Info dump and share Sallymander 12/14/15 (Mon) 21:13:05 No. 64252
Hello /fringe/
Ive spent countless hours collecting information from all corners of the internet for this board, and I think its finally time for a dump.
ITT: Iwill be dumping books/images/videos on /fringe/ related topics to help further educate those who lurk on this board and for those who are new to the hermetic principles /magic/physics/chaos/ect.
Feel free to share what you have :^)
Sallymander 12/14/15 (Mon) 21:15:38 No. 64255
im trying to dump pdfs…
but it seems there is a problem
12/14/15 (Mon) 21:25:05 No. 64261
Sallymander 12/14/15 (Mon) 21:32:24 No. 64263
please keep bumping,i have so much to share
12/14/15 (Mon) 22:11:37 No. 64273
A little random, but great, I recognize a lot of these from /x/, not sure how much truth they hold
Sallymander 12/14/15 (Mon) 22:31:00 No. 64275
that is at your discretion, Im here to share friend.
challenging yourself is important
Sallymander 12/14/15 (Mon) 22:34:29 No. 64277
slideshow my friend put together
Sallymander 12/14/15 (Mon) 23:00:00 No. 64286
climbing those tier levels was not fun…
very painful
Sallymander 12/14/15 (Mon) 23:01:08 No. 64287
still climbing
12/14/15 (Mon) 23:01:45 No. 64288
What tier would you consider yourself?
Sallymander 12/14/15 (Mon) 23:15:49 No. 64290
I dont like to classify myself in a tier system man.. if i had to say though… 5
out of the military i was -1… the rocks tore my ass up dude… took me 5 years to reach the point where im at know and alot of reading…
Sallymander 12/14/15 (Mon) 23:29:52 No. 64293
wear these badges with honor my friends
12/15/15 (Tue) 03:16:12 No. 64323
Seeing as it's been far too long since there was a info thread. I'll dump my images. (Books, well I'd be here all day. Perhaps I'll upload a few favorites.)
12/15/15 (Tue) 03:27:32 No. 64327
Whoops duplicate image.
12/15/15 (Tue) 03:43:16 No. 64335
Come on 8chan… You tell me you didn't submit it, yet you did while not showing new the new post, then you said duplicate file linking to a post that did not have the same file…
Hotwheels, get your servers in order.
12/15/15 (Tue) 03:46:16 No. 64337
Classic /x/ tulpa guides.
Way back in the day this is what originally attracted me to /x/ (from /a/&/jp/) and due to the spirituality, eventually here.
12/15/15 (Tue) 03:54:42 No. 64344
I just want to note, not every thing in every one of these is 100% correct. But I CBA to entirely remake the image for a few things. Compare all the info you have to everything else and you will be able to see through the falsehoods any how.
12/15/15 (Tue) 04:01:06 No. 64351
Man my info folder could really use a spring cleaning
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 12/15/15 (Tue) 04:02:28 No. 64352
I wonder if the palmistry means anything.
my left hand doesn't have a ring of solomon, and the one on my right is a series of slightly diagonal lines near-overlapping in a line rather than a straight one.
Heart line on both hands diverges into 2 lines, 1 goes up and merges with a fragmented girdle of venus , the other continues out.
Would be good to have a guide to "what does any of that mean".
Well, life lines are extremely long. "good"?
12/15/15 (Tue) 04:04:38 No. 64353
Perhaps after I finish dumping, saving, and after I get a working mouse…
12/15/15 (Tue) 04:11:52 No. 64356
In my experience your lines are tied to your mind and your nervous system. It definitely means things, it's not dissimilar to your stars, but written on your hands. Your skin-ridge patterns too.
Your life line is tied to your vitality, or over all health. It may be indicative of life span but usually it's more overall sicklyness or vigoriousness.
Even with the books I've read on palmistry there is still much left unanswered and I'm left simply comparing lines of those who cross my path to what I know, read, and have seen on my own hands.
Alas the one book I did like on the subject was only a loaner and I no longer even have the title. And after some brief ixquicking I could not find it either.
