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File: 1450548905882.jpg (Spoiler Image, 33.11 KB, 432x600, 18:25, Teal040.jpg)


Teal swan (The spiritual Catalyst) Nudes

Commending Dump

She went to a lot of trouble to erase all history of her 10yr + erotic modelling career before she changed her name.

A lot of these images are assets that I salvaged from the portfolio on her old website ~2005-8

For those unaware of the she is some new age con artist. here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1KIUp4PNCyIwCPTq1hYzWQ

Also some of these pics are low res.


File: 1450549187727-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 4.62 KB, 150x225, 2:3, dmartin93401t.jpg)

File: 1450549187727-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 6.52 KB, 150x225, 2:3, Teal021t.jpg)

File: 1450549187727-2.jpg (Spoiler Image, 49.88 KB, 450x600, 3:4, Teal013.jpg)

File: 1450549187769-3.jpg (Spoiler Image, 9.68 KB, 150x225, 2:3, Teal058t.jpg)

File: 1450549187770-4.jpg (Spoiler Image, 16.48 KB, 248x400, 31:50, teal-bosworth-10.jpg)


File: 1450549569149-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 11.89 KB, 216x400, 27:50, teal-bosworth-16.jpg)

File: 1450549569149-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 30.99 KB, 380x400, 19:20, teal-bosworth-20.jpg)

File: 1450549569212-2.jpg (Spoiler Image, 22.58 KB, 400x265, 80:53, teal-bosworth-4.jpg)

File: 1450549569253-3.jpg (Spoiler Image, 26.35 KB, 268x400, 67:100, teal-bosworth-43.jpg)

File: 1450549569255-4.jpg (Spoiler Image, 34.95 KB, 409x614, 409:614, 02_teal_bosworth.jpg)

She lies about some doctor forcing her to be an model by hypnotisng her under general anesthetic and says shed only did non-nude modelling for 1 year until she could escape doc or some shit. This woman has had 3 divorces and changed her name 3 times. Something is definitely up!


File: 1450549684728.jpg (Spoiler Image, 30.73 KB, 446x595, 446:595, gf-naked.jpg)



Where does she say this?



>her old website ~2005-8

It's almost as if you're purposefully avoiding posting a link. Even if it's just an archive link.



> erotic modelling career

Who cares? These pics contain nothing indecent.



File: 1450649075497.jpg (60.18 KB, 394x356, 197:178, 1445536857327.jpg)


>dat roast beef

That certainly screams three failed marriages and three name changes alright.


File: 1450665787148.jpg (62.78 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 1446035454179.jpg)

Hotwheels, your website ate my post.


>dat roast beef

That certainly looks like the physical manifestation of three failed marriages and three name changes to me.




And thats the moat delayed double post I've ever seen. I swear it just appeared.



That complete lack of ass is a shame too. No wonder she tried to hide these.


Okay, I am renouncing lust for a bit, can you please hide this stuff, please!



I spoilered all the images, just for you Anon.

t. your friendly neighborhood hotpocket



>women get spoilered

>gore stays unspoilered

Americans are pathetic.



why the fuck would this dumb bitch use the same name as she had in her porn days? brainless new age retard



heh i was thinking awhile ago how it's perfectly acceptable for untold murder and violence to be shown on TV, but the second someone shows their genitals or breasts people can't handle it


OP have you ever heard about not casting the first stone



*Nigger Detected*




Degenerates please. There's nothing wrong with gore. Nudity is in fact far more serious. Sexual acts also are much more extreme than acts of bloodshed. The ultimate sin is sex and reproduction. We should all strive for death and not spoil this world with more life.



Brainless Sissy Wizard has spoken. Don't call me a degenerate, you loser.



*tips fedora*



White guy with an ass fetish ;D

Have fun loosh farming in hell when your energenerator runs out.



That's a pretty disgusting and unrecognizable genitalia. Why is the mound so large? Ew…

It doesn't rule out ritual abuse and actually reinforces it. How naive is OP, really? Pretty naive…

If you guys had the slightest inkling of perceptive powers you would use intuition to see if this is a traumatized individual or con-artist.



Navigate through here, everything in this thread was found using waybackmachine



>If you guys had the slightest inkling of perceptive powers you would use intuition to see if this is a traumatized individual or con-artist.

I see a thoroughly dicked, damaged whore who didn't get enough love from daddy. The ritual abuse story is the most transparent cover I've ever seen.


Ok everybody, when i first made this thread I was pretty tired but I'll do my best here to give an informative expose of Teal Swan(Bosworth/Scott).

In her current blog she claims that from age 12-19 a doctor was administering her an anesthetic to essentially hypnotize her into modelling. And when he gave her an incorrect dosage she then managed to escape after realizing that she was being hypnotized. (http://tealswan.com/biography)

However she was a freelance nude model until at least age 24. as shown on her old model mayhem account in 2009 (https://web.archive.org/web/20090322075840/http://www.modelmayhem.com/2043)

On her old website in 2005 it states that she has been modelling for playboy. (https://web.archive.org/web/20050425024909/http://www.tealeye.com/aboutteal.html)

This is the only place i could find any information on her history. It seams she has gone to a lot of trouble to have all information and media related to her past identities erased or omitted.

Here are some factoids based on the information above.

