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It is widely agreed that desire is a key prerequisite for suffering.

This does not necessarily mean that desire is bad but does mean one possible way to cope with suffering is to try to negate and remove ones own desires. There are other possible ways to cope with suffering. For example, one can accept suffering and desire and try to embrace them. Also, one can apply a combination of coping strategies and not just one.

However, recently I have been wondering if all negative desires that lead to suffering all ultimately come from the want of happiness or joy. Now, just because the desire for happiness can lead to pain sometimes doesn't necessarily mean it is evil or bad. Perhaps, the desire for happiness has some other positive qualities? But I personally am still leaning towards thinking that the desire for happiness is ultimately a worse choice than other motives such as the desire for correct and moral action.

Unfortunately, I am not sure how to approach rating these different approaches to life as I am already questioning the usual "default" utilitarian rating of which approach brings the most happiness and least suffering. I suppose if I was an anarchist like Max Stirner or a nihilist I might ultimately declare something like "I desire to do what I desire to do and in the emptiness and meaningless of the void I need no justification for the choices of my ego" but this seems tautological to me.

One approach I have been considering is that happiness is ultimately contentment with ones situation and so leads to stasis. I think that I would prefer to change and grow over being content and staying the same. For this reason, I think I prefer suffering over happiness.


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I would say attachment is prerequisite for suffering. This is often related to desire, but is not desire in and of itself.

Often people experience suffering when they are attached to the outcome, or if their desires do not manifest how or when they wanted them to. But again, it's not the desire, it's the attachment to it's form that causes pain.

Desire itself is a good thing. It powers you, it drives and motivates you to act, to create, to become. Without desire you would be content to be another's (wage) slave your whole life.

In many different beliefs it is taught your desire should be for God. This I agree with. Any other desires are secondary, and almost invariably shall pass or change in time, either in manifestation or impetus, which may result in suffering if attached. (The love of) God alone remains the rock in the eternal flux of life.



This talk reminds me of Kierkegaard. You seem to have a similar idea that one must remain attached to god. However, I must wonder: is satisfaction from a leap to faith really satisfactory? Many people seem to be content or happy with their closeness and devotion to god but are their beliefs nothing but a comforting fantasy that they indulge in to hide from themselves the deepest and most darkest form of despair?

You say that any other form of attachment leads to suffering. I should want to suffer if it means I do not indulge in this kind of Apollonian hedonism of the mind.


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>Many people seem to be content or happy with their closeness and devotion to god but are their beliefs nothing but a comforting fantasy that they indulge in to hide from themselves the deepest and most darkest form of despair?

I can agree with this. Believing in God (intellectually) and experientially knowing God and feeling him in your body and in your everyday life are very different things. For me it's the latter and there is no delusion nor leap of faith to experience and know God.

>is satisfaction from a leap to faith really satisfactory?

I say no. Others might argue that point.

>I should want to suffer if it means I do not indulge in this kind of Apollonian hedonism of the mind.

Do as you desire, suffer or not, but know that if you can personally connect to the primal source of all creation, you can find eternal peace and love, even on this Earth.

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