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Been thinking about talismans. In our society money seems like some sort of magic talisman you show people to get things from them. Also police badges act as talismans as well. School diplomas are types of talismans.

People seem motivated to pursue talismans that can grant them health, wealth, love, and pleasant experiences. Talismans that do the opposite can be termed anti-talismans. Also people join religions and political movements and social clubs for the same reasons. If a cause or group turns out to confer ill health upon its members then people tend to leave that movement and join up with another just as if a field is barren a cow will wander in search of greener pastures.

Beliefs are also subject to the same rules mentioned in the above paragraph.

The law of attraction is based on the use of talismans. The use of affirmations, mantras, thoughts, the focus of ones attention, and amulets to attract into oneself good situations. It can also be termed the science of luck.

One example of the use of the law of attraction to attract wealth is during the middle ages when the jews had to choose their surnames they often chose surnames with "gold" or "silver" in them… goldberg, silverstein etc. This was done intentionally to attract wealth. It was an application of the law of attraction.

Also beliefs act as talismans too. Talismans attract to a person certain experiences. What I term an anti-talisman are beliefs that attract negative experience. One belief that seems to be an anti-talisman is this idea the earth is a hostile place. Regardless of the merits of darwins ideas there is this notion in darwinism that the earth is basically this extermination factory where species are in constant struggle and destroying each other. Along with widespread acceptance of this belief came the industrial slaughter of Europeans by Europeans in WW2. They literally manifested the darwinian struggle after believing in it.

Do you wish to live in a hostile universe or a friendly universe? Do you wish survival to be easy or hard? The russian scientist kropotkin found evidence for cooperation rather than competition being the fundamental basis for evolution.

Words and gestures are talismans. A talisman is an act, behavior, belief, or item whose purpose is to affect the world in some way or attract to ones self a particular set of circumstances.

Madness is the consistent use of anti-talismans to draw into ones life unpleasant experiences and circumstances.


omfg bullshit "occultism" here we go again



let him enjoy his perception, its correct, from another viewpoint.

should still have been posted in /ayylamao thread postings/ or /x/.

OP is trying to impose his beliefs on us, and its an alternative understanding of reality, and to say its better or worse than the one one might already have is up to the individual reader.

i say its somewhat accurate, a simplified description of society, albeit somewhat off and not perfected.



let him enjoy his perception, its correct, from another viewpoint.

should still have been posted in /ayylamao thread postings/ or /x/.

OP is trying to impose his beliefs on us, and its an alternative understanding of reality, and to say its better or worse than the one one might already have is up to the individual reader.

i say its somewhat accurate, a simplified description of society, albeit somewhat off and not perfected.




sorry double post.



Its okay


Op is right

The all is mental

So whatever you think you are right!


When looking at a movement to join or something political or religion or anything… ask yourself: is this a talisman which will bring me joy and fulfillment?


synchronicity! today i accepted a new mantra to free me from negative forces and liberate me from material bonds through the fulfillment of my needs, thus enabling me to focus on spiritual growth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDuhp5o8Ybw

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SarlTxrAbIY (this is focused on bringing goodness and light into your life, not so much on destroying evil too like the previous one, but of course, for good to come, bad has to go/transmute first. i have chanting this for some time, and have noticed effects)

grab hold of an indian to teach you how to say both correctly, if u want to chant. listen everyday at dusk and dawn and see the results. ofcourse any timing will work, these are just 'traditional' and powerful times.



How many mantras do you use? are you just focused on one right now or do you have a couple you are focused on?


i don't have many talismans. not much money, no diploma, etc. so how do i rig it in my favor? should i change my name to goldowitz?



You have your words and beliefs. Tune into wealth abundance and prosperity by the words you speak. Don't speak based on what reality is. Speak based on what you wish reality was and speak as if it were so. This is called the creative use of language.



i am an indian hindu so i honour all gods but i feel a personal attraction to the father-son-duo of Shiva and Ganesha (OM) so I chant - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05c7SkvFY_o - (Om Namah Shivaya) a lot. And in a similar intonation, Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah. There are many mantra in hinduism, focused on a specific god/aspect of the Divine (gods are aspects and 'causal' energies in the Divine). read this and the post linked in it for further understanding - https://blissofhinduism.wordpress.com/2012/12/11/the-om-symbol/

also read this to clear common misconceptions of hinduism - https://blissofhinduism.wordpress.com/2012/08/07/rescuing-hinduism-from-the-new-age-movement/

sorry for unsolicited info, im eager to show people the wonders of hindu thought. i do believe in the LoA, but only in a specific approach to it, one involving selfless joy even when asking for material things. seeking joy and satisfaction is not evil, but seek it for your True Will ala Aleister Crowley.


blog post on second mantra -


tell me if anyone wants to know more.



