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File: 1451704472405.jpg (99.58 KB, 583x600, 583:600, 1541Radha with Krishna pla….jpg)


“In the sastra it is said this Kali-yuga is full of faults, so many faults. It is the ocean of faults. But there is a very nice thing, asti hy eko mahan gunah, a very great quality. What is that? Kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet [SB 12.3.51]. If you simply chant Hare Krishna mantra, then you become perfect. Is it very difficult? Chant Hare Krishna and you become perfect. But we are so unfortunate, we are not even prepared to chant. This is our position. So you have to make little determination that ‘I shall chant henceforward Hare Krishna mantra.’ Then everything is all right.”


How do these mantras help if you're self-deluding yourself that everything is alright?


You ain't getting my loosh.


Just say Jesus Christ instead if you are considering doing this. OP, prove me wrong




Of course these will both work. Why are people afraid of the Kali Yuga? It's shit, I agree. And it's getting worse from here on out, but as with everything, it's ending as soon as it has started. Ride the wave, see shit burn, don't become an asshole and see this one through. After that, have yourself a glorious Satya Yuga!



Because you're self-deluding yourself that everything isn't alright, to begin with.

What is suffering but a perception that you're a victim? The victim is only a victim so long as he blames others for how he feels. Others do not necessarily intend harm, but if the victim perceives harm, then harmful feelings result. That's the kind of thing that SJWs do, train people to perceive more things as harmful.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nice alchemical symbolism you have there. Like that curry nigger is really blue… I ain't no fool.

These jive turkey religions have been tampered with and don't represent the original teachings.

What the ancient scripture says can be useful in having perception, but the chances of the mantra being passed down intact is unlikely…

An example is the sacred Aum being desecrated into Om for the New Age scene.

Vibration is important and for that you might have to have higher senses.

And you better know how to pronounce Sanskrit, nigga.


It's not symbolism. Blue-skinned people do exist! There are also somewhat pink hued people. And people with elven ears! This is real!


Blue skin = cold bloated = in Control = Indigo child/adult

Everything is conect.


Chanting Hare Krishna seems like feeding an egregore that probably won't even do anything for you. Could use that energy instead to do something for yourself, by yourself


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how come krshna means blue?

reminds me of oxygen deprived flesh



dont trust the idiot. his info on the mantra's power is accurate but he's trying to sell it to u guys too hard. Krishna means black, the 'n' and 'r' have a very specific pronounciation (r as in 'urn', not 'run', and i don't think the 'n' has an english sound equivalent so u'll need to find out how to pronounce it by looking up the tongue placement).

the incarnated supreme godhead was darkskinned (being indian), was born in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India. the modern images of all our gods have been changed from darksinned to blue and they try to change the meanings too. this was done under british pressure who wanted to devalue our dark skin, make us feel shitty about ourselves (101 of culture domination of an invading force).

>Dark skin is highly esteemed among these people. ‘When a child is born they anoint him once a week with oil of sesame, and this makes him grow much darker’ (replaced since by ‘Fair & Lovely’ creams!). No wonder their gods are all black ‘and their devils white as snow.

from http://www.3quarksdaily.com/3quarksdaily/2009/01/marco-polos-india.html#sthash.AJHYvxMn.dpuf

now u can doubt hindu gods as being demons leading u astray frmo the one true god (untrue since hindus will be the first to tell u of them being manifestations from the one true god or bhagwan or ishwar) but dont forget india's history and suppression of ancient knowledge and culture.



stfu shitskin

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