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So my friend and I (I'm young twenties, he's approaching 30) have both had a lot of supernatural experiences throughout our lives. We've gotten more and more interested in cryptids and haunted things, and have done a bit of research. I figured I would ask here instead of /x/ because 8/x/ is nearly dead.

We're thinking of doing urbex in places where stuff has happened and is happening and reporting our results, but I could use some suggestions. What kinds of things would you recommend investigating for beginners? We're both eagle scouts so wilderness survival is not an issue. I also have enough spiritual authority to drive away malevolent spirits if need be, so don't worry about us too much, we're both in great shape mentally and physically.

We also happen to both not be afraid of much.

Is there anything in North Carolina you've heard about or would suggest looking into? I've had so much cabin fever lately and need something to dig into. I'll be your field researcher, /fringe/.

Throw some suggestions my way.


I was trying to do something similar here where I live but most people just think this is pure nonsense, which is funny because I managed to join a group of people who claim to "investigate" the paranormal but that's basically an excuse to go outside and just have fun, which is well, fun, but that's not what I wanted.

My main idea was feeding positive energy into haunted places or poltergeists, perhaps gently switching them to the "good" side with some good vibes, and asking them to leave the place, if that works then it would prove some of my theories about energies and spirits.


I live in NC and I don't know what to tell you.

Alot of people live in haunted houses like I used to.



Yeah we might do some of that.


Where are you close to, kid? I'm near Pinehurst with all the golf and old people.

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