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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit.
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3. No creating new threads purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET).
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So many people here are just special snowflakes making shit up about experiences they've had with so-called sentient beings. This seriously reminds me of Jim's video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTq1IzE4kqU

There's actually people that hear voices in their heads and see shit; it's called schizophrenia.

I could understand someone feeling like they've contacted and have had communications with some metaphysical force during an altered state of consciousness, but let's be real, now.

I've lurked here for maybe 5-6 months now and all I can say is WOW, what a bunch of attention deprived teens and/or adult children wanting to feel like they're so special.

Magic is real to some extent, yes, but having imaginary friends is shit restricted to children, schizophrenics, and attention whores.

There's some truth to tulpas, but whatever the fuck is going on in that "succubus talks with demon guy" shit is laughable.

Don't tell me everyone on /fringe/ believes this nonsense.



>inb4 Don't bully me! Get out of my safe space you nekbeard gendered fedora male! All is Mind!

I agree with OP. That's what you get when people start to think that imagination is what is causing reality and that imagination is the most powerful tool to do "magick".

You know there will be some dellusional kids who have lucid dreams but call them astral travels, who "visualize" things and think that they are "muh powerful wizards", who hears voices but calls them "astral noises" and who are so blind to the truths that they blame whatever happens to them on "entities" and curses and much more, when you gather a bunch of kids/immature adults fed up with life and you tell them that their vivid imaginations, generally due to the beginnings of mental/emotional instability, are the truths of the universe. It gets worse when the quote "Muh, All is Mind" starts to be thrown out like somehow that means that imagination, dreams and dellusions are the most central part and only things of the mind…

Lot's of Daddy issues kids who got their dreams crushed, like we all did and who aren't strong enough to fight it because they didn't get hit enough as a kid (in all ways, either through parents, "bullying" or the natural hardships of life).

Don't get me wrong, magic is absolutely real. No doubts about it. But you guys are just doing it so wrong and in the less eficient way that it's getting so damn funny, fringe has became my main source of memes and comedy.

Don't believe me?

Then why are you guy's so enamored with useless shit like low astral entities, tulpas, archons, NWO,other people's attitude, skin problems, making names for natural phenomenons like vampirism, pheels, superiority of illusions like genders or race, consiracies, dreams, changing body and gender through dreams and dellusions, fapping, dubious health tips, hallucinogens and many, many others. I did not even came up with these, I just read the catalog…



What would you consider useful in magick?

There's not a lot of serious discussion on what you mentioned, and if it starts it's usually shitposted back into oblivion.

Is it not possible only that those things are discussed because there is a lot of low skill wizards, and powerful wizards are discussing and reading material in the astral?



>What would you consider useful in magick?

Energy work, every foms of it, even concentration is flawed, a calm flow of energy leads to a calm breath, mind and body, this triggers extremely powerful meditative states and any operation becomes child's play.

>There's not a lot of serious discussion on what you mentioned, and if it starts it's usually shitposted back into oblivion.

You are kidding right?

Fringe is all about NWO, low phenomenons, feels and dellusions. Agreed on the shitpost, all threads are, even this one will be full of shitposting in about a week, if it lasts that long.

>and powerful wizards are discussing and reading material in the astral?

Magicians here are shitty and astral ones too, they are just immature people spending all their time learning a skill which deepens them in their dellusions or new agers having success with the first method they tried and being "light workers".

All the astral is useflul for is information gathering, exploration, evokation and path working.

People treat it as the biggest achievements of their lives, yet it's a secondary practice and much of it is just for entertanment, without the basics, your sanity won't last long.

All forms of knowledge is ultimately self knowledge, You won't learn much about yourself coming here, treat it as a cartoon show. Funny to watch.



>not learning every moment of now

GTFO scrub


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>bitches about "muh special snowflakes"

>goes out of his way to make his own special thread



Thoughtforms/servitors/tulpas are of great help, I don't see how it's useless


You guys in this thread spend energy to reinforce that you're distancing yourself and that you're better than others. Do you want me to confirm that you're right, so that the structure your are building in your mind is more solid? Are these the thoughts you're looking for?


Edge vs edge

They are doing that to reinforce their ego

Is kinda necessary in the path of the mage



What do you mean by "any operation" in this case?


Real magic will always be energy work only.



i only need to ask you one question. Is the Kaballah complete bullshit?





Great thread, I learned a lot useful information.


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>first two posters

>"let me tell you why youre wrong"

>"but I wont tell you how to be right huehue"

When did the neckbeards crawl out of their basements with their oh so eletist magicks?



It's a system of knowledge just like the elements of the wise, in the real world, the world isn't divided in planes or anything, that's only an illusion and a concept of the mind for us to have a gentle introduction and understanding of these things. It's okay as long as you don't cling to it as the ultimate truth and do your own experiments.