This is one category that really does badly need more material on here.
12/15/15 (Tue) 04:16:21 No. 64359
*yawn* I'm getting tired. A few more posts then I'll pick up my folder tomorrow.
12/15/15 (Tue) 04:24:03 No. 64366
Just as a side note, I love non-breaking spaces.
12/15/15 (Tue) 04:28:42 No. 64371
Ok, that's the last of that folder. I'll dump more soon.
Khan 12/15/15 (Tue) 05:14:07 No. 64375
Well damn son. I very much appreciate all of your pretty pictures.
tipp 12/15/15 (Tue) 12:33:37 No. 64405
Neat, some new stuff.
Do you have these? I dumped them a few years ago in a thread, but seeing as most of the images from that thread is now here, that thread might not be still here.
tipp 12/15/15 (Tue) 12:45:19 No. 64406
appreciated, thanks.
12/15/15 (Tue) 14:02:41 No. 64409
I had a few of what was posted before, and none of those 5, don't worry about duplicates on the HDD of an anon, if the thread does not have it dump it.
>that thread might not be still here.
Yea I'm reasonably sure if it ever has (re)posted on 8chan it has slid off now. Last time I dumped was on freedomboard.
12/15/15 (Tue) 14:12:13 No. 64415
The transcendent artwork of Paul Laffole.
12/15/15 (Tue) 14:17:23 No. 64421
Files too large for 5 pics in this post
tipp 12/15/15 (Tue) 14:23:15 No. 64428
Fin but here are random stuff.
tipp 12/15/15 (Tue) 14:46:49 No. 64438
not sure if that facebook thing is legit.
12/15/15 (Tue) 15:47:52 No. 64446
I'd rather not post anything of use in this flood of bullshit.
12/15/15 (Tue) 18:05:52 No. 64450
I feel dizzy
Like if I wach the secrets of the universe
And the only thing I want is to be happy.
Is there something to be happy?, I whish to find that secret.
12/15/15 (Tue) 19:04:15 No. 64452
I'd be great if you did post though
12/15/15 (Tue) 23:29:30 No. 64461
12/15/15 (Tue) 23:32:35 No. 64463
The rest I had already has been posted.
12/16/15 (Wed) 00:06:33 No. 64466
So then make it right, or at least point out the disinfo.
The way I see it, I gave them fair warning, a way to sort the wheat from the chaff, and furthermore, the benefit of the usefulness of the into outweighs the detriment caused by the disinfo.
Also cheers for contribootin'.
12/31/15 (Thu) 07:52:04 No. 65939
Why? Because fuck brainless sissy wizard "occultism" & "magick", that's why.
01/01/16 (Fri) 05:43:20 No. 66029
I just wanna say, thank you Auntie. You are an inspiration.
01/01/16 (Fri) 10:40:37 No. 66032
>The day the legitimacy of astral projection & remote viewing was proven
I don't get it.
01/01/16 (Fri) 11:14:18 No. 66034
The anon who reposted the images didn't mean to bait. You see, the first two images, that includes the one you quoted, are posts made by the notorious board owner nicknamed Smiley or Fringe Wizard, prone to delusions of grandeur and amazing occultists feats such as being unable to sleep or cut bread and cutting his dick with nailclipper to remove a mole. This Smiling Retard or "Brainless Sissy Wizard" is a source of ridicule, pity and jokes but rarely a source of knowledge, wisdom and genuine advice.
01/01/16 (Fri) 16:12:13 No. 66045
Nice, thanks.
What book is it?
Darkhan 01/01/16 (Fri) 16:22:02 No. 66046
You have truly taken a dive into the deep end of the pool! I salute you for that. I particularly found the picture of the fishing rods leading to the cheeseburger very amusing and it hit me with a jolt of enlightenment… that i LOVE My cheeseburgers, fuck everything else :). Thank you friend once more, I hope you are having fun doing whatever it is you do.
