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This is a story of my experiences with a "real" occult group, they are truly secret, have no official body, perform powerful mind altering initiations and have little to do with "by the book" occultism. Hopefully someone will be able to give me a hand here.

I've had an ongoing experience of initiation, it started in the form of direct contact with people who for all intents and purposes could be interpreted as a form of the illuminati (or genuine secret society), in the sense that they had powerful connections, advanced knowledge about me, some had limited information about the occult but most had wider know how about putting people on head trips or at least were guided in the process by people who knew what they were doing. "Genuine" occultists were involved. There were a huge mix of people involved in this of all ages, likely many had different intentions and skill sets. The experience was entertaining at the time but had powerful negative consequences after.

After this I started having mythic daydreams (like Jungian active imagination, except I was "called" to do it by strong impulse) with heavy symbolism teaching me about what "they" do in an ideal world, like how it should work: put people through trials, tests, partly for their own amusement and partly for the benefit/awakening/green pilling of the initiate and/or victim which produces powerful psycho-spiritual affects.

After I got put on anti-psychotics the daydreams stopped and turned into annoying thoughts of other people around me, I don't really class it as telepathy as its more based on general impressions but it helps in figuring people out.

Last night I had a particularly meaningful dream which summed the entire experience up from a retrospective point of view, basically a load of unecessary abuse which had a lot of positive consequences in real life (not reflected in the dream) but which could have been done with a lot less hassle and unecessary pain.

When I "got" the point of the process in the dream (which I've also "got" many times irl through the daydreams, I say "got" because I have no idea what their real purpose or intentions are) I became lucid.

I've had other similar dreams where passing some kind of test has led to me going lucid. I think this is significant somehow.

This time however in the context of all the bullshit and abuse and horrific shit in the dream which reflected what I went through in real life I was like whats the fucking point, this is shit and woke up.

When I woke up, lying still, there were "head voices" which are like the "hearing" other peoples thoughts phenomenon, except it was of the original loominati types, testing my character and purity, which I passed. Then it turned needlessly abusive again as if thats the only mode that can be turned on. I'm guessing this is because I have had a powerful negative initiation without a powerful positive one, I think these states are required in real life in order to be brought back under situations like this.

The ideal process of this occult group would be powerful shock initiation -> awakening of the subconscious -> trial by fire -> positive initiation, at least thats what I got from the mythology in the daydreams.

Normally I don't get the thought-voices like that when I wake up in the morning at all so I'm thinking it was definitely tied into the dream somehow, which to me proves it as an occult phenomenon.



Whatever occult current I'm tapped into it seems either predatory or incompetent and generally (now) worthless, at the very least its outgrown its welcome/need. I can see that for some of the people who started it off, it was supposed to be some kind of rebirth or paradigm shaking green pill process, but they never followed through with it.

In the real life communication they said "it isn't over until we shake hands on it", this never happened and frankly I'm past the point of respecting these people enough to shake their hand like "oh its all ok in the end", they are good at putting people on trips but terrible at closure and the symolism and the dream last night confirm that.

I've passed the test of purification and rebirth (to be honest I've been "reborn" in this way countless times since then) as shown by the test after waking, so on some metaphysical level it has been recognised. Yet no change to the mental annoyances and no handshake. There's also no way of knowing whether this recognition has taken place in the minds of others.

Any similar experiences? Information on meaningful dreams and meaningful information surfacing from the subconcious in the daytime would also be useful. I'm reading Jung's red book, which helps a little but I could do with more.

I think I could probably remove the annoying intrusive thoughts of other people by forging powerful enough friendships to replace them with, which I am in the process of doing but its slow and tedious.

It seems to be based on how much of an impression someone has left on you. Which is why the daydreams started after the powerful mindfuck irl interaction. Too bad I had shitty annoying friends to fill my head with.

If I weren't on medication I could proably self induce a powerful enough positive initiation experience through entheogens to replace the "bad vibes" but the medication stops psychedelics from working unless I take a double "heroic" dose and even then all spiritual elements are void.

I feel like now I probably understand this process more than most of the idiots involved in starting it off and feel my recruitment is well overdue. Hit me up you giant faggots.


OP you've posted this before on old /fringe/ before haven't you? … or /illuminati/ ?

I don't think the books are worthless at all just the vast majority of them but some are genuine and extremely useful.

I will hopefully be giving my own experiences and practises soon but I tend to go into the questions thread and answer a ton of questions in large batches to help the neophytes and obtain more loosh.