Anything you do after meditation, magic, more meditation, waking life, whatever.





Das rite mane!



Thank you, Auntie.



>Agreed on the shitpost, all threads are, even this one will be full of shitposting in about a week

It was full of it the moment OP hit "send."


I've seen a thousand fucking threads like these on /fringe/ jesus christ you niggers piss me off



I don't know what reaction OP wants. If he really wanted to change how /fringe/'s quality is, he would just make posts that are insightful in good threads or explain in bad threads why they are bad.

Instead he makes this. Great work for a 6 month lurker.



>Implying this board is comprised of 99% opinion


Cry about it to your imaginary friends.


I'm not saying I'm better than anyone else; what I don't like are special snowflakes. so >>64057 types want to say that I'm being a special snowflake for pointing out attention deprived autists patting each other on the back? yippee.


Sorry I'm not Crowley, my knowledge of the occult isn't that deep. All I really do is meditate, make shrines in nature and draw runes in my spare time.

I haven't really seen anyone call out the headmates bullshit yet, so I thought this would be a good platform for further discussion.

>inb4 rule 2

It's not like I just asked a question, I explained my opinion. let's hear from the people who believe in this garbage.




>implying this board ISN'T comprised of 99% opinion


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>why don't you come out here, I just want to talk


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>that snowflake



alright so what are your arguments against thoughtforms?



What are arguments against God?

The flying spaghetti monster?

you see where I'm going with this



so you believe magic is real yet god doesn't exist?



I believe in "god," not any one from any religion, but I don't go around parading how "oh, I have long conversations with god." If people really have these experiences, they'd keep to themselves and realize that there's no good reason to tell other people about something they have no proof of. If they wanted to talk about something they've learned or understand it better with others, they'd just talk about the ideas and concepts.


Somewhat relevant topic, so I'll post.

Does anybody else think this board needs better moderation? The only moderation is spam being deleted, but with the board rising in popularity there's more shitpost threads and cryptic shit. This place was great until every thread was "how do I become a girl" and "2deep4u". Smiley seems to think there shouldn't be much moderation, which I agree with, but with the board getting more popular there's going to have to be or else valuable information will be lost. We don't want to end up like cuckchans /x/

And a more obvious, community written FAQ with lots of commonly asked questions would be nice.



>community written FAQ with lots of commonly asked questions would be nice.

I second this, it would be a nice addition/second post to the sticky.

>Does anybody else think this board needs better moderation?

I would agree only because unlike freedomboard, infinichan does not have infinity pages (oh, the irony) to keep all of our threads, and the low quality threads obscure or even bump off old gems.



This guy gets it. Even when the very reading list of fringe says not to identify with body/personality fringe just doesn't grasp the meaning of that and throws a hissy fit when someone hits them at their sensitive spot



What reading list do you suggest? Obviously you come from a different background than fringe, so you must have the "right" knowledge?

Im asking this sincerely as a neophyte. I've read the first three books in the FAQ and it's all very nice, but it lacks /meaning/, and that's what i need most. Yes, we're all spirits in these vessels called bodies and our personas are not really us, even if it all vanished we would be still spirit. But what's the purpose of it all?

Stroking my astral dick as every other fuckwad does on this imageboard doesn't help, it just makes my ego bigger and doesn't lead to any self realization, which is the purpose? The purpose is to find God, right?



>If people really have these experiences, they'd keep to themselves and realize that there's no good reason to tell other people about something they have no proof of.

>If they wanted to talk about something they've learned or understand it better with others, they'd just talk about the ideas and concepts.

but you're contradicting yourself



It's good you quoted these lines because they also made me think. When I work with my chakras, I put myself in state during which I can talk about anything with no blockages. I don't really care what others will think of me, and whether they'll think I'm crazy. Am I doing it wrong? Because you see, most of my life I spend putting a lot of effort to seem like a rational, normal person. I worked so hard to fit in and don't stand out, that I think even lost my ego on the way. Nowadays when I work with chakras, I try to let it all out. Avoiding talking about things in fear of what others will think would be counterproductive, wouldn't it? Or am I thinking about it wrong?



Are you the original poster? Considering your question, I feel the same way, yet I don't think my ego is completely gone, hard to explain, but I don't care what other people think of me in a negative light, yet I care what other people think of me in a positive light


After careful observation of all said comments i come to the conclusion that i sense much anger.



no shit sherlock


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>this thread again


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I'm not here to spread my ideology.

I'm just telling idiots to cut it out with the imaginary friend bullshit. I understand if people claim to talk to god or spirits or whatever, but when I hear these faggots talk about how they have complex human relationships with made up entities and say that they see them in real life like any real person… that's when you're crazy.

