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>>>/vis/733 warning don't attempt without having practicsed beforehand how to generate and store massive amounts of your vital energy in your body first so you can recover from a magickal operation of this intensity fast…

To evoke a form successfully one must imagine a form and intensify it to a degree where details start filling in. At some point every missing detail is obtained.

This technique may be used to observe a form where initially very little was known about the form. It may also strengthen certain correspondence effects, such as being able to draw out either the personality or the awareness (or both) of a target into the astral body thus formed.

Without going through all the thoughtforming exercises needed to be able to do this, you could as well evoke beings into arbitrary forms.

There are 3 aspects of evocation to attend to here:

1. The drawing out of a form into completeness.

2. The drawing out of a personality.

3. The drawing out of awareness.

There are 3 different skills to be developed independently or together. A great many tasks can be accomplished by use of the above aspects. All 3 used together is a full evocation of the intended target. A fourth aspect to consider would be the strengthening of the astral body created to make it more material, thus making it more serviceable in various ways, bringing it into physical appearance, allowing interaction with the physical environment, bilocation or teleportation, etc.


Further notes/updates:

1. The third phase of evocation can not be completed without first having done the exercises in The Arcane Formulas or Raja Yoga. In other words, you must consciously recognize your own spirit first, before you can call out the awareness/spirit of another into a form. Indentification with spirit lifts you above the plane of personality which is itself a separate plane.

2. Are you trying to call upon a spirit someone else has used, such as in my case one that resides in a magickal rock given to me, and want to reach that same spirit? Feel free to give it a light body or ill-defined form then ask it after you've established communication with it to assume its true or a more suiting form that better represents its nature. It will then change the form you gave it to manifest through into its proper form.


3. Always hold the distinction between form, personality, and spirit in your mind. Noobs will fail to recognize the true form of a thing, or they will get in contact with someone's persona without reaching their awareness. A third possibility that may sometimes happen, although perhaps more rarely, is they may draw out the awareness/spirit of someone (lets say a friend) into a different persona and/or form, which will result in their friend having experienced a "dream" in which they had the form or personality of someone else. If you feel like fucking around with mundanes / neophytes / etc. really anyone that doesn't understand what I'm telling here you can make people experience and do some funny things by drawing their spirit out and forcing them to experience through the interface of a different persona or body.

4. Please nobody try to fuck with me using the knowledge I have just released to all of /fringe/, I've already got my counter-measures ready for if someone tries to evoke me in a way I don't want to be evoked. Feel free to evoke me just don't give me a form or persona that is not pleasing to my default.


5. Don't forcefully evoke someone who is on a bike or driving a car or operating heavy machinery, and if you do decide to do that anyways make sure either that they safely and automatically get to their destination while entranced / continue their work while unaware of doing so or that you give them sufficient time to recognize that sleepy-like entrancing pull and to get to somewhere they can "pass out" safely. You may also put a time-bubble around them, causing them to lose no time at all (or very little) after being evoked, so that even if you do something with them over a period of… quite a lot of time they may return to their body as if no or very little time passed.

6. You may also consult the abduction literature such as Chasing Phantoms for ideas here.

Evocation / "abduction" is something that occurs all the time and many examples of it may be found recorded in many different fields of literature, though only the magician understands the true causes and operation of the forces behind this phenomena. It often happens that people unintentionally evoke others in total ignorance of how they did it; they none the less use the same underlying process.


Practise for increasing the vital energy in the body:

It helps a lot to have skill in elemental magick first or to develop elemental powers alongside this practicse, and I especially favour Earth magick here.

Work over your whole aura, passing the awareness and the hands if you like (you can use your physical hands and also multiple other astran hands at same time!), filling it with vibrant bright red colour to increase vitality.

Feel every cell being encouraged and filled with warmth and activity, your whole body working to repair itself and remove dissonant forces.

If you want, invoke fire and burn up bad stuff, but be careful not to burn yourself really badly if you do this wrong! Otherwise you're probably going to have lots of skin fall off as if you have been badly sun burned.

You should feel very life-positive and unable to seriously entertain any nihilistic notions. The intense emotional energy pouring through you makes you feel full of purpose and drive.

If your magickal workings are exhausting you and making you lose your lust for life, feel drained, sad, etc. you need to purge/banish/purify/vitalize/etc. all actions required to restore the equilibrium in your body and make fill you with vital energy again.



If you want to do Earth magick here, vibrate the vital energy through your whole body, feeling actual vibrations / touch-related force going through your body, and carrying the intentions to the body parts.


This is all purely from experience and what I've learned from entities. I still haven't read Practise of Magical Evocation by Franz Bardon due to the book in the library being corrupted.


I should also note that there are many preconditions for evocation besides what I've mentioned. You should already have strong astral senses and be well on your way through the basics of a manual like IIH. Evocation is advanced magick.


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[12/19/15, 3:11:28 PM] Fringe Wizard: I also don't do evocation n' shit because

[12/19/15, 3:11:46 PM] Fringe Wizard: >treading waters >staying safe with basic practices while continuining my study

Tbh there was another post where you said there are a lot of trickster and you sucked WWA's dick and was a a good goy, OP .

>Evocation Pro




Nice find. He's such a pretentious little cunt.



>implying op is fringe wizard



You're either a troll or a newfig.




Thanks for the loosh mundanes.


brainless sissy wizard

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