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I was watching a movie on my laptop at night and had some candles lit, some succubus from a group I have contact with decided it was a good time for them to show up and have a party. Maybe they were attracted by the general feel in the room.

So they are doing whatever, crawling all over the place and making silly jokes, whispering things to me or watching the movie, just stuff succubus do in a group.

Then one of them looks up like she heard something, she opens the window and looks outside. There is this demon guy walking by, pic related but a little slimmer.

>She asks "what are you doing?"

>demon with beard looking smug and holding trident replies: "just walking"

>succubus: "oh ok"

>she closes the window and gets back to doing what she was doing before

>some of the other in the group are giggling and talking

>one of them says "well I think it's good that they keep some order"

>another succubus agrees: "yeah, it's a good initiative"

Then they don't care about it again.

What's up with this situation? I don't get it. Who was that guy and why did they all behave so retarded. What does it mean?




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Succubi are minor royalty in hell I hear.


>creating nice ambiance with natural light (candles) +1

>destroying said ambiance with l.e.d poison -1

>littering your environment with wifi radiation -1

>consuming trash -1

you keep like company and are at negative two, your in hell and that's the demon of netflix making sure your consuming your quota of trash.

good goyim



I think the better question is, why the fuck are you hanging out with low lever parasites that exploit human beings for a living.

>a group I have contact with

I wouldn't trust such a group.


I wouldn't even say royalty imo.


That's an unhealthy and unrealistic level of elitism there. Though he shouldn't spend much time at all on entertainment. It's okay once in a while, not to mention sometimes it's necessary to take a break like that.



That's the astral for you, not everything revolves around you, and there's a lot of weirdness going on in the greater planes all the time. Get used to it I guess.

…and yeah I know what I am saying is utterly useless. Hmmmm. If you really want to probe into the matter more, I guess you're just going to have to GET GOOD.



>and yeah I know what I am saying is utterly useless

No more like completely irrelevant and senseless. but considering your flag I understand why you would make the post.



she succ me


I am a new kid at this school, so I do not know the type or name,

however, the fact the others seemed somewhat alarmed by it's presence, combined with the question "what are you doing?" and the answer "just walking" makes me think you have seen some type of supervisor or security guard of sorts. Possibly some new policy has been put into place to monitor the activities of these things and stop them from doing certain things.

It sounded like a civilian talking to a nosy cop:

>why are you here officer? we are not breaking any laws. I know my rights…

"just walking" in cop language means:

>i am doing what ever the fuq i want. because I am a cop. now i am leaving because I cannot find anything to fuck with you about..

at least that is my interpretation of the event..

now I had an experience I wanted to ask about, and I thought this thread may be the place to do it… since we are not supposed to break rule #2…

continue on nest post…



I got the opposite vibe from OPs post. It seems more like the succubi are the "cops" in your scenario and the thing walking outside was the civilian. I remember reading somewhere that succubi are a higher class in "hell", so it would make sense that they would monitor demons being outside of hell. The demon looking smug was likely because it knew it was outside of the succubus' control. Letting them leave temporarily is good iniative to do some action that would allow them more freedom.



Im not entirely sure, after all, warriors are higher than prostitutes, even if they are expensive prostitutes…

i agree more with >>65340 except with the nosy cop attitude, sometimes been vigilante means that you cannot interact directly and you need to put your serious face as a duty and not your personality.


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That was actually just MC Ride. He just wanted to hang out and fuck some succubus bitches.



I like DG too, I wonder if they all practice some form of occultism or if only Ride is into it

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