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There is absolutely no evidence that there is anything at all like a personal god in reality. There is no reason to invent elaborate conspiracy theories about Demiurges or egregores to explain human history. We have zero reason to believe that there is some mega cosmic bad entity doing anything with this world.

Ironically, these fantasies embody the classically Jewish rejection of reason in favor of paranoia and literal mythology. The Greek attitude is rational and nobler: show me the evidence.



There are plenty of 'personal gods', Yaweh was originally a Babylonian idol who was given power by a race of people who chose to worship him, read the bible.



>who was given power

Why do you believe that? He's real in their minds, yes, but I think the atheists have it right.

>read the bible

But it's just a book. I'm not dismissing this theory btw, I'd like to know if there is anything to it.



read the fucking faq



Yahweh can best be described as a thoughtform that gets its power and influence through its followers.

They are actively feeding him, therefore people need to pray to him. Prayers, belief and attention are its nourishment.

He is not really 'fake' in that sense, but purely arbitrary



>purely arbitrary

Humans are also a type of thoughtform so I assume you are a nihilist.


I am pretty sure that Jews believe in a power that is devoid of identification to the point where the belief in him is up to you. The priesthood has always been the main power of the Jews.


It doesn't matter what Jews believe because they stole the identity of the Hebrew tribes or Ancient Israelites. They are just a bunch of Khazar schmucks.

They worship Saturn, that's what their little hats and forehead things are for.

Their golem forms are empowered through blood letting and ritual magic, invocation of reptilians.

Their energy goes to the thoughtform Jehova, the harvesting of souls through "the one" and "the light".

It is my understanding that this is different from Yahweh, one of the Aryan Gods and perhaps EA. "May his name be blotted out." - The kikes

The Bible is just a retelling of the Annuanaki blood feuds. It has been altered too much to be a reliable source of info, but if one can discern proper conduct from the passages go right ahead.


Then again I may be wrong in my assumption to the character of Yahweh being Enki but he is a grand trickster…

It would make more sense if it was Anu, the old father who wants to kill off Humanity and sees us as a threat.


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