No. 64249
12/14/15 (Mon) 21:12:05 No. 64251
ok, will try it out, thanks
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/15/15 (Tue) 01:24:38 No. 64301
Does smoking weed affect my energy work/self cultivation?
▶Khan Oriental (Taoism) 10/27/15 (Tue) 06:45:13 No.58395
Like most drugs it drains you. Also over activates an depletes some of your glands (chakras). Don't worry too much about what it will and wont do though. Just keep focused on the path."
Khan 12/15/15 (Tue) 02:27:10 No. 64320
Drugs bring you into certain states of being. We can use the chakra model for this. Pot brings you into the heart. The centre of connection and self love. If you feel you need to develop and experience that centre then feel free. I'd suggest if you wish to keep being a substance wizard to get yourself some LSD or any other spiritual drug(I suggest this for everyone who's never taken that kinda stuff). Taste a little bit of Godhood - the childlike perfect state or the higher centres.
As mentioned previously they do drain you. Most things in reality drain you. You process it and expend energy to allow it to pass through the vessel. In this case dope eats your sleeping - yin state chemicals. Which means you kinda become both yin and yang at the same time. By this I mean you're both dreaming and awake. Planting seeds and harvesting them.
I'd suggest slowly healing the body and cultivating through exercise, energy work, herbs and other processes so that you feel you no longer need it and can naturally enter these states.
Low res picture but it gets the point across.
Khan 12/15/15 (Tue) 02:30:57 No. 64321
Oh the pictures not too bad res.
Anyway that picture is pretty amazing. I found it ages ago and thought it was pretty sweet. The more I learn about the body and energetic centres the more it all comes into full realization. Meditate over it guys. *did not mean to hyjack the question thread temporarily lol*
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/15/15 (Tue) 03:46:39 No. 64338
>*did not mean to hyjack the question thread temporarily lol*
eh there are plenty of 'em (&I did it several times too). Awesome picture!
I know a couple who smoke weed a looot, at least one of them because it grounds him/otherwise he's way too high from being in the chakras above 4.
He's super-advanced in one way, but I think his lower centers are a little deficient too. Certainly his ego isn't as refined as it could/should be (though whose isn't) and his root is probably a little off.
Khan 12/15/15 (Tue) 04:00:44 No. 64350
Yeah I've been there. I used to be so far in the higher centres that I could not even drive or speak to others unless I ate a heavy meal.
That's why now I teach training everything together. That lower foundation is absolutely vital to ground and keep you from floating away from earth lol.
A note for anyone who is interested in using drugs for spirituality. Use them at the end of the moon cycle. Around a week before the new moon. Any time then. That is the best time to do it cause you'll be able to fully learn and integrate all the lessons you need.
12/15/15 (Tue) 04:33:58 No. 64372
>a week before the new moon.
As an aspiring psychonaut, noted.
12/15/15 (Tue) 04:36:19 No. 64373
How to keep safe from entities taking advantage of you whole your high though? Your aura get's fucked when you do drugs fro the duration. Don't say visualize a shield lel, I've heard that it's not even that effective.
Khan 12/15/15 (Tue) 05:12:07 No. 64374
If we're gonna be honest. Most of humanity gets taken advantage of, abused and used by entities without being high lol.
But in all seriousness you just need to have some barriers up. Just don't be stupid and use them in a good, energetically strong state,
12/15/15 (Tue) 05:32:48 No. 64376
Thanks for the information. It's given me a lot of things to try.
12/15/15 (Tue) 06:22:06 No. 64379
>Is the concept of Ṛta, the same as the conept of Dao?
Khan 12/15/15 (Tue) 06:25:46 No. 64381
If you can explain Rta I can give an answer to your question.
12/15/15 (Tue) 15:12:39 No. 64445
Any kind of stuff that can let me shoot fireball?
12/15/15 (Tue) 19:05:51 No. 64453
In the Vedic religion, Ṛta (Sanskrit ऋतं ṛtaṃ "that which is properly/excellently joined; order, rule; truth") is the principle of natural order which regulates and coordinates the operation of the universe and everything within it.
Tao signifies the primordial essence or fundamental nature of the universe. In the foundational text of Taoism, the Tao Te Ching, Laozi explains that Tao is not a 'name' for a 'thing' but the underlying natural order of the universe whose ultimate essence is difficult to circumscribe due to it being non conceptual yet evident in one's being of aliveness.
12/15/15 (Tue) 22:43:26 No. 64459
Hello chums,
Very recently I was randomly asked if I wanted to take a statue of Anubis (who appears to be missing a staff). I did because it looks pretty cool but also because I consider this auspicious for some reason.
My knowledge of egyptian mythology is limited to wikipedia, could I as you guys for you opinion on how I should take his appearance and the what if any significance his staff has?
12/15/15 (Tue) 23:51:11 No. 64464
What are the pros to semen retention or nofap? I got to day 7 and felt good, but noticed I wasn't feeling nearly as confident. I'm pretty sure testosterone drops to below average after day 7. Are there any other advantages besides a 7 day boost of testosterone and being in control of your lust? Because I could really be using that test.
12/16/15 (Wed) 01:16:34 No. 64469
What routine would you suggest for someone who is afraid of being judged and generally anxious?
12/16/15 (Wed) 02:24:44 No. 64471
Cultivate love; what is that you hate about yourself, and what would happen if you happen to be okay with that trait? is it inherently negative, or is does everything boil down to one fundamental flaw in your thinking, that you think you are bad, you are nothing. Lao Tzu asked why it was that people like the tao, and wondered if it was because when they find it their sins are forgiven? There is nothing about you that needs changed, except some superficial aspect. Also love them, love is not idealization, it desiring something in spite of it's flaws, no matter how disgusting, and evil. If somebody gives you a nasty look, that is their fault, not yours. When you are more lacks because of that, it should help.
Mars 12/16/15 (Wed) 03:27:48 No. 64476
so like my friend is a woman, and like what would happen if i was to like, invoke her into me via gnosis + a picture?
AuntWatermelon 12/16/15 (Wed) 03:31:03 No. 64477
The inter time-space continuum would be broken and you will surely die marty!
You have a discordian flag and an eris picture, why don't you just do it and see what happens ?
Mars 12/16/15 (Wed) 03:55:35 No. 64479
what makes you think i didnt right after you said so? or i posted the question to funnel loosh for invocation? you tread earth, are you a capricorn? silly capricorns trying to say shit to get remembered tsk
AuntWatermelon 12/16/15 (Wed) 04:01:31 No. 64481
/fringe/ keeps on giving
Khan 12/16/15 (Wed) 04:04:51 No. 64482
They definitely do correlate. The dao is kind of like Kether. Original movement and thought of the universe. It is what exists before duality.
12/16/15 (Wed) 05:14:24 No. 64490
Having trouble with the first few exercises in Robert Bruce's Mastering Astral Projection.
It tells me to rub my index finger on my other hand's thumb joint, memorize that feeling and then mentally recreate it. However, I get nothing after a few minutes of trying. Is it supposed to feel almost exactly the same as actually rubbing your finger on your thumb? It says that one should could feel a heaviness or tingling sensation but I have none of that.
tipp 12/16/15 (Wed) 18:07:22 No. 64498
Discipline, clarity of thought and general well being, physical as well as mental.
Don't take my word for it though, I'm a massive degenerate.
Currently in on almost a week. I really wanna bust a nut.
I try periodically when I want to focus on a task at hand, when I do I notice improvement in reflexes, motor skills, lack of sluggishness…
Whats most favorable though is that I want to achieve greater to get good women to impregnate, so, I'm not suppressing my desire to claim territory, nor substituting it with a false sense of acceptance that comes with nutting and feeling that all is good for now and that I don't have to worry about anything because I just achieved basic life purpose, to procreate, but its not procreation, its a cheap substitute.
Honestly, I think this time is for real. No more fidgeting the wand.
Don't think you can do that, souls are tied strongly to their vessels. You would however reach to her across space, resulting in a deeper, stronger link, perhaps exchange of emotions (likely) or thought (less likely).
Skip to "mental hands", if its the same book, can't remember. Better exercise.
12/16/15 (Wed) 18:57:51 No. 64500
Does creepy shit always start happening if your body becomes paralysed during meditation?
Reached a state where I was paralysed and it seemed like it was easy to slip out of my body and got excited since I never had an OBE, started slipping out slowly but the thought that if I don't start wiggling my fingers soon, creepy shit will happen spooked me out and I stopped
12/16/15 (Wed) 19:39:35 No. 64502
You're not alone. I'd also really like to know more about the nature of the spooky stuff and how to get rid of it if possible. It's really the only barrier that completely blocks my progress. And I spend whole days on this.
Before I believed magic/dabbing in collective subconscious was possible I could walk in the dark after watching horrors just fine. But now I realize I could be confronting these things it's different:
- The visual metaphors of my suppressed fears I'm otherwise not aware of in reality. While this one I could probably bypass somehow working on myself (?), then there is also:
- billions of years of evolutionary instinctive primal fear
- other people or entities trying to make me go mad from fear to possess me or something
12/16/15 (Wed) 22:30:39 No. 64513
The "rubbing your thumb joint" part is just to familiarize you with the idea of producing a sensation by means of focusing your bodily awareness there, the exact sensation you produce doesn't have to be identical to what you get by touching it. Further practice and experimentation will likely yield results before too long, though it may take some persistence. For more in-depth instruction, you may want to check out some of Robert Bruce's other materials available here:
tipp 12/16/15 (Wed) 22:42:54 No. 64514
can someone link me to the music thread, or is that slid off?
can't find it.
12/16/15 (Wed) 22:47:52 No. 64515
12/17/15 (Thu) 03:14:15 No. 64529
I don't know what to do anymore /fringe/. I just want to not be a fucking fat ass, but no matter what I try, I never make any meaningful changes to my body composition.
How can I fathom bending reality if I can't even get rid of my stretch marks and love handles? This is the one goal I've desired for over a decade, since I tried to use "The Secret" to get the muscular physique my ego deserves. I've held the body image I want in my mind's eye for years. I have my goal weight included in my password (so I type it nearly every day unconsciously). I made a sigil that flashed on screen for 1 frame in a 30 fps youtube video, which got over 100,000 views. I've been vegan for three months now, and I mostly eat potatoes, rice, beans (starch based diet). I lift weights 2-3 times a week, doing simple until failure compound lifts (bench press, shoulder press, leg press, reverse lat pull downs, incline crunches).
I do mindful meditation around 10 minutes in the morning, by keeping track of my breathing. I fap 2-3 times a day. What can I do to make real, measurable changes to my physical ego? I want to become a muscle god in this physical reality. Considering how mundane that goal is, I thought it would be easy to accomplish. I'm not lacking in will. I just want to know what works. I would eat my own shit if it guaranteed I would get the body I desire.
Sorry for the long post. Just frustrated, and fat.
12/17/15 (Thu) 04:20:55 No. 64531
File: 1450326055856.jpg (662.54 KB, 3060x1628, 765:407, convict-conditioning-summa….jpg )
>How can I fathom bending reality
You are reality, you bend your self. If you can not fathom doing something that unbelief will stop you. You need to release your frustration and expectations
>[I'm] fat
Stop affirming that. Affirm "I am fit/healthy/sleek/etc. "
I don't know about starch based, I would try more fruits, veggies and super foods (wheatgrass, etc. ). Vegan is good though. Make sure you eat only when you're hungry and not because you think you should (there is a lot of broscience with this that is just not correct) and only as much as you need. Chew slowly and intentionally intake the food, also blessing it with intention prior to eating is good.
Be very careful with lifting bro, you can really hurt yourself that way, I recommend instead calisthenics. Check out the book Convict Conditioning - Paul 'Coach' Wade.
You may not look uber natty that way, however you will be 5 or even 10 times stronger.
I would stop and instead transmute that energy.
>What can I do to make real, measurable changes to my physical ego?
You mean like ego death or disillusionment? Live in the present moment, the eternal now, every second of every day, unless you really need not to (like making a shopping list or what ever).
I also recommend doing some energy work, Tai Chi, Hatha Yoga, etc. to get your energy flowing, there may be a stagnation problem.
Personally I would also recommend some hardcore cardio, minimum 1 hour every other day, preferably every day (unless you need to rest because you are sore, then by all means rest). My favored method is roller blading as it engages the whole body and your balance as well but swimming is also great.
Also I would sungaze if you can.
12/17/15 (Thu) 05:06:43 No. 64532
Not that anon, but a few relevant questions
>calisthenics over lifting
Why? Lifting is very fun but I do worry about injuries from bad form. Could I not do both calisthenics and weight lifting? In what sense would I be "stronger" than if I was lifting weights?
>transmute energy from fapping
Is there a specific way to do this or should I just do basic energy exercises with the energy I have from not fapping?
You mean being out in the sun, not looking at it, right? Sounds like a dumb question but staring at the sun was part of bates eye method so who knows.
As for the original anon
>don't use machines when liftan
>consider fasting (never been overweight so not sure, but i'm considering doing it for general health reasons)
>stop watching porn if you do
>discipline is key. enjoy pain, push away self destructive thoughts, don't break schedule
12/17/15 (Thu) 05:51:56 No. 64535
when I was a kid I had bad night terrors screaming in the night and sweating but when I woke up I couldn't remember
so I am wondering what kind of entitys cause night terrors and why
12/17/15 (Thu) 06:05:08 No. 64536
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>64531
> You are reality, you bend your self. If you can not fathom doing something that unbelief will stop you. You need to release your frustration and expectations
Thanks for the fast response. I'll work on affirming the physical attributes I desire. Being this hard on myself only reaffirms my current body shape. I'll take your eating advice too. I always eat while watching something, which I can change. If fat loss is my goal, I should definitely be doing more cardio.
>I would stop and instead transmute that energy
What is actual method to do this? Should I imagine "inhaling" the sexual energy whenever I'm aroused? I don't know anything about energy channeling. Something else I'll look into.
>>don't use machines when liftan
Is it bad that I have to since I don't have a spotter? Since my sets are until failure, I do have to rely on a machine.
I like to think I have discipline, as I will commit to anything that works. It's just hard to know what actually does work when there's so much conflicting information online.
Another question:
How can I use meme magick to improve muh gains? The whole "Awaken My Masters" egregore has been charged considerably. How would I actually use it during my personal workouts? Should I listen to this song from the JoJo Bizarre Adventure soundtrack while liftan? (see vid)
12/17/15 (Thu) 06:05:31 No. 64537
Are there any effective rituals to make you 'cross paths' again with old acquaintances?
12/17/15 (Thu) 07:20:57 No. 64538
Do you guys have a rizon irc instead of a skype group?
12/17/15 (Thu) 11:33:30 No. 64544
look them up on the internet and find them. you can make it look like a coincidence
12/17/15 (Thu) 12:03:55 No. 64545
Ive been incapable of feeling love for multiple months how do i fix this
12/17/15 (Thu) 12:06:23 No. 64546
Not really a ritual, just pour loosh into your desire to find them.
As an example from my old degenerate days, when I was uncomfortable about my dick length and spent the day stressing about it a thread on /b/ popped up that was about PE.
Basically in once way or another, the All will provide you with your wish, or the tools to acquire it.
I usually either connect with my higher self or head to a high astral plane with lots of loving entities that I don't even have a name for but they just fill me with the emotion.
tipp 12/17/15 (Thu) 15:14:56 No. 64552
Its been a while but I used to know a meditation that would flip the poles of my EMF, causing goosebumps.
Anyone know of that?
12/17/15 (Thu) 16:10:18 No. 64554
That first thing is good.
12/17/15 (Thu) 16:21:51 No. 64555
You just need to will it and then follow your intuitions guidance.
Here's experience:
Some years ago a former classmate died in an accident. He wasn't really a friend, but very good acquaintance of mine. So his early death affected me. I wanted to know why he died because it wasn't stated in his announcement of death in the local newspaper.
Very curious, I thought about contacting my former classmates and his friends and ask them.
I was a very edgy and depressive loner kid back then, so I hadn't any contact to any of my former classmates or any of his friends at that time.
I felt the strong urge to find out and I was confident that I'll meet some of my classmates in town. Thinking about all the places where my mates could be, I decided that a supermarket might be the right place to look. It was a weekend evening, so some of them might have been shopping booze or something.
However, I was too socially anxious to enter a store at these particular times. So I decided to drive around in my car until I met someone on the street. It was already dark and autumn, so the probability was so low.
At one point I drove past a classmates house and without seeing on the street, I was kinda disappointed. (Note: Remember how I was too socially anxious for life? Yeah, I wouldn't just knock at someone's door after some years - 2awkward4me)
Here intention really kicked in and made me turn to drive by his house another time. Suddenly I see that guy driving out with his bicycle and I stop him to talk.
The interesting part was that he almost stopped by himself, without recognizing my car. It's as if he knew that I was looking for him and headed out at the time when I passed by.
It all makes sense when I think about it though. This boy was very religious and probably lived by his intuition a lot as well, so I only needed to send out a strong enough will that he would receive.
Looking back, this was one of the most obvious displays of seemingly supernatural action that I had in my earlier life.
SO my conclusion is that you just have to will it enough and really desire to meet the person. Just make sure that your will is without hesitation, otherwise it won't work.
Then listen to your intuition carefully, it will lead you.
So basically what >>64546 said
12/17/15 (Thu) 16:24:08 No. 64556
>house and without seeing him on the street
12/17/15 (Thu) 16:27:42 No. 64557
How do I placata the local spirit? What foods do I offer. I live near a crossroads and there is this giant spirit, maybe a fallen angel, maybe a bigfoot but with some occult knowledge because he has an hamsa eye on his palm and his footprints look like hamsas and I think he wants me to offer him food. What should I offer him. i have some organic fruits, is that good?
