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File: 1450030635202.jpg (745.48 KB, 1280x1392, 80:87, 1422178647893.jpg)


Found a piece of my library, I'll dump and you can pick and choose.


File: 1450031446672-0.pdf (1.68 MB, [Mantak_Chia]_The_Multi-Or….pdf)

File: 1450031446672-1.pdf (466.48 KB, _Influence_People.pdf)


File: 1450031501341-0.pdf (102.47 KB, 48 laws of power.pdf)

File: 1450031501353-1.pdf (286.15 KB, 1907psychomancy.pdf)


File: 1450031886444-0.pdf (984.8 KB, attract women, refine your….pdf)

File: 1450031886444-1.pdf (1 MB, basicpsionics.pdf)

File: 1450031886444-2.pdf (2.57 MB, Bhagavad Gita.pdf)

File: 1450031886463-3.pdf (626.75 KB, BookOfEnoch.pdf)

File: 1450031886463-4.pdf (1.23 MB, brain magic.pdf)


File: 1450032048594.pdf (2.49 MB, complete-works_rb.pdf.pdf)


File: 1450032386590-0.pdf (3.86 MB, Franz_Bardon_-_The_Univers….pdf)

File: 1450032386591-1.pdf (616.11 KB, HELMONT-AlchemyUnveiled.pdf)

remind myself to post magical use of thoughtforms, get the edge,sex magic by donald michael craig and unlimited power once internet is better.


File: 1450032657603-0.pdf (2 MB, psionic_grimoire.pdf)

File: 1450032657604-1.pdf (1.27 MB, psionic_mayhem.pdf)

File: 1450032657604-2.pdf (1.81 MB, psionicgadgets.pdf)

File: 1450032657604-3.pdf (1.29 MB, psionicmagick.pdf)



File: 1450032950437-0.pdf (1.23 MB, psionicpath.pdf)

File: 1450032950438-1.pdf (2.93 MB, psionicpower.pdf)

File: 1450032950439-2.pdf (1.66 MB, psionicwarfare.pdf)

File: 1450032950439-3.pdf (1.6 MB, psupervillain1.pdf)


File: 1450033790586-0.pdf (1.39 MB, sanity_identifying psychop….pdf)

File: 1450033790587-1.pdf (185.71 KB, ScienceOfBreath.pdf)

File: 1450033790587-2.pdf (433.14 KB, orchaos.pdf)

File: 1450033790587-3.pdf (1.39 MB, sanity_identifying psychop….pdf)

File: 1450033790587-4.pdf (185.71 KB, ScienceOfBreath.pdf)


File: 1450034010101-0.pdf (1.37 MB, Teachings from Tibet.pdf)

File: 1450034010102-1.pdf (1.8 MB, the arctic home in the ved….pdf)

File: 1450034010102-2.pdf (390.17 KB, the will.pdf)

File: 1450034010102-3.pdf (1.16 MB, The_Emerald_Tablets_Of_Tho….pdf)


File: 1450034139074-0.pdf (2.4 MB, the_psionic_predator.pdf)

File: 1450034139074-1.pdf (552.35 KB, the_richest_man_in_babylon….pdf)


File: 1450034169890.pdf (1 MB, basicpsionics.pdf)


Any specific books you'd recommend out of these?



depends what you're looking for.

I've got a few more but internet is shit and they're very large, I time out before they get posted.

Will post tomorrow or later tonight.



something practical with exercises I guess



1907psychomancy.pdf is a short read


>bunch of bullshit

good goy



post some non-bullshit


Picture was interesting till I saw the feminism book. lmao bitches starve for attention.


Thanks op for the book of enoch


File: 1450109873888.pdf (1.99 MB, cybershaman_manual_compile….pdf)



>arctic home in the vedas

muh hyperborean nigga, that's some good shit

may i suggest: "On being a pagan" and "the religious attitudes of the indo europeans"? Both are really good books on indo european thought.



dump 'em for everyone if you really recommend them.


You don't happen to have Liber Aeternus?



used to.


File: 1450538022942.pdf (1.02 MB, Ageless Living - Mony Vita….pdf)

I just must post this. Immortality is a subject very near and dear to my heart.

P.S. I could not post a .mobi so you need to rename it.



It can't open for some reason



Did you rename it? Maybe 8chan did something to it. Here is another link:


I use Calibre and it works for me.


Try sumatraPDF.



useless book


File: 1450569555502.jpg (51.2 KB, 450x329, 450:329, 1450189504898-0.jpg)


If you have a better one the contribute it. Else you're just one of the naysayers who don't want human freedom via magic. And I care not for you type, I'll become immortal either way.


File: 1450573502806.pdf (128.42 KB, Lao Ma - Road to eternal Y….pdf)


8ch sucks so much it won't let me upload.


File: 1450573518438.pdf (66.29 KB, Leonard Orr - Breaking the….pdf)


File: 1450573559453.pdf (5.01 MB, Teachings of the Immortals.pdf)


File: 1450573598325.pdf (394.11 KB, Peter Kelder - The Eye of ….pdf)


File: 1450573648592.pdf (1.01 MB, Darkroom-Downloads-Diary-F….pdf)


File: 1450574084808.pdf (1.11 MB, Max Freedom Long - The Sec….pdf)


File: 1450574196743-0.pdf (1.6 MB, Kosta Danaos - Nei Kung - ….pdf)

File: 1450574196743-1.pdf (1.77 MB, Kosta Danaos - The Magus o….pdf)



Read those, I'll check the rest out. Cheers.



It's actually not that bad. It should be a top priority book for beginners. I dismissed it due to knowing the information it provided.


Thanks for posting these.



God luck to you yid I bet you jerk off everyday.



you're fucking retarded


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