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1. Influence of emotions (especially animals): for this you need only yourself and some basic knowledge of chi control. You must first be able to feel chi flow through your body. This can take weeks or months of training but is well worth the effort. Once you master being able to feel chi you must then learn how to project chi at things. This is harder to master as it requires more imagination. Picture your chi as a light coming from your hands and allow it to flow out of your body. Once you master this you can project your chi at animals while focusing on a feeling like peace. Projecting peace this way can quiet animals. I once quieted a fairly large group of birds with this one good luck anon.


2. I like to call this the summoning circle this is extremely powerful I would not recommend going into this with fear. First you need to write down and define a character, you can call this being whatever you want the important part is what you allow this being to do. Basically you need at least 4 people that all believe in the paranormal for this to work. You surround and place your hands on the same object forming more or less a circle around it (I would suggest a round table). Basically you decide how powerful this being is as it is in effect a tulpa you are creating. You can in fact all believe that this being can possess the object you're touching for a longer lasting effect. You can even tulpa in a succubus like you're always talking about /fringe/. Though I would not recommend such a thing. It is however yours to use and abuse as I did put it on the internet.


>do plants have feelings?

Finding: BUSTED

Explanation: In the 1960s, Cleve Backster, founder of the FBI's polygraph unit, took a detour from crime fighting to develop his pet theory of primary perception. Using polygraph (lie detector) tests, Backster concluded that everything — and we mean everything in the universe is interconnected and capable of producing emotional responses.

For instance, according to Backster's far-out research, a polygraph machine hooked up to a plant leaf can detect the vegetation's inner energy.

MythBusters Kari Byron, Grant Imahara and Tory Belleci replicated a series of Backster's polygraph experiments with dracaena plants (the same kind Backster tested), yogurt, saliva and eggs to find out whether the inanimate objects really can empathize with the stuff around them. After a series of tests — and after all possible human and environmental stimuli were removed that could sway the trial outcomes — the myth's prognosis came down to whether a plant would react to "seeing" eggs being catapulted into boiling water.

Because all living organisms emit a slight electric pulse, the MythBusters connected the plant to a pulse-reading EEG machine, which is more sensitive than Backster's vintage polygraph. Then Grant set the timer on a machine in the plant's sight line that would catapult the eggs into boiling water at random intervals and left the room.

Although the eggs faced a fate worse than Humpty Dumpty's, the plant showed no regard whatsoever. The EEG results revealed no spikes in dracaena electrical activity, leaving the myth — and a whole lot of eggs — totally cracked.




My theory is very different on the matter. The plant was picking up on the energy we discharge when we feel things. Proof : there are this cameras that can detect changes in mood and represent them as colors. This is my purpose when listing it as a source of information.



Im not trying to flame you or derail this thread I'd just like to point out that Discovery, Discovery Health, NatGeo and the History channel are among many TV media outlets that spin info and straight out disinfo for purposes unknown to me. They are not reliable sources of information and no one should be taking them seriously or basing life decisions off the information they sling



The US and Russian governments found definitive proof of ESP, ether, among other discoveries during the cold war and began creating propaganda to 'disprove' these things as the masses knowing the truth is dangerous to those in power.

Literally everything you see on TV is a lie, 50 years from now history will be changed to the extent that no one knows anything that is true and everything is a fabrication.



Id argue that we are already at that point. Just that theres still some who can see past it. in the future there will be no gaps in their blanket of madness



OP, do you believe Phillip was a poltergeist or culpa created by the collective unconscience of the owen group or do you think that in their attempts to create a tulpa they actually summoned another spirit?

Id also add that because they collectively focused on phillip that a quantum reality where phillip did exist was created and that they actually conjured him?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is nearly impossible to replicate in the setting this man does. I'd bet my money this is the real deal.


This has been done, and replicated with plastic wires, it may be real, but if he can do this sort of thing with his mind, why would he be begging in the street?



its da ilerminate mind cuntrol joos!

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