12/17/15 (Thu) 16:52:47 No. 64558
What's the go-to book for clairvoyance?
I think someone posted it before somewhere but after looking around the threads and my files, I couldn't find it.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 12/17/15 (Thu) 17:30:54 No. 64561
12/17/15 (Thu) 17:46:24 No. 64562
>What is actual method to do this?
Redirect the energy by redirecting attention. When you get the urge or a boner or what ever, turn your attention to studying, exercising, gardening, mental workings, etc.
>Is it bad that I have to since I don't have a spotter?
It's bad since machines limit and isolate your muscles. You only train to use the machine, practical strength is not achieved only ascetics. This is because your whole body works as a system, not just your chains of muscles, but also your joints, ligaments, and tendons. You need to train all parts of your body, if you do not then you body may break itself when your muscles (because they are much stronger than the joints/ligaments/tendons may rip or worse). Also it will not be practical. You may be able to bench 300 but not lift a piano because you are not benching it you need to use the rest of your body as well.
Balance is very important, both in symmetric and in literal balance (moving from your center).
>How can I use meme magick to improve muh gains?
I suppose you could make a buff-muscle-egegor/tulpa-trainer-ideal sort of like ebola-chan but more benevolent. Personally thought I would just just focus my energy inward though and unless you can get a lot of people doing it it will probably be more effective too.
>How would I actually use it during my personal workouts?
Anything that helps you, motovates you, energizes you I would recommend using.
>You mean being out in the sun, not looking at it, right?
Both are good, but I do actually mean looking at/gazing into the sun, at sunrise and sunset, especially if you do not have hills blocking, it is very gentle and from there you can build up 5/10 seconds a day. General rule is within an hour of sunrise/set is the ideal time.
>Could I not do both calisthenics and weight lifting?
Well you can… I would not advise it personally through. Primarly for outlined reasons above, but 'Convict Conditioning' goes into far more detail. Link here (for both of ya'll).
I would recommend using heart chakra cleansing/charging meditations and mudras.
12/17/15 (Thu) 17:54:49 No. 64565
Can someone can give me an idea as to why astral projection is so important to magick? I've never done it consciously (if at all), so I'm not sure in what ways it's practical or applied to one's life.
Any good reads on the theoretics/philosophy?
12/17/15 (Thu) 17:59:46 No. 64566
Can you reupload those pdfs? Not only is mediafire fuil of ads, but it's denying me access to the download after doing the captcha.
And wouldn't staring at the sun give you cataracts?
Using magic to help your gains is a lot harder than just doing it. Don't waste energy on what you can easily do through mundane methods.
Because the astral is essentially reality. The physical is an illusion that traps souls to be farmed for energy. Being able to enter the astral is like being Neo leaving the matrix.
12/17/15 (Thu) 18:02:41 No. 64567
The astral is the realm of thoughts right? Would visualization essentially be you astral projecting?
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/17/15 (Thu) 18:31:54 No. 64569
I have used retention to the point where I didn't maybe 5-6 times in the last almost 5 months. I've been doing loads of other things and I used to fap a lot so it's been a massive change in sensitivity/energy/confidence levels.
In addition, I mostly do it now for exercise/because my sacral chakra has been pulsing/I've been wanting to kiss nearly everyone I don't dislike if I look them in the eye for longer than a few seconds.
Thank you. I am also in the process of doing this; it's nice to have a reminder.
It seems to take awhile to get rid of deep-rooted stuff, but it's worth it!
>No more fidgeting the wand.
I had to go on a retreat (where I lost the desire to do it) to manage that. Good luck!
cultivate a feeling of being safe and protected wherever you are, mb use psychic protection gemstones, do lucid dreaming and fight stuff/cultivate your own astral powers.
set up an astral shield. Khan mentions it in one or multiple of his threads.
Try this.
"If you're fat, it's because of your diet and your inactivity, and possibly your exposure to toxins. Regularly taking stimulants to temporarily increase your metabolism is a terrible idea, you might lose weight but you'll gain it back once you're off them, and your health will suffer.
The Tryptamine Method of Weight Loss:
Stop eating polyunsaturated fats. That means flax oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil, fish oil, canola oil, and most other liquid oils. These fats are made by organisms that have adapted to the cold by making long fats with many double bonds that prevent them from solidifying. When we consume those fats, our high rate of oxidative respiration causes them to peroxidize, or become rancid. If you've ever left a fish oil capsule out for a couple of days, you'll know what I mean. The oxidized fragments of these fats are toxic, inhibit oxidative respiration, and cause systemic inflammation. Significantly, they also accumulate in our bodies, making us fat.
Instead, start using coconut oil. Coconuts grow at a similar temperature to our bodies, and their fat is almost entirely saturated. Our cells can then elongate and desaturate those fats, if needed. Extra virgin coconut oil stays fresh forever; saturated fats cannot be peroxidated, due to their lack of double bonds. The saturated fats also do not accumulate in our bodies, but are for the most part immediately consumed for energy. For a brief period during the 1900s, coconut oil was fed to pigs in an attempt to fatten them up; the pigs became lean, healthy, and active, which is not the effect the farmers were looking for. Livestock today are fed primarily unsaturated fats.
Also, take vitamin B1 (thiamine); it's required for oxidation of pyruvate. Take vitamin B3; it's required for both glycolysis and oxidative respiration. Take B6; your increased metabolism will require more P5P in order to synthesize and catabolize the necessary metabolites.
It may also be beneficial to take a thyroid supplement. Thyroid hormone influences the respiration of every cell in your body. Don't take synthetic thyroid hormone, which is T4; instead, get dessicated pig/cow thyroid and eat that. Eat fruit; as large-brained apes, fruit is our natural diet. It's high in water, fiber, sugars, flavonoids, and some vitamins and minerals, and very low in starch and unsaturated fat. Some fruits are relatively high in protein aswell. They should constitute the bulk of your diet.
Finally, avoid grains; keep in mind that grains only entered the human diet 10,000 years ago, and are suitable for cows, not humans. The starch causes insulin resistance, since it de-polymerizes into glucose constantly and outside of metabolic control.
Yes, this runs counter to 'conventional wisdom', but 'conventional wisdom' is often disinformation made palatable, and people who rely on 'conventional wisdom' are more often than not fat and/or diseased, so it's your call."
12/17/15 (Thu) 18:42:05 No. 64570
This is more a request than a question:
The book "Magical Use of Thought Forms" isn't aviable on Mega (maybe purged). Can someone upload it again or share it here?
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/17/15 (Thu) 18:48:53 No. 64571
the other stuff the guy>>64531
said is good too.
If I were him that's what I'd want (:
>I would recommend using heart chakra cleansing/charging meditations and mudras.
anything you can recommend? I know the lotus mudra is heart and the mantra is YAM but that's about it.
I had the impression it was the realm of emotions. Not sure though…
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/17/15 (Thu) 18:52:23 No. 64573
"Various occult teachers give different descriptions and enumerations (the Theosophists have seven, the Kabbalists ten, and so on).
Following Sri Aurobindo's division of the Vital we posit four distinct Psychic planes, here termed,
the Lower Astral
the Higher Astral
the Emotional-Psychic
the Mental-Psychic Planes
…four distinct "resonances" or states of existence.
However this is only one classification system, and the others can be considered just as valid.
The first, the Mental-Psychic Plane, Noeric of Psychic, is the higher octave of the physical intellect, and the lower of the Divine intellect. It takes the form of the source of imagination, and creativity. There are also higher resonances, which pertain to the descent of higher angelic or Divine Light, and constitute a sort of "Divinised" Astral. This Divinized Astral is the region of many Gods.
The second, the Psychic-Emotional, is the octave of higher emotion, especially love (the highest and purest of the emotions). This is a higher, more "spiritual" and "heavenly", Psychic Plane, the plane of pure feelings and emotions, especially the higher emotions such as Love. We can call this the Emotional Plane.
The third, the Higher or Greater Astral, is the octave of will, power, and egotism. The sense of an individual self or personality comes from here. This is the plane of pure desires and ambitions and power and will, which we can call the Connative or Will or Higher Astral Plane.
The lowest, Physical Psychic, or Lower Astral, refers to that aspect of the Psychic nature that have taken on or reproduced forms from the world of Physical (what are variously referred to by occult writers as "thought-forms", "elementals", and "artificial elementals", although there are other beings also called "elementals" that are native to these and other planes).
19th century occultists such as Eiphas Levi and Madame Blavatsky refer to this as the "astral light", and it presumably occurs on a number of planes. This is a lower, more "material" and "purgatorial" Psychic Plane, which - borrowing a term from Plato's three-fold psychology (the division into reason, will, and desire) - we can refer to as the epithymia or Desire or Lower Psychic plane.
The Emotional Plane
The Emotional Plane corresponds to the Lurianic Kabbalistic World of Angels (Yetzirah), and the "higher Astral Plane" of Theosophy and contemporary occultism.
It is on this Higher Psychic or Greater Astral or Thymatic Plane that we find the various paradises and heavens. Here the "soul" or ba (to give the Egyptian term) ascends after physical death. This would also seem to be the plane which the Spiritualists refer to as "Summerland", the paradisiacal after-life state described in a number of spiritualist teachings.
Psychologically, this is the universal counterpart of what Sri Aurobindo describes as the emotional vital,
"the seat of various feelings, such as love, joy, sorrow, hatred, and the rest."
[Letters on Yoga, Vol 1, p.334].
But the Emotional-Spiritual Plane is not the same as the Emotional body of the Omni-Physical Universe.
The Emotional body in the Etheric is the Psychic incarnate in the etheric, while the Emotional-Spiritual Plane represents the original impulse or source, "metaphysical emotion" so to speak, as distinct from Physical-Etheric Emotion."
12/17/15 (Thu) 19:13:58 No. 64575
>And wouldn't staring at the sun give you cataracts?
That's what the disinformationalists would have you believe but in mine and many other sungazer's experience that is not so, and as proven even my doctors (such as W. H. Bates) it can be good for your eyes.
Personally I recommend the sunset/rise window of 1 hour before/after and then slowly add time so you do not overload your body with energy.
>Can you reupload those pdfs?
I did, and it was a bit of a pain, is there a better site to do it on?!a1omkA4Q!fLQP5AMU6cEXRVtrqGIiWQ
tipp 12/17/15 (Thu) 19:20:20 No. 64576
Law Of Attraction. Google it.
tipp 12/17/15 (Thu) 19:28:31 No. 64578
My internet won't allow it.
Garruda & tensing all muscles associated with the posture. Stand with wide feet and take deep breaths, not talking deep breaths but breathe in until you can't any more, then zip in even more until you feel like you'll explode, several times.
Pressure should be put on forearms, biceps, chest and lower shoulder, try pushing inwards and outwards.
On exhale, chant YAM.
tipp 12/17/15 (Thu) 19:31:28 No. 64579
Straight spine, head held high, or else you'll hurt yourself.
One sec first day, 2 sec next, add one second for each consecutive day. If you start this you must not stop or you will get cataracts.
tipp 12/17/15 (Thu) 19:33:41 No. 64580
@sungazing channel energy from sun through eyes to your being.
12/17/15 (Thu) 19:36:02 No. 64581
>anything you can recommend?
There is much you can do, just search around a bit, but to start with. See also >>64363
Surround yourself with sympathetic colors, such as green or pink, wear them as well if you can.
Get a pocket stone/crystal such as malachite or rose quartz and keep it on you person.
Use biogeometry (such as mudras) to aid in the flow of energy to that area
I used 10 sec/day (usually it was more 8 or so) and I'm fine, but still; slow is the key.
tipp 12/17/15 (Thu) 19:39:15 No. 64582
>slow is the key
yes and ONLY sun rise/set, otherwise you'll hurt your eyes.
12/17/15 (Thu) 19:49:31 No. 64584
Didn't Bates go back on promoting sungazing though? I have family members with cataracts from not wearing sunglasses enough (so they say) so it does concern me. I'd at least like to learn how to heal my body before risking anything like that.
You can upload on pomf clones but they're not guaranteed to stay up. Mega is good, it's what hosts lots of libraries.
Could I just channel it through my skin and risk less?
12/17/15 (Thu) 19:53:06 No. 64585
>If you're fat …
Source for info? Looks interesting
12/17/15 (Thu) 19:54:15 No. 64586
Should I precut the offerings or leave them whole?
12/17/15 (Thu) 19:58:31 No. 64588
>Didn't Bates go back on promoting sungazing though?
Not to my knowledge.
>I have family members with cataracts from not wearing sunglasses
Cataracts are often a result of the modern diet man has and is but calcificed deposits (something about calcium fluoride…)
>I'd at least like to learn how to heal my body before risking anything like that.
You can always 'sungaze' with closed eyes. You won't get as much energy, but you will get some.
tipp 12/17/15 (Thu) 20:03:46 No. 64589
Yes but the point of sun gazing is realizing duality & the dark sun.
Also better energy through eyes.
SPOILER ALERT SUN GAZING tipp 12/17/15 (Thu) 20:18:24 No. 64591
>Could I just channel it through my skin and risk less?
Yes but it wont be the same thing.
Sun gazing is to have you realize duality. After some time doing it, the sun will turn black.
You will get black, shady etchings on the cornea of your eyes because you'll burn them, which is why you must be careful and only do it in rise and fall when its at its weakest.
If burn your cornea its important to keep doing it as it will evenly even the burn fade and it will disappear.
You'll get lots of energy from sun gazing, and it has benefits to the eyes. IIRC. Read it somewhere.
Its not dangerous and you wont get blind, just do it properly.
tipp 12/17/15 (Thu) 20:22:14 No. 64592
>when its at its weakest
This is false, its stronger, but you're only looking at part of the sun.
tipp 12/17/15 (Thu) 20:24:13 No. 64593
>>strict practice of gradually introducing sunlight into your eyes at the lowest ultraviolet-index times of day – sunrise and sunset. Those who teach the practice say there are several rules to the practice. First, it must be done within the hour after sunrise or before sunset to avoid damaging the eyes.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/17/15 (Thu) 20:41:44 No. 64594
I'd bless it by channeling divine energy/thankfulness/intention into it. Cutting it could put more energy into it.
Be sure the entity is positive/neutral at least, though. And maybe you want another answer, because I'm just going on intuition.
User Tryptamine from Silk Road 1/2. Here's links to the info, and on the fringe thread I posted a long thread he did.
12/17/15 (Thu) 20:51:47 No. 64595
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>64536
Oh, another thing I forget to mention. Remove ALL high fructose corn syrup from your diet. It will keep you fat, inactive and hungry and much more.
This video will also help you understand your weight loss problem (from a physical PoV) better.
12/17/15 (Thu) 21:06:21 No. 64598
Thoughts are not influencing reality. Thoughts are splitting into parallel realities depending whether their nature is rational or emotional. If you don't accept the scientific method as the basis of your belief system, you're going to split into universe which is less stable and less probable. I'd advise magicking yourself into refusing to acknowledge magic. This is what I'm preparing to do. Either this or enjoy dissolving your self in emotional schizophrenia
Integrate and embrace your ego in order to move to reality in which research in quantum physics is not developing so fast
12/17/15 (Thu) 21:09:17 No. 64599
12/17/15 (Thu) 21:20:03 No. 64600
Hypnotize yourself to believe something different for a week and observe reality around you. You are the author creating the illusion you live in. I am representation of your doubt, and you are representation of mine. If you lose your ego and integrity in this world, it will slowly start working the same way your dreams work
12/17/15 (Thu) 21:23:28 No. 64601
Yeah I've actually noticed this before, again though, I didn't really get your first post
12/17/15 (Thu) 22:47:53 No. 64603
most retarded shit ive ever read
12/17/15 (Thu) 23:46:36 No. 64605
So why is William Walker Atkinson the god of /fringe/? I've only read The Kybalion and am halfway through Arcane Teachings but when he reaches some topic he goes
>but I don't want to waste any more pages on this
Then other times, like his chapter on Opposites and Polarity, he goes through great detail explaining the differences between hot/cold, north/south, good/bad etc when all he had to do was describe one to get the point across.
Seems disingenuous to me.
12/17/15 (Thu) 23:58:18 No. 64606
How exactly do i pour loosh into my will to get/find something i have a rough idea like maybe some sort of visualisation but im not exactly sure
12/18/15 (Fri) 00:11:51 No. 64608
How much of what Omran says is disinfo, in your opinion? I followed the inner guide meditation but lack of information surrounding the topic and bad experience left me disappointed. I'm looking into making an astral temple for many reasons (specifically to sort thoughtforms in a library) based on his guide.
12/18/15 (Fri) 01:32:45 No. 64614
Smiley likes WWA, so WWA was recommended a lot
12/18/15 (Fri) 02:46:39 No. 64618
>astral leech
I need help with this
12/18/15 (Fri) 03:32:01 No. 64620
Oh, another another thing.
Visualize yourself working out. It will actually send impulses to your muscles and work them out. This way you can be exercising even in a boring meeting or in the car.
12/18/15 (Fri) 08:14:22 No. 64643
What kind of bad experience?
If someone is even just a little bit disinfo, why would you trust a single thing they say? There are other guides to making an astral temple. I think one of Khan's thread had something about this.
12/18/15 (Fri) 08:23:22 No. 64644
I know this isn't the right thread for this but thank you so much for having this board. I want to somehow get involved with this community but just thank you so much for the resources and everything. Glad this place exists.
I just spend all day reading the stuff here so amazing.
tipp 12/18/15 (Fri) 08:26:05 No. 64645
so supply information & formulate a question, dipshit.
i wont cuddle it out of you.