01/01/16 (Fri) 22:43:06 No. 66070
This thread is proof is that you can have access to mountains of information, but if you don't have a compass and map, it's just garbage in and garbage out.
SAGE! 01/02/16 (Sat) 04:59:25 No. 66102
thank you 4chan
we would be lost without you
01/04/16 (Mon) 08:33:57 No. 66356
Found one in English, with colors and some one cleaned it up too. Pretty nice.
01/07/16 (Thu) 15:38:33 No. 66764
01/09/16 (Sat) 18:48:46 No. 67063
Is it nonsense period or just because it's out of context. If you need context, it has to do with the Aeons.
01/21/16 (Thu) 02:40:18 No. 68582
these were left for me and I wanted to share via copy/paste:
I share these in the hopes that others too find solace in information and understanding, whatsoever be their path. I do not agree with each view shared but I share them, regardless, so that our universal understanding expand. Many esoteric writings are included.
Magickal studies and meditations written by Satanists, from gnostic Satanists to symbolists.!B1FTnSYY!igpdUJTn6_3Z_mdEodb4Zg
Demonology books covering sacred ritual principles and grimoires for worship.!tsUwGSbL!PCNj8VQGGnUN3WMYbLW9Ww
Books upon the dead, ancestral spirit and energy work!cpMETT6A!J-eUy-JYU5qduho7Qkhytw
Books which study vampires and energy manipulation!ksVUFJDB!hjDoqsUugqAP27T6jCTZJw
Grimoires, which span from Christian to Islamic to Luciferian!1s9E3SZL!P_tynGmLjPHURAugHkn7Hw
Luciferian studies, meditations and grimoires.!089iXBiY!WKOkAsYdcADIHstiUiK8Zw
General magickal studies, covering arcane theories from Judaic, Christian, Angelic, Gnostic, Voudon and other esoteric practices.!M4kBSSiB!D9_kzPYj69tfIRtLShvRYg
Cthulhu studies, alongside ritual workings and esoteric theorization!wgtjFaSA!4oOGYggBhJSM5DgfR8G3Ug
Draconic magickal studies and workings, arcane and primordial exploration!9k1RQIJR!mK1E8grMNp1_4jF9d4vn2A
Books, Grimoires, Runes and Guides to exploring the left hand path.!E4cSzYBZ!SPeQA0WuSMVh_oQtpYnN5w
01/23/16 (Sat) 01:20:19 No. 68817
Thank you for this. Does anyone have any strong recommendations relating to gnostic thinking?
01/27/16 (Wed) 07:53:49 No. 69185
i have been looking for some of these images i used to have but lost years ago such as the 4(now i think there should be 5) Boxes of colors… thank you thank you thank you.
01/27/16 (Wed) 13:31:08 No. 69195
02/12/16 (Fri) 08:31:25 No. 70165
Give me a day, i will post it tomorrow.
02/29/16 (Mon) 00:16:17 No. 71422
Fuck i totally forgot about it, and since im mostly on phone it only display page 1-2 threads. thanks for the reminder.
02/29/16 (Mon) 08:50:14 No. 71440
02/29/16 (Mon) 18:07:01 No. 71475
02/29/16 (Mon) 19:34:29 No. 71484
Greatly appreciated.
tipp 03/01/16 (Tue) 08:57:12 No. 71518
Thank you very much, which file contains what?
03/04/16 (Fri) 04:36:28 No. 71800
I dunno what you are asking, i just manually downloaded everything from this board and then just uploaded it in a folder… i guess i could rename every image to give a hint what in says on it but right now i cant find the time for it.
04/29/16 (Fri) 21:53:55 No. 75001 has a pretty decent library of pdfs (and some sound files)
tipp 05/02/16 (Mon) 09:08:12 No. 75120
>doesn't organized folders
05/02/16 (Mon) 12:28:49 No. 75125
>Ive spent countless hours collecting information
Cool… and now you throw everything at the wall and see what sticks. 5 star strategy right there.
I admire rhetorical contemplations as much as the next anon does… but how about anything useful, you got?