OP do you feel stuck where you are at right now? You've had some strange things happen but have you attained any understanding of process??


I keep getting information out of dreams and seem to be undergoing an initiation process myself via that means OP.


>OP do you feel stuck where you are at right now? You've had some strange things happen but have you attained any understanding of process??

Yeah I'm a lot more understanding of myself, the occult, the process involved and am generally a much more developed person than I used to be because of it.

I had another dream just now playing out how it was supposed to be, I'd broken out of my shell, was having an amazing time socially insta-making friends and doing loads of fun stuff. This was most likely what the people in the real life initiation were aiming for, particularly an old friend who was involved.

Woke up to the same communication channel, some tough shit I went through since then came up and I'm pretty the people I connected to got it.

It's a big improvement from where I was yesterday. The real world breaking out of my shell and having a fun timme did happen a few years ago on a limited basis but it got ruined by other stuff.

This is kind of confirming this stuff as a real world occult phenomenon to me, so at least thats something as its hard putting up with the constant "hurr its all in your head" shit from people.

And yeah I think I've posted this before or at least talked about it in the old frirngechan irc and I had access to /illuminati/ but I don't think I posted it there.

I don't discount the stuff in books and normal occult stuff but this seems to be something no one ever writes about, at least not in anything I've ever read which doesn't help my sanity in the eyes of other people or in my own eyes when I start doubting it.

Hopefully the dreams (or something more) will continue and I actually end up making some progress again. It's hard to see a way forward really but I guess I just need to have faith in the process and the people behind the scenes pulling it off.


what type of thoughtstreams did they send you on and what were the goals?



It changed over time really.

To start with it was a paranoid fantasy, which was how they acted, it was an obvious satire but meaningful like robert anton wilson's writing. It was very we're just joking, just joking, we're not joking, so you're not sure either way.

Then it got replaced by mythic daydreams which explained the process of rebirth through shock and trauma that I went through. The idea is to terrify someone so much they drop all their baggage while making it seem like it could all be a joke, the thoughtform/fantasies induced generally reflect this like TERROR/LOL JK and gets you used to going from a state of sheer terror to ecstatic bliss and release. It's a useful psychological tool but highly unethical, it strengthens you a lot as the terror parts are very realistic and believable due to the real life experiences, it shakes up the monotony of day to day life a lot and crafts a new stronger you.

The day to day thoughtforms I get these days are more like an imitation of schizophrenia than anything worthwhile, just annoying "responses" to life situations from the minds of people I know. I just ignore these. When I spend enough time around decent people its like a form of telepathy or enhanced empathy and intuition which can be enjoyable depending on who it is. But these are all best treated as illusions.

Other than that I'm not sure really, the genuine seeming telepathic communications seem to take place not live like a phonecall but in a space beyond time. That's about all I can remember for now as I've just woke up.


I never thought about it this way. When I read what you were saying, it all clicked, and I understand at least as a metaphor that something like this has been happening to me too.

Mine feels like more of an analysis, I space out and judge everyones tone, body language and try and work out how they are interacting with each other and me to make judgements. I feel like I can change the whole situation by adjusting my interactions with them. Adjusting my personality to benefit them in some way. I work in customer service and so I have plenty of time to experiment. Sometimes I crash, but because of personal demons that creep in and bring me down to crash and fall down into darkness over and over.

My obsession in occult texts, this board, and considering different aspects and beliefs in our shared reality, brings me into a mania where I believe in some idea of magic, which shifts and adjusts as I continue my ride. I feel constantly challenged by the darkness in the world and other peoples interactions with me that I try and bounce back some time of positive energy by adjusting my beliefs about the situation, that I sometimes smooth the ride so well that everything can just fall into my lap, so long as I continue to output this positive energy. I've come to feel that if I can treat every situation as if its a performance, I can continue the ride.

I like to think I have maintained a sense of positive judgement by others. I didn't ever get put on meds, but I smoke weed ritually. I end up analysing my entire day, playing back, and considering hundreds of different interpretations to generate the next move in how I need to continue my interactions with them, long term or short term relationships (even on the micro level e.g. customer interaction).

Overall I guess I could summarise that its kind of like everybody and the entire universe can sometimes read your thoughts. If your thoughts are in a good place if you could maintain that literally even those imagined things could happen. Or at least influence it in a positive direction.

