roll call for anyone on it or who wishes to learn more. non-denominational except for its core of Monism, this is one of the exactly three paths of all theurgy ( whether hermetic, neoplatonic, tantra, thelemaic, yoruba faiths, * coughs* wicca, and even rosicrucianism and the various schools of alchemy, to name…. some of them ).
perfect platonic love, sex magick ( with or without actual sex ), and other forms of merging with the divine including the simple appreciation of beauty raised to ecstatic experience.
who else here has felt the love and connection of this path? the ecstatic bliss. the higher consciousness. the unrustlement of jimmies. the bonobo current. the alchemical marriage. the hieros gamos.
even in a world filled with hate i feel the love and live it. i rise above without disdain.
other paths : Truth ( specifically includes logic, science, amd rational thought ) and Faith ( from a greek word which also means " Trust ", as trust is its root. not just for the path of faith, but to experience actual faith itself )
Theos Ei. inb4 national socialists preaching how hate is beter