As to the purpose of life, I'm no authority but this is what I believe:

Life is what you make it. We really don't know what it's all about so we can atleast make life better for ourselves, and moreover, other people.

Dabbling in the occult and supernatural is a noble cause, as it takes an individual willing to delve into "uncharted waters," so to speak. The desire to know about esoteric concepts shows you're not a mindless drone. Although, It's important to not get carried away into these worlds, though. It's just the same as focusing on your higher chakras and neglecting your root chakra; you'll become detached from reality and will have lost grounding.

Just an fyi, interest in the occult is a symptom of schizophrenia.

Not trying to discourage anyone, it's possible to have an interest or be heavily involved and be completely fine, but it's one of countless red flags; just hearing about these imaginary friends glorified in the way it is on this board should make one wary as to who actually believes these things.

I bet you if you forced these people to put their face to what they're saying they'd immediately lose credibility.


Talking about ideas and concepts you learn is not the same as relaying some reality show-esque drama about your headmates "fronting" and such. That shit is a cry for attention or ramblings from a legitimately mentally ill person- neither should be praised.


Ego death is a beautiful moment. A moment, but if you think that the goal is to completely dissolve your ego then you're foolish. Without it, you'd be a spineless wimp incapable of standing up for anything.

I hope I, as op, cleared up some ( ^ :



I understand the feel. I'm open to the magick teachings but some things are just "too fucking much".

I don't believe I´ll end up tossing fireballs or summoning demons, just walking the Path and growing where it matters - inside.

All the rest is shit, unless proven otherwise by some sensible evidence.


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>I'm just telling idiots to cut it out with the imaginary friend bullshit. I understand if people claim to talk to god or spirits or whatever, but when I hear these faggots talk about how they have complex human relationships with made up entities and say that they see them in real life like any real person… that's when you're crazy.

>I understand if people claim to talk to god or spirits or whatever

>but when I hear these faggots talk about how they have complex human relationships

>made up entities

>imaginary friend

So which is it? Do you understand it or not?

As for people discussing tulpas, why don't you just ignore those threads if you don't like them?

Personally I don't like to read about team sports and guess what? I don't read it, problem solved. Do I go onto sports web sites and rant about how people are faggots for following made up rules and chasing balls all day? No, I let them do whatever because I have my own hobbies.

You should try it, maybe you would like pamphlet writing or religous bigotry, I think those are well suited to your taste ;)



>and say that they see them in real life like any real person

you missed something, anon

>Personally I don't like to read about team sports and guess what? I don't read it, problem solved. Do I go onto sports web sites and rant about how people are faggots for following made up rules and chasing balls all day? No, I let them do whatever because I have my own hobbies.

so all of /fringe/ shares the same opinion on headmates? woweee, way to speak for everyone



>>and say that they see them in real life like any real person


>you missed something, anon

Oh did I now? I think not, that's what a tulpa is, you know that right?

" A tulpa (the Tibetan word for construct or build) is a self imposed hallucination that interacts with all 5 senses. This practice was first done by Tibetan Buddhists in ancient times. You will be able to see, hear, smell and touch (without solidity of course, but this will be explained later) your tulpa just like you would a normal person. A tulpa is a forced hallucination, a schism of your own consciousness, a fully sentient being, and a companion."

Notice the part about

>You will be able to see, hear, smell and touch (without solidity of course, but this will be explained later) your tulpa just like you would a normal person. A tulpa is a forced hallucination




forgive my ignorance as to what tulpas are.

I thought they were just a mental compartment capable of doing thought without so much of the person doing work- kind of like an assistant.

I guess I should lurk moar


I've heard voices in my head only twice that I can remember.

The first time was while sitting in a church service. A voice that sounded like my own spoke out of the blue and said "Let's go outside and look at the stars."

My reaction was "wut?". I didn't do it because I didn't want the others to think I was some kind of sinner not wanting to hear the message.

I should've listened. Because the preacher went on to explain how preachers are busy and basically to stop bothering them. While he meant well (he was preaching to another pastors congregation) it pretty much destroyed me. Had a lot to do with the place I was in at that time, being in the throws of CPTSD and just trying to connect to other people.

The second time was while driving and just turning onto an Interstate highway on ramp. It was one of those entrance/exits where the next one was several miles down the road.

There was a minivan in front of me driving onto the interstate when suddenly the very loud thought "I'M GOING THE WRONG WAY!" flashed in my mind.

Then I thought "no I'm not. I already checked." as the minivan in front of me pulled off the shoulder, then turned around as we went past. I figured it was from already being in a meditative state from driving.


>lurked here 5-6 months

>being this new

This place fell before then. There aren't many good posts anymore and it's because of people like you. what's the point of you even posting?


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Posting in a loosh farming thread. Don't you think you've given the OP enough?



Whoops, meant to sage.

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