>>>/vis/733 warning don't attempt without having practicsed beforehand how to generate and store massive amounts of your vital energy in your body first so you can recover from a magickal operation of this intensity fast…
To evoke a form successfully one must imagine a form and intensify it to a degree where details start filling in. At some point every missing detail is obtained.
This technique may be used to observe a form where initially very little was known about the form. It may also strengthen certain correspondence effects, such as being able to draw out either the personality or the awareness (or both) of a target into the astral body thus formed.
Without going through all the thoughtforming exercises needed to be able to do this, you could as well evoke beings into arbitrary forms.
There are 3 aspects of evocation to attend to here:
1. The drawing out of a form into completeness.
2. The drawing out of a personality.
3. The drawing out of awareness.
There are 3 different skills to be developed independently or together. A great many tasks can be accomplished by use of the above aspects. All 3 used together is a full evocation of the intended target. A fourth aspect to consider would be the strengthening of the astral body created to make it more material, thus making it more serviceable in various ways, bringing it into physical appearance, allowing interaction with the physical environment, bilocation or teleportation, etc.