The Library
150+ Authors from A-z, Includes authors such as Alan Watts, Aldous Huxley, Bill Cooper, Benjamin Walter, Carol White, Carol Quigley, Dr. David Duke, Don Karr, Eustace Mullins, Flavius Josephus, G. Bernard Shaw, Gary Allen, H. P. Lovecraft, Itcvan Bacony, J. R. R. Tolkien, Kurt Saxon, L. A. Waddell, Mark Dice, Nick Drake, Ophiel, Patrick J. Buchanan, Phillip K. Dick, Robert Bruce, S. Z. Batten, Taliesin, Victor Thorn & many more.
The Academy
An incredible source for a vast variety of subjects and knowledge.
Academic Knowledge - Programming, Literature, IT, Art, Encyclopedias…
Applied Sciences - Chemistry, Alchemy, Physics, Mathematics…
Hard Core Prepper (Torrent) - Shelter, Hunting, Ecosystems, Innawoods…
Health & Vitality - Physique, Immunity, Treatment, Wellbeing…
Music & Cymatics - Theory, Practical, Composition, Sound Technology…
New World Order (Torrent) - You get the idea…
Occult Related History & Knowledge (Nightmare/Hell Modes Available) - You are not prepared
Sacred Texts (Credit) - Atlantis, Ancient Ireland, Old World, History…
Social & Human Dynamics - Psychology, Anthropology, Social Engineering…
Survival & Sustainability - Lots of gems
Zionism & New World Order - Israel, Z.O.G, Eugenics, Central Banking, UN Agenda 21…
There is also a portion of my /pol/ saves in The Image Gallery
Mana to everybody!
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