So I am hoping for thoughts, impressions, or any other observations any of you have for an overwhelmed greenhorn about this exchange between myself and a daemon:
I am very new to actually being aware of things around me. I have been going through a lot of shit lately. It has resulted in many, many things around me. I became overwhelmed and began to worry that I had "bit of more than I could chew", so to speak. I was thinking very bad thoughts when I heard a very distinct whisper say "anon, hey anon. I can help you"
>please do
"alright just sit back, i have to check something"
i reclined in my chair and then it felt as though my jaw hap opened wider than it ever had before. It felt as though my cheeks were vibrating and a wind tunnel was inside my mouth and throat. I then heard a "clicking" sound that sounded similar to a growl, but not aggressive. It was like a cat's purr, but a bit louder. It really felt as though my mouth and throat were being analyzed for suitability of some sort. Then I had the sense of something filling my mouth and heading down my throat. This made me uncomfortable, and I said "OK, stop."
The sensation went away, and then I heard the voice whisper:
>oh, don't tell me you are one of those…..
I responded "i am new to all of this, and this is getting a bit intense…"
>pphhtt…. pussy..
then it addressed another in the room
>no, he's scared
I got up from my chair and walked away. then it said:
>anon, I can help you, but I will need to take something in return. what i take is up to you..
[I knew that "take something" did not mean that it wanted my flat screen]
i said "let me think about what you can take". at that moment all activity around me came to dead stop. It seemed as if they were waiting in suspense for what I said next…
I went through a few options in my head for about a minute or longer. and then a light bulb went off in my head. i offered up something that most would be devastated to lose, but my life situation is complicated and fucked up, so losing this would be a blessing for me..
i stated my offering as my "final answer". and I felt a sense of disappointment and a feeling of defeat as if one had just lost a debate.. it then said
>OK, your ____ it is
it did not seem as jovial as it did before. i pictured it walking away with it's head down. I heard something else say
>wow, that was not bad.
and it smiled at the one walking away with it's head down.
There was no activity at all for the rest of the evening, and I actually slept very well. An extreme rarity..
So I am hoping some of the wise ones can give me their interpretation of what had happened during that whole exchange. I am not completely opposed to possesion, but can you tell me why some possesions turn into dramatic screaming, stabbing etc? I know all of them do not go that poorly [mp4 related]
Or just call me a schizo faggot that needs mental help..