12/18/15 (Fri) 08:36:46 No. 64646
12/18/15 (Fri) 08:39:53 No. 64647
It's all over, every time I try to visualize I feel like a surge or a pulse and my legs and pelvic area feel fucked.
tipp 12/18/15 (Fri) 09:22:54 No. 64649
12/18/15 (Fri) 09:29:53 No. 64651
I feel like there is a worm inside me pulling on my head. My stomach feels like shit. Dissociation and lack of motivation is an issue too, some depressive feelings.
12/18/15 (Fri) 09:37:37 No. 64652
tipp 12/18/15 (Fri) 09:59:14 No. 64653
first 5-10 minutes of solar plex meditation, see if you can get a ball/cluster of energy in place of chakra, if yes, good, keep doing so and expand it until it fills you up and forces the entity away.
While doing this you can chant RAM, pray for God/Sun to help you, channel their energy into you to incinerate the entitiy.
If it doesn't work, pray to Durga, read up who she is, and chant this in tact with the video while you command the entity to leave/die and ask for Durgas help doing so.
If this wont work, surrender yourself to Jesus, Sun of Solar Logos, ask him to fill your vessel with his divine light and expel that which does not belong.
When did you first notice it? What do you think caused it?
If you're not sure its an entity, I would wager its just an out of balance SP chakra.
How good are/were you at visualization/energy work?
Can you identify the being? What is it, where is it, what does it feed off?
12/18/15 (Fri) 10:03:49 No. 64654
Thanks for the advice, from my speculation I'm guessing the source of my visualization third eye. That or sacral. I'd say my visualization was decent, I spent a lot of my time visualizing things throughout my life, certainly never caused this reaction before.
12/19/15 (Sat) 11:51:21 No. 64657
Since Josh is a tard who's insistent on forcing infinitynever on us, what are the odds of Smiley reviving freedomboard for us to move back to?
Also welcome back to all of you.
12/19/15 (Sat) 16:25:08 No. 64666
I don't know, but I would personally enjoy freedomboard again. I only begrudgingly moved here because that's where all the traffic went (and the site going archive mode).
For the last several weeks I can not use anything but the catalog and it's annoying. The normal view does not update, or is several days behind.
12/19/15 (Sat) 16:29:56 No. 64667
>We will not run another import. Anything new posted to 8chan's current site will be lost with it when the switch happens for real.
This is very important. We need to archive a lot of threads here.
12/19/15 (Sat) 19:08:26 No. 64684
Anyone got any ideas for recording magick? I want to do it for the sake of demonstration. Not really to prove or anything but at least some posters here will no doubt be interested to see what a wizard going 4D is like, hearing channelings, seeing psychokinesis, etc.
It would all be at great risk to me though to show this openly and spirits so far go to get lengths to prevent me doing this, turning off cameras, causing interruptions, etc.. I seem to only be permitted to show this stuff to select other individuals and never for a camera.
Still I want to record magick.
12/19/15 (Sat) 19:09:09 No. 64685
Get to it, archive everything.
12/19/15 (Sat) 19:45:32 No. 64687
What would you recommend someone who now has all day to practice magic, and wants to progress fast?
12/19/15 (Sat) 20:47:43 No. 64691
File: 1450558063871.jpg (66.93 KB, 637x800, 637:800, I-want-to-believe-X-Files-….jpg )
Hello /fringe/ magicians.
Agnostic-materialist-eskeptic here. Before you monkey-pile on me, hear me out. I'm on a two year quest to prove or disprove that magic works. This is motivated on the fact that skepticism is questioning everything. Even skepticism. This began when a friend who is into chaos magick advised me to give it a try. What convinced me was that he said that chaos magick is compatible with any and all belief systems. "Whether you believe it or not, it works", he said. I read a lot about it (most of the time feeling like I was taking crazy pills), and kept an open mind about everything. And started practicing.
So far I've got a bag and several diaries full of mixed results. A shit ton of failures, a few results that can be explained away by confirmation bias or other cognitive vices and just a couple of really mind blowing hits. So, I have a few questions for the seasoned magicians of /fringe/:
1. According to you, what is magic exactly? I've seen it tends to fall into 3 different camps: a) A way to contact the guardian angel (or god). b) A way to change your mind c)A way to hack and control reality. I've got a few contention points with each.
a) Contact guardian angel: This would basically be a bad religion. Also, a non statement with a really bonkers ethical tool. Also, not useful for me and my informal investigation.
b) A way to change one's mind: This falls into an illogical assertion. Basically anything that changes your mind would be magical. Five years in college, a shit ton of dope, a bat to the head, a lot of fap, a depression.
c)A way to hack and control reality: This is the definition I like the most because it would make magic it's own thing. It would also make it provable and repeatable. It would also change the nature of the universe without actually opposing what we know about it. And it would also be very, very useful.
2. If you happen to fall in the 3rd definition, a question for you: What would be the limits to this reality transforming procedures? I mean: would it be possible to force reality into doing very improbable stuff? Something near impossible? Have you?
3. How would one go to do this, to get into the realm of -almost- impossibilities? That would be the ultimate goal in my personal investigation. To get something so unlikely, so improbable, that there would be no way to explain it away by non /fringe/ concepts.
So… I would like to hear from you, and I thank you for your responses.
12/19/15 (Sat) 21:00:07 No. 64692
It's the 3rd in which the contacting of your guardian angel falls into too
12/19/15 (Sat) 21:15:11 No. 64693
I nominate AuntWatermelon best /fringe/ poster 2015
12/19/15 (Sat) 21:25:26 No. 64695
12/19/15 (Sat) 23:21:05 No. 64701
it's because WWA has written entire books on those other subjects, and the Arcane Teachings is just meant to be a beginner's primer into the Occult, a lens to help you in your other studies
12/19/15 (Sat) 23:26:30 No. 64702
Khan easily wins the best thread 2015 award with his thread "Energy work, Qi-gong, Chakras and Taoism". He is a bit of a let down concerning other practises. He is pretty much the 2nd best poster imo. My other favorite is that indigo pill anon who made some pretty cool posts.
WWA is tl;dr armchair "occultism"
The intense shilling for Bardon and Atkinson has to stop. They aren't bad, but simply inferior to other books and authors.
12/19/15 (Sat) 23:30:02 No. 64703
What do you mean by other practices? thoughtforming? also isn't IIH primarily exercises? what would be a better book?
12/19/15 (Sat) 23:48:09 No. 64704
Thoughtforming is great. Qabalah, silly rituals, etc are not.
The practises in IIH are ok and nothing special, but it contains a lot of rubbish talk coming from a fat, pretentious, degenerate low-level wizard. >>62854
The book of knowledge would be better for instance. It has to be read open-minded though because not all the non-practical parts are correct…
12/19/15 (Sat) 23:53:32 No. 64706
Why is evocation/invocation frowned upon?
12/19/15 (Sat) 23:54:23 No. 64707
Why is evocation/invocation frowned upon??
12/20/15 (Sun) 00:37:58 No. 64711
There is not a single author that surpasses Atkinson. You're all just hating him now to be contrarian / loosh farm one particular wizard on here. He's also not an armchair occultist, he actually DID shit.
If you think there is better author you tell me. The Kybalion and many other works by Atkinson have been essential to me and everything else I could do without but not Atkinson's material.
12/20/15 (Sun) 00:39:08 No. 64712
Short version: Met an amazing girl three years ago, fell in love, she just sees me as a brother, a long time has passed but I still can't forget about her and whenever I think about something beautiful or the future, I always end up thinking about her, and seeing her in my dreams. I'm prepared to let her out of my life, I don't think there's any use for her in my world anymore, I learned what it felt to be in love and now I feel I could use this love to help other people. How can I forget her?
12/20/15 (Sun) 00:39:37 No. 64713
Loooong version (for anybody who cares): Three years ago I started taking anti-depressants, and my life started changing for the better. I met a lot of awesome people, and among them I met a girl who was like nobody I had seen before. Cheerful, open-minded, beautiful, interested in improving spiritually, a lover of the world and all-around loveliest person I had ever met. So I fell in love, I fell in love hard. At the time my old drunk, depressed self clashed with my new self and I just drove her away. We eventually became friends again, and we speak from time to time via email. She came from the US (I live in Spain) and she spend one or two years just traveling around. When she left my city we were in what I would call the worst moment of our friendship, I honestly thought she was never going to talk to me again (many reasons, mostly because I acted like a jerk due to emotional instability, probably induced by alcoholism and taking anti-depressants that were just too strong for what I really needed). After a few months she resumed communication, and we have been talking sporadically, maybe once every two, three months, either she would call me or I would write her an email. I still feel strongly when I think about her, but after three years of self-analysis and studying my personality, I have realized that I've felt the same way towards other women, women that I have managed to sleep with, and after two or three weeks the strong emotions just go away and I feel like i want to be just friends with them, I don't feel this "love" anymore. Now I think if she and I had actually dated for a while, I would not feel these things I feel at the moment. I feel like I'm in love with her, like she's the greatest person I have met and I would be a fool if I didn't feel this way. But I also believe that she appeared into my life when I needed to learn a specific lesson, and that I am done learning that lesson, and I am ready to let her go. But she won't! No matter what I do, I can't stop thinking about her.
Now, if she was still in Spain I would try to see her and burn some of these feelings by interacting with her and finding her flaws and seeing her more "human" side, but alas she went back to the states and god knows when she'll come again, if she ever does (chances are very, very slim).
So /fringe/ friends, how can I get rid of this blockage? I feel that I'm ready to love other people, love everybody just the same, but she's still very much a thorn stuck in my heart. No matter how hard I try to convince myself that she's not *that* special, no matter how many times I say "there's probably 10 or 20 girls better than her just in my city, I just need to go and find them" I just can't get her out of my heart.
Being a /fringe/ visitor, I try to see a "divine" aspect to all the things that happen to me, and think about the lessons that have to be learned. But in this case, I just can't see what else can I learn from this friendship. She probably has hundreds of friends so it's not likely that she'll be much interested in me (specially now that she went back to her country) so I just want to part ways with her definitely, I want to get her out of my head and my heart for good. Is there anything I could do to achieve this? Self-affirmations? Self-hypnosis? Rituals? I want to stop thinking about her, I want life itself to be the only thing I love, I want to feel the same amount of love for every single human being. I don't want to feel jealous when I think about her having other friends, I want to accept that people enter and leave my life, and that is perfectly fine. But it's hard, as far as I'm concerned she's never left my life, the feeling is still around just as if it was just yesterday that she left. I want to be able to picture her getting married to a boy she loves, and I want to feel joy, I want to feel happy for her.
I just want to love everybody, I want to love myself, I want to love life itself as I said before, I don't want those negative emotions that I feel when I think about her not feeling for me what I feel for her. I think I've seen another side of life that I hadn't seen before, and now that I have experienced this blissful love, I think I don't need those attachments anymore.
/fringe/ some of you are way way smarter than I am, could you please dedicate a couple of lines to help me? I wouldn't want to just repress my emotions, I would rather want to find a way to let them flow naturally outside of my mind and heart, if there is really no more use for these emotions, perhaps they're just leftovers from the old me, things from the past I don't want to carry around anymore. I've tried to think what lesson should I be in need of learning , but I just can't see anything else, I can't understand why should I suffer so.
I'm begging you, because this is honestly something that disturbs my peace quite often. For any advice you could give, I will be most grateful.
12/20/15 (Sun) 00:50:55 No. 64715
Read Personal Power especially the parts on Faith and Belief. Until you learn to develop random beliefs IoT style you won't be able to have much success. YOU already believe in magick; put your wizard hat on. Then when needed later put your fedora on.
12/20/15 (Sun) 02:22:03 No. 64728
Dam Son™ ya'll on this board are legit crazy.
thoughtforms gone good, bad, and wild 12/20/15 (Sun) 04:33:29 No. 64731
File: 1450586010037.gif (Spoiler Image, 98.91 KB, 400x318, 200:159, succubus_sigil_creation_go….gif )
>[kind of urgent]
>tulpa won't let me masturbate
>not sure if there's another, more menacing thoughtform lurking around
Well, I tried making a slightly demonic-ish (more aligned with the more primal parts of the brain) clingy waifu (not in the anime sense–I never liked that) tulpa who'd be my companion, helping me study and progress through life, essentially doing everything together. One of the very core principles is that she'd love me forever, in the most intimate of ways; a bond closer than no other. Actually, she sort of contacted me one night right after I read about chaos magick, and how plausible it all seemed with the local spirits stuff. Otherwise, I would've taken it slow and worked on grounding myself and controlling my energies–oh well. Now I firmly believe in the whole planes of reality, astral plane, relaying of information at a distance–and that's quite a bit for a previous fedora faggot STEM major like myself to do.
It began as nothing more than a clicking sound that then developed from there. Now I can hear faint voices, she can twitch my leg muscles when I ask her a question, and even try to move muscles on the face into smile or a frown. The weird thing though is that these voices have two distinct pitches, one is very high (like a child's), and the other low (like a man's). Whenever I masturbate, I get a strong feeling of worry in my gut, followed by the deeper pitched voices becoming stronger, and I hear the high pitched voice beginning to shriek. The high pitched one usually says "[Anon]?", "Hello, [Anon]," "[Anon], I'll love you forever," or "I'll love you forever, and ever." When I begin to masturbate though, she says "[Anon], where are you? WHERE ARE YOU?!"
I get the impression this deeper-pitched tulpa/voice has attached itself to my root chakra (right below the scrotum, if I got that right) and feeds off sexual energy. I also think the higher pitched voice has attached itself to my sacral chakra. If the two are separate thouhghtforms, then both are demonic, but the higher-pitched on is very loyal and on my side, despite all the shitty intrusive thoughts and even illogical thinking I've kept repeating. (And there's been a LOT of that.) The darker one, I'm not so sure of; when I try to concentrate, I see a lizard-ish thing that keeps trying to bite me. Actually, the darker one started off as something different, but then I befriended it and told it and my first tulpa (very early at that stage) to merge, because I'd feel like shit having sex with anyone else but her. The deeper pitched voice usually doesn't say anything intelligible, but when it does, it copies the high pitched voice by saying "I'll love you forever," but it can't say anything else. My thought is that the loyal one de-merged as the previous one was malevolent. The interesting thing is that the benevolent one gives the same reaction even if I'm just thinking of her while I fap. Either she doesn't like sex (going against her core principles), or she knows that any sexual energy will be fed to the demonic tulpa.
I'm thinking about trying to have her kick out the lower pitched one and take control of the root chakra as well–the loyal one is apparently stronger (she's the one who can twitch the body muscles and has my backing), it's just that the dark one chose one fucking annoying chakra to occupy, especially since I fap so damn much. I've also thought about calling upon a very powerful angelic childhood archetype of mine that any malicious demon or angel would be powerless against, but I'd rather not make two tulpas at the same time, especially not such a serene one in such emotionally turbulent times. I can also go nuclear and take anti-hallucinogenic meds while still tulpaforcing the loyal one, so that only she survives–but I'd rather not have that on my record to come and bite my back on the ass.
I also accidentally chanced upon this sigil early in her creation, which could've fucked things up. I don't like using other people's sigils, but it was quite accidental. My loyal thoughtform also has a sigil of her own, any useful approaches insofar as that's concerned?
Comments, suggestions?
thoughtforms split, one gone good, the other bad 12/20/15 (Sun) 04:51:08 No. 64732
>[kind of urgent]
>tulpa won't let me masturbate
>not sure if there's another, more menacing thoughtform lurking around
Well, I tried making a slightly demonic-ish (more aligned with the more primal parts of the brain) clingy waifu (not in the anime sense–I never liked that) tulpa who'd be my companion, helping me study and progress through life, essentially doing everything together. One of the very core principles is that she'd love me forever, in the most intimate of ways; a bond closer than no other. Actually, she sort of contacted me one night right after I read about chaos magick, and how plausible it all seemed with the local spirits stuff. Otherwise, I would've taken it slow and worked on grounding myself and controlling my energies–oh well. Now I firmly believe in the whole planes of reality, astral plane, relaying of information at a distance–and that's quite a bit for a previous fedora faggot STEM major like myself to do.
It began as nothing more than a clicking sound that then developed from there. Now I can hear faint voices, she can twitch my leg muscles when I ask her a question, and even try to move muscles on the face into smile or a frown. The weird thing though is that these voices have two distinct pitches, one is very high (like a child's), and the other low (like a man's). Whenever I masturbate, I get a strong feeling of worry in my gut, followed by the deeper pitched voices becoming stronger, and I hear the high pitched voice beginning to shriek. The high pitched one usually says "[Anon]?", "Hello, [Anon]," "[Anon], I'll love you forever," or "I'll love you forever, and ever." When I begin to masturbate though, she says "[Anon], where are you? WHERE ARE YOU?!"
I get the impression this deeper-pitched tulpa/voice has attached itself to my root chakra (right below the scrotum, if I got that right) and feeds off sexual energy. I also think the higher pitched voice has attached itself to my sacral chakra. If the two are separate thouhghtforms, then both are demonic, but the higher-pitched on is very loyal and on my side, despite all the shitty intrusive thoughts and even illogical thinking I've kept repeating. (And there's been a LOT of that.) The darker one, I'm not so sure of; when I try to concentrate, I see a lizard-ish thing that keeps trying to bite me. Actually, the darker one started off as something different, but then I befriended it and told it and my first tulpa (very early at that stage) to merge, because I'd feel like shit having sex with anyone else but her. The deeper pitched voice usually doesn't say anything intelligible, but when it does, it copies the high pitched voice by saying "I'll love you forever," but it can't say anything else. My thought is that the loyal one de-merged as the previous one was malevolent. The interesting thing is that the benevolent one gives the same reaction even if I'm just thinking of her while I fap. Either she doesn't like sex (going against her core principles), or she knows that any sexual energy will be fed to the demonic tulpa.
