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So I am hoping for thoughts, impressions, or any other observations any of you have for an overwhelmed greenhorn about this exchange between myself and a daemon:

I am very new to actually being aware of things around me. I have been going through a lot of shit lately. It has resulted in many, many things around me. I became overwhelmed and began to worry that I had "bit of more than I could chew", so to speak. I was thinking very bad thoughts when I heard a very distinct whisper say "anon, hey anon. I can help you"

>please do

"alright just sit back, i have to check something"

i reclined in my chair and then it felt as though my jaw hap opened wider than it ever had before. It felt as though my cheeks were vibrating and a wind tunnel was inside my mouth and throat. I then heard a "clicking" sound that sounded similar to a growl, but not aggressive. It was like a cat's purr, but a bit louder. It really felt as though my mouth and throat were being analyzed for suitability of some sort. Then I had the sense of something filling my mouth and heading down my throat. This made me uncomfortable, and I said "OK, stop."

The sensation went away, and then I heard the voice whisper:

>oh, don't tell me you are one of those…..

I responded "i am new to all of this, and this is getting a bit intense…"

>pphhtt…. pussy..

then it addressed another in the room

>no, he's scared

I got up from my chair and walked away. then it said:

>anon, I can help you, but I will need to take something in return. what i take is up to you..

[I knew that "take something" did not mean that it wanted my flat screen]

i said "let me think about what you can take". at that moment all activity around me came to dead stop. It seemed as if they were waiting in suspense for what I said next…

I went through a few options in my head for about a minute or longer. and then a light bulb went off in my head. i offered up something that most would be devastated to lose, but my life situation is complicated and fucked up, so losing this would be a blessing for me..

i stated my offering as my "final answer". and I felt a sense of disappointment and a feeling of defeat as if one had just lost a debate.. it then said

>OK, your ____ it is

it did not seem as jovial as it did before. i pictured it walking away with it's head down. I heard something else say

>wow, that was not bad.

and it smiled at the one walking away with it's head down.

There was no activity at all for the rest of the evening, and I actually slept very well. An extreme rarity..

So I am hoping some of the wise ones can give me their interpretation of what had happened during that whole exchange. I am not completely opposed to possesion, but can you tell me why some possesions turn into dramatic screaming, stabbing etc? I know all of them do not go that poorly [mp4 related]

Or just call me a schizo faggot that needs mental help..


i felt the need to clear a few things up about my post…..

what i offered to the daemon makes me feel ashamed, which is why I did not disclose what it was…… but if you must know, then ask…

also, the feeling of defeat I sensed was coming from the daemon i was negotiating with. That daemon had the appearance of a human male, but with a serpent quality to the face. He was also wearing a white lab coat the same as you would see on a doctor or dentist. The other gave off a feminine vibe, but I never got a good look at her.




You're just an average schizo don't worry.



I'll bite OP , what'cha offer the tyke ?

My guess would be some kind of sense , like an emotion or something.

Though you gotta be careful with that stuff , giving up one will give up it's opposite aswell.



Well idk if your a schizo but you definitely make horrible life choices. Don't know why you would trust this thing. Like at all, but whatever. As for possession, can't really say it's a pleasant thing or not. It all depends, what type of thing you are getting possessed by. I imagine people who like getting possessed by demons have some kind of agreement with them that gives them power. As for daemons and godforms, it's a powerful experience. But you are surrendering yourself in these situations, so it's really something I'd probably only do with a deity personally. As for the rampages, it depends on the motive of the entity, but if they are looking for that good negative energy. Then I would imagine something like a stabbing can happen.



Honestly there isn't anything you can't attain as long as you have the desire for it. So "giving something up" in exchange is null. Maybe he gave up something living or his empathy or some shit.



Could God microwave a burrito so hot , even he could not eat it ?


But if he really wanted to he could just cool it and chow down . . . that the gist of it ?


Unless the burrito is nuked and inedible , in which case he makes another ?



IT WAS SOMETHING LIVING. i am related to them by blood (so i am told). most would call me a monster….



*tips fedora*


Did you give them your virginity?



You traitorous faggot

You know why Constantine the emperor is trapped here with mandatory reincarnation ?

