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Let us have an honest left-hand-path thread.

This is the wizarding board, is it not?

Let us discuss the path of 'damnation', and the low-magic powers thereof… and also the 'high-magic' thereof…

Sure, everyone likes practical abilities, but what good are those without inner peace?


You are right but then again a soul at peace live of it's self. Soul at peace in our universe is not real peace not complete peace. So it is really all about not doing things that put you too deep in the hole of stress. You can still do magick without inner peace.



sure, I could agree with that.

Now about that left-hand-path business…


Why does nobody like the right hand path?



I am walking the Left Hand Path. Or so people may think about me. Personally I consider myself as walking in the gray area between LHP and RHP and using both.

But, then again, the term in itself is meaningless. I have knowledge in both Western and Eastern LHP and some people use it to describe generally 'edgy' magic, or the path which ends in separating from the creator or left hand worship in tantra involving rites of 5Ms, or just people don't giving a fuck about morals etc.

Especially in the East Vamachara is generally misunderstood and can be anything between worship not according to orthodox, Vedic rules and necromancy-like practices of Aghori. But Eastern LHP doesn't involve negative emotions which are generally linked to LHP. A sadhaka loves terrible, destructive goddesses and gods with all his heart.

Also, one can help his fellow humans and at the same time walk the LHP. STS/STO is completely different story.

>everyone likes practical abilities, but what good are those without inner peace?

I think that if an adherent of LHP isn't at peace with himself then he chose the wrong path.


What are some good LHP books to read up on?



ONA materials are okay.



I guess that people get into magick particurarly cause of increased material abundance, and that just leads to thickier ego. I don't like playing with demon stuff, I'm personally more into white magick, helping many people and also myself, not getting attached to earthly things.



Gonna add that I listen to angels, my soul and God. I believe I will get everything I need along my path to complete my mission, also I'm working with law of attraction and thought vibrations to attract desired results. I often bless people or atleast visualize it, huge white light of pillar, and sometimes more complicated ones to cleanse their energy body and send positive energies.

Don't wanna mess with demon stuff at all, just my personal likeness, although I have read great deal of occult.



That is not true. It's just typically the right hand pathers stick in the background more so I think, just due to the nature of Good being a more subtle force vs Evil which is more in your face.



They do, lovely anon, its just that the right-hand path followers usually have their own pages and dont use the *Chans boards.


>I think that if an adherent of LHP isn't at peace with himself then he chose the wrong path.

So much this^


So what do you guys think of Koetting? is it reliable source? i just found out about him by the Kingdoms of Flame book and then found his videos on youtube, seems 60% legit, 10% show 30% marketing (at least his latest videos)… but i feel i need more opinions, what do you guys say?



I've read some books from him and honestly I don't know what to think. Some of it seems a bit scamy and I didn't like his books much, but then again I think I've only read Become a Living God and just went through one other.

Some say he's shit, some say he isn't, others say he's shit but he does collaborations with legit wizards.


File: 1451380236780.pdf (4.5 MB, Kingdoms_Of_Flame.pdf)


i see, well i will wait for other anons and then deicide, thanks anon, have the book, its really not that long to call it a book, but has some interesting sigils tho.


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Also, does anyone have any good materials on necromancy? They are so fucking hard to come by, all I've seen is just some Wicca-tier shit or other edgy bullshit or some stupid ritual magic just dressed in edgy clothes.

Someone posted here some materials long ago which I saved but they aren't that good either imho. Aghori are great but there aren't any "manuals" of Aghora practice, only some treaties and those Svoboda's books on Vimalananda. Also, procuring a corpse for Shava Sadhana is troublesome in this place and age.

Other places I know I could find at least some info is Shamanism and Voodoo but haven't looked much into that yet.

I've heard of a book Charnel Whispers which supposedly is good and practical but it doesn't exist in .pdf as far as I know.

I suppose I could learn it all by myself but I wonder if there aren't any legit sources.



Turn back towards god and avoid the firs of hell. You won't find a book on necromancy that isn't shit.


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>Turn back towards god and avoid the firs of hell

You don't seem to have any idea what you are talking about.

>You won't find a book on necromancy that isn't shit

Are you speaking from personal experience?

Also, this is LHP thread, so I kindly ask you to go preach somewhere else.



>so I kindly ask you to go preach somewhere else.

that's not kindly asking. That's saying "I kindly ask." There's a difference and its absolute.



>Also, procuring a corpse for Shava Sadhana is troublesome in this place and age.

Producing a corpse is actually easier than ever in this day and age.

You do realize that millions of people go missing every year and a large portion of those people are murdered right?


I just wanted to thank everyone for being here and contributing to this pool of energy. I was invited here by an anonymous person and found myself quite involved after a few visits. It is truly entertaining to explore the different depths of what this universe has to offer. I am currently trying to experiment with different things to see what works for me and what does not. most of it seems to be an exercise of the imagination.



>exercise of the imagination

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.

The logic behind magic is that we create what we are imagining.

If you can dream it anon, you can manifest it. Anything is possible.



True enough, but I don't want to shit on my karma. At least not that much.


Could anyone post a list of non-bullshit magick books here? I've read quite a few and the one that seems really good so far is only the book of knowledge, there's also personal power but it's a very long read


File: 1451427734347.pdf (1.83 MB, Lobsang Rampa - You Foreve….pdf)



>almost 2016

>still thinks karma is some kinda objective measure of your acts




Sorry, i fucked up the upload in >>65675, the good file size its around 82Mb, couldn't upload it here so this is the link




I'm not saying it is, but murdering someone is a sure way to get fucked up in the future or in the future birth. Unless ofc you can completely disengage yourself from the act and cut any emotional connections which I think I wouldn't be able to do, not to mention that a planned murder will always have some connections as it is not completely spontaneous and the conscious decision is still there.



The "fucked up in the future birth" is something I quite doubt. The problem with "karma" when it becomes a dogma on the objective way the universe works is that you have to eat a shitload of bs with it so that it is coherent, including a lot of dogma on reincarnations.

Otherwise, the thing is easier: You reap what you sow. If you're an asshole, shit will end up hitting the fan in your direction. And when you're doing magick, if you're attracting "death" to your life to murder someone, you might have more "death" than you asked for.



>Unless ofc you can completely disengage yourself from the act and cut any emotional connections which I think I wouldn't be able to do, not to mention that a planned murder will always have some connections as it is not completely spontaneous and the conscious decision is still there.

There are people who have killed hundreds and felt nothing, but they are born that way.


I don't see LHP as bad, just gives you the option to do good or bad with the removal of restrictions that other systems/religions have. I liked reading some of the stuff, but I'm not going out being a super criminal or anything. You can still have inner peace with it.




"Spiritual" people think there must be some deep reward system in the Universe, but the idea that you can be a psychopath and feel nothing and thus cheat such mechanism makes that fairy-tale religious ideas crumble.



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