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I tough the world was crazy

Now is going crazier

So now they are talking about chacra removal!

Aparenlly the chacra system is a system to separate our energy and make us easier to manipule ,like divide and conquer, so we are being maintained as energy slaves

I don't know what to tink anymore just when I tough that I know enough something else apear, this seems to be something good, but how this will affect our magic?

This will affect also the kike kabala

And other magic systems who depend on the chakra

Toughs, opinions, especially from the energy workers

help me bros I was just beginning my path but this is a major game changer.


Source on where you got that information?


Everything has it's negative and positive respectively, it all depends on the mentality of the person walking the path and the intensity of the positive/negative vibrations. A negative person can totally view a "good" system as evil and have their own valid reasons… and the opposite can be said as well.. so the only thing that remains a constant is YOU. just keep doing what feels right to you and walk with certainty.


I don't get this chakra removal thing either. There is a bunch websites claiming chakras are somehow bad…





if is not natural is not good

If you are walking the middle path then you know is not about positive /negative

the middle path is about power and his proper use , and the chakra system is to take power from you

further tinking about it let me know that is way more complicated than the system should be mother nature is wise simple and powerful ,

also after reading more of this blog I realised that the tough forms who was given me a hard time was a matrix Archon Octopus who installed himself in my spine.

is this nightmare ever over?



> tink


Only shit tier think, thoughts are an illusion, they are entirely ego based. You are playing right into their trap, you are thinking and that is all they need, they put the thoughts into your mind, you worry about them.

You might dream a big dream of where you want to be in 5 - 10 years but you don't act. That is exactly the model they have set out for you to adopt from the day you were born.

My friend, You have to understand that there is no such thing as past or future, the only thing that exists is this present moment, so what are you doing in this moment?

Probably nothing like most people.

If the present moment is all that exists why are you concerned with a none existent future? Why do you allow what happened in your so called past influence your way of thinking in this present moment?

Accept the NOW, take responsibility for it, is it more important you get to some perceived future or is it more important to do what you must do right now in this NOW?


It does not matter what they say, they can't and will not ever change that which is you. The real you lays below the surface of all thought forms, it can never be destroyed or changed, what changes is not you, it is your ego.

As you get older if you still want this path you begin to understand that you had never changed, your body may grow old and die but you will always be you. What is this?

It is the consciousness that is sacred, that which cannot be named, it is both everywhere and no where and it can never be destroyed or altered, so stop worrying, better yet separate your SELF from the false or fake self.

This is no easy thing to do, but it is the only way to what you seek.

good luck.


Once I stood up to a very powerful and renown abo shaman, saying I wanted to remove my chakras and hence didn't have any. He quickly set me straight. We then proceeded to remove implants from them during the healing session I was learning and practicing. Was it merely a belief system I had?

I can sense my chakras as a magnetic vortexes in my body quite readily and they are substantiated by inner vision.

I too came across the belief that we needed to get rid of our chakras and ascend to the 5th dimension, skipping the 4th, with our heart center higher self.


There is great power of manifestation in the heart, make no mistake. Yet, it does not seem to be the 5th dimensional portal it was made out to be in the New Age scene I once participated in.


Chakras are merely nerve ganglia and glands with their corresponding magnetic fields in the body. If anyone is pursuing optimum health and awareness it would make sense to have these clear, spinning, and vibrant.


Any concerns of energetic vampirism can be negated by using the power of intent to block such attempts "at all times, in every way, etc" and by having strong aura health to begin with which acts as a reflecting shield.




I know

That is the why I get to this

I am tinking

A lot , I got intrusive toughs

Suicidal toughs,

I was having them before a long time ago , but never as persistent like now , one ting I use to get is total emotional detachment and having this toughs is tiring, I don't even care about ascending to higher dimensions now there is a lot of tings that I want to do before

Keeping myself in the now is a constant uphill battle since I started the path and I get the concept of a mental virus , I never got then and now the infinity , what is real , I am alive or death, I am trap in a simulation and other crazy stuff is constantly being pushed to my tough stream in a way that never was before


So it works?

The ting is I never have felt my Chakras

Only a tingling in my testicular area and I know I got active the crown becose I get a conection to the divine a while ago

I never even now, I was capable of seeing tings and only got tinitus

Besides I wake up tired, depressed , every time I try to change my life I wake up even more depressed, fuck I tough that if I ignored the spiritual war the war would ignore me , but apparently they not




This is non sense. Chakras are (energetic) organs and they are intrinsically and subtly tied to your physical organs. If they are not healthy (do not have enough energy, have stagnant energy, have bad energy, etc.) then you physical body will be in a state of dis-ease.

