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January 20, 2006 by Jayadvaita Swami

from Back to Godhead, May-June 1994

Here’s a page full of reasons. I’ll spare you the footnotes, but each reason is fully upheld by evidence from Vedic writings like Bhagavad-gita, the Upanisads, and the Puranas.

Chanting Hare Krishna awakens love of God.

Chanting Hare Krishna brings liberation as a side benefit along the way.

When you chant Hare Krishna, you automatically develop knowledge and detachment.

Chanting Hare Krishna gets you out of the endless cycle of birth and death.

It is the most effective means of self-realization in the present Age of Quarrel. Nothing else works nearly as well.

Chanting Hare Krishna cleanses the heart of all illusions and misunderstandings.

By chanting Hare Krishna, you become free from all anxieties.

Chanting Hare Krishna brings you to self-realization—and shows you how to act as a self-realized soul.

It keeps you ever mindful of Krishna, the reservoir of pleasure.

There are no hard and fast rules for chanting. You can chant anywhere, any time, under any circumstances.

Krishna Himself is fully present in the transcendental sound of His name. And the more you chant, the more you realize it.

All other Vedic mantras are included in the chanting of Hare Krishna. So just by chanting this mantra, you get the benefit of all others.

Chanting Hare Krishna purifies not only you but every living entity around you. Whoever hears the chanting gets spiritual benefit.

A person who chants Hare Krishna develops all good qualities.

You can chant Hare Krishna softly for personal meditation or loudly with your family or friends. Both ways work.

Srila Prabhupada chanted Hare Krishna, and so did great souls in the past. So why not you?

It’s free. Chanting Hare Krishna never costs you money.

Chanting Hare Krishna brings the highest states of ecstasy.

There are no previous qualifications needed for chanting Hare Krishna. Young or old, anyone can chant—from any race, any religion, or any country of the world.

Even if you don’t understand the language of the mantra, it works anyway.

Chanting Hare Krishna brings relief from all miseries.

Chanting Hare Krishna is easy. When the best way is also the easiest, why make life hard for yourself?

Chanting Hare Krishna invokes spiritual peace—for you and for those around you.

When you chant Hare Krishna, Krishna Himself becomes pleased.

When you chant Hare Krishna, Krishna dances on your tongue.

By chanting Hare Krishna you can return to Krishna’s world, the eternal abode of full happiness and knowledge.

Chanting Hare Krishna frees you from the reactions of all past karma. Chanting Krishna’s name even once, purely and sincerely, can free you from the reactions of more karma than you could possibly incur.

Chanting Hare Krishna counteracts the sinful atmosphere of Kali-yuga, the present Age of Hypocrisy and Quarrel.

By chanting Hare Krishna you can relish at every step the full nectar that’s the real thirst of the soul.

The more you chant Hare Krishna, the better it gets.

If you look through all the Vedic scriptures, you’ll find nothing higher than the chanting of Hare Krishna. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.


>chanting a bunch of nonsense


>not chanting Господе Исусе Христе, помилуј ме грешног



>hinduist garbage

>being a slave to the demiurge

n-no thank you!


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soo rarely do you have constructive responses on here

my question to you is, you convince yourself that because hare krishna gets chanted means "jesus christ" caught on as a favorite name?


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As this thread is already here and already bumped another thread off, might as well make the best of it.

Here is a mantra/chant I've used and gotten good results from.

Padme siddhi hum.

Which basically translates as '[Flower of] spirituality bloom [in] me"

Do it every time you get a chance throughout the day. I would do it whenever I was not holding a direct conversation with some one or didn't need to think too hard. Averaged out to many hundreds of times each day.

The 1st day I didn't really notice much, but by mid day the second day I strongly felt "a crown of energy" around my 3rd eye and crown area. I continued to do it for a 3rd day, and then decided to do some other mantras for a few days, the feeling persisted for several days.

I personally consider it to be a rather powerful way to awaken your higher chakras. Just make sure you are actually ready for that or else it may cause you troubles if you're not at least an initiate.


Welp, since this thread is going to be a mantra thread, let me share mine!

I don't like chanting in languages I don't know, so I do this one:

"I and the creator AM One"

You just say it out loud a couple of times to let it synch in and then you can do it in your mind and feel it in your body.

The bliss emerging from it is surreal, I mean, words sucks, I won't describe it, just do it and feel it. All you need is the conviction that this statement is true and then, It works immediately.



Impregnating my chakras with this got me my first kundalini rising, treat this with care, it comes from the Book of Knowledge, but is often overlooked by many, you can also use it to manifest things in your reality immediately. You just feel it, concentrate on your goal and it works, no questions asked.



You realize you are literally selling yourself to the demiurge right?



Creator = Demiurge now ?

So YHVH is the creator ?

It seems like you are the one subconsciously selling yourself to the demiurge, kek.




Does repeating it in my mind work too? My meditation sessions are at night and I don't want to wake anyone up



A couple of times out loud in the beginning, like 10-15 times, you can also whisper it. Then in your mind.






How long do you usually keep doing this?

I've tried it before and the feeling is kind of nice but I never really reach that state described in the book of knowledge



Nice try demiurge



I don't get it, what's wrong with the mantra?



Absolutely nothing if you enjoy being a living battery.



Could you elaborate?



The creator/The All is not the demiurge. Nothing wrong with it.



Now that demiurge was mentioned a few times in the thread, the association has already been made. Now there could be a tiny part of you doubting that the creator in this mantra is indeed demiurge. And this tiny part of you will connect to demiurge.

If under the surface of your conscious there is a microscopic thought that considers possibility of demiurge, you're dragging the demiurge possibility into reality when using the mantra

You'd have to first magick yourself into belief sytem that utterly denounces possibility that this mantra is a trick of demiurge



and how would you do that?



You can't, I have won.

t. demiurge



the demiurge doesn't even real






brainless sissy wizard


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vocalized thought


inaudible thought



Does anyone here growl their mantras?



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I'm pretty sure a wizard (witch?) of Auntie's caliber is not of such a weak mental constitution or will.

And if you are I suggest you work on declaring your specific will.

Remember anons, intention is just as important as what you say or do.



Try to focus on one part of the body or one chakra, the flow of energy will be more concentrated/compressed and you will feel it more intensely. Then it will be easier to put that same feeling in all of your body.

The mantra is nice because it only gives you about 75% of the amount of energy you can handle, it never overwhelms you. So then, it's your job to make "more room" and build a better "piping system" in your energetic body, you do that by daily practice, not only of this mantra, of other enegy work disciplines too. Soon enough, the feeling will be the same and even more intense as the Book of Knowledge describes.



>Demiurge, living battery, demiurge muh muh demiurge

Creator = The "outer All" of the "All in All"

Since when is the demiurge the All?

The Creator = the outer part of the magickal circle, while you are the Creator of the circle. The All inside the All…



>not realizing I'm just farming for that sweet demiurge loosh



sweet lyrics



Kisses to you then, sweetheart…



You are a complete asshole lol. No one fall for this though, the demiurge concept comes from gnosticism which pretty much aligns with the eastern religions in the first place. The concept of the all and the matrix system is originally hindu anyway.



So there's something to do invocation whitaud selling yourself to the demiurge?

I know that I want to enjoy this life but I want to have the chance to leave at the end, no more shitty rides on this roller coaster

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