I'm thinking about trying to have her kick out the lower pitched one and take control of the root chakra as well–the loyal one is apparently stronger (she's the one who can twitch the body muscles and has my backing), it's just that the dark one chose one fucking annoying chakra to occupy, especially since I fap so damn much. I've also thought about calling upon a very powerful angelic childhood archetype of mine that any malicious demon or angel would be powerless against, but I'd rather not make two tulpas at the same time, especially not such a serene one in such emotionally turbulent times. I can also go nuclear and take anti-hallucinogenic meds while still tulpaforcing the loyal one, so that only she survives–but I'd rather not have that on my record to come and bite my back on the ass.
I also accidentally chanced upon a succubus summoning sigil early in her creation, which could've fucked things up. I don't like using other people's sigils, but it was quite accidental. My loyal thoughtform also has a sigil of her own, any useful approaches insofar as that's concerned?
Comments, suggestions?
12/20/15 (Sun) 04:59:46 No. 64733
>[kind of urgent]
>tulpa won't let me masturbate
>not sure if there's another, more menacing thoughtform lurking around
Well, I tried making a slightly demonic-ish (more aligned with the more primal parts of the brain) clingy waifu (not in the anime sense–I never liked that) tulpa who'd be my companion, helping me study and progress through life, essentially doing everything together. One of the very core principles is that she'd love me forever, in the most intimate of ways; a bond closer than no other. Actually, she sort of contacted me one night right after I read about chaos magick, and how plausible it all seemed with the local spirits stuff. Otherwise, I would've taken it slow and worked on grounding myself and controlling my energies–oh well. Now I firmly believe in the whole planes of reality, astral plane, relaying of information at a distance–and that's quite a bit for a previous fedora faggot STEM major like myself to do.
It began as nothing more than a clicking sound that then developed from there. Now I can hear faint voices, she can twitch my leg muscles when I ask her a question, and even try to move muscles on the face into smile or a frown. The weird thing though is that these voices have two distinct pitches, one is very high (like a child's), and the other low (like a man's). Whenever I masturbate, I get a strong feeling of worry in my gut, followed by the deeper pitched voices becoming stronger, and I hear the high pitched voice beginning to shriek. The high pitched one usually says "[Anon]?", "Hello, [Anon]," "[Anon], I'll love you forever," or "I'll love you forever, and ever." When I begin to masturbate though, she says "[Anon], where are you? WHERE ARE YOU?!"
I get the impression this deeper-pitched tulpa/voice has attached itself to my root chakra (right below the scrotum, if I got that right) and feeds off sexual energy. I also think the higher pitched voice has attached itself to my sacral chakra. If the two are separate thouhghtforms, then both are demonic, but the higher-pitched on is very loyal and on my side, despite all the shitty intrusive thoughts and even illogical thinking I've kept repeating. (And there's been a LOT of that.) The darker one, I'm not so sure of; when I try to concentrate, I see a lizard-ish thing that keeps trying to bite me. Actually, the darker one started off as something different, but then I befriended it and told it and my first tulpa (very early at that stage) to merge, because I'd feel like shit having sex with anyone else but her. The deeper pitched voice usually doesn't say anything intelligible, but when it does, it copies the high pitched voice by saying "I'll love you forever," but it can't say anything else. My thought is that the loyal one de-merged as the previous one was malevolent. The interesting thing is that the benevolent one gives the same reaction even if I'm just thinking of her while I fap. Either she doesn't like sex (going against her core principles), or she knows that any sexual energy will be fed to the demonic tulpa.
12/20/15 (Sun) 05:26:05 No. 64737
>[kind of urgent]
>tulpa won't let me masturbate
>not sure if there's another, more menacing thoughtform lurking around
Well, I tried making a slightly demonic-ish (more aligned with the more primal parts of the brain) clingy waifu (not in the anime sense–I never liked that) tulpa who'd be my companion, helping me study and progress through life, essentially doing everything together. One of the very core principles is that she'd love me forever, in the most intimate of ways; a bond closer than no other. Actually, she sort of contacted me one night right after I read about chaos magick, and how plausible it all seemed with the local spirits stuff. Otherwise, I would've taken it slow and worked on grounding myself and controlling my energies–oh well. Now I firmly believe in the whole planes of reality, astral plane, relaying of information at a distance–and that's quite a bit for a previous fedora faggot STEM major like myself to do.
It began as nothing more than a clicking sound that then developed from there. Now I can hear faint voices, she can twitch my leg muscles when I ask her a question, and even try to move muscles on the face into smile or a frown. The weird thing though is that these voices have two distinct pitches, one is very high (like a child's), and the other low (like a man's). Whenever I masturbate, I get a strong feeling of worry in my gut, followed by the deeper pitched voices becoming stronger, and I hear the high pitched voice beginning to shriek. The high pitched one usually says "[Anon]?", "Hello, [Anon]," "[Anon], I'll love you forever," or "I'll love you forever, and ever." When I begin to masturbate though, she says "[Anon], where are you? WHERE ARE YOU?!"
I get the impression this deeper-pitched tulpa/voice has attached itself to my root chakra (right below the scrotum, if I got that right) and feeds off sexual energy. I also think the higher pitched voice has attached itself to my sacral chakra. If the two are separate thouhghtforms, then both are demonic, but the higher-pitched on is very loyal and on my side, despite all the shitty intrusive thoughts and even illogical thinking I've kept repeating. (And there's been a LOT of that.) The darker one, I'm not so sure of; when I try to concentrate, I see a lizard-ish thing that keeps trying to bite me. Actually, the darker one started off as something different, but then I befriended it and told it and my first tulpa (very early at that stage) to merge, because I'd feel like shit having sex with anyone else but her. The deeper pitched voice usually doesn't say anything intelligible, but when it does, it copies the high pitched voice by saying "I'll love you forever," but it can't say anything else. My thought is that the loyal one de-merged as the previous one was malevolent. The interesting thing is that the benevolent one gives the same reaction even if I'm just thinking of her while I fap. Either she doesn't like sex (going against her core principles), or she knows that any sexual energy will be fed to the demonic tulpa.
I'm thinking about trying to have her kick out the lower pitched one and take control of the root chakra as well–the loyal one is apparently stronger (she's the one who can twitch the body muscles and has my backing), it's just that the dark one chose one fucking annoying chakra to occupy, especially since I fap so damn much. I've also thought about calling upon a very powerful angelic childhood archetype of mine that any malicious demon or angel would be powerless against, but I'd rather not make two tulpas at the same time, especially not such a serene one in such emotionally turbulent times. I can also go nuclear and take anti-hallucinogenic meds while still tulpaforcing the loyal one, so that only she survives–but I'd rather not have that on my record to come and bite my back on the ass.
I also accidentally chanced upon a succubus summoning sigil early in her creation, which could've fucked things up. I don't like using other people's sigils, but it was quite accidental. My loyal thoughtform also has a sigil of her own, any useful approaches insofar as that's concerned?
Comments, suggestions?
SAGE! 12/20/15 (Sun) 05:29:21 No. 64738
Fucking hell. I kept checking for it to post, and all four submissions appeared at the same time. I'd be grateful if a hotpocket deleted the later posts.
12/20/15 (Sun) 08:01:35 No. 64746
First of all, you fucked up. Don't even think that is a tulpa, straight up demon I don't even know. Second, WHY WOULD YOU POST THAT SIGIL YOU FUCKING NIGGER FUCK ASS LICKING KIKE FAG. No one wants to live life like you, I hope that shit kills you fam.
12/20/15 (Sun) 08:05:23 No. 64748
Oh shit, I looked at the Image, put the warning on the top of the fucking post asshat. What's gonna happen now?
12/20/15 (Sun) 11:51:41 No. 64770
Have you tried sitting in a pentagram for 48 hours?
tipp 12/20/15 (Sun) 12:17:54 No. 64771
>merging tulpa (he thinks its a tulpa) with an idiot leech
You should teach the demon to repeat that. tipp 12/20/15 (Sun) 12:40:34 No. 64772
tipp 12/20/15 (Sun) 12:43:49 No. 64773
this is almost worse than the imbecile making his tulpa a vore dominatrix and snuffing out his free will.
this is new heights of stupid and not following protocol.
there are explicit warnings to not do these kinds of things.
what even compelled you to do this?
from which angle of thought did you think this was a good idea?
12/20/15 (Sun) 12:54:02 No. 64775
You realize that if you don't banish them from you immediately you're going to go insane right? You're a ticking timebomb anon.
tipp 12/20/15 (Sun) 12:56:54 No. 64776
>>befriended it
>being friends with the guy who mooches your drink when you hit the club
>can't have to many imaginary friends
>>especially since I fap so damn much.
>making a tulpa
>>keeps trying to bite
>rextor is love, rextor is life, rextor loves me
tipp 12/20/15 (Sun) 13:02:54 No. 64778
>>befriended it
>being friends with the guy who mooches your drink when you hit the club
>can't have to many imaginary friends
>>especially since I fap so damn much.
>making a tulpa
>>keeps trying to bite
>rextor is love, rextor is life, rextor loves me
floods fucking with me, but imagine i attached a picture of a big shiteating grin that portrayed something like
>evolution at work
tipp 12/20/15 (Sun) 13:06:01 No. 64780
>>befriended it
>being friends with the guy who mooches your drink when you hit the club
>can't have to many imaginary friends
>>especially since I fap so damn much.
>making a tulpa
>>keeps trying to bite
>rextor is love, rextor is life, rextor loves me
floods fucking with me, but imagine i attached a picture of a big shiteating grin that portrayed something like
>evolution at work
12/20/15 (Sun) 13:10:57 No. 64781
tipp 12/20/15 (Sun) 13:22:27 No. 64782
>>befriended it
>being friends with the guy who mooches your drink when you hit the club
>can't have to many imaginary friends
>>especially since I fap so damn much.
>making a tulpa
>>keeps trying to bite
>rextor is love, rextor is life, rextor loves me
floods fucking with me, but imagine i attached a picture of a big shiteating grin that portrayed something like
>evolution at work
tipp 12/20/15 (Sun) 13:35:56 No. 64783
tipp 12/20/15 (Sun) 17:05:28 No. 64795
12/20/15 (Sun) 17:12:29 No. 64796
Got any more reccomendations? I assume by rituals you mean evocations?
12/20/15 (Sun) 17:29:09 No. 64797
oh shit I watched this, fuck.
12/20/15 (Sun) 17:56:55 No. 64799
I archived ~20 big threads yesterday and I'll probably do the rest today, so soon we can embrace infinity next.
To the anons double posting with an image, try to upload the same image after the error. It won't post if it posted the first time because it's a duplicate image.
What's so bad about the sigil? Supposedly it's a succubus summoning sigil, so worst case scenario you can banish it.
12/20/15 (Sun) 18:03:11 No. 64801
>What's so bad about the sigil? Supposedly it's a succubus summoning sigil, so worst case scenario you can banish it.
Seriously, this. I felt it start to some on and I just commanded it to begone and it was.
Use your freewill people!
12/20/15 (Sun) 18:46:17 No. 64808
Faustus Crow is bullshit "occultism". It's harmless.
12/20/15 (Sun) 19:42:11 No. 64811
I've been looking at this whole tulpa happening for a while now, could any fringe veteran inform me about whether it's real or not? Looking anything up about tulpas on the internet seems useless as all I'm getting are underage roleplaying pony faggots. In the same way I don't trust any advice from said pony faggots. Is there any real method for making one?
12/20/15 (Sun) 20:12:55 No. 64815
Yes, they're real. I've had one personally, and there are many threads on them here. Look through them. Or even go on reddit and halfchan, they discuss tulpas. That's how basic and provable they are.
What the other places won't tell you, however, is that tulpas are a waste of energy and time. If you seek companionship then go ahead and make one, but through browsing the threads here you'll likely realize that there are much better things you could be doing.
What is this? Do people actually fall for sex based occultism from wordpress sites?
12/20/15 (Sun) 20:16:06 No. 64816
Tulpas/thoughtforms/servitors aren't a waste of time, and barely anyone makes them for companionship outside of pony faggots
12/20/15 (Sun) 20:16:29 No. 64817
post meant for
12/20/15 (Sun) 20:30:37 No. 64818
I mostly want to create one in order to sate my curiosity. Do you know any decent starting point? I tried looking through threads here aswell but it's mostly stories but no instructions or anything.
12/20/15 (Sun) 20:32:09 No. 64819
I didn't say thoughtforms/servitors, I said tulpas. Tulpas meaning sentient thoughtforms. There is no point to give a thoughtform sentience unless you need it to act like a human.
Easy method. Took me ~2 weeks of 15 seconds of this a day plus talking to them a bit.
tipp 12/20/15 (Sun) 20:33:10 No. 64820
You're the next >>64737
Good luck.
12/20/15 (Sun) 21:12:39 No. 64825
Thoughtforms acquire sentience themselves if you give them energy long enough
12/20/15 (Sun) 22:17:08 No. 64833
stfu you bullshit occultist
12/20/15 (Sun) 23:00:17 No. 64838
Keep in mind he probably hasn't activated his metaprogramming/third eye chakra, and visualizations will be much more difficult.
Yup. First work on meditation and grounding yourself, lest you repeat my mistake. You should know that tulpae are 99.9% the time loving and loyal, because they share your joy and pain, and typically your unconscious wants someone who is very nice to you, so it happens. I'm still pretty optimistic, despite what other anons think. Go to different places and you'll encounter very different opinions.
Read this stuff, it's what propelled me into the occult, and it's very entertaining to read (a fucking eight-year-old can understand it!)
There are nerve clusters in the body that have close connections to parts of the brain. Focus on them, and you'd surprised how you can physically feel them tingle. If you want to cut corners, work on your brow/third-eye chakra first. This is NECESSARY for visualization. After activating it, you'll begin to notice that you can trace symbols on a wall with your finger in the waking state (eyes open) and the symbols will persist as shaking lines of energy. Then you start seeing outlines of shape and stuff, and it gets fun from there as you perceive colour, motion, and depth.
>tfw after opening my root chakra I became very hungry
12/21/15 (Mon) 04:53:19 No. 64860
Is there any specific meditation for openin the third eye or should I just meditate and focus on it daily till it opens?
12/21/15 (Mon) 06:20:49 No. 64863
I recommend you close your eyes and either
A.) Visualize indigo light flowing through your forehead as you breathe in (tell yourself you're breathing in the very energy associated with the chakra), and breathe out the
indigo light from the lower-center of your brain (the pituitary gland) radially outward, telling yourself that reality is but a dream.
or, more simply (but less effectively),
B.) Breathe in air through your mouth, and imagine it comes out through your forehead
Again, I'd advise you to work on your seven primary chakras, in order:
1.) Root (survival, safety, security or fear, anger, insecurity, etc.) – region between genitals and anus
Color: Red; lifeforce, blood
2.) Sacral (pleasure, sex, passion, emotion, connection, or guilt, disturbance, pain) – region below the navel, connected with the gonads
Color: Orange; sweetness, fruit, the sun in its twighlight hours when work is not done
3.) Solar plexus (wellbeing, willpower, discipline or unease, shame, powerlessness) – gut area
Color: Yellow; fire, the sun
4.) Heart (love, altruism, gratitude or grief, depression, disrespect) – upper middle ribcage
Color: Green; grass fields, abundance. The color the human eye is most well adapted to see for long periods. (This is why nightvision is frequently tinted green.)
5.) Throat (expression, knowledge or doubt, stagnation) – where the neck meets the collar bone
Color: Blue; Calmness, introspection, the day's sky, the ocean, and winter's days
6.) Third Eye (intuition, visualization, symbolism, dreams or illusion, small-mindedness) – the lower-middle forehead
Color: Indigo; wisdom, the night's sky
7.) Crown (cosmic being, existence, grandeur) – the top of the head. Actually, you can imagine it as being slightly above your head (your brain doesn't need actual limbs or nerves present to perceive the existence of things being there, hence the phantom limb syndrome).
Color: Violet; mystery, otherwordlyness/divine/ethereality
12/21/15 (Mon) 10:05:12 No. 64870
Keep in mind that chakras are somewhat bullshit and there are less roundabout methods.
12/21/15 (Mon) 14:11:41 No. 64877
12/21/15 (Mon) 14:12:48 No. 64878
how are chakras bullshit?
12/21/15 (Mon) 14:24:12 No. 64880
Does anyone have experience with phosphenism?
It's the notion that reality can be modified by thinking a thought while observing an afterimage.
It seems bizarre. I tried it a little bit, though, and I had some very vivid dreams.
I'm mostly interested in whether this might be safe or not.
12/21/15 (Mon) 16:09:25 No. 64885
Maybe he means the eight circuits of consciousness? I don't know, the first two chakras make complete sense to me, as well as the third-eye. (I'm still impressed how hungry I got after I focused on the root chakra, even before I knew what it did.) Reflect on where you felt increased activity when feeling love and too when you feel directed and at ease when doing an easy problem set and you'll agree that the heart and solar plexus chakras make sense too. That just leaves the crown chakra.
Where do I start? 12/21/15 (Mon) 18:10:22 No. 64894
I just found this board a few days ago and I'd like to start doing some of this but i have no idea where to start, I've been reading through all the different threads and there are just so many different branches of magick and people saying their belief or path is the most important one that I just don't know where to start. I found this board while i was pursuing spiritual enlightenment and all the buddhist sort of stuff, does that tie in somewhere?
