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Esoteric Wizardry


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The future will be run by SJWs.

It will be a Communist utopia where every one is mixed into 1. There will only be "humans", no different skin color, no different hair color, everyone will have the same eyes, facial features, and clothes.

The continents will be pushed together and Pangaea will be reformed to stop countries from fighting eachother. There will no longer be a government, everyone will be equal and have equal say.

Around 2050 when genetic modification peaks, everyone will be born as a hermaphrodite, having both a penis and vagina, each penis and vagina will be the same size and length so that nobody is made fun of. There will no longer be males or females.

We will integrate with computers and share data wireless from mind to mind. There will be no more bad words or ill thoughts. The world government, run by each individual will operate on a hivemind, this way everybody is equal and happy and have the same opinions.

By year 3038 we will have colonized our solar system and began leaving to learn more about the universe.

By year 6006 we will have managed to merge all 10 of our planets and host star into 1 supersystem of earth, water, fire, and wind, we will name this superstructure after our home continent Pangaea. It will be perfectly heated, covered in lush green forests, cool shady caves, and the abundance in gasses from the abundant plant life and the fact that technology will make it so that we no longer need to eat food.

By year 7000 we will have colonized the entire galaxy, and managed to merge it into a superstructure similar to Pangaea. It is no longer named, we have removed all names do to them being offensive.

By year 600.000 we will have repeated this process throughout the entire universe and merged it into one megalithic structure. Humans are now 1 light year tall beings made out of pure energy. Our job is to travel to other universes and repeat this process by going to their past and acting as supernatural deities (Buddha, Jesus, etc) which ignite a change in the timeline until it aligns with our current 21st century.

Once all universes, multiverses, ominverses etc are merged into one megalithic structure, we will have abolished the individual and become GOD. After about 1 year of this we will get bored, collapse ourselves into an infinitely small point of nothingness, and explode into another universe to repeat this massive cycle.

This is the birth/death cycle of the universe and GOD.




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The aliens already did this, no need for us to repeat it.


Fuck that. Maybe chaos and National Socialism reign. May the Many always exist in relation to the One. May there be always inequality, diversity, and beauty. Egalitarianism is a cancer.



Pretty sure all the white men will be either whipped out or forced into slavery as the white women secretly try to take over. Slowly all me would begin losing human right unless the black men intervene. Genetic diseases will spread and everyone dies the end.



Of course the origins are from THIS solar system and not another. Sounds legit.

The SJW's will rise to power to and protect the "feels" of everyone. Then all the terrible lifestyles will systematically weed themselves out if war/greed/overpopulation don't get to us first. It'd be a small hiccup IF it even happened. Id be down to watch it with some popcorn.



>There will only be "humans", no different skin color, no different hair color, everyone will have the same eyes, facial features, and clothes.

>Brought by SJWs, the cult that thrives off of uniqueness to the point of making up attributions to be more unique than everyone else


>The continents will be pushed together and Pangaea will be reformed

>Using pre-2050 technology


>There will be no more bad words or ill thoughts.

>Not even incidentally


merge all 10 of our planets and host star into 1 supersystem of earth, water, fire, and wind, we will name this superstructure after our home continent Pangaea. It will be perfectly heated, covered in lush green forests, cool shady caves, and the abundance in gasses from the abundant plant life



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I exceedingly rarely say anything like this, but the sheer stupidity of this post calls for it.


>May there be always inequality, diversity, and beauty.

Amen. Diversity is necessary for growth. You need that which is, that which is not, and that which is neither. Without the contrast you will have no choice and thus no freewill.

Long live diversity!



>the One

I hate Oneism so much

>hurr we r all 1 lel

Most retarded spiritual meme



you're a fucking idiot, nazicuck


Get your /pol/ thingies back to /pol/ or /x/, we don't need this.



Dat is pretty much summary of Spirit Science vid on alternate history of mankind kek


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What the fuck is this , the cuck version of Childhood's End?


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Look I sometimes browse /pol but can /pol subjects just be kept in /pol? I really was hoping /fringe could be a sort of sanctuary where I can go and focus on something other than the destruction of the white race.

