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As a pagan/shaman/gnostic I have always had a debate about idolatry and deity worship in the back of my head. I just had an 'ah ha' moment. I'm guessing the reason it's badly seen from a higher point of view is that ones ends up attributing his own success onto the power of the idol/deity to the detriment of the worshiper it would allso lead to the mass labeling of spirituality.

This being said i'm ready to claim that idols and deity are to the metaphysical practitioner more tools to shape or potentialise ones will rather then grant wishes to the good boys who pray every day and eat there bread crust.



I'm assuming the anti-idol stuff you're talking about is derived, if not straight up coming from Abrahamic traditions.

The Jews were just a bunch of nomadic shits who couldn't compete with their neighbors in any meaningful way, but they were still being influenced by foreign religions. Babylonians and Egyptians were big on displays of wealth, statues and art was such a display. These are the idols, and the butthurt jews say "no idols" because you can't compete and make your own idols so you may as well say all these things are fucked up.

>rather then grant wishes to the good boys who pray every day and eat there bread crust.

There are human beings alive today that believe this. I saw a statue of a fat bitch online once that went for $400 or so. The owner spent some time describing the personality of the thing and how it could shape your life if you pleased it enough, etc. ect.



I still think the iconoclast's baliscly performed cultural genocide.


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