But what do we do, other than to continue to apply this to ourselves. Brush ourselves clean, and break free of this death and rebirth cycle. The anxiety to overhaul in the most dramatic way. To change our lives for the good. To be free of the dark thoughts that overshadow our "all seeing eye". To escape and purify ourselves so that we forever see, and to be guided by light by the very shade of our thoughts that we choose to let our unconscious brain guide.

But maybe this is just my interpretation of whats happening.



At some points it was outright emotional and psychological torture like lifelike impressions of the woman I loved with one my best friends. It was shit like that that led to me getting medicated.

Overall this has gone on for about 4 years daily gradually changing through different phases, some more intense than others. I feel like I should be paid for this honestly, I'm developing a skillset but its one not practical in terms of getting a paying job, I have no interest in mediumship or anything like that and the sklls I'm developing aren't like that at all, I'm learning life lessons and first hand occult insights at the expense of my overall wellbeing.


Man are you fucking me?



Yeah that makes sense.

>Mine feels like more of an analysis, I space out and judge everyones tone, body language and try and work out how they are interacting with each other and me to make judgements.

My subconcious does this for me and then presents me with their thoughts (which is likely just a projection based on extrapolating my general understanding of them and situations) or general attitude, its generally accurate in the sense that its how someone could have felt or thought these things at some point under certain circumstances.

I've also become a lot more perceptive in terms of peoples vibes, pick up on body language, sometimes see "auras" which are more an atmosphere or kind of energy than the typical claim of what auras look like

The rest of the post makes sense too but the stuff I've been through has been through has generally been so overpowering it limits my ability to control it.


I don't think so. In what way?



Also I should say weed makes the thoughtforms so vivid I go into trances and can almost hear them, it also makes them more powerful and psychic, they even show a sense of humour and irony that seems to verify their sentience in the way it unfolds.

These days I can't smoke weed without being overwhelmed by this shit for weeks even just smoking once.



An example of the weed enhanced thoughtforms would be a thoughtform giving me a strong hunch a friend has got a new pet, I text them asking them, the second before I get a text back (a few hours after I sent mine)the thoughtform says "you should probably verify that", the text said no new pet, which shows to me that its acting on some level way beyond a simple projection since it proves psychic ability by disproving psychic ability = an understanding of irony.


did they show you anything real, like unexplainable shit?


>I've also become a lot more perceptive in terms of peoples vibes, pick up on body language, sometimes see "auras" which are more an atmosphere or kind of energy than the typical claim of what auras look like

Definitely the same for me. Except for the whole aura thing, unless you mean that more metaphorically, I guess your experience seems a little more visual.

>I don't think so. In what way?

Girl love troubles sent me crazy and down this whole rabbit whole, but fuck if it wasn't for that I wouldn't have learnt this much.


>Also I should say weed makes the thoughtforms so vivid I go into trances and can almost hear them, it also makes them more powerful and psychic, they even show a sense of humour and irony that seems to verify their sentience in the way it unfolds.

I definitely agree, weed amplifies my abilities so much further that sometimes what happens becomes almost too unreal and unbelievable, and I definitely agree with the idea of the universe throwing synchronistic humorous, ironic and sometimes reality shattering experiences my way.

>These days I can't smoke weed without being overwhelmed by this shit for weeks even just smoking once.

I still smoke quite regularly and feel that it goes hand in hand with my experiences and maybe the vulnerable mind state allows me to interact more with these thoughts and experience.


>An example of the weed enhanced thoughtforms would be a thoughtform giving me a strong hunch a friend has got a new pet, I text them asking them, the second before I get a text back (a few hours after I sent mine)the thoughtform says "you should probably verify that", the text said no new pet, which shows to me that its acting on some level way beyond a simple projection since it proves psychic ability by disproving psychic ability = an understanding of irony.

I sometimes try and challenge my intuition, but I sometimes do it to test the rationality of my beliefs. I'm curious as to the way you describe thought forms. Through your descriptions I see a way to apply these to my internal dialogue. I would say that weed instead allows me to look through the spectrum of interpretations, feel and experience the emotion of each, but enables me to guide myself better along beliefs that are better balanced between my logical and intuitive interpretations of people and situations. But sometimes I wont be "here" anymore and I will disappear into deep thoughts.



Its about to get batshit crazy up in here.

The main event that triggered it off was over xbox live. They hijacked the party system, disconnecting me from who I was talking to and then gradually it got weirder and weirder. This implies they either had contacts with microsoft or did some electronic wizardry, voice to head stuff, induced hallucination, or maybe it was just a very real undreamlike dream althouh it stayed consistent enough to play through an entire game of left4dead2 with me remembering who said what and what parts of each level.