I mean come on, really. Can we just keep /pol in /pol?



Lol, the "board leakage" theory again. Did it ever occur to you that for some people their world view is something they take with them and apply EVERYWHERE?

Not all people are turncoats who agree with anyone just to stay popular.

Sometimes /pol/ makes intentional campaigns to spread their views, but this is usually pretty obvious because it goes in line with a current topic on /pol/ and is completely detached from the rest of the discussion of the target board.

SJWs have nothing to do here OR on /pol/, so you can't really blaim someone for expressing their view when SJWs are campaigning here.

The real way to deal with this should be: OP, keep SJW crap on /lgbt/ or where ever these things belong.



op is a troll in case you have not noticed, you autistic idiot


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I think you forget who founded /fringe/.

I was personally carried here to there being metaphysical aspects to conspiracy. And then I became a wizard myself.



So now I can't express my view in a troll thread? Way to go, maybe you should stop posting all together, do you seriously think there are any non-trolls here?

And yeah I have aspergers, what does that have to do with anything?



It'll probably be messier and the ending a lot unhappier, but by that time anyone that has started to walk the Path should be far far away from the human state and a lot closer to really being "god".



Because I don't agree with the doctrine of "we are all one" meme shoved down our throats in every spiritual site?



how cute


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It's not a meme, it's the actual truth. Now that said, it's meant in the highest, most grand, ultimate sense, all is part of God, ergo all is one. But on a lesser level, the are degrees of (dis)harmony between the infinite all, notes on the scale of consciousness. And in that there are degrees of interconnectedness.

Does this mean I wanna fug a nig or even have them in my society? Hell no.


>pure energy

That isn't a thing, you're lying

>implying SJWs would make any kind of progress and not just leave the Earth to degenerate scourges like islam, niggers and multiculturalism

They're all going to be wiped out during the big happening anyway



That'd be interesting to watch, especially about the racial purity thing, considering the author of the series has–on another channel of his–proven himself to be a cringeworthy lefitst racecuck in the past.

Also with his god damn incessant "weee r alll da 1's!! 1 rce huBan ras!!111!!!"



But doesn't then doesn't hat mean that whatever is wrong with Blacks, Jews, or whoever is your fault?

Like, aren't we all accountable for the actions of any aspect of our infinite Self.

Conversely, the other races would be responsible for defining whites. Like spaciness defines a form in three-dimensional space.

idk. It's hard reconciling all these weird paradoxes and shit


omg, fucking touch keyboard.

that* emptiness* etc etc



Go home /pol/, you are drunk. SJWs will never achieve nothing except its own destruction and create butthurt to racional people.



If you have cancer in your lung do you blame your hand?



Well, probably not. Unless it was the hand I used to smoke cigarettes with.


But even then, only in part.



like in that september happening?



You don't need to be a psychic to see that the trends are currenty leading up to a big, messy conclusion with all this immigration, censorship and social marxism, possibly even world war 3, history repeats itself, this has happened before and it will happen again.



no it wont

2012 is over



It's actually 2011



>founder is x so board must be x

stagnancy is bad for your health


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I'm just saying that /pol/ wizards founded /fringe/ so to say they don't belong here is naive.

And while I do agree with your second statement, it's a nonsequitor to the first, as there is nothing to imply that holding a belief or support of national-genetic identity would be stagnation. And furthermore, the very notion of the ubermensch ideal is anti-stagnation by nature.


>doesn't then doesn't hat mean that whatever is wrong with Blacks, Jews, or whoever is your fault?

I didn't create them, nor did my ancestors. And moreover due to the divine law of freewill, I can only show them the door of growth, I can not force them to walk through it.

If they chose to act in an enlightened way they may have a (segregated) part in the eternal Reich, otherwise not my problem. They will wake up on their schedule, maybe not even in that lifetime.

>aren't we all accountable for the actions of any aspect of our infinite Self?

Worded that way. No. You are not accountable for the actions of some other part of you that you do not control and must, by divine law (if you chose to be STO), respect the freewill of.

Are they part of you in the ultimate sense? Yes, but they are a part of you with it's own independent freewill, so they have their own karma.

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