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Esoteric Wizardry


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Post abilities that can be learned in 6 months or less and you yourself have been able to perform somewhat consistently. If it takes longer than this amount of time don't post it. The faster an effective ability can be learned the more appreciated it is; vice versa the more effective a fast ability can be learned the more appreciated it is.

There are 3 categories of esoteric abilities that are desired within this thread: Yogic, Psionic, and Magic. Yogics is heavily body and mind oriented, psionics is heavily mind oriented, and magics is heavily spirit oriented.

Remember that what is posted must not only be doable in 6 months or less but also be effective; meaning keep it understandable and ensure that it actually works (if it doesn't work for you don't post it, no acceptions).


I hope the community is not keeping silent for lack of knowledge. Off the top of my head meditation is a basic place to start and easily masterable within 6 months.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Eh I think that it isn't a matter of a race here and most people don't seem to participate since your threads just seem meh. No offense just trying to constructively criticize here and saying that they are nice but they don't seem to have any other purpose than forcing some sort of controversial argument between people. That is okay, but you have to start content by listing what you have in the beginning and not just wait for people to sperg content. Remember that most people are reactive(me included) rather than active.

I guess after I just said what I have I want to say that this is just an advice.

~tattva cards(even making tattva cards will have an impact on your subconscious)

~charging your eyes with divine light with intent to implant clairvoyance

~radionics machine

~alphabet of desire/sigils


~energywork and feeding chakra

~invoke deity

~30 min meditation

~working out

simply the amount of time, effort, talent, skills, training you had will determine how fast you get them. The important thing is this

The man who chases two hares doesn't catch one.

Most importantly.

Ask yourself

~Why do you want to be a psychic?

~are there any goals in mind?spiritual?material?

~Do you follow blindly and based upon past theoretical knowledge?

~would you consider yourself mentally balanced/stable?

~would being psychic corrupt you or make you a better person?

these are questions you should ask yourself before starting to develop abilities. Don't answer me here, answer yourself.


Project Life-Command or go home



I'll check it out, what's with the sudden psionics shilling though?


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I really do not see any difference between your definitions of psionic and magic as I would call any part of your being that is not your physical form your mind, which would include all of your energetic bodies. Because as you change your vibrations, whether they be emotional or thought that is changing your aura/energy field (which in turn effects you physical form). So I'm not even going to classify things using this shoddy system.


Some of us only actually check /fringe/ once a day if even, they are whole weeks in which I am busy with my other studies, experiments, or just life in general and I know others are the same. Do not be so entitlement or impatient.

To address the OP on point, there are many, many things I could list, perhaps most things on this board could be done (shy of immortality, flight, or something else extreme) in less than 6 months. But who am I to judge? It's all about personal dedication, maybe you could do that, it all depends on the level of your own personal soul and what skills you had before (in this life or another). That said, here are some of the things I managed to achieve with 6 months of less of practice on my part, take with a grain of salt.

• Random number manipulation

• Awareness of energy within the body

• Learning to distinguish between the energies of different emotions

• Emotional alchemy or the transmutation of one emotion to another at will and maintaining of an emotional calm via desire/intention

• Manipulation of energy around your energy body (empowering yourself via chakra charging/cleansing or to accelerate healing)

• Manipulating your energy to move in synchronization with your physical form as to put your mind into your actions to gain (physical) power

• Gathering energy and imbuing it with an intention (spellcraft)

• Awareness of energy beyond the body or of other bodies (including crystals, plants, other people, etc.)

• Learning to distinguish the different flavors of energy

• Becoming able to simulate/invoke said vibrations from memory at will

• Projecting energy into/at something/one (charging)

• Projecting specific energy, or energy into a specific area to cause increased willpower, clairvoyance, compassion, etc. (knowledge of occult anatomy or familiarity with energies different vibs/feels)

And to be said about pretty much every thing, they increase in depth, breadth, and intensity/power as you confine to practice, so don't think you will be a true master at anything in 6 months. You may get consistent results, perhaps even often, but you can always get better, get results faster, or more consistently in the way you intended with more practice. You can go from getting a a 1 (on a d6) every 1/2 to 2/3 to 5/6 to 11/12 etc. or you can charge a crystal faster, or you can heal faster, etc. etc.



I like the list you and a previous poster gave. I should've mentioned in the OP but links to guides or short summaries on how to do certain techniques would be helpful.