The weirdest part was when they had me talking to Robert Anton Wilson 3 years after he died. He sounded perplexed and in his 50s or younger, he said "there isn't just one big maybe out there anon". I was trying to use his maybe logic system as a schema to understand it, which is a glimpse at their kind of humour, the whole thing was like a darkly hilarious show all put on to blow one persons mind.

They also had celebrities or people who were supposedly celebrities talking to me briefly, none whom wouldn't fit the bill of being involved in the occult and/or pranks/mindfucks. There were people who did voice acting as well, lots of cheese, ominous threats, banter etc. I wasn't at all the type to be impressed by celebrities, living on the internet disconnected from the mainstream completely, to the point where they were referencing things in their music which I hadn't even heard.

They offered to have me talk to Crowley but I declined as I wasn't too sure about him at the time.

They also had me talking to someone supposedly being my grandfather who died before I was born. They had "aliens" who were talking in some weird language but I got the feeling that that was just a put on and not legit.

They also did a parody of my dad who was into native american shamanism at one point; they were playing his "true self" as some kind of shaman which was fucking hilarious, they had really top grade voice actors.

The whole thing was designed to be plausible with multiple explanations, like maybe they really are the conspiracy theory illuminati and have advanced voice replication software, or maybe they are a genuine occult illuminati with advanced means of talking to the dead, or maybe a combination of the two, or maybe it was all psychosis, yet I've had people in real life comment on it in conversation without me ever mentioning it to them or anyone else and was also given information during it which I'm 99% sure I didn't know beforehand.



Other than that I've had mostly psychic experiences, one experience of teleportation while accidently walking the longest route in the woods which could be explained by the sign posts pointing to different routes on the journey back but it was still uncanny how I seemed to slip out of consciousness and return to consciousness a good hours walk away. Constant deja vu like phenomenon for a while with added extras like theres a layer beyond it with people expanding on it, giving information, giving tests of will etc.

They often show up in sleep paralysis, normally you hear about demons, aliens etc, but when I get sleep paralysis I usually get solid communications with these people. Although one time they parodied themselves or the occult in general like one night I had some demonic sounding entity talking about stuff these people had threatened me with before, and then the next night I had an overly bubbly almost cartoonlike voice sounding hindu yogi talking to me about the secrets of the universe.

So tl;dr no, but they are legitimately mindblowing and put on A grade performances that makes the best of hollywood look like a steaming pile of shit. They definitely have a hold on my subconcious or communicate with me through it which is legit occultism imo. I've learnt to distinguish between imagined and real thoughts of other people that I pick up on so I'm leaning towards it being a legit "communication".

As far as I'm concerned the jury is out on the initial communication until I get more information, I'm not going to make concrete claims about it being real, most of the time I just get on with life and keep one eye open, sometimes (rarely) I think I went crazy othertimes it seems more real.

Despite their top class performance their understanding of my psychology and their follow up to it was appalling.

inb4 it doesnt real

I don't BELIEVE any of it to be "real", I've learnt to properly categorise information and utilise reason, intuition and mysticism and its rare for me to be SURE about anything, so it might have been a psychosis but its not really a delusion. A psychotic experience can still have mystical or personal value, see all the mystics since ever, plus philip k dick, jung etc.



>Except for the whole aura thing, unless you mean that more metaphorically, I guess your experience seems a little more visual.

I've only ever seen what I'd call an aura once, it was like an explosion of semi visible sparks from someone. The rest of the time its just reading peoples faces, whether they're hot, warm, cold, the atmosphere to them or the tone they're speaking in. My mind will skip back over things, analyse and produce information, I'd be surprised if this didn't happen to everyone to some degree. But I spent a good few years alone and coming out of it after this hugely intuition increasing mythological daydreaming shit I was like fucking hell is it this obvious? Pretty much everyones true thoughts are on their faces.

>Girl love troubles sent me crazy and down this whole rabbit whole, but fuck if it wasn't for that I wouldn't have learnt this much.

That sucks dude, mine was more started by repressed memories triggering the xbox shenanigans, its a long story, but same, its taught me a lot.

>I definitely agree, weed amplifies my abilities so much further that sometimes what happens becomes almost too unreal and unbelievable, and I definitely agree with the idea of the universe throwing synchronistic humorous, ironic and sometimes reality shattering experiences my way.

