Been thinking about talismans. In our society money seems like some sort of magic talisman you show people to get things from them. Also police badges act as talismans as well. School diplomas are types of talismans.
People seem motivated to pursue talismans that can grant them health, wealth, love, and pleasant experiences. Talismans that do the opposite can be termed anti-talismans. Also people join religions and political movements and social clubs for the same reasons. If a cause or group turns out to confer ill health upon its members then people tend to leave that movement and join up with another just as if a field is barren a cow will wander in search of greener pastures.
Beliefs are also subject to the same rules mentioned in the above paragraph.
The law of attraction is based on the use of talismans. The use of affirmations, mantras, thoughts, the focus of ones attention, and amulets to attract into oneself good situations. It can also be termed the science of luck.
One example of the use of the law of attraction to attract wealth is during the middle ages when the jews had to choose their surnames they often chose surnames with "gold" or "silver" in them… goldberg, silverstein etc. This was done intentionally to attract wealth. It was an application of the law of attraction.
Also beliefs act as talismans too. Talismans attract to a person certain experiences. What I term an anti-talisman are beliefs that attract negative experience. One belief that seems to be an anti-talisman is this idea the earth is a hostile place. Regardless of the merits of darwins ideas there is this notion in darwinism that the earth is basically this extermination factory where species are in constant struggle and destroying each other. Along with widespread acceptance of this belief came the industrial slaughter of Europeans by Europeans in WW2. They literally manifested the darwinian struggle after believing in it.
Do you wish to live in a hostile universe or a friendly universe? Do you wish survival to be easy or hard? The russian scientist kropotkin found evidence for cooperation rather than competition being the fundamental basis for evolution.
Words and gestures are talismans. A talisman is an act, behavior, belief, or item whose purpose is to affect the world in some way or attract to ones self a particular set of circumstances.
Madness is the consistent use of anti-talismans to draw into ones life unpleasant experiences and circumstances.