I'd like to share my opinions/advice that I've formed over the years of browsing /fringe/(from 2013 bb), and of course doing my own research on "Esoteric Wizardry," magic, or whatever you may call it.
Concerning the left-hand and right-hand paths when you strip away the crap they boil down to:
Right-hand path:
>forfeiting life/servitude
>dismissal of responsibility(someone makes the rules for you)
>Using the physical plane as a conduit to grasp for the spiritual
>may acknowledge reincarnation; seeks to avoid it
Left-hand path:
>Taking hold of life, and embodying the ego
>Acceptance of ultimate responsibility(becoming god)
>using the spiritual plane to empower yourself upon the material plane.
>acknowledges reincarnation; seeks to focus on now
This is what I understand to be true.
Know that we are of the material plane I can't understand why those of the Right-hand path seek to separate themselves from it.
I'm 'John Doe.' Sure, when I die 'John Doe' will be gone eternally, but the essence of spirit, or soul, not carrying his persona luggage will continue on.
If we are of the material then why not embrace it? If we die when our essence leaves then separation is surely true, and while all is one the opposite is also true because that means our Spirit/Higher Self have a different motivation then our ego('John Doe.')
Buddhists appear to be some sort of contradiction where they reject their earthly life, but their spirit that they call to wills them to keep reincarnating.
So why not embrace the earth when you're alive, and the embrace the heavens when you are dead instead of rejecting both sides?