That's the problem with drugs, they enhance it but they can obfuscate it at the same time, especially with weed and the tendency to forget shit that happens.

>I still smoke quite regularly and feel that it goes hand in hand with my experiences and maybe the vulnerable mind state allows me to interact more with these thoughts and experience.

You're lucky you can still smoke. If you're using it as an occult tool be careful because it is WAY more powerful than it seems when you're just using it for recreation. You might start seeing entities if you use weed as an occult tool, that happened to me before all this started, althouh generally only in trance or in nature, like seeing a dancing man in the treetops blowing behind a row of houses which I took as cool, slightly worrying but ultimately meaningless, I guess I could look at it as a nature spirit or something.

>I sometimes try and challenge my intuition, but I sometimes do it to test the rationality of my beliefs.

This HAS to be done, in my opinion if you don't do this you are deluding yourself and just opting into a belief system because it seems cool. Take up philosophy, theology, study, and remember that its about balance, see this quote from RAW;

Everything you fear is waiting with slavering jaws in Chapel Perilous, but if you are armed with the wand of intuition, the cup of sympathy, the sword of reason, and the pentacle of valor, you will find there (the legends say) the Medicine of Metals, the Elixir of Life, the Philosopher’s Stone, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness.

>the wand of intuition, the cup of sympathy, the sword of reason, and the pentacle of valor

This is key.

>allows me to look through the spectrum of interpretations, feel and experience the emotion of each

I get this naturally these days, every thought I have has a tangible amount of realness or validity to it which I generally trust as through observation its self evidently accurate, although I still take it all as just intuition. Emotions are more distinct, both mine and other peoples, everything is enhanced.



>I've only ever seen what I'd call an aura once, it was like an explosion of semi visible sparks from someone. The rest of the time its just reading peoples faces, whether they're hot, warm, cold, the atmosphere to them or the tone they're speaking in.

Also sometimes peoples faces can "break" and they have an unreal element to them, like they look like… unnnatural or something, like warping energy across their face.


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>The main event that triggered it off was over xbox live



lol dat symbolism


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I smoked a Lotta weed this fall, almost ritually

It got to a breaking point when I started hearing some really rude voices echoing across my mind and ears. The first thing they told me, discussed loudly amongst themselves was "He smoked himself schizo!" And from there they pestered my every action and thought. Sometimes i would think "are these illuminati?" And they responded "yeah were totally the illuminati bro" like fucking CUNTS.

It persisted until a week or so later when they started told me to kill myself and that's when I got sent off to a psych ward.

Came back with a prescription to some anti psychotic meds. Since then I've been hearing less and less voices.

I'm probably just psychotic but I like these accounts of possible(?) subconscious communication from cannabis cause I really do miss the plant, and I would be psyched to have friends in high places, if you know what I mean.



How much did you smoke and how often andh how long for? Did they ever teach you anything or were they just assholes? Weed most likely puts some of us into a state vulnerable to psychosis and/or vulnerability to entitities, I think entities from weed and probably other drugs run from malevolent, to petty and annoying, to benefitial to enhancing natural psychic ability.

>I'm probably just psychotic but I like these accounts of possible(?) subconscious communication from cannabis cause I really do miss the plant, and I would be psyched to have friends in high places, if you know what I mean.

Yeah me too bro, but I'm pretty sure we're just being trolled.

This is why I want them to be at least partly physically real so I can join them and create soethin more meaningful cus they have somethin special going on.

I think the quality of weed and msytical/psychotic experiences partly depend on your personality traits. How creative are you? I was a loner and a lone-stoner whose always been quite good with words and creative, so if my experience is purely psychosis that could be why it seemed so real, creative+imaginary friend mode or something.

How long did you stay at the psych ward for?

Really we need to figure out what caused the experience to manifest in the way that it did.

I think a lot more people go crazy or at least understand/have a notion of the crazy than it seems at first.


I think cannabis use should be warned against when practising the occult.

In the equinox there was a series of articles on cannabis called The Herb Dangerous

This article is mostly about weed in an occult context;


the full four articles



>I think cannabis use should be warned against when practising the occult.

I read this as "I think hello kitty use should be warned against when practising the occult."

I better go to sleep, I've been up all day and night for I don't know how many days and nights now…



Remember to sleep with one eye open.


I'll always have my third eye open.



That's the important one, trying to sleep with any of the other eyes open either leads to insomnia or pooping yourself.


Google the cult of Hereth.



Did you spell that right? Couldn't find anything.


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