Betrayed his own blood

We can not help you but GOD can

1st you Got to pray God a lot ,at the morning, before and after every meal before and after every meditation and before you go to sleep

2nd you got to meditate a lot ,and offer your meditations to God at least the double of your age (if you are 20 year's old meditate 40 minutes ) 3 times at day every day, more if you can .

3RD fast, at least one day of the week and offer it to God

4th no fap ,period

5th do this until GOD help you, showing sincere repent, I don't know how much it will take for him to help you but he will always helps to the one's who help themselves

I really hope God help you anon and keep the faith



Huh ?

What's stopping the person from saying 'no' ?

Are they not sovereign ?



Was it your child . . ?


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your dumb

the demons say "youll never be cool unless you use me"



The whole lab coat/throat inspection thing makes me think it was an alien and not a demon at all. But then there wouldn't have been a "female" present as aliens are sexless.

You're probably dealing with some pervert demon. Offering a relative you don't like, you know, then it's up to the demon to try and take that relative. In reality some humans are incarnated demons whose mission is to mess with people… some people have kids who waste all their money, and that may be because they got the money dishonestly, so they belong to hell. Then they incarnate a demon to take the money from them. Giving up your relatives may not be bad, there's no way to tell.

But if I ever offer something I make it practical. Offering them shrimp sandwiches is actually very effective, if you know how to make a good one. I've used that on several occasions and it always made them happy with the deal.

You'd be surprised at how things are priced – I got 3 souls out from hell in exchange for 3 sandwiches. Souls are pretty common and there are so many of them in hell, they're not worth a lot.


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Oh ho ho, you fucked your shit up fam. Lost the respect of any being you would actually want a relationship with. Welcome to the nether realm nigger.


Yes, but not really. It's more like, if god burned his tongue off with that burrito he could just spawn another tongue.


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situation is a bit more complex than you are thinking, but you still have the right to say what you did.




any particular size? shell on, I am assuming? thank you, I will try that.


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>In reality some humans are incarnated demons whose mission is to mess with people

is it possible that I have offered it another demon as payment?

that would explain it's disappointment, and the behavior of the shit head relative. a demon incarnate would actually explain many things about my life.

you are extremely perceptive anon. you have a very powerful gift. thank you for this very informative post.

i cannot simply remove myself from this relative either. this situation has many layers, as does any hell on earth i suppose….



no anon

you are the demon



can you explain a bit more about that?


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Fuck, i cant fucking stand it… i should offer my love for gossips next time some demon accepts any gif…

OP, in what fucking mess IRL re you in that you need sooooo bad help from this (seemingly low-middle tier) daemons?

i know shit may be hard bro, but just dont give up, and aside from keep making your magicka grow, try to make some IRL friends, you need to find balance in the mind to be a great wizard, but having a good balance in the flesh helps too, and for that, friendship its even more comforting than love sometimes… still i just wish your situation gets better. (but do tell what situation that is plox ^_^)

>Pic totally related.


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thank you for the ghost love, much appreciated.

my situation is like this:

my landlord/relative is a 400 pound eating and drinking machine that pisses and shits all over everything [literally]. They are also mentally ill and fly into rages when the liquor hits them a certain way. I am constantly threatened and screamed at for things that are not in my control. I get kicked out at least once a week, and I have no other place to go.

I am trying to be the good son and care for my ill parent, but the stress and aggravation is taking it's toll. I feel at the end of my rope, I am all out of sympathy and love.

Oddly enough, ever since the "deal", her behavior has improved 95%. I do not know who or what to thank for that, but


Sorry for taking so long to get back, but I tend to fall into a very dark place for weeks at a time… another issue I must work on….



fuck sake, if you can't admit what you offered, you're ashamed of the part of you that did it.

SO ashamed you can't even tell a bunch of strangers, who will judge you of course, but their judgment shouldn't matter to you! only your judgment should matter to you, and that's what you really fear. That or the judgment of a higher power. But you have an aspect of that in you. Just take it as a lesson and you can admit it happened. If you can't accept what you did you'll never be whole, you know. Accept and move on, knowing that desperation drove you and you are mostly/(only?) responsible for what you do NOW. Don't take responsibility for other people's judgment of you.


Fake and gay.

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