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Ill-wishing is among the worst kinds of black magic that only succeeds in harming the practitioner. Everyone, including me, is guilty of this. We are wronged, or see a wrong, and we want the worst for someone. We want them to suffer. The desire to see ill befall others can quickly turn into taking action to see it realized.

This bad habit can be reversed by the practice of well-wishing. In this practice, you envision the wrongdoer in a period of the future having grown out of their wrongness and having learned from it, and leaving a happy and successful life. This can be a difficult road to tread because one must remove one's own ego from it or it gets corrupted, for example the expectation of an apology can sometimes be a desire for someone else to submit to you, to have domination over them. It can be best to remove yourself entirely from such visualizations, and to have them open-ended so as to not impose your own expectations and demands upon it; the person has become a better person by their own will and on their own terms.

It is also important not to let well-wishing become an expectation that could lead to disappointment. Well-wishing is a ought, what should be, not what will.

The crux is this: is it better to see someone damned to misery because of their error, or learn and grow from it?

Try this practice now, regarding someone you are angry at and wish ill of. I think you'll find that by practicing well-wishing your rage will be significantly lessened, if not gone entirely.


Thanks, this is a nice way to refine further.

I don't tend to wish anyone badly, but I do disapprove of certain things and instinctively sort of impose my will mentally, and this should help me be rid of that.


Just try the old Chinese whish

I whish you have a interesting life

This is a karmic activator you are just the fire who started the process, I believe that this is a karma free revenge

Hey they may even win the lottery!

And learn from it.


hoppono ono hawaiian thing spellcheck


I hope you get what you deserve is what I think.

Twist on this


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