I'm more mental/spiritual, but I've learned from a different school than most here, probably.
- I can influence electrical connections and make them run faster or more efficiently, but this takes some concentration.
- I can astral travel on command, but only if I'm in between sleep and wake cycles
- Able to invoke new consciousnesses outside of my own within my own body, but this does cause some instability
- Able to summon and bind disconnected spirits, also to channel them without giving them access to my body
- I can see auras vividly and gauge their emotional states through that.
- Mind-reading: I can stare into people's eyes and know exactly what they're thinking - note that I don't "hear words," in my head but I do get a basic picture of their thought patterns. It's very hard to describe using plaintive words but I am basically able to tap into their frequency by merging mine with theirs and then reading the sine waves.
- Able to manipulate basic weather like wind and cloud movement
- Levitation of small objects when I'm in a trance-like state, this is usually followed by astral projection or an OBE
- The most common ability is clairvoyance. I can usually pick up on the flow of how things will head, but this never seems to pertain to myself.
- Use of crystals to store energy and also to predict various things through channeling, like the date of someone's death, children, etc.
- Time manipulation, though this is one of my least skilled abilities, I can usually skip back in time several minutes, but the success rate is nowhere near what I would like. The best I ever did was time-travelling while astrally projecting back 3 hours, but I have never been able to repeat this.
- By far the most potent of my abilities is to manipulate causality.
It's very hard to describe but usually through merging my mind and spirit with the flow of energy, if my intention is of good origins, I can manipulate it into becoming better. I would call this White Magic if I had to put a label on it. The easiest thing to do is to manipulate others' emotions and thoughts, though I haven't done this as much as the years have gone by.
Like I said, I have a different mode of belief than the rest of you most likely. A lot of what I have learned is self-taught and there are other things I have been able to accomplish but those are the ones I have the most success reproducing. I've switched bodies through using advanced cosmic projection with someone who I would call a master wizard; it was his first time accomplishing this as well, I transmuted my body along with his into multiple different forms, traveled to the fourth dimension, and I've communicated with plants and things like extraterrestrials.
The end game of all of this, of course, is to transcend existence itself and become my own Creator, dictating the laws of all Creation within my own accord. I have a good idea on how to do this based on all the esoteric teaching I've accumulated over the years, but great and powerful things like that that alter the very nature of one's reality require a great sacrifice…