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Please post anything pertaining to mobility magick in this thread. By this I mean anything that concerns itself with getting around and being in multiple far apart places really fast.


>turning into a werecreature and travelling large distances very fast in this form

>trances ancient messengers used to travel absurd distances very fast without ever stopping

>using, constructing, and opening up portals to take you from one place to another



>becoming a cloud and moving very fast to somewhere else in this way

>summoning UFOs to transport you

Any personal experiences in traveling by occult means I am very interested to hear posted in this thread.

I aim to put this shit into practice and get a mobile internet plan then go anywhere in the world I want really fast by occult means and be able to post still from anywhere.

I also anticipate major happenings VERY soon in which the old means of getting around, cars and so on, will all be useless and being able to move from one place to another super fast will help one survive.


I need a picture for this thread btw so if anyone has one, please post it, so I can delete and remake this thread with a picture.



>I also anticipate major happenings VERY soon


People have been saying this since the 60's


brainless sissy wizard



There's this thing called walking maybe you've hurd of it, or are you gnu heir?



I don't care what others have been saying, I have known the happenings would take place between 2015 to 2030 since I was very young, and I still have every reason to believe it as I continue to see it all unfold. We are right now completing the first year and everything is all set now, many things I've been saying would happen have happened now, including the melting of much of the icecaps, mass migrations of poor shitskins into white nations, etc. it's all HAPPENING.


Get the fuck off of /fringe/ mundane fedora tipper.


>maek sanic da hodgeheg tulpah

>giv it ur bodie

>gotsa a gogh faest


bump because I really want examples, theories, etc. from people that have used any forms of mobility-related magick



I too am also interested. I've heard stories of yogic flight and seen a video of one levitating. But nothing practical really.

IIH talks of being able to invoke enough Air to levitate, but I can not confirm personally.



I wonder if anyone has done the stuff metioned in Magical Use of Thoughtforms about turning into a wolf and running super fast through forests and stuff in this form.

I also found an Obeah text about what was basically yogic flight.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

These methods all seem like too much work, except for just teleporting.

But if you can do any of those for other reasons, you can probably do them for transport as well.

If you're worried about a happening, why not cast protection on yourself? Or become invisible? That way, you can take your sweet time and enjoy the view.



Before then even.


>I don't care what others have been saying, I have known the happenings would take place between 2015 to 2030 since I was very young, and I still have every reason to believe it as I continue to see it all unfold. We are right now completing the first year and everything is all set now, many things I've been saying would happen have happened now, including the melting of much of the icecaps, mass migrations of poor shitskins into white nations, etc. it's all HAPPENING.

yeah we heard that before.



What kind of protection is going to get you rapidly away from burning forests, bombed out cities, advancing tanks, etc.?


Why are people even questioning WHY mobility magick should be obtained ITT?

If there is no reason not to, and if it catches one's fancy, just do it.

Parkour can be thought of as mobility magick. Are you going to tell a wizard he should not become the ultimate parkour master?

What if you don't want to be dependent on cars, planes, etc. to get around and you want to free yourself from the need for money?

Gotta go fast mateys.


File: 1451779473048.jpg (99.83 KB, 512x768, 2:3, eNwaPiE-1.jpg)

Seere and Shax will transport goods. Gaap and Halpas will transport men. Descriptions of the attributes of the Goetic spirits are, of course, in any copy of The Goetia and around the internet.



Well, I would imagine the proper protection would make everything conviniently ignore you. You could be invisible to oncoming tanks, convinently survive bombings and fires, etc.

I'm not going to say mobility magick doesn't interest me, but it seems like by the time you'd be able to accomplish it you could just do something else.

Sort of like magick to manifest money. You could physically manifest money, but then you could manifest what you want making money useless. Or you could physically change your body to look well toned, or you could just do the work physically and achieve the goal faster.



How do you get to this level though?

Phisically manifesting objects, changing yourself?




It's all about the means of manifestation. Meaning, help magic help you.

Align yourself with a goal and use magick to be the,"wind in your sails," so to speak. If you aren't sure which direction you want to go, use divination (tarot/runes/etc) to give you your heading.

When you are analyzing what you want most in life, think of what you first come up with as a hunk of ore. Use your intuition to strip the impurities from it until you are left with what you really want. So on the surface you may want a better body right? Ask yourself why? What will this do for you? Does this impede or put on hold many other important things you may want to do in your life?

Finding what you truly want, much like magick, isn't easy, but never impossible.



awaken kundalini, get siddhis


To you it may sound easy but your words don't help those who need advice.



how do you acquire siddhis?

I haven't seen any info here on it


File: 1452693942704.jpg (928.32 KB, 1024x1547, 1024:1547, Breivheart.jpg)

Could one of you wizards magically move Breivik out of his prison and into Germany?

They need him there.


Couldn't you just manifest a better world and not have to worry about the happening? I'm just wondering because I myself am quite concerned with the situation we're in these days. We have so much cool stuff and I don't want all our technology to just disappear or become only accessible to the wealthy because of wars or other stuff.



There are whole organizations working on that.

Ever heard of "Immantizing the eschaton" or "aeonics" or "battle for the aeon"?

many groups, including IOT, POEE, Jews, Freemasons and Aliens are actively competing for the destiny of Earth, just like the illuminati card game.



I shall give thought about it.



full of disinfo



then whats the truth lad







I am sure you can be more specific.

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