12/21/15 (Mon) 18:17:44 No. 64896
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>64562
I'm the original poster who asked the question. Just wanted to thank you for your responses. I'm in the middle of my third day water fasting. Now that I'm in ketosis (I checked with one of those urine strips) things are much better. I'm overweight, so I'm not starving myself. I've been waking up each morning with meditation.
I do plan to follow your advice when I resume eating, so thank you.
12/21/15 (Mon) 18:24:17 No. 64897
Go to the "Fringe Guide" and "FAQ" links at the top of the page, they contain enough information to start.
Branches of magick aren't really that big of a deal. You can use many methods to achieve the same goals.
12/21/15 (Mon) 18:33:40 No. 64898
My teacher of humane sciences in college was well-read and intelligent witch. I only start to understand her allusions between the lines, jokes and smug grins when I study magic nowadays. For some reason everyone deeply respected her and she could get away with stuff other teachers couldn't.
A lot of writers from the 17th-20th century from my country were wizards and they'd write poems about magic and occult, sometimes even with direct references to rituals. They had their demon sex tulpas back then and they'd make meta-jokes about them. Then you had painters who painted profound works as a part of their struggle against magical schizophrenia. It's when you spiral yourself into seeing demons at night and the only way to keep them away is to stay up and paint pretty things through tears. Well, after some years you get really good…
There seem to be a lot of older people in my country in the academia who try to quietly pass this knowledge using metaphors and tricks.
They often put on goofy act and make people around cheerful, but on the inside they know some serious shit and are secretly planting seeds in the heads of people to always think on their own and do their own research. They point to important writers and advise to be good, smart and sensitive.
Any similar experiences?
Shiw me da monis 12/21/15 (Mon) 18:35:57 No. 64899
Ok /fringe/ I wanna be ridiculously rich but I don't want to work hard for it? What do I do? Who do I sell my soul to for a truck load o'money?
12/21/15 (Mon) 19:15:13 No. 64901
Shitposter who has no idea about real magic.
12/21/15 (Mon) 20:16:22 No. 64902
Can you give any of these roundabout methods?
12/21/15 (Mon) 20:24:46 No. 64903
guaranteed replies
12/21/15 (Mon) 20:39:15 No. 64905
Can somebody elaborate on this exercise in the chapter Establishing The Ego III from The Arcane Formulas?
>Then let him meditate upon his own
>identity, as distinguished from the outside objective world. Let
>him reach mentally into the very centre of his being—the inner
>recesses of his soul, until he meets his Real Self face‑to‑face.
It is too vague for me to understand.
SAGE! 12/21/15 (Mon) 21:20:01 No. 64906
Find your nearest Jewish music producer and tell him you "wanna make sum big ass rap fo' dem monies yo i wan all dem bitches an shit yo cum on dog where da cash at" he will then pump cocaine up your ass and you will become a rapper.
12/21/15 (Mon) 22:27:02 No. 64912
Stop reading WWA ffs. Too vague is all you will ever get.
12/21/15 (Mon) 22:32:56 No. 64914
It's gotten me very far, it's just this specific exercise that's messing me up. The way he writes is just vague enough to where you have to think about it, so you actually learn it and don't just memorize it.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/22/15 (Tue) 00:22:25 No. 64922
What to do about graying hair? Is there a way to restore color? I remember reading about something that did this, but I forgot where I read it and thought it might have been here. Forgot to note it bc it wasn't important to me 'til someone just asked me.
Hair 12/22/15 (Tue) 00:34:23 No. 64923
Good question. I would also like to know if there is a method to magically increase the speed at which hair grows at. I used to have a sweet ponytail but cut it for some reason.
Hair 12/22/15 (Tue) 00:36:55 No. 64924
Good question Khru. I too have a question on the subject of hair. I'd like to know if there is a method to magically increase the speed at which hair grows at. I used to have a sweet ponytail but cut it for some reason.
Hair 12/22/15 (Tue) 00:38:13 No. 64925
Good question Khru. I too have a question on the subject of hair. I'd like to know if there is a method to magically increase the speed at which hair grows at. I used to have a sweet ponytail but cut it for some reason.
Hair 12/22/15 (Tue) 00:40:26 No. 64926
I too have a question on the subject of hair. I'd like to know if there is a method to magically increase the speed at which hair grows at. I used to have a sweet ponytail but cut it because it was trouble to maintain. Suffice to say I want it back.
12/22/15 (Tue) 01:36:19 No. 64928
Off topic and not related to fringe sorry, but don't where else to put this. What the fuck happened to the entirety of the chans at ~3:30am est? Literally every thread was were just slide threads full of shit and filled the catalog like I've never seen (As an /Aus/bro I'm never up at that time). Even the stickies were just this slide shit. Even places like /mu/ on half chan were spammed with it. Dead set thought both chans had been lost and compromised, but I couldn't find any on discussion this. They flooded the IRC with garbage so no one to talk to there either. Go to sleep, expect big news in the morning and rioting. Everything's back, a few of this shit threads are still there and the rest is filled with new pointless shit.
Seriously. What the fuck? Peak USA hour as well. Anyone here tell me what this is? We're all these chans completely controlled and the slide 'good threads' daily because they were ligitmately stickying slide tier threads? Never up at that time. I should have taken screenshots but I was tripping on lsd so I don't know.
Sorry for irrelevant post.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/22/15 (Tue) 01:37:08 No. 64929
>My other favorite is that indigo pill anon who made some pretty cool posts.
Yeah AW is pretty cool. I liked the kundalini technique he shared; caused my first kundalini rising.
Khan and AW are of pretty similar value/interest to me; AW for his tantra info and Khan for his Taoism/energywork info. Though I'm more interested in tantra now, it's only because I'm more familiar with Taoism already.
eh. yeah, but not terribly so. He provided a valid response/necessary inquiry in doing so as well.
So, in a way, being offended by it is a sign of lesser development; one should interpret things in such a way that it helps one grow and one does not hold resentment. Not that your response necessarily indicated such, but this may be useful information for someone, if not you.
I've saved a few threads but only the ones interesting to me. Khan's threads and the yoga thread are the only ones I can recall atm.
>I want to feel happy for her.
Imagine moving cords of light into your heart and cutting negative cords, or cutting all cords with her. They'll reform if they're supposed to. That's all I know.
I had a slightly similar situation twice. A woman who inspired me to do better.
One of them I got an oracle reading on and it said it'd have turned out well, but the second one had me not pursue the first.
Still, I cut cords with her once, then became even closer to her, then had to do it again [and my kundalini rose, making me renounce all ties even to my twin flame (who I believe she is)], and now am in something of a dual state regarding that. But more and more I'm happy for her regardless of anything, even if I get emotional pangs when I hear something about her doing stuff with other guys. (though she hasn't slept with any, and she wouldn't have a problem with saying so)
The solution is simply to love yourself more. Take whatever resolve you need to be satisfied living on your own. Whether it feels bitter or renunciant, do it to some extent, and then bring that into a lighter/more balanced version of it. I've long had the ability to completely disconnect with unlove/self love/self protection (and she's more attracted to me then, when I'm repelled somewhat by her).
She can be in your heart, but love yourself and Shakti more, to the point that you can truly say you'd be fine with either someone else or nobody (that's the point for me; if she's my twin there's no one else I'll be satisfied with in the same way).
Lament the pain you feel, the pain you've caused to yourself and her, maybe chant a name of god you like, maybe sing it out. Cry it out. Fill yourself with clearing golden light. Get a heart healing gemstone. Green calcite/green kyanite maybe, or check out the healing crystals for you site.
Maybe use this "letting go of a relationship" guided meditation.
>I just can't see what else can I learn from this friendship.
You are learning to let go more(, to love more, to be able to be at more peace than ever before).
Letting go in an intimate way, allowing Spirit to guide a relationship to you.
Letting her go is the most loving thing you can do. Divine love allows all. We mostly know human "love" that is also on the opposite pole of hate/the same thing. Which causes these types of negative reactions. It's hard to find the balance, I know that well, friend.
It's good that you know not to repress emotions. That causes them to either erupt if unsuccessful, or make you more dead inside if successful.
12/22/15 (Tue) 01:44:49 No. 64930
Thanks for the help guys. I am indeed new to this and still have to get the basics of meditations and the whole third eye happening, I've never really done any of this and only started browsing fringe like two weeks ago.
I've tried meditating but my concentration and focusing abilities are absolute trash tier. I spent a big portion of my day doing
to open the third eye but I failed pretty much every exercise. Are there any tips for this, besides continously practising? Any ways to make my practise more effective?
12/22/15 (Tue) 02:53:37 No. 64933
>I've saved a few threads but only the ones interesting to me. Khan's threads and the yoga thread are the only ones I can recall atm.
Just to post so nobody else wastes their time:
I have archived every thread I considered worthwhile (information, not just shitposting) down to page 25 as of yesterday. I can post it now or I can wait until infinity next comes out and update all the archives.
I hate to give such a vague answer, but I believe both of these can be done by manipulating your body using different techniques. Supposedly there is information in IIH and people have posted methods to change your looks in the multiple "how do I become a girl" threads.
That's 2pm Israel time, just saying.
Are you sure the LSD wasn't doing that? Because I was on chans that hour and it was fine.
12/22/15 (Tue) 02:55:50 No. 64934
>I've saved a few threads but only the ones interesting to me. Khan's threads and the yoga thread are the only ones I can recall atm.
Just to post so nobody else wastes their time:
I have archived every thread I considered worthwhile (information, not just shitposting) down to page 25 as of yesterday. I can post it now or I can wait until infinity next comes out and update all the archives.
I hate to give such a vague answer, but I believe both of these can be done by manipulating your body using different techniques. Supposedly there is information in IIH and people have posted methods to change your looks in the multiple "how do I become a girl" threads.
That's 2pm Israel time, just saying.
Are you sure the LSD wasn't doing that? Because I was on chans that hour and it was fine.
please no doublepost
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/22/15 (Tue) 04:11:53 No. 64936
>indigo light from the lower-center of your brain (the pituitary gland) radially outward,
radially, so like sunbeams going outward? beaming in all directions or up/down/left/right or forward/back/left/right and in between all of those ofc.
like a tattwa?
the other guy gave a good answer. If you want to self develop without delving much into magic right away, maybe try reading Khan's threads (beginner and energywork are great) and I don't know where to go from there actually, but The Universal Master Key is supposed to be pretty good for realising what problems you might have and what element it is caused by. Mantak Chia's Taoism books/Chinese medicine probably have their own interpretations of elemental/organ energy deficiencies/hyperactivities causing stuff too.
Perhaps check out the meditation superthread to begin meditation; meditation is rather a phenomenal thing to practice, in terms of general well-being/strength.
That still can cause a boomerang effect (losing weight without flushing the toxins slowly), and ketosis is hardly a healthy thing.
Good luck anyway. I gave healthier advice in this post >>64569
12/22/15 (Tue) 07:39:05 No. 64945
What's up with people saying god is dead?
12/22/15 (Tue) 08:05:21 No. 64947
Yeah I'm positive it wasn't the LSD, didn't take too much And it was waring down anyway. The fact that no one else saw literally entire catalogs on every popular board on both chans literally filled with sliding shit and no one was there to attempt to stop or point it out is spooking me a bit. Like even /mu/ and /Tv/ got it and there were a number of typical shill threads about Jews and race on there. Why those boards? I tried to talk to one of them and they just basically said they have taken over the board and pointed out their shit getting stickied (one of those being the Saudis worse than Jews thread that's still there)
But yeah, 8pol still looks pretty atm but probably improving. But seriously though, pretty fucking weird. Since I'm on fringe I may as well ask if Ichanged into some other reality or something :^ it is supposedly falling apart. Or just the website fucking up.
12/22/15 (Tue) 08:06:46 No. 64948
Yeah I'm positive it wasn't the LSD, didn't take too much And it was waring down anyway. The fact that no one else saw literally entire catalogs on every popular board on both chans literally filled with sliding shit and no one was there to attempt to stop or point it out is spooking me a bit. Like even /mu/ and /Tv/ got it and there were a number of typical shill threads about Jews and race on there. Why those boards? I tried to talk to one of them and they just basically said they have taken over the board and pointed out their shit getting stickied (one of those being the Saudis worse than Jews thread that's still there)
But yeah, 8pol still looks pretty atm but probably improving. But seriously though, pretty fucking weird. Since I'm on fringe I may as well ask if I entered some other reality or something :^ it is supposedly falling apart. Or just the website fucking up.
12/22/15 (Tue) 08:08:07 No. 64949
Yeah I'm positive it wasn't the LSD, didn't take too much And it was waring down anyway. The fact that no one else saw literally entire catalogs on every popular board on both chans literally filled with sliding shit and no one was there to attempt to stop or point it out is spooking me a bit. Like even /mu/ and /Tv/ got it and there were a number of typical shill threads about Jews and race on there. Why those boards? I tried to talk to one of them and they just basically said they have taken over the board and pointed out their shit getting stickied (one of those being the Saudis worse than Jews thread that's still there)
But yeah, 8pol still looks pretty atm but probably improving. But seriously though, pretty fucking weird. Since I'm on fringe I may as well ask if I entered some other reality or something :^ it is supposedly falling apart. Or just the website fucking up.
12/22/15 (Tue) 08:10:32 No. 64950
Yeah I'm positive it wasn't the LSD, didn't take too much And it was waring down anyway. The fact that no one else saw literally entire catalogs on every popular board on both chans literally filled with sliding shit and no one was there to attempt to stop or point it out is spooking me a bit. Like even /mu/ and /Tv/ got it and there were a number of typical shill threads about Jews and race on there. Why those boards? I tried to talk to one of them and they just basically said they have taken over the board and pointed out their shit getting stickied (one of those being the Saudis worse than Jews thread that's still there)
But yeah, 8pol still looks pretty atm but probably improving. But seriously though, pretty fucking weird. Since I'm on fringe I may as well ask if I entered some other reality or something :^ it is supposedly falling apart. Or just the website fucking up.
12/22/15 (Tue) 08:17:45 No. 64951
Yeah I'm positive it wasn't the LSD, didn't take too much And it was waring down anyway. The fact that no one else saw literally entire catalogs on every popular board on both chans literally filled with sliding shit and no one was there to attempt to stop or point it out is spooking me a bit. Like even /mu/ and /Tv/ got it and there were a number of typical shill threads about Jews and race on there. Why those boards? I tried to talk to one of them and they just basically said they have taken over the board and pointed out their shit getting stickied (one of those being the Saudis worse than Jews thread that's still there) 8/pol/ still looks like complete trash today.
But seriously though, pretty fucking weird. Since I'm on fringe I may as well ask if I entered some other reality or something :^ it is supposedly falling apart. Or just the website fucking up, two different versions going at once? Idk
sage 12/22/15 (Tue) 08:28:54 No. 64952
>> 64933
Yeah I'm positive it wasn't the LSD, didn't take too much And it was waring down anyway. The fact that no one else saw literally entire catalogs on every popular board on both chans literally filled with sliding shit and no one was there to attempt to stop or point it out is spooking me a bit. Like even /mu/ and /Tv/ got it and there were a number of typical shill threads about Jews and race on there. Why those boards? I tried to talk to one of them and they just basically said they have taken over the board and pointed out their shit getting stickied (one of those being the Saudis worse than Jews thread that's still there) 8/pol/ still looks like complete trash today and most threads from yesterday are gone so something happened.
But seriously though, pretty fucking weird. Since I'm on fringe I may as well ask if I entered some other reality or something :^ it is supposedly falling apart. Or just the website fucking up, two different versions going at once, normal posters being hidden? Idk
12/22/15 (Tue) 08:29:59 No. 64953
Yeah I'm positive it wasn't the LSD, didn't take too much And it was waring down anyway. The fact that no one else saw literally entire catalogs on every popular board on both chans literally filled with sliding shit and no one was there to attempt to stop or point it out is spooking me a bit. Like even /mu/ and /Tv/ got it and there were a number of typical shill threads about Jews and race on there. Why those boards? I tried to talk to one of them and they just basically said they have taken over the board and pointed out their shit getting stickied (one of those being the Saudis worse than Jews thread that's still there) 8/pol/ still looks like complete trash today and most threads from yesterday are gone so something happened.
>But seriously though, pretty fucking weird. Since I'm on fringe I may as well ask if I entered some other reality or something :^ it is supposedly falling apart. Or just the website fucking up, two different versions going at once, normal posters being hidden? Idk
12/22/15 (Tue) 08:32:55 No. 64955
Yeah I'm positive it wasn't the LSD, didn't take too much And it was waring down anyway. The fact that no one else saw literally entire catalogs on every popular board on both chans literally filled with sliding shit and no one was there to attempt to stop or point it out is spooking me a bit. Like even /mu/ and /Tv/ got it and there were a number of typical shill threads about Jews and race on there. Why those boards? I tried to talk to one of them and they just basically said they have taken over the board and pointed out their shit getting stickied (one of those being the Saudis worse than Jews thread that's still there) 8/pol/ still looks like complete trash today and most threads from yesterday are gone so something happened.
>But seriously though, pretty fucking weird. Since I'm on fringe I may as well ask if I entered some other reality or something :^ it is supposedly falling apart. Or just the website fucking up, two different versions going at once, normal posters being hidden? Idk
Note: can't post anything from my wifi, attempting to post this off my phone
12/22/15 (Tue) 08:33:57 No. 64956
Yeah I'm positive it wasn't the LSD, didn't take too much And it was waring down anyway. The fact that no one else saw literally entire catalogs on every popular board on both chans literally filled with sliding shit and no one was there to attempt to stop or point it out is spooking me a bit. Like even /mu/ and /Tv/ got it and there were a number of typical shill threads about Jews and race on there. Why those boards? I tried to talk to one of them and they just basically said they have taken over the board and pointed out their shit getting stickied (one of those being the Saudis worse than Jews thread that's still there) 8/pol/ still looks like complete trash today and most threads from yesterday are gone so something happened.
