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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hello /fringe/. Have any of you here used the (Ars) Goetia to summon demons?

I ask simply as a curious mind as to what such conversations took place between the summoner and the summoned.


self bamp



I have, with Thomas Karlsson (Dragon Rouge) method. He describes a method in one of his books in which you don't need two people (one commanding, the other one the seer).

I perceived the entities but didn't engage in conversation. When they were in the triangle I ordered them to do the thing I wanted them to do and it worked remarkably well. Weird creatures, though.



And did you owe them anything for their deeds?



anon you can't just mention it without explaining it


Can they cause significant physical changes? I am not talking about getting job offers or some nonsense, but if they could change your DNA and bone structure.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In short it is cultivating atmosphere, before letting the mind project it self on to something separate from the ego. Something being a black mirror. It however is hard to tell what he actually believes. He says that it is all imagination, but then he claims that there is a divine creator. Whatever, but he seems to know what he is talking about.


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Nope. I ordered the demons around, and they did their duty.


I've pointed out the method I've used, and that you don't need two people for evocation (though I guess if you want to engage in some conversation you'll need to be perceptive or get some help from someone who is).

The method uses the standard circle and triangle, and a crystal ball before the triangle. You focus on the ball as you call it. In my case it becomes blurry and a clear presence is felt. It is subtle, yet I know the feeling quite well.

Reminded me a lot on how servitors work in chaos magick, though these demons have a personality of their own. So, be careful not to start meddling with the ones for which it is written that they're evil bastards.


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Here you go OP:


Its the times and living of a guy who went all the way to summong all og the goetia spirits/demons and write a little about them in a more 21th Century way, i find it weird that he refers to them as aliens instead of daemons but oh well. its still quite good.


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Am I tripping balls, or do you have an arizona ice tea and a gram of weed in your circle?


Yeah brah i summoned Leraje and he gave me some sick Green Arrow gear.


I commend you, but keep in mind you will lose control if you dont understand the goetia, being that the 72 demons represent 72 parts of you brain and control over the "programming" I have seen a lot of people lose themselves to insanity so I balance out my goetia studies and practice with manly p hall and carl jung. They are part of you, they can be good friends or enemies. But its the practitioners job to keep them in check. You dont want tulpas on your hands ;)


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>Bumping a Daemon "summoning" thread that uses a kike method which practically binds them



Then what's a "good" method then?


Yea mate, they are really happy do be summoned and then obey to a insect like you, do it.

Start with Belial for better results


File: 1458606114743.pdf (7.18 MB, DuQuette - Illustrated Goe….pdf)

I'll just throw this in here i guess



Why Belial specifically?



There is none.

If you're still so unknowledgeable on the subject that you need to ask a Laotian crab fishing forum about it then the cost of summoning any kind of demon far outweighs any type of benefit you could get from it.


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