Now like with all disinfo there is a shred of truth in there and that is chakra unification. Once you fully activate (and can keep activated) and keep them in a good state of health, you can harmonize you chakras with each other so they act less like individual ones and more like a very large single one but this is quite different that rejecting or removing them

As another aside your core star is a different thing that this. See The Book of Knowledge.




This is non sense. Chakras are (energetic) organs and they are intrinsically and subtly tied to your physical organs. If they are not healthy (do not have enough energy, have stagnant energy, have bad energy, etc.) then you physical body will be in a state of dis-ease.

Now like with all disinfo there is a shred of truth in there and that is chakra unification. Once you fully activate (and can keep activated) and keep them in a good state of health, you can harmonize you chakras with each other so they act less like individual ones and more like a very large single one but this is quite different that rejecting or removing them.

As another aside your core star is a different thing that this. See ''The Book of Knowledge.

They removal advocates say that chakras function to keep you limited and an easy target for vampires, that the openings of the chakras are a design flaw, etc.

Firstly you can only be vampirized if you let yourself be, awareness once again is the primordial key. Secondly the openings allow for information exchange and flow between people. A river that does not flow becomes a stagnant pond.


Just because you can't feel something does not mean it is not there. You can not bury your head in the sand, that willful ignorance will be taken by STS entities as permission to mess with you, because you are exercising your freewill and choosing not to make a choice, which says "I'm ok with what ever".


Chakras expert here. Where are you drawing these retarded conclusions from? Chakras are just energy centres in the body which correspond to certain things such as the emotions, the intellect, the sexual drive, the gut instinct, etc.



Actually the past is enfolded in the present. There is a past but it is here in the present. You can actually change the past as such; although you are really changing the present.

This is a conclusion I have come to after accidentally changing my own past too many times. Every time it feels that "it was always this way" but after so many shifts I start to realize that conviction I have is none-the-less merely an alignment with a new present.

…in realizing the past is here in the present you can work intelligently in revising it.


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>guy talking about chakra removal

>can't even spell right or use capitalization or punctuation


When I was in a state of absolute true self (due to carefull experimentation with drugs which cause spiritual awakening) I had no chakras either, I was 100% my light and dark energy. So if would be convinced that chakras are bs or not helpfull it would not surprise me.

However, I would never remove any of the 7 core chakras on purpose. Every system exists for a reason and the chakra system has worked waaay too well to be harmufull - at least in my personal opinion. I don't work too much with chakras compared to other mages I know but I definetly consider them helpfull. The system just makes too much sense: 7 chakras, 7 mayor important organs, 7 original "sins", 7 colors and the list goes on.

My guess, even if it really is just a guess, would be that maybe not every being / soul needs chakras, but what you have read about is probably disinfo. A lot of stuff pops up lately which is just there to make people damage themself. Be careful, bros.


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No, chakras are not inerently bad. Chakras are subdivisons of energy, each with its own correspondence in the body. They cannot be removed, because they belong to and are formed by you. Without chakras (or without projecting energy into this plane for that matter), you wouldn't be in this life.

See them as pools of water connected by a stream. Though seemingly separate, they form one body of water.

Another example is a prism. White light contains every wavelength as the "core star" contains all chakras.

Pic related.

It's a different way of viewing the exact same thing. I like forming the 7 main chakras because it is very clear, each has its purpose and each has its vibration. The core star is a little to vague for me to work with.



you gave me some great insight in this little post, thank you



Could you expand on your experiences of changing the present and changing the past?

I am at the point where I feel like I am coming close to this, would be interested to hear more.


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The correct answer.

They are just a system to understand the nervous system of the spine.

When you are scared it often means wanting to protect your genitals and butt, which are very vulnerable.

When you feel love for someone it may come from your chest.

Bliss is often felt at the very top of the head.

The spine is an extension of the brain and all the nerves in it connect to your organs.

If you want to forego this concept check out depictions of the Bhudda. The idea is that meditation pushes energy bluntly through the spine as compared to yoga where certain parts of the spine are flexed to stimulate and strengthen the nerves.

Don't attack your body, be affectionate towards it.


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The correct answer.

They are just a system to understand the nervous system of the spine.

When you are scared it often means wanting to protect your genitals and butt, which are very vulnerable.

When you feel love for someone it may come from your chest.

Bliss is often felt at the very top of the head.

The spine is an extension of the brain and all the nerves in it connect to your organs.

If you want to forego this concept check out depictions of the Bhudda. The idea is that meditation pushes energy bluntly through the spine as compared to yoga where certain parts of the spine are flexed to stimulate and strengthen the nerves.

Don't attack your body, be affectionate towards it.

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