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I originally posted this on /x/ but realized /x/ is full of a bunch of fucking normalfags. I don't know if /fringe/ is a more serious version of /x/ or what, but I'm going to post this here. If I'm not supposed to then the mods can delete it.

I was really obsessed with this girl in 7th grade, and by that, I mean autistic tier. I thought about her daily and dreamed about her all the time. I never talked to her at all. I didn't go to school for 8th or most of 9th grade. Towards the end of 9th grade I went back in hopes of seeing this girl again but she was no where to be seen. I also decided to look up anything about her on the internet and couldn't find anything. To this day I still can not find anything.

I quit school again after that because she wasn't there. I don't want to talk about quitting school I have a lot of reasons for quitting and don't feel like listing them. I'm going to keep this about the girl.

Anyway, in the summer of my 9th grade year (going on 10th) I fantasized and obsessed even more about her. I spent at least 3 hours each day looking for anything related to her on the internet. I found nothing, and was left in a deeper depression than before.

I went back for 10th grade out of desperation, and this time I found her there. But I still did not talk to her, as if there was some sort of force keeping us apart. I saw her walk by me every day, she was inches away yet so far away for some reason I didn't understand. She only stared at the floor, and talked to no one. But one day I did see her talk to someone but I did not hear any words from her. The girl she was talking to seemed to ignore her entirely and no one ever looked at her. She was stunningly beautiful, yet had no friends. No guys paid attention to her. I don't understand this at all.

I will continue this in following posts. I don't have a pic relevant to this so have what I have attached to this post.



What I've come to /fringe/ for is understanding. This all seems paranormal so does my entire life. I'm going to basically make a giant blog post about everything relevant to all of this and I want you to help me understand what's happening. I think a lot of this is tied together some how.

This girl, even before I first saw her, appeared in a lot of my dreams. Or seems to. The girl I am talking about has curly blonde hair and a face that I can not describe. She has beautiful features I've yet to find on another woman.

There are two dreams that she seems to appear in. One is where I dreamed there was a tree next to the highway with a button on it. I pressed the button and a door opened. I went in and it seemed to work as an elevator. I arrived at the bottom and was greeted by 4 women, I do not remember their faces. I followed them into a larger room, No speech was involved. (Come to think of it, no speech is ever involved in my dreams) In this large room there were hundreds of beds, I could not see the end to it all. The room had colorless, grey walls the ceiling was endless. I can't remember the floor. Anyway, on each of these beds was a woman wearing a bikini. I don't remember what any of them looked like. The 4 women I mentioned earlier showed me to one of these beds. When I went into it a curtain formed around us out of nowhere. The girl on the bed was the girl I mentioned in the OP. I'll call her stacy for the purpose of these posts.

This was an adult version of stacy, but you could tell it was her. We seemed to do nothing, I just stared at her for as long as I can remember the dream lasting.



It should be noted I had both of these around the same age. I was 8 years old when these dreams appeared. They were not sexual in any way, at least not to me. I didn't find and still can't find anything sexual about them. And to think of it, stacy has never been overly sexually attractive to me. I can see her beauty and she is more beautiful than any girl I've seen before, but I am not sexually attracted to her. It's very strange.

Anyway, this second dream. I can't remember how it started, all I remember is the curly haired blonde girl from it, who looked like stacy as a full-grown adult. I think I was running from something, in a cave. There was this stretch of stone on a chasm within the cave. On the stretch of stones was stacy. She was wearing some indiana jones style outfit, without the hat. On the other side of the chasm was the entrance/exit of the cave. I don't remember anything else from this. But I know for sure when this happened, because it was stuck in my mind for days afterwards. I was obsessed with the girl from it (stacy) for weeks afterwards, and it was forgotten until a few months ago where I remembered the dream and my memory of it. I've been holding back on writing anything about it because it seemed too outlandish to have happened, but I am absolutely sure it did.



This is all I have to say about that girl, But here comes the things that I believe are connected to her.

I've had dreams that were almost real. I believe these could be alien abductions that I'm remembering through dreams. These dreams are ones I had when I was in (or supposed to be in) 8th and 9th grade. I'm going to type them out below.

The first one I'm going to talk about starts with me driving in a red car that my mother was driving. We were in a highway in the sky that had a lot of twists and turns. I don't remember how this ended. I do remember waking up in some metal building and I was in some sort of… I don't know. I think I was floating inside of a glass tube. My mother was to the left of me. For some reason I did not look to the right of me or anywhere else in the room. I had my head fixed to looking at the floor, slightly to the left of where I would be looking if I was looking straight ahead. I think this time it faded away, instead of ending randomly.

I then remember being on a table. There was a light that I think was above me. There were 4 silhouettes huddling above my body. This ended randomly like the car scene.

I woke up the next morning with 7 dots on my hand. They were as if I had pressed a lego brick against my hand but was not in the order of one. I also did not play with legos at the time, I stopped when I was 10 or 12. A gradual decline in use, like most toys. I searched for what could have done it but found nothing. I have no idea where it came from. The dots were like pic related.

