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Sup /Fringe/, im mostly a /d/ and /trap/ kind of anon, but lately i have been getting more and more interesting in this sort of stuff, i guess that meme magic thing pol shitpost turned out to be true after all.

The very first result when looking for this stuff was that koetting guy, i saw a thread in your catalog, so i guess i can rely on what he says? what does /fringe/ think of him.

Aside from that has anyone here has experience in in/evokation? how the fuck you do it? any tips for a total beginner? from what i have read its better to do thing rituals from the raw and not the standard Christian viewpoint, like if you want the best results, then you dont use the Gotetia and Solomon seal or the sigil's circles.

If thats so then whats a good alternative? im mostly interest in Astarte/Astaroht.

Before been redirected to this board a guy in /x/ shared a bunch of books in different mega links, all of wich can be summed up here:


For the last 2 years i have been getting into theravada Buddhism and it really has improved my life (despite not having any sort of privacy or a place to proper meditate), still as i said this magik stuff seems interesting as fuck, but where do i start?



I'd say read Khan's threads.

"beginner spirituality thread" (control+f beginner) control+f qi-gong



^__^ Okay.


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You can start in the questions thread (which is stickied), or you can start here




And also the the guide thread/reference sticky >>1

Furthermore, as a personal note, I really highly recommend www.Montalk.net

Otherwise, welcome to the fringe. Enjoy your stay. P.S. The rabbit hole never ends.



Evocation is a whole lot easier than you think. Go grab the sigil you want to work with. Gaze lightly into it and try to recreate it within the mind with a blue glow. Call upon the name of the entity while working yourself deeper into a trance. Use the vibrations of the words to immerse yourself deeper into a "drunk" state. Walk in a circle, rock yourself back and forth, spit out nonsense, play a drum or dance. Whatever gets you into a state of "rhythm". Sooner or later you will "feel" that you no longer need to do this(call on the entity). You may hear another non local entity within your mind speaking to you. Communicate via the mind to this entity. This is a basic level evocation, an astral evocation. You're simply calling upon astral energies to appear before you in a less dense form. Remember to banish before with some salt water or something.

Chances are you can probably do this but your largest problem is self doubt. So try to call the entity. Ask for what you want and wait for results. See where it takes you. It's all experimenting.

By the way that mega is kinda lousy.

Smiley's mega is a bit better as well as the other mega in the sticky(Didi's resource thread is also good). Other than that I've recommended books or resources in the western magic and eastern qi-gong thread as well as the beginner one which I suggest you check out. I summarize how this stuff works and how you can do it. It's up to you to try it out and see what you can do. Anyway have fun and feel free to ask questions in the threads I have up.



>P.S. The rabbit hole never ends.

Oh yes, i know this too much, despite not been always welcome i love to browse pol from time to time, even in mundane stuff like you see with the gamergate thing 'there is always more'

Thanks for the page, i will definelly check it latter.


> you can probably do this but your largest problem is self doubt

God i know this feel way too much.

>By the way that mega is kinda lousy.

im not english native, by 'lousy' you mean like fishy?

>Smiley's mega its better

Downloading :)… thanks.



Lousy means mediocre, Sub par, lame, weak or something that leaves a little to be desired from.

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