* Time distortions (making an hour feel like 10 minutes and 10 minutes feel like an hour). Can be perfected into bullet time matrix style. I'm not doing rel time bullet time yet though. Started the training recently and have had pretty fast resuls.

* Energy that affects physical matter on a macro level. Haven't dedicated a lot of time to it, done it once or twice and was able to make people sneeze, yawn and feel electric jolts, can probably be perfected into spontaneous combustions and telekinesis with dedication. I might get back to it later this year.

* Hard Style Qi Qong, breaking shit with two fingers and being hit withouth having injuries or feeling pain is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. Go slow on yourself, especially if you never done any martial art conditioning, it's likely that in the first stages, your internal energy won't be dense or powerful enough to protect you hurting yourself while hitting a wall full force. I don't care if your third eye is open and you have astral travels every night, this is very different. Don't be stupid. Use ancient qi qong training excercises, horse stances, circulation, dn tiens meditation , breaking bowl and plates with the tip of the fingers (spear), strong roots,…

* Meditation, everywhere, open eyed, every time.

* Of course, classical reality manipulation and more advanced ones, like thoughtforming something, charging it and having that same thing or person in this case, manifest a couple of days later, with pimple perfection is one of the best ways to convince you that muhgick iz r3al. I heard anons have manifested their tulpas that way. Once you have the thoughtform firmly made it's extremely easy to manifest it,just send large amounts of energy to it and it will manifest, within the rules of your sphere of availability of course.

* Intuition, the most basic thing that everyone should get ASAP, nohing advanced is possible without it, since nothing that is advanced is thaught in books. There is no method to this, everyone will have their own personal way of interacting with their subconscious and collective consciousness. Use intuition to get intuition so you can intuition while you intuiton, Dawg!

* Any internal "feats" and "slowing down autonomous functions oh my gawd Wim Hof!" is pretty easy, energy controls the mind which controls the breath which controls the body and the same is true in reverse. That goes for using 100% muscle power of the body on command (it normaly only uses 60% tops, it has a safe lock. Above 60% damages the tissues, use carefully, you don't want to kill those muslces, do ya?), making pain go milder or disapear completely for long/short time periods, cold/hot temperature resistance anything body related is just the application of the simple principle above and daily itense training.

These are the ones I train/use daily, have learned them all in less then a month or two. Once you firmly get control over subtle currents and realize that All is energy, nothing stops you.

I didn't say know that All is energy, I said realize, realizing is very different from understanding words from a book, realization is a subtle mix of personal experience and constant objective awareness of oneself. Think about it in terms of being the awareness watching your awareness. Just like reading a book, while acting in the real world, doing while being aware of being aware doing is a powerful state.



Aren't tulpas and thoughtforms the same thing?



They are, thoughtforms are like objects or mental constructs with a presence on the subtle plane, tulpas are self sentient.



Can you post your resources on time distortions?


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Could this skillset aid you in winning a fight against a peak performance Muhammad Ali magically scheduled for you in six months from now?



Slowing down your perspective of time means what it means…

My reaction time will be faster then any dude out there, but speed is speed and it stays the same.

Yes I'd be able to make him feel pretty bad, hardstyle Qi Qong isn't pretty on humans, yes I'd be able to resist some (parts?) of his blows, but heh, boxers hit HARD and Mohammed Ali was FAST. I'd get roasted/10 tbh.

However, six months is a long time… If I would train speed full on and learn kyusho jutsu (the evil twin of acupuncture/pressure, paralizes opponents in quick short and small hits on vital points) I may stand a chance, this is if the fight is without gloves, can't target those pesky neves with them. kek.


I have no ressources, other then I discovered that if you slow down the flow of energy within, your mind slows down, your breath slows down and your body slows too. Then your perspective of time becomes faster, you enter a sort of hibernation stage. Same in reverse. That's the basic technique.

Supplied with impregnating your body's energy with your will, time distortions becomes pretty easy, all you need is being dedicated and daily training.



>Hard Style Qi Qong, breaking shit with two fingers and being hit withouth having injuries or feeling pain

How can I do this? The current thread on qi-qong says nothing about stuff like this.



It's the same as classical Qi Qong, just that you make the energy denser by compressing the chi and working on/energizing your dan tiens a lot.