I also forgot to mention I have a small bump on the back of my head. I first noticed it when I was around 7. That's the time I started having hallucinations of things. I'm going to talk about them in the post after this.



When I was very young (7-8, maybe starting even before that, when I was 5? I can't remember the exact age.) I had hallucinations fairly often. This included believing that the walls were collapsing and armies were charging at me out of the walls. They always happened at night when everyone else in the house was asleep.

One of these hallucinations was the one I remember the most. It starts with knights charging at me as they come out of the walls. They were all extremely detailed, But I had not seen any knight that was more than a poorly made drawing of them, similar to a stick figure. I had also never seen an actual horse at that time but I could even smell it's breath. I didn't hear any words coming from the knights.

I ran into the hallway to escape these knights, who just kept coming out of the walls until I went into the hallway. When I went into the hallway I saw a little girl, about 10 years old, who looked similar to my sister. I ran over to her, but then realized she looked nothing like my sister. Her hair was black, and she was wearing blue pajamas with white flowers on them. She said nothing but I followed her into the bathroom. We ended up having hot chocolate inside of it. No words were spoken and I was entirely calm. I woke up the next morning in the bathtub.



Now, that little girl. I do not remember her face, but she came back when I was in 10th grade. I did not see her directly, but There were a few experiences which hinted at her presence. While typing all of this, I actually feel like I'm being watched. This could either be me simply being paranoid or me feeling her presence. Either way, I will continue.

One time I was getting ready to go to bed, and my dog woke up from his sleep and started sniffing the door. He was begging at me to get out. I then saw a shadow underneath the door and heard footsteps. I didn't hear a door open before this, which is how I would know if it was an actual person. I waited for 20-30 minutes out of fear, and during that time I read a book. I did this in front of a mirror, and I believe I saw the little girl behind me. I looked in the mirror, and she was gone. This prompted me to open the door and just turn on all the lights. I was not bothered any more for the night and eventually went to bed.

The next morning went normally, but at night I started hearing faint singing that grew louder over time as I tried to fall asleep. I could not make out very many words from it, but I heard "when' and "we". They were not together. They were seperated by a cloud of whispering.

I forgot to say one thing. Before I quit school again in 10th grade, I attended a school rally. In this rally I sat in the bleachers in a secluded part. Stacy and one other girl who had black hair, which seemed like the (ghost?) girl who I saw in the hallway walked up to me. They stood in front of me. The speaker at the rally told everyone to chant, and stacy and her "Friend" (who I had never seen her with before) started squatting down and going up as they chanted. I felt like I was being mocked by the universe when this happened. That's all there is to that, I felt like it needed to be said.



That's all I have to say, for now. Do any of you know what could be going on? I've come up with a few theories. I believe she may be a tulpa that I created on accident. I played a game a lot when I was in 4th grade. This game had a girl that looked like a 2D version of stacy. I fell in love with this game character. I wished she were real every day, and at night I would say "For whoever is listening, please make her real".

Another theory I have is that I could be a psychological experiment by aliens. My entire life has been full of weird shit happening and things seeming to go one way all the time, as if its all directed but leaving me a little bit of self control. The control I'm talking about is that I've always had this strange feeling whenever I talk about certain things or tried to do certain things. I could never talk to stacy, because of this feeling. It is a seperate feeling from fear or anxiousness. I also have a very strange family that has the opposite political views of me, as if it was set up to alienate me. I stopped talking from my 7th grade school year up to the beginning of 10th. This happened for some odd reason. I just seemed to stop talking one day as a result of something happening. I've had depression most of my life, and when I entered 1st grade I had a sudden change in how I behaved. I think that's when the abductions and experiments might have started. Social life took a dark turn after 3rd grade. I went from a popular kid to a social outcast overnight.

She may also be a ghost or demon, Considering she was what seemed to be friends with the ghost girl at the rally. I really don't know, /x/. Perhaps you have your own experiences leading to possible answers to all of this.



I forgot to remove the /x/ from it but I guess you guys can just pretend it says /fringe/


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>pic related



>I was really obsessed with this girl in 7th grade, and by that, I mean autistic tier. I thought about her daily and dreamed about her all the time

>I didn't go to school for 8th or most of 9th grade. Towards the end of 9th grade I went back in hopes of seeing this girl again but she was no where to be seen. I also decided to look up anything about her on the internet

>I quit school again after that because she wasn't there. I don't want to talk about quitting school I have a lot of reasons for quitting and don't feel like listing them. I'm going to keep this about the girl.

>Anyway, in the summer of my 9th grade year (going on 10th) I fantasized and obsessed even more about her. I spent at least 3 hours each day looking for anything related to her on the internet. I found nothing, and was left in a deeper depression than before.

exactly the same story for me except i dated the girl for 3 months

>I don't want to talk about quitting school I have a lot of reasons for quitting and don't feel like listing them

i also did not go to 8th/9th grade and quit high school

i would be interested in your reasons



>i would be interested in your reasons

They're more of social anxiety and spergy reasons, not ones that I think are related to stacy or anything strange.





If you're still here OP you are a textbook pedophile, please try not to molest children.



We have always been the same age

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