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Yhe, what the title says… The thing is i see you guys use that word ofthen but i dont understand it at all, when doig a quick search mostly of i see its usually from Jewish origins and its seen as a bad thing, i also have encountered post like this:

>"In Cabala *, evil takes on a mysterious existence of its own, which its precepts trace back to the physical appearance of life on earth, or Adam. Cabala claims that Adam throws the entire stream of life out of balance, and that the Church, or Christianity, by formalizing the physical existence of the Adamite people on earth, have become a problem which must be resolved. This is the essence of the basic anti -life principle underlying all Cabala and its heir, Freemasonry. These precepts declare that Satanism will achieve its final triumph over the Church and Christianity, thus ending the "dualism" of this world, the struggle between good and evil. In short, the problem of good and evil will be ended when evil triumphs and good is eliminated from the earth. This program may sound somewhat simplistic, but it is the basic premise of the Cabala and Freemasonry.

>* Cabala appears in various spellings through history, principally "Cabala." Also Kabbalah, Kabala, etc. These anti -life precepts are now to be encountered, and dealt with, in many of the developments of our civilization. The descendants of the Canaanites instinctively hate and actively oppose such progress as technology, urban life, industrialism, and the cultural achievements of humanity. Their basic goal is to return the earth to the primitivism of its pre-Adamic state, when a Neanderthal type of human roamed at will over an earth which had no "civilized" aspects to remind him of his primitivism. The end purpose is to "restore" pre-Adamic man, so that Adamite man, as a creation of God, no longer presents an obstacle to Satan and his rule over this world." David Livingstone in "Terrorism and the Illuminati, A Three-Thousand-Year History": " The Kabbalah was devised in the sixth century BC, as an aberration of Judaism, which combined Babylonian magic and astrology. It was from this point onward that the Bible was compiled, and evidently underwent some corruption in order to incorporate these new teachings. To understand the history of the Illuminati, it is therefore first necessary to look at the Bible. There, by assessing the claims of their descent, we can determine the nature of the Illuminati beliefs, before we can then follow the evolution of their conspiracy over time, from the days of Herod the Great, to the Khazars, the Crusades, and finally to our time, and the advent of al Qaeda. The Illuminati claim descent from the Fallen Angels, from whom they supposedly learned the “Ancient Wisdom”, also known as the Kabbalah. These “Fallen Angels” are referred to in the Bible, Book of Genesis, as the Nephilim, or “Sons of God”, and were said to have descended to earth and intermarried with human beings. Christian interpretations struggle with the passage, choosing to translate the term into “mighty men”. However, apocryphal Jewish texts explain that they were the Lucifer and his legions, who were cast out of Heaven, and took wives from the female descendants of Cain. They produced a race, according to the Bible, known as the Anakim. According to the Illuminati, it is these other-worldly beings who first introduced humanity to the occult arts, including astrology, magic and alchemy. This account of history is believed by occultists to accord with that of the lost continent of Atlantis, and that the race produced by the intermixing of these Fallen Angels and humans is thought to be the Aryans. Supposedly, their corruption caused great corruption on the earth, to such an extent that, according to these same Apocryphal works, God decided to destroy them through the Flood."

i mean, you can count me in in all that gas the kikes, race war ñyow stuff, but from /fringe/ perspective what esactly its kabbala, how it was born and why its seem to be mostly jew related? its trully theirs or its rebranded from an older culture?

Pic unrelated


shameles self bump


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It's one of the oldest traditions there is. And yes, they did get it from many other cultures, but they added their own touches. A lot of what the Kabbalah is is esoteric symbology explaining the nature of the third density and its creation. Ein Soph Aur is a good representation of what the Creator of the Universe looks like - I encountered a being that looked just like it in my astral travels - but it is also a metaphor for the creative process that any being has within it. It involves a point of energy from which all things emanate. But the Kabbalah is more than just explaining the creation of this third dimension, it's also a method of understanding and explaining biblical metaphor, understand the meaning of certain symbols, especially the Sephirot and Tree of Life, as well as the Merkaba. It is an excellent repository of knowledge in relation to giving oneself "Godly," powers, as well as other esoteric knowledge, however, and thus I would recommend if you are delving into the art of symbology or "magic".

Pic related, it's the Creator of the Universe, and then what I saw made using graphics


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I neglected to mention - It's what certain groups use as validation that human beings are meant to become Creators themselves (the ancient, forbidden truth). Also, the layers on the Ein Soph (Assiah, Yetzirah, Beriah, and Atziluth) symbolize the giant pillar of light which extends infinitely from the top down of the circle around the point. The observation I gave you (as well as theirs) is a top-down view, with the layers symbolizing the pillar of light (Aur) emerging from the Ein Soph (meaning never-ending, referring to the Point) If you looked at it from afar from within the fourth dimension, it would look similar to (but not identical to) pic related.

Note that our creator and universe/multiverse are but one dot among infinite dots that are adjacent to it on all sides, similar to patches on a tapestry quilt.

Source: astrally travelling to the fourth dimension




fucking noice anon, pretty well explained. Thanks.

and i certainly i found interesting the first 2 images… i guess there is also a huge relation between them and the use of similar patterns in things like hypnosis?


Does anyone have any good books on the kabbalah for a beginner interested in it? I can't find anything in the book library



I would say there is definitely a link between the two.

And no problem, Kabbalah is a mystical art that explains a lot about esoteric groups upon further study.

There was a very good book I found for it in a rather obscure library near where I'm at, you can order some books online but the book I read was the most descriptive of all of them. I'll post the name of the book here when I find it.

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