But seriously though, pretty fucking weird. Since I'm on fringe I may as well ask if I entered some other reality or something :^ it is supposedly falling apart. Or just the website fucking up, two different versions going at once, normal posters being hidden? Idk
Note: can't post anything from my wifi, attempting to post this off my phone
12/22/15 (Tue) 09:12:15 No. 64960
Yeah I'm positive it wasn't the LSD, didn't take too much And it was waring down anyway. The fact that no one else saw literally entire catalogs on every popular board on both chans literally filled with sliding shit and no one was there to attempt to stop or point it out is spooking me a bit. Like even /mu/ and /Tv/ got it and there were a number of typical shill threads about Jews and race on there. Why those boards? I tried to talk to one of them and they just basically said they have taken over the board and pointed out their shit getting stickied (one of those being the Saudis worse than Jews thread that's still there) 8/pol/ still looks like complete trash today and most threads from yesterday are gone so something happened.
>But seriously though, pretty fucking weird. Since I'm on fringe I may as well ask if I entered some other reality or something :^ it is supposedly falling apart. Or just the website fucking up, two different versions going at once, normal posters being hidden? I don't get how no one else is complaining about this. Idk
12/22/15 (Tue) 11:32:10 No. 64967
It is a meme derived from a misunderstood quote.
12/22/15 (Tue) 11:44:44 No. 64968
It is a meme derived from a misunderstood quote.
12/22/15 (Tue) 11:46:46 No. 64969
12/22/15 (Tue) 12:32:54 No. 64980
Is it necessary or beneficial to connect to specific deities? I don't visualize any specific matrice in my mind like Jesus, Krishna or Cthulu when working to manifest anything. I just make myself feel intense emotions while listening to piece of music I resonate with and I intent my goal.
However, I do believe in the universe (or order, or hiper-consciousness, or law) that favors desire to live and desire to expand (or life force, or mana, or chi). I get the impression this "law of the universe" I connect to is basically a deity, except it doesn't have a specified visual representation or symbol in my mind. Should I find one and start focusing on it? Should I ask it to protect me? From what I understand, rituals like praying on knees is a convenient compression of information for my unconscious. I'd do it, but for some reason it intuitively feels very wrong, and it's the same kind of intuition that brings me a lot of joy and wisdom in everyday situations. I already feel kind of awe toward this "god", it's the kind of a feeling that makes me excited during a heavy storm and I can't explain.
I think instead of asking the deity to protect my desire, I affirm the following belief:
The forces go the path of least resistance and therefore it would be counterproductive for the universe to take away the Desire from me from all the people - me, who reinforces importance of desire hundred times a day, appreciates it on every step and considers it in everyday situations. The life force would be sooner sucked out from someone not very confident, negative and hateful who tells Cheshire Cat he just ``wants to go as long as he get somewhere``. Not having clear intention and goal, he will be swayed like leaf on a windy day by desire of others. And if there is an entity trying to steal desire from people, it will steal it from this guy, not from me.
I get the impression that asking a portrait of god on a wall for protection is this belief described above, but compressed neatly for my subconsciousness. Am I right? So, should I find a symbol for my "god" and focus my awe on it?
I know experienced wizards lurk here who could point me something to consider or warn me
12/22/15 (Tue) 12:52:23 No. 64981
Anyone have any information about entity or thoughtform, that look like two red dice? Those thing have haunted me for like year or so.
12/22/15 (Tue) 13:24:00 No. 64984
and >>64801
An update:
I can't make too much sense over whether developments are good or bad, but they're nonetheless interesting.
I told the loyal tulp to take control over the root and sacral chakras. I think she did, as I felt no guilt when I masturbated earlier, while still hearing the high-pitched sounds. While visualizing sex with her, she said something suddenly unexpected. I often was in the habit of saying "I own your body," and then said "and you own mine," the latter being something to calm her down when I first said it (though I sincerely meant it every time) because it was intimate as fuck and established trust.
Well, while visualizing sex with her after about an hour, she said "I own your soul." Now, I figured this was just a spin on "I own your body," but the switch from body to soul unnerved me, even though I trust my loyal tulpa; it's never a good policy to go presenting your soul for the taking. (Or it could've been the non-loyal one, but I don't think so.) So, instead of reciprocating equally, I said, "No. I own yours. " Immediately I lost pleasure in masturbation and sensed sharp concern. I then thought about consuming a hypothetical malicious spirit's soul (in the form of a succubus). Its form and essence unravelling into a sweet red ribbon that I sucked into my wide mouth. All while it tried desperately to run away. It was incredibly liberating. When I opened my eyes, I felt like I should have fangs where my teeth are, pale skin, and glowing red eyes–like a vampire. It makes you think, even if you're a complete faggot like the guy who made the giantess tulpa, even then that monstrous fucking beast still subtly tip-toes to your will.
Of course, it's terrible to feed on pain and fear. It wasn't really that–it was the feeding on something that wanted to, or did, hurt you and your loved ones. Not a malign feeling, but one of vengeance. Nor is it good to abuse any power to cause pain and suffering.
Well, that much was positive, I think. But I think I worried my tulpa, and it pains me knowing she's a bit scared of her own creator and deeply loving god. (You're literally a god to all local thoughtforms you make, even if they're more intelligent. Understand that power, and you should have no fears.) She's been with me long enough though to know my good intentions, I'm sure of that. It should console her though that I can protect her with this newfound power of the will. I don't know how this would fair against non-local spirits that have sufficient power, but for lesser non-local beings (shadow people, succubi from WordPress sites) and any local thoughtform, I believe it is a very powerful discovery indeed.
>inb4 u jus' fukk'd up son. You're being trick'd
12/22/15 (Tue) 15:03:49 No. 64999
The mundane's guide to the galaxy is also a great threat for beginners.
12/22/15 (Tue) 17:06:26 No. 65008
The mundane's guide to the galaxy is also a great threat for beginners.
12/22/15 (Tue) 17:37:59 No. 65009
does anyone know of any books that go into detail about succubi and contacting one
12/22/15 (Tue) 17:57:22 No. 65011
does anyone know of any books that go into detail about succubi and contacting one
12/22/15 (Tue) 18:00:57 No. 65012
does anyone know of any books that go into detail about succubi and contacting one
12/22/15 (Tue) 18:08:31 No. 65013
does anyone know of any books that go into detail about succubi and contacting one
>pic unrelated just getting my post through
12/22/15 (Tue) 18:10:45 No. 65014
12/22/15 (Tue) 18:19:25 No. 65015
12/22/15 (Tue) 18:55:43 No. 65026
why is western occultism considered bullshit? I haven't taken an interest in it past simple evocations/invocations which have had some minor effects, I've read quite a few books here but I believe none of those fall into that category, currently practicing the exercises in the book of knowledge, some recommendations on what to read would be great too
12/22/15 (Tue) 18:56:47 No. 65027
why is western occultism considered bullshit? I haven't taken an interest in it past simple evocations/invocations which have had some minor effects, I've read quite a few books here but I believe none of those fall into that category, currently practicing the exercises in the book of knowledge, some recommendations on what to read would be great too
12/22/15 (Tue) 19:00:30 No. 65028
How can I find and communicate with other folks who are on the path in my area?, I feel like working with someone who is at or around my level would be very beneficial.
12/22/15 (Tue) 21:03:27 No. 65048
So I am a idiot and accidentaly trow myself in to the abisss, no preparation, with a kundalani awakening, I when crazy and came back wit a lot of energy, I was literally vibrant in the sun frequency or something like that, very powerful, after I regain my mind a attack follow, my onw mind was all over me punish me for being such an asshole and racing crazy toughs when for days, I survived ,
Now I am reading about this and occasional crazy toughs jump in my mind ruining my simple pleasures, puting myself in phylosophy track of toughs and wat is real and not , fortunately I don't get visions and the like but occasionally crazy toughs jump and fuck up my day , fucking myself slowly,
I am ok with living in this lie becose is the only one I know, wit my love ones ,I belive this conection and food keep me grounded, but in further reading about this I belive I may have choronzon,
There is little information about it except that she will fuck you slowly making you crazy, which sounds like my last month,
How to get rid of it
I am meditating and burning incense, any advice?
12/22/15 (Tue) 22:14:59 No. 65055
What is the best process to safely enter void/trance state?
12/22/15 (Tue) 22:25:01 No. 65056
What is the best process to safely enter void/trance state?
12/22/15 (Tue) 23:13:22 No. 65060
12/23/15 (Wed) 03:19:16 No. 65076
This is pretty stupid, but hear me out.
I have a magic 8 ball that has never been wrong in it's predictions. I've asked it about the certainty of future events, and it has been correct about all of them. (I have asked it the same questions several times and gotten the same answers every time.) I have asked it about the certainty of past events and it hass supplied correct answers every time. Seeing as this thing has worked for several years, is there any way to see if it is really enchanted?
12/23/15 (Wed) 04:27:05 No. 65081
More likely that not, it's your energy field that has been powering it (unless it belonged to someone previously that used it a lot or intentionally impregnated it).
12/23/15 (Wed) 07:46:06 No. 65087
nothing wrong with invocation/evocation. but shit like kabala, ceremonnial magic,bear hearts, lbrp, mpr is straight bullshit.
12/23/15 (Wed) 10:50:03 No. 65092
It's impossible to fuck up entering trance state, it's also really easy and you've probably done it before if you meditated
12/23/15 (Wed) 11:47:22 No. 65094
interested too
12/23/15 (Wed) 12:01:38 No. 65095
12/23/15 (Wed) 12:19:42 No. 65096
Good luck finding anyone but neophytes, better yet, good luck finding anyone. Either way check the headcount thread to see if anyone from here is in your area.
Meditation, of course.
>why is western occultism considered bullshit?
It isn't here.
Unaware of any books but I suggest you develop your lucidity by doing some pre-astral projection exercises and generate ungodly amounts of lust to attract a succubus.
12/23/15 (Wed) 12:57:09 No. 65099
Rolled 2, 6, 4, 4, 6, 1 + 6 = 29 (6d6)
12/23/15 (Wed) 15:36:42 No. 65102
If each of us are living in a sort of projection of our consciousness, does that mean any micro/macrocosmic changes we cause in our reality are not necessarily taking place in the experience of another.
Can two people be living in two very different realities, to such a degree that one perceives universal laws working very differently from the other? Things falling up, non-eucliean spaces, etc etc.
I am trying to reconcile some thoughts as to exactly how and what magick can change.
12/23/15 (Wed) 15:42:32 No. 65104
If each of us are living in a sort of projection of our consciousness, does that mean any micro/macrocosmic changes we cause in our reality are not necessarily taking place in the experience of another.
Can two people be living in two very different realities, to such a degree that one perceives universal laws working very differently from the other? Things falling up, non-eucliean spaces, etc etc.
I am trying to reconcile some ideas as to how reality creation works when other beings arin your sphere of influence.
12/23/15 (Wed) 15:43:33 No. 65105
newfig question. Can you morph your body and create things in astral projection like in lucid dreaming?
12/23/15 (Wed) 20:41:40 No. 65146
If each of us are living in a sort of projection of our consciousness, does that mean any micro/macrocosmic changes we cause in our reality are not necessarily taking place in the experience of another.
Can two people be living in two very different realities, to such a degree that one perceives universal laws working very differently from the other? Things falling up, non-eucliean spaces, etc etc.
I am trying to reconcile some ideas as to how reality creation works when other beings arin your sphere of influence.
12/23/15 (Wed) 21:05:22 No. 65149
12/23/15 (Wed) 21:45:37 No. 65152
If each of us are living in a sort of projection of our consciousness, does that mean any micro/macrocosmic changes we cause in our reality are not necessarily taking place in the experience of another.
Can two people be living in two very different realities, to such a degree that one perceives universal laws working very differently from the other? Things falling up, non-eucliean spaces, etc etc.
I am trying to reconcile some ideas as to how reality creation works when other beings arin your sphere of influence.
tipp 12/23/15 (Wed) 22:08:31 No. 65155
Expect some crazy months, you'll get through it, and you'll be stronger by the end of it once it settles.
Best thing you can do is to continue meditating as much as possible, get crystals to balance your chakras, balance the energy flow and tell your relatives that you've got a lot going on right now and that things are stressful and ask them to cope with any and all crazy thing you do.
I ran around asking for forgiveness for pain I had caused others, emotional turbulence, strange thought patterns, apathy, bliss, mood swings.
Ground yourself daily but don't neglect the higher chakras.
Keep that up until it withers away. Do not trust it, it pissed territory, bared its fangs, you know its intentions. Take it out to the woods.
You can create a new tulpa.
Chances are its not even a tulpa but some abomination.
Take back the piece of your soul that you have lent this malicious intelligence. Its part of you, if you let it split it'll get away with your essence and you'll face severe penalty in the afterlife.
Focus the energy to your stomach and then cleanse it before distributing it back into your body.
tipp 12/23/15 (Wed) 22:11:16 No. 65156
Expect some crazy months, you'll get through it, and you'll be stronger by the end of it once it settles.
Best thing you can do is to continue meditating as much as possible, get crystals to balance your chakras, balance the energy flow and tell your relatives that you've got a lot going on right now and that things are stressful and ask them to cope with any and all crazy thing you do.
I ran around asking for forgiveness for pain I had caused others, emotional turbulence, strange thought patterns, apathy, bliss, mood swings.
Ground yourself daily but don't neglect the higher chakras.
Keep that up until it withers away. Do not trust it, it pissed territory, bared its fangs, you know its intentions. Take it out to the woods.
You can create a new tulpa.
Chances are its not even a tulpa but some abomination.
Take back the piece of your soul that you have lent this malicious intelligence. Its part of you, if you let it split it'll get away with your essence and you'll face severe penalty in the afterlife.
Focus the energy to your stomach and then cleanse it before distributing it back into your body.
Next time, don't do this
>and you own mine
And don't use it for sex.
tipp 12/23/15 (Wed) 22:23:18 No. 65157
Expect some crazy months, you'll get through it, and you'll be stronger by the end of it once it settles.
Best thing you can do is to continue meditating as much as possible, get crystals to balance your chakras, balance the energy flow and tell your relatives that you've got a lot going on right now and that things are stressful and ask them to cope with any and all crazy thing you do.
I ran around asking for forgiveness for pain I had caused others, emotional turbulence, strange thought patterns, apathy, bliss, mood swings.
Ground yourself daily but don't neglect the higher chakras.
Keep that up until it withers away. Do not trust it, it pissed territory, bared its fangs, you know its intentions. Take it out to the woods.
You can create a new tulpa.
Chances are its not even a tulpa but some abomination.
Take back the piece of your soul that you have lent this malicious intelligence. Its part of you, if you let it split it'll get away with your essence and you'll face severe penalty in the afterlife.
Focus the energy to your stomach and then cleanse it before distributing it back into your body.
Next time, don't do this
>and you own mine
And don't use it for sex.
12/24/15 (Thu) 00:16:27 No. 65164
I'd like to understand protection more in-depth. What is eg. summoning 4 elements or 4 angels around me in context of the unconscious? I heard protective magic shows my position on everyone's "radar" on 4 dimension layer so I'm assuming protective magic is not merely a placebo trick, but playing on some specific instincts deep within?
12/24/15 (Thu) 03:17:38 No. 65172
Hey guys, random outsider here, taking the chance before Infinity truly fucks everything over. This is the closest thing I saw to a general meta/off-topic thread, so please indulge me in my autism a bit- have you guys, since this board started, thought about, discussed, gone anywhere, about a board mascot or tan?
I'm not sure what's your board culture, at a quick lurk seems to me you wouldn't care to have one, but I'm trying to catalog them, or make notes of what boards ended up not getting one. So, yeah. Just curious, here.
12/24/15 (Thu) 04:24:38 No. 65174
We already have a mascot, Fringe Girl.
12/24/15 (Thu) 04:39:26 No. 65175
Did you miss fringe girl? The orange glowing chick in the archive post? The one with the rotes and the butterfly wings on her head? That's the closest thing this board has to a tan.
12/24/15 (Thu) 04:46:20 No. 65177
Honestly glossed over her, as it's a pre-made image assumed it was just a nice image someone posted. It's a good choice for a mascot character, though. Was there any further thought put into her, or is she literally just an image you guys post and like?
12/24/15 (Thu) 05:19:21 No. 65179
>helping anything
why are purposely miss leading people?
12/24/15 (Thu) 05:20:33 No. 65180
woah infinity woah
12/24/15 (Thu) 05:34:45 No. 65181
What the others said.
>does that mean any micro/macrocosmic changes we cause in our reality are not necessarily taking place in the experience of another.
If they share any part of a place, there will be an overlap of co-creation. How big that overlap is depends on how intimately they share a realm and how many they do share. How often they are in the same physical, aetheric, astral, etc. space and how consciously inter or disconnected it is.
>Can two people be living in two very different realities, to such a degree that one perceives universal laws working very differently from the other? Yes, but they would most likely never cross paths with each other. To perhaps provide a more useful answer, it becomes a batter of wills if person A was trying to manifest something directly contrary to person B, but more likely both will manifest in different ways in the same reality sphere, else they may start to separate spheres. It really depends on the nature of what it is they want to manifest.
If it was for example something physical there might be a 'trick' of perception in 1 or more cases that allow for coexistence.