> She fabricated a story about being repeatedly drugged and forced into modelling until she could escape her abuser at age 19. (this does not necessarily negate the possibility of abuse)

> She changed her identity a minimum of 2 times and had all public information available pertaining to them legally erased or omitted.

Here is my opinion on what happened

> She started a modelling career at an early age

> did poorly in school of drops out,

> grew an obsession with the glamour,limelight and attention of modelling (she says this herself)

> Lives in many major cities all over the globe ("I have already traveled to/lived in New Zealand, Fiji, Rarotonga, Paris, Tokyo, Milan, Mexico, and Tahiti.")

> Hits mid twenties and becomes too old for playboy. (begins having identity crisis)

> Trains with an Olympic skiing team but doesn't make the cut. (also there is no available evidence to verify that she was ever part of an Olympic team)

At this point is where she likely has a full blown identity crisis and reads extensively into self help literature.

> Becomes deluded and believes she is a starseed/indigochild/acturian/*insert generic newage identity here*

> Blows this persona up completely and begins making new age videos on YouTube (This forms a new vehicle for fulfilling her attention-seeking/identity complex)

> States half-truths, people give her praise for saying nice things.(Hardcore confirmation bias about her new age persona sets in)

> Compensates for her extravagant past by having it erased and fabricating a new life story.

> Starts to mix basic psycho-education(which she likely learnt from seeing a shrink and self help texts during her multiple breakdowns) and new age concepts to form her own brand of pseudo-psychotherapy.

> Profit.

I do think she actually believes everything she says. However at a deeper level i'm certain she is aware of the reality of her life but has adopted this new personality so strongly that she denies/is incapable of accepting the truth of her situation.

Also It is possible that she may very well have been abused. However after discovering all of this the credibility of her character and current biography is irreversibly damaged.


omg who cares


File: 1452798090767.jpg (172.31 KB, 750x677, 750:677, maha_kali_ma.jpg)


It changes nothing.

Your Civilization is still marked for destruction.

I would feel bad for some of you, but I know those with a higher consciousness are already checking out.


File: 1452799112484.jpg (50.51 KB, 320x284, 80:71, Kali Ma statue.jpg)

On a side note, I burned through a $60 bottle of whiskey last night without even a hint of a hangover this morning.


Also, I like Teal Swan.

Seeing her nude is just bonus points.


File: 1452805320269.jpg (3.64 MB, 2024x2358, 1012:1179, The End it can be fun you ….jpg)

I kind of felt bad for my previous posts, and thought I should provide some clarification.

Death doesn't necessarily mean physical death, but the transformation of an individual into something new. Where all of the old is literally washed away.

While there are times that I have wished physical death on people I deemed to be assholes, what proved to be more devastating was simply cursing them with improvement and insight.

So, just because I help exacerbate the inevitable apocalypse of this civilization doesn't mean I don't care about the people involved. Its actually quite the opposite.


File: 1452821295180.jpg (14.4 KB, 150x234, 25:39, thdeath.JPG)


>Death doesn't necessarily mean physical death

I would just like to chime in on this. Death in a magical/metaphysical context is very rarely physical death and much more often transformation, the end of one thing, the start of another. The release of part of your being, an old habit, pattern, or belief, so new growth can be had, out of death comes life.

Rebirth is a better name.


File: 1452836209374.jpg (30.23 KB, 1031x775, 1031:775, 1398287329925.jpg)

how is this relevant to the board?



It is relevant because she is (claiming to be a) spiritual teacher and this is a warning that she is not all that she appears & to be careful with she pills she is dealing.



It doesn't matter to us. This board is dedicated to certain books and paths. (Although that doesn't really matter either because of all the people we get here.)

You would be better off posting this into a new-age forum, unless you were asking for a private army.



First off, I'm not OP. Secondly I see this as a public service announcement.



I appreciate your chiming in.

I personally honestly believe death is something this current age is in deeply need of, and likely building up to in some form or fashion. Some sort of transformative death.

Rebirth is definitely a good name.

But whose ready to walk across the ashes of everything that once defined them?

And more importantly, that dark reality, that hidden darkness, of a life, completely undefined.

Walk that path, into the unknown.

One becomes one of the true Living.



All of the information fits.


She was used by a cult for her direct connection to the dark/demiurge. the person using her was a psychopath who used her for his own personal gain.

More importantly, who actually gives a fuck? Who gives a shit about channeled info except those without a fucking clue how the spiritual world works?

But I should add that I really shouldn't give a shit about this thread.

I personally believe an individuals hope lies in connecting to ones higher power, and if this power isn't leading one into a path of "spontaneous Life" then your not plugging into your "higher Power" because "Joy" is the byproduct of the "spontaneous" and "joy" is also the byproduct of "Life".



I've actually said too little.

This is the sort of shit that doesn't require an "oujia" board but still results in "Cults" being formed.

LIfe gives life. Life is spontaneous.

No Rules, No Laws, you just 'sense' what is right.

Problem is that it gets overun with psychopaths before getting out of the block.

Because they love "rules". Make it intolerable for anyone who isn't a "Rule-follower" to exist in their midst.

So, death.

Life gets run out.

Mechanical facile rules.



I fear I've might of said too little again.

I always assume I've said too much until looking back and then I'm like

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

You've got to take a hardcore look at everything presented to you.

If it looks like the "state sanctioned" viewpoint, assume it's bullshit. If it looks like it isn't. assume it it until proven otherwise.

Most of all, Life, always gives Life.

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