Then, you hit yourself with something (bamboo or some young and flexible tree branch is a good one to start with) and at the same time make the energy go to protect that part of the body.

You might suffer a lot in the beginning, but don't let that nag you down, soon, you'll get the hang of it. Oh also, never start out with a belt, yes, a flexible tree branch or bamboo can seem like they both are in the same category as a belt, but they really are not, a belt is not predictable enough in the early stages, you'll just get hurt, later, you can use anything, concrete, bricks, anything, but that comes with training and dedication. always know your power to cause and the power to withstand the effect that you cause.

When not hitting yourself or breaking something and before that, work on the root chakra and the lower dan tiens a lot, of course, don't fap.

Hard style Qi Qong isn't that secret anymore, so you would be able to find some ressources on that looking around a bit, it's also called "iron shirt".



How did you start,what did you do to get those skills/abilities you mentioned?



>How did you start,what did you do to get those skills/abilities you mentioned?

>believing everything you read on the internet



It's really a matter of your own skill level and previous knowledge. Having already practiced qi gong for 10+ years, I could easily learn the following once I picked it up:

- telepathic communication with spirits

- remotely influencing other humans by telepathically giving them the ideas I want then to have

- influence of mass movements, not here to brag, but the tea party was one of my experiments, you have to agree it got a lot of air under its wings :P

- body enhancement, not my work initially but using previous skills I initiated telepathic communication with people who know this stuff and developed my own version (physical immortality does exist, but don't expect someone to teach you this easily)



There is no secret to this.

Enegy cultivation, it's the only thing that makes all magick work. When the energy body is strong, the mind is still, the physical body is strong and the emotions are under control. Without a solid flow of energy, a still mind, a strong body and emotional mastery, there is no true meditation. True Magick results only from True Meditation.


>> 65488

Thanks for the answer, how would someone cultivate energy&make his energy body strong?



Replace your bones with orgonite.

Trust me it works.



I told you, there is no secret.

Do energy work everyday, anything goes, just do it again and agan, until you develop a better system. Then you still do it every day. Until you have a kundalini rising, then you still do it every day, until you die.




I shiggy diggy diggy don't



How should a guy like me who feels a lot of energy on his 3rd eye (I think it is broken) go on energy manipulation? Should I bring that energy towards my heart and body? (I feel disconected from it)



I would pay someone a significant amount of money if they could demonstrate random number generation manipulation.



There is no such thing as random number generation.

For something to be random it would have to be disconnected from cause and effect, this is impossible.

People often refer to unpredictable number generation as 'random number generation' but it is not random, merely unpredictable (or at least believed to be).



Of all people I'm aware of that. However there are very good machines that make things unpredictable. If someone where to somehow force or predict a certain number from one of these I would pay them a great deal of money.



Well, here is some info. Most of the people here, even neophytes can probably do this.



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If it's so easy do it here.

You can roll a dice in your post.

Post the number you think it will be in the same post.

Let's see if anyone can do this.


Dice rollRolled 4 (1d6)




Dice rollRolled 6 (1d10)


I did it on the test board.


Failed here.





and here we see magick hit reality


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I think you (mis)understand the nature of magic my friend.



You could try this 1000 times and you wouldn't get anything better than random chance.

I wish it were real but it isn't.




Like someone said, you're misunderstanding magic.

If I want a certain effect, I can make that happen, but the turnout will go along paths I cannot, and have no interest in, predicting. The end result will be there, but the time frame and way of manifestation will be unpredictable. If you goal is to use predictions to win the lottery, why would you want to do that? If you want money, don't focus on the lottery. Create a spell that gives you money and don't worry about the way you get them.

There's always a goal in your mind, and I'm pretty sure you don't really care aboout dice rolls in themselves.


I'm more mental/spiritual, but I've learned from a different school than most here, probably.

- I can influence electrical connections and make them run faster or more efficiently, but this takes some concentration.

- I can astral travel on command, but only if I'm in between sleep and wake cycles

- Able to invoke new consciousnesses outside of my own within my own body, but this does cause some instability

- Able to summon and bind disconnected spirits, also to channel them without giving them access to my body

- I can see auras vividly and gauge their emotional states through that.

- Mind-reading: I can stare into people's eyes and know exactly what they're thinking - note that I don't "hear words," in my head but I do get a basic picture of their thought patterns. It's very hard to describe using plaintive words but I am basically able to tap into their frequency by merging mine with theirs and then reading the sine waves.