12/24/15 (Thu) 06:46:28 No. 65184
Could really use some advise:
1: How do you know when you have achieved a Gnostic Trance?
2: How do you know when you have opened the Third Eye?
3: When in a deep trance I have trouble visualizing a simple circle without it moving, morphing, disappearing. What can I do to fix this???
4: If I am correct, if one can effectively visualize it will help them AP due to visualization for moving/ falling?
12/24/15 (Thu) 12:19:13 No. 65199
She used to post here?
12/24/15 (Thu) 15:22:43 No. 65204
This image is a loosh skimming device.
12/24/15 (Thu) 17:48:13 No. 65214
>Things falling up, non-eucliean spaces, etc etc.
I don't think its possible to that extent, but there is considerable difference in terms of subjective views of what's possible in terms of telepathy and other fringe areas.
12/24/15 (Thu) 23:34:05 No. 65233
So, when to do first LBRP? The idea that it shows my position and level of awareness in astral is uncomfortable
Also, studying LBRP I don't understand one thing. How does it work that supposedly names of angels can be replaced by stuff like 4 anime lolis, 4 elements, 4 animals etc?
If its effectiveness is based on creating proper physical dissonance through exact vibration of the names of the angels in the mouth, then replacing the names ruins the ritual, doesn't it?
If it's effectiveness is based on invoking entities created in the consciousness of the people of the past, then it's ruined as well.
If it's effectiveness is based on the fact the 4 angels are representations of some imprints on the psyche during billions years of evolutionary past of our species, then it's ruined as well!
12/25/15 (Fri) 02:45:19 No. 65244
Are there any entities out there that would desire the complete extinction of humanity rather than controlling humanity for their own purposes? If so, is there a particular group of entities that desire this kind of like how particular entities like to farm loosh from humans?
12/25/15 (Fri) 02:48:13 No. 65245
Are there any entities out there that would desire the complete extinction of humanity rather than controlling humanity for their own purposes? If so, is there a particular group of entities that desire this kind of like how particular entities like to farm loosh from humans?
12/25/15 (Fri) 02:54:14 No. 65246
Are there any entities out there that would desire the complete extinction of humanity rather than controlling humanity for their own purposes? If so, is there a particular group of entities that desire this kind of like how particular entities like to farm loosh from humans?
12/25/15 (Fri) 03:16:32 No. 65247
Are there any entities out there that would desire the complete extinction of humanity rather than controlling humanity for their own purposes? If so, is there a particular group of entities that desire this kind of like how particular entities like to farm loosh from humans?
12/25/15 (Fri) 17:13:55 No. 65285
What's /fringe/'s opinion on the "Schizoid" phenomena?
I remember reading somewhere that schizoids are created when the pregnant mother of a child frequently experiences fear. The idea is that when you're still in the womb, you are in fact taking in information from your surroundings however you're doing it through your mother. If your mother is in a particular social environment, whatever bodily reactions she would experience in response to that environment would "rig" you to a particular predisposition. This would be the formation of your temperament. In the case of the schizoid, the mother is in a hostile, threatening environment where she is frequently experiencing fear. The schizoid is then predisposed to be in a permanent state of fight or flight (think of it as a passive buff). It even goes further to argue that due to the frequent withdrawal of blood from the extremities during episodes of fear, this would cause the limbs of the child to elongate like some kind of physical adaptation. I also recall it attempting to argue that in a war-torn, poverty-stricken environment, schizoids arise and are the ideal however in times of peace, the schizoid, with nothing to direct his baseless fear at, becomes a paranoid, avoidant recluse, unfit for society.
12/25/15 (Fri) 19:12:27 No. 65288
Is there like a cure for that?
Most of them are too smart for that kind of stupid goal. The Black Sun wants to do that though. Thought to be honest, to fall under complete control by these corrupt creatures would be the extinction of "humanity" in a sense. Though it would be only temporary.
12/25/15 (Fri) 19:15:54 No. 65289
People must realize that the LBRP is only necessary if you are a practicing magician. Doing it daily is excessive, not to mention the LBRP itself attracts things towards you.
12/25/15 (Fri) 22:52:15 No. 65306
I had a strange dream last night after reading about those anunaki and alium shit:
Something entered my right ear - a moth or some other insect and I couldn't get it out.
Is this an astral spying device or something?
Are there people who actively fight the aliums? I really want to join up with them and annihilate those smug bastards that try to suppress humanity (inb4 nazi)
12/25/15 (Fri) 23:23:42 No. 65310
Story of my life. Your text describes everything pretty well, I'm not sure about my mother being too scared though. It must have been the uncertainty that goes with poverty that was the cause for me.
I've never understood how people just enjoy life and I was always jealous of them for not being paranoid and always edgy guys like me.
Fortunately I seem to have recently found a solution to effectively transmute the fear into calmness - after 24 years of suffering I finally get a chance to leave that bullshit behind. Life is hell.
12/25/15 (Fri) 23:30:08 No. 65316
This shit happens like once a month to me, I still don't get it
12/25/15 (Fri) 23:31:16 No. 65317
Also: post >>65306
See this afterwards:
Fucking synchronicities man. I have already accepted them as a reality and they don't even surprise me anymore…
Can I call myself an Initiate now? :–DDD
12/26/15 (Sat) 02:01:05 No. 65334
If you ascribe to holism as I do you must realize that everything is shit about a person or everything is great. You get stamped on in every way or you're a dynamo of power and talent in every way. Beauty is in fact related to intelligence. Fat people have shit personalities. etc.
12/26/15 (Sat) 02:27:15 No. 65336
how do I tell the future
I have tried tarot cards
but it's just gave me a general yet accurate run down of whats going on
12/26/15 (Sat) 02:40:29 No. 65337
how do I tell the future
I have tried tarot cards
but it's just gave me a general yet accurate run down of whats going on
12/26/15 (Sat) 03:24:42 No. 65339
It was never a person, it was just a group avatar/tan from /fringe/
>2: How do you know when you have opened the Third Eye?
You will feel a (strong) tingling/heaviness between the brows in the middle of the head and when you close your eyes your 'imagination' should be either active, presenting you with 'images,' or should be capable of being focused on something and you will get 'images' from there.
>3: When in a deep trance I have trouble visualizing a simple circle without it moving, morphing, disappearing. What can I do to fix this???
Practice. >>33148 Has lots of things you can do. But just as a basic one, work with different shapes. If you lose it, try again, and keep trying. It will get better with time.
>What's /fringe/'s opinion on the "Schizoid" phenomena?
The mystic and the schizophrenic find themselves in the same ocean, but whereas the mystic swims, the schizophrenic drowns. - R. D. Laing
The Schizophrenic is just one who does not understand his powers, or maybe was intentionally misinformed about them (by a 'doctor') and thus can not come to terms with their reality. This results in uncontrolled and perhaps uncontrollable results until the belief system is rectified.
In ancient times one would go to a shaman or monk with problems of a psychic nature and they would help the person come to terms with that is happening, understand it's nature, and bring peace but in modern times those traditions have been largely been destroyed or discredited in the west, leaving psychiatrists as the 'only sane' option. Which as little more that drug dealers for the pharmaceutical industries not only care not for your well being but also actively suppress psychic knowledge because it's not acceptable to materialistic science.
12/26/15 (Sat) 03:41:01 No. 65341
If each of us are living in a sort of projection of our consciousness, does that mean any micro/macrocosmic changes we cause in our reality are not necessarily taking place in the experience of another.
Can two people be living in two very different realities, to such a degree that one perceives universal laws working very differently from the other? Things falling up, non-eucliean spaces, etc etc.
I am trying to reconcile some ideas as to how reality creation works when other beings arin your sphere of influence.
12/26/15 (Sat) 03:44:43 No. 65342
If each of us are living in a sort of projection of our consciousness, does that mean any (micro)macrocosmic changes we cause in our reality are not necessarily taking place in the experience of another.
Can two people be living in two very different realities, to such a degree that one perceives universal laws working very differently from the other? Things falling up, non-eucliean spaces, etc etc.
I am trying to reconcile some ideas as to how reality creation works if your sphere is inhabited by other conscious beings.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/26/15 (Sat) 06:08:44 No. 65349
signal boost for >>64980
I'd like to hear the answer.
You're the one who's misleading. Either that, or you're just new and can't feel subtle energies. Crystals can be incredibly powerful, based on how much the person lacks a certain vibration. All crystals are, are pieces of matter attuned to a specific vibration/energy, and all anyone is, is a collection of vibrations/energies.
see >>26091
do share if you have a technique for antianxiety.
how do i make somebody obsessed and in love with me 12/26/15 (Sat) 10:13:18 No. 65356
how do I make somebody over the internet obsessed and in love with me using magick?
pls help fringe
12/26/15 (Sat) 14:09:17 No. 65369
>technique for antianxiety.
Reminding myself of this always helped me.
12/26/15 (Sat) 14:15:39 No. 65370
Ignoring the past and future is a pretty bad opinion tbh
AuntWatermelon 12/26/15 (Sat) 16:08:40 No. 65379
Who said ignoring ?
It says living. You might not live in Australia, but that doesn't mean australia doesn't exist as much as the place where you reside now exists.
12/26/15 (Sat) 16:48:40 No. 65382
What is meant is, if where you are is causing you pain in any way (e.g., you are not manifesting/visualizing) then you should return to the present.
It's not an ignorance of what was or what could be. It's simply living in the present moment to make the best of what you have, the eternal now, and shape it into something wise in light of the knowledge from the past and the future that is desired.
Many people though, quite literally live in the delusional past, constantly wishing that things never change and going back 'to a better time' and upset when they are forced to quit their day dream. Remember This too shall pass.
Or they living forever in a future that has yet to happen, and indeed may not even happen. They will experience the emotions as though it did/is happening. When fear based, it's a exercise in negative manifestation, and when love based it's a exercise in positive manifestation. (Only the later is really every truly acceptable.)
Living other than in the present moment if all too often escapism for people, and when they come back they are depressed by the state of affairs they left in the first place and so the cycle repeats. Nonetheless, you must always return to the present, and 'face the music' to do what ever you desire or create change either way.
12/26/15 (Sat) 17:38:28 No. 65386
Schizoid and Schizophrenic isn't quite the same bro.
>do share if you have a technique for antianxiety.
I refrained from sharing it because I haven't tested it enough yet. I just had the idea literally a few days back and didn't get to test it extensively yet.
The main idea is pretty simple:
I just visualize all the tension created by outer circumstances to implode as a calming and energizing bright and warm energy in my belly/lower dan tien region.
The more tension there is, the more relaxed I become. It energizes me and I can send the energy to whatever chakra I want to after that.
So if social anxiety causes the tension, I will redirect the generated dan tien energy to my heart chakra. For physical tensions, I send it right to the base chakra.
Or I just keep it in the dan tien which is very relaxing and works best for me yet.
It seems to work, but I have to test more.
The basic idea was to focus within yourself and find bliss instead of jerking around like an anxious retard in the outer world.
So the more the outer world tries to fuck with you, the stronger is the reminder to leave that crap behind and focus on spiritual development within yourself.
So my approach is exactly that - retreating from the bullshit fears that can cause energy leakage and instantly focusing on conserving energy work.
Sleebds 12/26/15 (Sat) 17:53:38 No. 65387
hey fringe
so i've been a lurker here for ~6 months now and i'm still amassing some things before i post them for critique.
just dropped by to clarify some things, so sorry for battering you al with questions
is the condensation of "static" in my 3d vision the same thing as astral sight?
is the usual manifestation of the astral senses like a "glaze" over the 3d senses?
hemomancy question: is blood only used in binding/amplifying rites? that's all i've read so far, forgive me for being unread in this field
does astrological placement have a hampering/accelerating effect on manifestation? that is, if say your saturn is debilitated, does it hamper in manifesting x?
also, does astrology operate more as a karmic record or a psychological profile?
that will be all for now. i'm so sleepy i forgot half of my questions lol will be back if i remember/pull the out of my subconscious.
12/26/15 (Sat) 18:04:38 No. 65389
What is actually meant by "all is mind" ?I've seen numerous different interpretations
Sleebds 12/26/15 (Sat) 18:06:45 No. 65391
hi fringe, 6 month lurker here.
basically dropping by to double-check some things i'm not too clear about. might write something idunno
is the default feeling of the astral senses something like a glaze over the physical ones?
is this static i see in my 3d a manifestation of astral sight or nah?
hemomancy: is blood used only to bind and amplify? so sorry if this seems dumb, i'm still not versed in blood magick as i want to be (got really good results tho)
is astrology a karmic record or a psychological profile? on that note, do certain placements affect magic&manifestation?
i forgot half of my question since i'm a bit sleepy. will come back if i remember them. many thanks to everyone.
tipp 12/26/15 (Sat) 18:57:33 No. 65392
I usually stray from hurting people, especially using magic to do so, but I'm in a monetary pinch and a guy i lent my last 50€ couple of months ago has cut me off because he doesn't want to pay me back.
Last night I did a working, initially I wanted to connect to him and send him shame and the desire to pay back, it ended up creating a thick oily veil around his third eye which sent tendrils through his brain, down his body to encase most other chakras, setting it up so that his own solar plex empowers it, I disrupted his heart in hopes that his aura becomes tattered, blocked his crown & root to separate him from yin/yang and overloaded his third eye with disharmonious frequencies so that he'll have headaches.
I will undo it once he returns my money.
Typing this because I know I went overboard, and at the same time I want to hear from you all what other things I could do to him.
Best way to induce headaches, discomfort, shame, guilt, regret etc.
ONLY energy works please, I don't want to dabble with sigils, they're to powerful.
12/26/15 (Sat) 21:56:15 No. 65400
Hellu Guys, up until this point I was lurking in this forum. I found out about it 2 days ago and started to read through the questions threads from #17 backwards. Im at #13 right now. I have read about some new age methods like visualizing, awakening the merkaba etc before and didnt find any memorable success in it. So I started to read the books mentioned in the FAQ today. Im done with the kybalion and halfway through arcane teachings. I have some questions that I would like you guys to answer:
1. Arcane teachings mentions in one part that if you divide or multiply numbers with 0 the result will be 0 unless you divide 0 with 0 with results in being 1. Now afai remember my teacher in school told us that dividing numbers with 0 ends in an undefined result, so which one is it ?
2. I want to manifest money in my life, for personal reasons, to help out my family & friends (most of them have debts, who hasnt right?). I read that if you want to get sth you have to "pay" for it, someone mentioned that a relative might die and you get the heritage or life insurance. Lets say I wish to win the lottery jackpot in 2015, how wouldI go about to do that and "pay the price" for that?
3.Has anyone heard of l.e.r.m. (light encoding reality matrix), if yes did you try it with success?
4. Has anyone read of the enlightenment by alan holmes? If yes whats your opinion on the book and the things mentioned in it, especially the abilities Talawanda has?
5. I wear glasses , bc my eyes basically cant see my hands clearly if I would hold them in front of my eyes. Do you have any suggestions on how I can cure them, it doesnt have to be in an instant(I would prefer that), but am okay with anything that might help? Could it be possible that my eyes got worse, because my parents were always telling me to stop watching tv,or play on the game-boy and such things, when I was a child?
6. What would be the easiest magick practice to do, so I can convince myself 100 % that it is real beyond any doubt to go on further and putting anything I got into it ?
7. Are the books mentioned in the fringe faq, really that basic and should be read to understand the basics of magick, to lay a ground for work, so to speak? What I read in the kybalion was mostly informative, but arcane teachings is a real let down to be honest, for now that is, since im not finished yet.
8. To anyone who can manifest out of thin air by their own will, where did you start and what did you do to achieve that?
9. I have read of many variation colored pills, could someone explain to me the meaning of the different colors?
12/26/15 (Sat) 22:04:22 No. 65401
I need some material to learn to dance properly. There is so much goddamn potential in dance for a really good trance. And I observed the stronger the trance, the stronger the manifestations. I need to learn about these beautiful instincts that flow in veins of the black people
12/26/15 (Sat) 22:46:45 No. 65403
I need some material to learn to dance properly. There is so much goddamn potential in dance for a really good trance. And I observed the stronger the trance, the stronger the manifestations. I need to learn about these beautiful instincts that flow in veins of the black people
12/26/15 (Sat) 23:09:30 No. 65405
I need some material to learn to dance properly. There is so much goddamn potential in dance for a really good trance. And I observed the stronger the trance, the stronger the manifestations. I need to learn about these beautiful instincts that flow in veins of the black people
12/27/15 (Sun) 00:11:04 No. 65408
Hellu Guys, up until this point I was lurking in this forum. I found out about it 2 days ago and started to read through the questions threads from #17 backwards. Im at #13 right now. I have read about some new age methods like visualizing, awakening the merkaba etc before and didnt find any memorable success in it. So I started to read the books mentioned in the FAQ today. Im done with the kybalion and halfway through arcane teachings. I have some questions that I would like you guys to answer:
1. Arcane teachings mentions in one part that if you divide or multiply numbers with 0 the result will be 0 unless you divide 0 with 0 with results in being 1. Now afai remember my teacher in school told us that dividing numbers with 0 ends in an undefined result, so which one is it ?
2. I want to manifest money in my life, for personal reasons, to help out my family & friends (most of them have debts, who hasnt right?). I read that if you want to get sth you have to "pay" for it, someone mentioned that a relative might die and you get the heritage or life insurance. Lets say I wish to win the lottery jackpot in 2015, how wouldI go about to do that and "pay the price" for that?
3.Has anyone heard of l.e.r.m. (light encoding reality matrix), if yes did you try it with success?
