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Esoteric Wizardry


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RIP freedomboard.kirara.ca.
The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

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So… it happened again.

I post on this board and less than an hour later I get attacked by multiple people, trying to use lethal curses/spells or whatever. This is both rude and stupid. Haven't you realized yet that you can't do these things to me? How many of your kind do I have to beat up?

Whatever you send at me I'll just send back, you can't blame anyone else than yourselves for using those ugly things. If someone attacked me and got hit really hard, it was just because he was stupid enough to use something he didn't know how to defend himself against. That should be a basic lesson - other people see what you do, so once you attacked someone with something, you can be attacked back with that same thing.

Get into your heads that this is not my fault. Whoever comes and cries he was attacked, was hit by his own crap.

Am I angry? No, I am offended. Not only by your lack of skill, but in trying to help people improve, this is what you give back?



>being schizophrenic

>taking shitposting 'this' seriously

Your loosh has been collected, thank you for the service.


Smiley? AGAIN?!



>A fedora

>loosh farming


>mfw I shitpost all the time and no ones sending "curses" my way

You must be a real schizo pussy


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>magical curse over anonymous image board

>reverse magical curse over anonymous image board

>I'm an adult




Fuck off. I'll fucking kill you






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Good to know that schizophrenia is not a virtue here anymore.

OP, just chill, meditate, and reevaluate what you think is going on. Like others are keen to point out, the shield of anonymity defends you. No one here has made you their problem.



You're a fool is you think the represent the whole.



To calm yourself and reevaluate is never a bad idea when you have the time to do so. Presumably he has that time, if he stopped by to post about it.

I can't speak for everyone, that doesn't need saying, anon. But most people don't look for trouble without a reason.


>modern age

>not having protective spells


>chan curses

lol are you that new?


I belive op is still in war whit himself


Accurate depiction of what OP is doing in this thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rba299bVoZI


Fuck, I can't stand this board very much anymore, it has gone to shit in my absence and I can't do anything about it because cancer has taken over.

I'll return again in a month or whatever maybe. Most anons here are probably completely closed off to others thoughtforms and therefore are ignorant of how one can indeed receive, quite easily, the thoughtforms of others if they invoke water often enough.



>implying I don't do LBRP 7 times daily

>implying my house isn't built of orgonite, and blessed


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Poeple shouldn't come to this chan without hiding behind 7 LBRPs


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And that will stop people from trying? As if the entrenchements of WW1 stopped anyone from attacking, right?


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>using magic to win arguments on the internet



>not having a regularly recharged energy shield with the ability to return all harmful thoughtforms 3 times as strong back to the sender

Feels good to be able to differentiate between my own thoughts and that of others.

You're right about the board tho, everything that was to gain from it has been gained by anyone who takes magic seriously, all we can do now is give back.


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>using shields that need charging

Also what did I tell you?



All shields need recharging / need an energy source to power them.



Not if you use shields of fully collapsed matter.

Hint: imagine something like depleted uranium, like they portray it in the Rosewell tv-series. The idea is pretty much right on. The aliens can't break walls of depleted uranium. Figure this out and you don't need an energy source.



Think of it more in terms of WW2, which is more akin to the nazitard memeism in /fringe/

LBRP is your Maginot line. But the evul sorcerors are not going to invade the Netherlands then invade you. If there's an undefended Netherlands and you have Maginots all over, well… you won't have to surrender like france.

7 LBRPs.


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>You're right about the board tho, everything that was to gain from it has been gained by anyone who takes magic seriously, all we can do now is give back.

>all we can do now is give back.

This, 100 times, this.

In time we shall greenpill all the newfigs and degenerates and they will learn either by our wisdom or by their pain. Either way awareness and spirit prevails.



Good luck, I'm behind 7 Lesser Banishing Rituals of the Pentagram!

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