Please post anything pertaining to mobility magick in this thread. By this I mean anything that concerns itself with getting around and being in multiple far apart places really fast.
>turning into a werecreature and travelling large distances very fast in this form
>trances ancient messengers used to travel absurd distances very fast without ever stopping
>using, constructing, and opening up portals to take you from one place to another
>becoming a cloud and moving very fast to somewhere else in this way
>summoning UFOs to transport you
Any personal experiences in traveling by occult means I am very interested to hear posted in this thread.
I aim to put this shit into practice and get a mobile internet plan then go anywhere in the world I want really fast by occult means and be able to post still from anywhere.
I also anticipate major happenings VERY soon in which the old means of getting around, cars and so on, will all be useless and being able to move from one place to another super fast will help one survive.