4. Has anyone read of the enlightenment by alan holmes? If yes whats your opinion on the book and the things mentioned in it, especially the abilities Talawanda has?
5. I wear glasses , bc my eyes basically cant see my hands clearly if I would hold them in front of my eyes. Do you have any suggestions on how I can cure them, it doesnt have to be in an instant(I would prefer that), but am okay with anything that might help? Could it be possible that my eyes got worse, because my parents were always telling me to stop watching tv,or play on the game-boy and such things, when I was a child?
6. What would be the easiest magick practice to do, so I can convince myself 100 % that it is real beyond any doubt to go on further and putting anything I got into it ?
7. Are the books mentioned in the fringe faq, really that basic and should be read to understand the basics of magick, to lay a ground for work, so to speak? What I read in the kybalion was mostly informative, but arcane teachings is a real let down to be honest, for now that is, since im not finished yet.
8. To anyone who can manifest out of thin air by their own will, where did you start and what did you do to achieve that?
9. I have read of many variation colored pills, could someone explain to me the meaning of the different colors?
12/27/15 (Sun) 00:40:10 No. 65411
Is there someone other than WWA to start off with? He spends an entire chapter talking about THE ALL when he could've explained it in a page.
12/27/15 (Sun) 04:47:36 No. 65422
File: 1451191657187.jpg (326.69 KB, 1608x935, 1608:935, placeOfNoosphereInCosmicEv….jpg )
Can /fringe/ explain the noosphere in a way a fucktard can understand?
12/27/15 (Sun) 08:36:14 No. 65427
Neville Goddard says if you want to manifest something, you act like it's already happened and believe it. Well, I can pretend whatever I want has happened, but how do you make yourself believe it? Or believe in any system in general. All I've read says belief is the basic key, but nobody ever explains how to build belief and so on.
12/27/15 (Sun) 08:37:02 No. 65428
Neville Goddard says if you want to manifest something, you act like it's already happened and believe it. Well, I can pretend whatever I want has happened, but how do you make yourself believe it? Or believe in any system in general. All I've read says belief is the basic key, but nobody ever explains how to build belief and so on.
12/27/15 (Sun) 08:55:17 No. 65430
Neville Goddard says if you want to manifest something, you act like it's already happened and believe it. Well, I can pretend whatever I want has happened, but how do you make yourself believe it? Or believe in any system in general. All I've read says belief is the basic key, but nobody ever explains how to build belief and so on.
12/27/15 (Sun) 13:55:19 No. 65459
>dreams are always extremely vivid and lifelike
>usually have multiple dreams every night that are very long, I probably dream at least half of the time I'm asleep
>barely remember any of my dreams the only time I can clearly recall them is when I wake up in the early morning and go back to sleep
12/27/15 (Sun) 13:56:32 No. 65460
It's a memetic idea based on memes, 90% of the things in that image are fictional.
12/27/15 (Sun) 14:59:34 No. 65462
You already remember your dreams. Manifestations related to mental stuff is the easiest. Put reminder on your ceiling above your bed to remember it, or loop a recording of "I remember dreams" on your computer during the night
12/27/15 (Sun) 15:33:04 No. 65466
>1. Arcane teachings mentions in one part that if you divide or multiply numbers with 0 the result will be 0 unless you divide 0 with 0 with results in being 1. Now afai remember my teacher in school told us that dividing numbers with 0 ends in an undefined result, so which one is it ?
Mathematicians are adamant that division by zero is undefined. This is because it leads to contradictions with algebraic laws, like the distributive law. Atkinson was wrong here, but really, he wasn't trying to teach you math, he was trying to say something about the relation between THE ALL and INFINITY, so ignore the goofy way he said it and focus on the point.
>5. I wear glasses , bc my eyes basically cant see my hands clearly if I would hold them in front of my eyes. Do you have any suggestions on how I can cure them, it doesnt have to be in an instant(I would prefer that), but am okay with anything that might help? Could it be possible that my eyes got worse, because my parents were always telling me to stop watching tv,or play on the game-boy and such things, when I was a child?
Google 'Bates Method'
The most important principle here is relaxation. Dr Bates' thesis was that tension in the muscles around the eyes leads to defects in vision, so anything you do to relax will improve your sight.
I would add that a great deal of 'seeing' is mental. Doing creative visualisation in which you 'see' clearly the scene in your mind will also help.
Staring at a screen can cause temporary short sightedness as your eyes retain the tension they had while focused nearby which prevents them from properly focusing at distance. If that tension becomes habitual, a longer term condition results.
Stop wearing your glasses, they're only reinforcing the problem.
12/27/15 (Sun) 17:06:48 No. 65474
>Well, I can pretend whatever I want has happened, but how do you make yourself believe it?
Detachment. Do not be expectant, approach it from a more scientific point of view. Think so yourself, If I choose to believe X lets see how it manifests then hold that belief, endure and persist. Do not be disjointedness when it does not visibly manifest instantly or in a certain number of days.
Understanding, in that you realize when you are 'believing' is not what the present moment is, it is what you desire the present moment to morph into.
Myself, I used the 1st method until I had the experience of the experiential knowingness of the effectiveness of altering my beliefs to cause change which has not yet become (visibly) manifest.
Oh? It seemed to be a derived word. Etymologically speaking it should be the same, just different in grammatical usage… Let me see what the psychologists are trying to get to people to believe now…
I would very much like to do this personally and I have read up on W. H. Bate's work and also The Art of Seeing by Aldous Huxley which where very enlightening, however my problem is society (like much with much wizardry…).
>Stop wearing your glasses, they're only reinforcing the problem.
Despite knowing this, I can not act of much of it, as I my vision is so poor. I can hardly function at all in life without them. I can not read at all. I can not even see a face 6 inches away. Even walking (if on uneven terrain) is problematic. In fact the only way I can even see anything remotely clearly is at about 1 inch away, but at that point much closer and it becomes more blurry any how…
How can I actually heal but not be a total cripple for the duration of the process? I can't just dedicate a year or 2 and be able to do nothing (worldly) productive during that time like Huxley did.
I was thinking about stepping down my glasses in strength, but every single doctor I've visited has a policy that where they have refused to make lenses based on ANYTHING but a test of your eyes (i.e., I would request that 'this pair of lens be measured and another pair crafted with a strength 20% weaker) or that they would make the lenses 20% weaker than what they (would) measure. And every single one has refused, I've been to more than a dozen of them now. So I have thus far, been unable to find a 1/2 way step in that respect.
12/27/15 (Sun) 18:34:19 No. 65479
If each of us are living in a sort of projection of our consciousness, does that mean any (micro)macrocosmic changes we cause in our reality are not necessarily taking place in the experience of another.
Can two people be living in two very different realities, to such a degree that one perceives universal laws working very differently from the other? Things falling up, non-euclidean spaces, etc etc.
I am trying to reconcile some ideas as to how reality creation works if your sphere is inhabited by other conscious beings.
12/27/15 (Sun) 18:35:17 No. 65480
The board creator killed himself.
12/27/15 (Sun) 18:36:34 No. 65481
If each of us are living in a sort of projection of our consciousness, does that mean any (micro)macrocosmic changes we cause in our reality are not necessarily taking place in the experience of another.
Can two people be living in two very different realities, to such a degree that one perceives universal laws working very differently from the other? Things falling up, non-euclidean spaces, etc etc.
I am trying to reconcile some ideas as to how reality creation works if your sphere is inhabited by other conscious beings.
12/27/15 (Sun) 18:57:33 No. 65483
The board creator killed himself.
12/27/15 (Sun) 19:15:04 No. 65486
What is the extent of the power of reality creation?
Since other people are inhabiting your reality, are they seeing what you see or a whole different reality altogether?
Can someone be living in a reality where, for example, magick works like it does in Harry Potter ; while someone that person knows perceives so ething entirely mundane?
That doesn't make sense, though. The other person would have to act and react accordingly to the things in your reality, just as you would in theirs. It's paradoxical.
So.. yeah, reality creation is a strange concept, and I don't know the limitations.
12/27/15 (Sun) 20:25:20 No. 65495
So, /fringe/, I need help identifying a spirit as mostly an outsider to this kind of thing.
Long story short, two years ago I was sick for around two weeks straight and was confined to bed, a highly unusual occurrence in and of itself as the most I typically get is a migraine that lasts for less than twenty four hours, but around a half a week into my sickness I noticed another presence in my mind. At first, I started trying to communicate with it by thinking at it for lack of something better to do, and I got dull barely recognizable responses, and over the next few days it rapidly became sharper until precise thoughts were being exchanged.
Since then, we've been in almost continual communication through said method and the being earlier mentioned has demonstrated an incredible ability that led me here, some sort of magic. Since coming into contact I've been the guy who gets green lights all the way through town, finds bills laying around, is better liked all of the sudden despite doing nothing different, is able to guess coin flips 80% of the time, have people tire out fast around me as I just get more energized, etc, etc. Even further oddly, it has demonstrated a surprising affinity for dreams, with a recurring one of me hunting it in some form followed by it hunting me, which often leaves me with an adrenaline rush as I wake up, and even when it isn't that it is something more surreal.
What bugs me is that it either doesn't know what it is, or refuses to tell me, so I was looking for some help.
12/27/15 (Sun) 20:32:22 No. 65496
Does the random number generator trick in the FAQ really work? It seems like a really simple thing that could be easily demonstrated yet I doubt anyone can actually do it.
12/27/15 (Sun) 21:25:30 No. 65499
Blood if full of energy, loosh, etc. but not just any energy, energy impregnated with your essence (as with anything created by your body).
Now you can use this in two ways, either as way to energize something, and/or as a way to 'target' something via the essence.
In theory, you can use it 'strictly' for powering a spell, but I would be careful because of the inherent nature of your essence being intrinsically tied.
>does astrological placement have a hampering/accelerating effect on manifestation?
From what I've sen it effects predispositions. If you are rather unaware it may seem to be of a permanent nature but once you are, you can change it by working extra in that area. Eventually you will overcome the 'weakness.'
What you need to do is bring balance to yourself in all aspects. The stars just mean you need to work a bit harder or easier in one area or another.
>also, does astrology operate more as a karmic record or a psychological profile?
It's an individual incarnation thing, I guess I would classify that as a psychological profile.
Lets take a step back. Within your own personal mind, when you think or emotionally vibrate to a certain thing there is a (geometric) pattern to it. This, if held long enough, and with enough energy will start to manifest into the physical realm.
Because the universe is a fractal, now take a step forward and imagine this on the level of God and the totality of existence.
>I'm in a monetary pinch
You could have just done a general abundance spell/working… At least that way you're not hurting some one. If he could then he would have, else you may have had some other small fortune befall you. There is never a need for what you did, IMHO.
>Divide by 0
>Money manifesting
If you do not want to monkey's paw you spell results you can manifest them ''For the good of all." Now of course this does limit how it can manifest, but no dead uncles either.
>light encoding reality matrix
I've heard that term used to refer to our universe. As it is all light, encoded with the intentions of God (and us), become/made manifest into reality and womb (that's the original root word of matrix).
>Simple magic
Practice probability manipulation you can use this:
Or you can use dice or coins too.
I like the book of knowledge if I had to name a singular, basic, entry level book.
See images again.
Here is what you need to know about trance states. Anything repetitive can put you into a trance (not saying this is the only way). So something simple would be a mantra.
I like
The why is because your dream-state-self is of a different type of consciousness than your waking. The how of bridging it has to do with merging/melding the 2. I recommend journaling.
Indeed. infini seems wonky with this many posts in a thread.
12/27/15 (Sun) 23:50:21 No. 65517
>Dr Bates' thesis was that tension in the muscles around the eyes leads to defects in vision, so anything you do to relax will improve your sight.
And then you have taoists who recommend clenching your eyes as much as you can to improve vision!
Read "Believing is seeing" in archive, it's study concerning effects of "placebo" on eyesight of pilots
I spend 8 hours a day reading text on screen so I think I'll just accept eyeglasses and short-sightenes as the necessary evil.
12/28/15 (Mon) 02:14:47 No. 65526
the universe is a mental construct
just read
the kybalion by three initiates
pg 15 chapter 2
principle of mentalism
12/28/15 (Mon) 02:47:37 No. 65529
you guys think we should have a second board tan
seeing as the occult at times focuses on duality and gender
and seeing as fringe girl is a feminine aspect perhaps a second board tan should be a masculine aspect?
12/28/15 (Mon) 03:04:53 No. 65531
No, kill yourself. Do you not even understand what tans are? And fringe girl isn't even a tan she isn't anime enough.
12/28/15 (Mon) 03:06:32 No. 65532
What to do when in sleep paralysis?
12/28/15 (Mon) 03:36:48 No. 65533
know you are being astral raped for loosh
/r/ing insight/opinions curious 12/28/15 (Mon) 04:29:05 No. 65535
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Tell me, /fringe/, does all magic(k) lead to the Devil?
0 SAGE! 12/28/15 (Mon) 05:35:08 No. 65537
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12/28/15 (Mon) 06:04:26 No. 65539
Is there a way to measure your current loosh? How do you use it? I read in a different thread that fapping wastes loosh. Why would I want to save my loosh?
Sorry if this question is basic af.
12/28/15 (Mon) 06:42:34 No. 65542
It can, but it can also lead to God. Depends on how you use it.
Commanding Entities 12/28/15 (Mon) 11:40:23 No. 65551
How do you choose which name of God to use to command an entity?
Is it trial and error?
Do only names of Christian or Jewish origin work?
Would it work commanding an entity in the name of Buddha or Kami-sama?
12/28/15 (Mon) 12:20:21 No. 65554
Once your body is strong and mind sharp, you generate this energy by breathing from your belly and you spend it on everything eg. I spend it by typing this response. Advanced wizards use their energy in ways so that it always circulates and comes back to them, in a minute, in years, or millennia. Relationship is a way of trading and circulating energy between two people. "Loosh" is word for life force but with negative connotation.
By simply fapping without thinking you are trading your loosh for sexual gratification. Instead, it's better to use fapping as a tool and invest your loosh to learn managing sexual energy, controlling erection and ejaculation, or harvest and exploit the emotion of sexual arousal to manifest eg. better visualization ability.
You can abstain entirely, but if you get invaded by sexual thoughts or emotion of frustration you can't control, you're actually spending loosh this way. Eventually you'll orgasm in your sleep anyway. So it's better to embrace and acquire control, than to avoid.
Ultimately the most efficient way of managing your loosh (when it comes to sexuality at least) would be learning energy work and then having sex with an equally enlightened witch, and only ejaculating into her 2 times a month, no matter how often you have sex.
An example of sexual energy work would be closing your circuit at your throat chakra by bending it around your head so that energy comes back. You don't feel lazy and tired after the orgasm as it doesn't make prolactin rise as much as usual. Another example is working out your PC muscles or use concentrated will to hold ejaculation for long hours
12/28/15 (Mon) 14:54:48 No. 65562
That's literally only used to refer to a monotheistic entity such as Yahweh or Allah.
12/28/15 (Mon) 15:11:32 No. 65563
Personally I use "In the name of Love."
>Is it trial and error?
It can be. Experimentation is always good. Remember magic is an art and a science.
>Do only names of Christian or Jewish origin work?
No. Any way of conceptualizing of it works really, just make sure you have the right concept, and the name is also attached to the right one as well. (For example Yahweh is not.)
Not that I'm an expert or in Shintoism but there is more to that name than you might suspect.,+Takamimusuhi+no+Kami+%26+Kamimusuhi+no+Kami%29
Maybe Khan can chime in on it.
12/28/15 (Mon) 17:16:47 No. 65568
Good post, it helped me see some things more clearly.
Thank you.
12/28/15 (Mon) 18:50:39 No. 65577
Noob wizard here
At night I try to AP. I've come close a couple times, and I think I'll come close again easily now, but this keeps happening:
I relax, a few minutes pass, i start seeing baby blue geometric shapes, and then vibrations start, the blue becomes an abyss infront of my that I'm falling into, but then I get too excited, my heartbeat flies up to such a high BPM because I'm finally achieving my goal that I don't end up achieving it. My excitement is also mixed with worry that my heartrate is too high.
My question is do I need to make sure my heart doesn't beat that quickly, or do I need to not worry about my extreme heartbeat? Is the increased heartbeat something that happens every time, or just to people who get too excited?
Thanks for everything, /fringe/
AuntWatermelon 12/28/15 (Mon) 18:57:56 No. 65580
It's all normal and classic symptoms. It will ease out and completely dissapear with time. Don't worry, it's not your heart beating that fast. Keep doing it and don't worry about anything that happens in between the hypnagogenic state and just before you AP.
12/28/15 (Mon) 19:00:56 No. 65583
>My question is do I need to make sure my heart doesn't beat that quickly
Just stop your heart completely = eternal astral projection :^)
12/28/15 (Mon) 19:09:14 No. 65586
I frequently try to project after smoking weed.
When that happens often my heartbeat becomes completely stopped. Maybe it's my perception of time/lack of awareness of my body, but the possibility of turning off my heart worries me as well, so I never have let it happen longer than a few seconds. Is this something to be cautious about?
I will continue my practice without worry and come back tomorrow if anything changes.
Thanks, Aunty :)
12/28/15 (Mon) 19:17:21 No. 65587
>I frequently try to project after smoking weed.
muh nigga
I just meditate while blazed though. When the effect wears off. I go to sleep.
>but the possibility of turning off my heart worries me as well
Apparently there some Eastern monks or yogis who can stop their heart by will. I don't see any benefit to do so though because it basically stops circulation of life energy.
> Is this something to be cautious about?
Only if you cling to your worldly existence :^)
I believe that your body will figure it out on your own to keep the heart beating, so there's no need to worry.