- Able to manipulate basic weather like wind and cloud movement

- Levitation of small objects when I'm in a trance-like state, this is usually followed by astral projection or an OBE

- The most common ability is clairvoyance. I can usually pick up on the flow of how things will head, but this never seems to pertain to myself.

- Use of crystals to store energy and also to predict various things through channeling, like the date of someone's death, children, etc.

- Time manipulation, though this is one of my least skilled abilities, I can usually skip back in time several minutes, but the success rate is nowhere near what I would like. The best I ever did was time-travelling while astrally projecting back 3 hours, but I have never been able to repeat this.

- By far the most potent of my abilities is to manipulate causality.

It's very hard to describe but usually through merging my mind and spirit with the flow of energy, if my intention is of good origins, I can manipulate it into becoming better. I would call this White Magic if I had to put a label on it. The easiest thing to do is to manipulate others' emotions and thoughts, though I haven't done this as much as the years have gone by.

Like I said, I have a different mode of belief than the rest of you most likely. A lot of what I have learned is self-taught and there are other things I have been able to accomplish but those are the ones I have the most success reproducing. I've switched bodies through using advanced cosmic projection with someone who I would call a master wizard; it was his first time accomplishing this as well, I transmuted my body along with his into multiple different forms, traveled to the fourth dimension, and I've communicated with plants and things like extraterrestrials.

The end game of all of this, of course, is to transcend existence itself and become my own Creator, dictating the laws of all Creation within my own accord. I have a good idea on how to do this based on all the esoteric teaching I've accumulated over the years, but great and powerful things like that that alter the very nature of one's reality require a great sacrifice…



> I've learned from a different school than most here

That seems to be a far superior school. Which one?



I don't know if I would call it "far superior," just different. Most of the people who taught me what I know were involved in secret societies to some extent. The "master wizard," wasn't, but from what I understand he knew a lot about ancient Vedic and Yogic techniques.


Dice rollRolled 2 (1d6)





I am able to get dubs on halfchan by focusing intently and pressing the reply button at the right moment.

If I focus hard enough I can get 10 dubs post out of 10 posts.



>Create a spell that gives you money and don't worry about the way you get them.

From my experience it isn't that easy. If I don't want to live poor, the universe wants me to pay by lowering my creativity, imagination and loosh. When I try to manifest money I get job offers that make me do repetitive tasks, deceive and lie for the profit of someone I don't even know. They encourage being and thinking like robot

Manifestations for stuff like vegetables to eat or directly healthy mind and body worked way better.



That's an issue with your relationship with money. The day money will seem as trivial and natural as vegetables, you'll be a rich man.



>- Mind-reading: I can stare into people's eyes and know exactly what they're thinking - note that I don't "hear words," in my head but I do get a basic picture of their thought patterns. It's very hard to describe using plaintive words but I am basically able to tap into their frequency by merging mine with theirs and then reading the sine waves.


>- Able to manipulate basic weather like wind and cloud movement

>Like I said, I have a different mode of belief than the rest of you most likely. A lot of what I have learned is self-taught and there are other things I have been able to accomplish but those are the ones I have the most success reproducing. I've switched bodies through using advanced cosmic projection with someone who I would call a master wizard; it was his first time accomplishing this as well, I transmuted my body along with his into multiple different forms, traveled to the fourth dimension, and I've communicated with plants and things like extraterrestrials.

My story is similar, being able to pick up the general idea of what people are thinking about etc. Manipulating winds, yeah, but only on a massive scale. If a storm is coming my way (or in a way that could cause huge damage to cities) I can make it less dangerous or maybe turn it in another direction. Also able to change the general temperature in a limited area. But all of this is really slow, it takes months, and the end result could always be explained as natural causes. That is the only reason it is allowed. I wouldn't define it at black or white, all I do is for me, or sometimes for people I care about. Generally improving things doesn't seem to work.



>If I don't want to live poor, the universe wants me to pay by lowering my creativity, imagination and loosh. When I try to manifest money I get job offers that make me do repetitive tasks, deceive and lie for the profit of someone I don't even know.

