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So someone recently posted some message about how he was a high ranking illuminati and so on, he gave some info that I personally know is correct. But then he went on saying the world is doomed and there is no hope.

Seriously this is not how a real leader behaves. I know this is a sign he is a fake illuminati (just a freemason) because the real will never fail. I know you're out there and probably even seeing this message. And so are the real bad guys as well.

Freemasons with their 3301 mystery postings are just useful idiots, that guy proved it. The evil side are however very accurate in their control of the world, and from the fake leader's side, they can't even distinguish between their enemies and those who are actually the good leaders.

I dare you to not shitpost this thread to oblivion, the evil wants to destroy any discussion like this, so they are going to try. Now let's see who is supporting the weaker fakes, they will try to attack this message.

Those controlled by low desires will always be weaker and they will lose the battle in the last 1% of the fight, that's how you can tell who is the real power.

Wizards are currently taking stances for both sides, make your choice wisely, one is going to win this, the other is not.


My argument to this would be the "real" leader is the one that wins.


They are Fools

They don't get it

The evil side is winning

But that only will mean our destruccion

Evil = destruccion

good = stagnation

Balance = grow

We should join the force only to balance this , that's why GOD gave /pol/ meme magic, to balance this but the joods are playing a dangerous Game they are sumoning God , you Guys should stop that , becose God doesn't care for good or bad if he cares he cares for balance, I mean just look at his work's, the body, the amazon ecosystem, the solar system, all are about balance but you fools are tinking in a zero sum game. If GOD returns and all seems to point that he is already here he may do one of 2 tings,

let everything run his course to total destruccion from war's and social desintegration and when everything seems to be a lost gomorrad he will appear in a Crist avatar defeat the merchan's and start all over again with the few survivors


Let the joobs win ,fooling everyone under they foot , lucifer reign for I don't know how many years, and apear from nowhere in a Crist avatar destroying everything and restart all over

Is a win win for the joods, you don't want that , you want to imitated his work's, create a big economic ecosystem , keep freedom with order

Create meaning for the masses pushing for galaxy exploration and cience study and pushing for more creators in all the fields art and cience,



All names and labels aside, I stand firmly and resolutely on the side of life and with all of the necessity that it entails, the capacity for growth, the faculty of freewill, and by extension natural law.



>Freemasons with their 3301 mystery postings

Yea, that's who's posting that shite.

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