If money is all that important, you shouldn't worry about being a mindless lier, that was my point. I don't do spells like that myself, I want control of the systems that give me the things I want, not just ownership of things. It's a lot harder but I think that is the way to go in the long run. I don't plan on leaving this place a for a looong time, so this is what I need. Anyone can get money, if that is all you want.



>that is the only reason it is allowed

what do you mean?


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Universal politics. If you do things that upset the current order, you will get in trouble, or the effect will be blocked. There are beings/spirits who monitor everything and they go by certain rules to maintain a balance in the universe. Karma etc, they allow a lot of things but there is a line you're not allowed to cross. Breaking the current illusion of "magic isn't real" is not allowed right now.

Someone put it this way, see pic.



according to montalk it is enough to shift realities though



montalk may be armchair occultism, but that's correct



I been trying to identify thoose systems

I need a new pc and clothes and chill out money , booze and smoking

I want to enjoy physicality, I still got animal needs and I don't want to be a monk , I been poor fag for a long time and I don't care much being one but would be nice to enjoy the shallow side of the world for once.



what's correct?



"Nothing is true, everyone is a jew"

- Anonymous Shabbos Goy




Useless book tbh stop shilling it



The books sucks in every aspect but practice. OOBE state is the key to super powers, yet barely anyone even acknowledges that.



Ok I apologize, I was hasty, the first half of the book is theory garbage already said in every book ever, checking out the exercises right now



It's also filled with disinfo, the myth section particularly



i know, he could have done without that crap. the whole "humans need water" and "there is no hydrokinesis" is also bullshit.





>kyusho jutsu

thanks 4 sharing



Hm, yea, it does seem to be so. Do you think when manifesting money, should go straight for money, or for wealth and abundance? Is being specific or abstract better here?

Do you have any advice on breaking down these beliefs and rebuilding them? I use something like shadow work for doing that, does work great most of the time, but maybe you have some additional tips?


Dice rollRolled 7 (1d10)


Assuming I do the dice thing right it's going to be a seven or six


Dice rollRolled 4 (1d6)


Well then…4 on a six sided?


Dice rollRolled 6 (1d6)


So am I magic or something?



Dice rollRolled 1 (1d6)


Well 2/3 isn't too bad is it?



That was an accident. Sage for spam




Easily mastered in 6 months hahahahahahahahahha nigga do you even know what infinite is you stupid fuck damn nigga like open your third eye before you ever speak again or something.

Seriously - 6 months hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Guys go back and read that and keep laughing. Our laugh spell will silence this retard fuck.



Also, basically never share any of your successes. Humans are pathetic jealous creatures and will do anything to rain on someones parade. If you figured out a way to say curse members of the elite, don't share this with people. Just fucking do it. If you tell your retard normal friends you just gave away your weapon and now your shit doesnt work and your friend will just think you are insane. Everything I worked for and figured out was ruined because I tried to help other people. Everything I would reveal would basically get fixed in a few months. I literally got stalked by jealous government cucks who are addicted to this fake ass world.

I know it feels good to get approval of others, but at the end of the day that approval does nothing for you. If you are lucky that person you were just trying to share happiness with isnt jealously trying to get revenge on you.

I went through hell getting to where I am today and along the way I had a few great things happen that could have led me to having a wonderful life. People who knew the trauma I had been through just distanced themselves with me to avoid seeing me have any success. They were jealous that they stuck to the mundane path and my hard path paid off. So I went out of my way seeking their approval even more… and in the process fucking lost everything. It's like all the mundanes unknowingly did a ritual curse that fucked up all my shit.

Do you see information about how to levitate here? No, because a) the person who can do that learned the lesson I had to learn b) this is a degenerate board full of psychopaths who will misuse that.

Trust nobody but yourself. Even that one faggot who brushes everything off as a coincidence and calls your magic mental illness has the power to destroy the alternate reality you created for yourself by filling you with doubt. You saw what you saw - don't let them take that from you. Let the unevolved doubters go to heaven with ronald reagan and the kardashians - you can go somewhere better but shut the fuck up or these fucking faggots will do what they can to make you another one of "GOD'S" Slaves.

Your own mother would spend some time contemplating killing you for a billion dollars… humans are fucked. If you have legit powers why wouldn't sociopath govcucks try to study you? Why wouldnt they give you extreme amounts of torture until you reveal your plan to destroy the new world order?






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Could this be avoided by maintaining a stronger reality than anyone else?

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