I once had a dream where Shiva said he would welcome me as his devotee. I am a American of Christian heritage. I am hesitant to follow Shiva because I heard Shiva is the God of destruction. That I find frightening.

The guy who founded LOA William Atkinson was influenced by hindu thought.




I am interested t learn more of hinduism.


Especially interested in Shiva





he is a very advanced hindu of western origin, read this blog for some general understanding. i feel he has lived in India for a while, or has had close contact with an enlightened hindu for a period of time, without which it is nigh impossible to gain an accurate overview. however, im finding his blog to be an awesome substitute (though i grew up in India and have innate knowledge, it is encouraging and helpful even for me to see someone frame things in english, and with a fresh perspective ).


>clearing up common misunderstanding of Shiva

i feel close to Shiva because he is so maligned (unintentionally, its the fault of people simplifying an ancient tradition for the western world's consumption). he is destruction of ignorance, the catalyst of rebirth of the pure phoenix from the ashes of a petty ego. here - http://www.sanatansociety.org/hindu_gods_and_goddesses/shiva.htm - is an excellent article on him for westerners. he also destroys the cosmos, yes, but thats a long way off so dont worry. hindu gods perform the same roles in the microcosm (Self) and the macrocosm ('outside' world). remember, hinduism is a set of philosophies/principles with a vast and diverse diaspora. hence if u read about some other god with overlapping characteristics (or even Shiva with different surface symbolism) with Shiva, it doesn't mean its all made up and changed when its convenient. it points to the essential Source from which they all come from. again, hinduism is diverse, and many would passionately disagree with me and tell me they are distinct separate beings who have their own domains and 'powers'. different beliefs but the same underlying 'spirit'.

i don't want people to struggle with language and cultural barriers (learning sanskrit isn't easy in India, let alone in a western country), so brb in an hour while i meditate and think of how to distill it into core bullet points. this will mean literally going through whatever i unconsciously picked up as a child. if it takes longer, ill have a reply fr u tomorrow, so watch this thread.

since u mentioned u were christian - http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/hinduism/beliefs/jesus_1.shtml (this is thought-provoking)

sorry for hijacking ur wonderful posts about talismans by the way. remember, the universe is vibration and so is Sound. Sound (whether out loud or in ur mind) is how to interact with it. Sanskrit mantra are Sacred combos of Sounds. only Shiva is Soundless, Bornless, Breathless, and Thoughtless. Meditation/Pure Mind (NOT biological brain) is essential.


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forgot to mention Shiva is also destroyer of evil (which often results from ignorance). also, please invoke his son, Ganesh, through Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqQoRVdToAM) before undertaking anything in life (even meditation session) to receive his blessings. he is remover of obstacles and lord of successful ventures. the 'n' sound is pronounced peculiarly so try ur best, but u shud be fine with normal 'n' too, the Lord will be compassionate about western trappings and accents (not trying to be superior stuck-up holier-than-thou easterner).

attached some 'higher state inducing' images. best wishes to u! with the material u have now, u are more than equipped to begin ur journey. also, answers come from within after a point.



Thanks for the information



Does the 5 pointed star on the Shiva yantra symbolize the 5 syllables of the Shiva mantra(not including the om)?


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>casually makes clever observation

u r right! attached a clearer yantra. im getting the feeling that u will walk far along the path, shud u decide to begin.



I have been interested in hinduism for awhile. I appreciate you taking the time to explain some of the religion with me. And that is avery beautiful yantra.


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sry i messed up. attached new yantra.


no proble, im passionate about my religion and genuinely believe it can improve this world.



Do you meditate daily? I recently have started meditating daily. I sometimes watch hindu speakers on youtube. And have read some books.

Something that Osho said that really stuck with me was how we should be careful what we focus on and that we should pay attention to those things that would adorn the mind like jewelry… beautiful music, pleasant scenery etc… I notice some people just love fcusing on the unpleasant things constantly. I think the unpleasant things have to be taken into consideration but excessive focus seems like junkfood for the brain.

Osho mentioned specifically classical music as being good. I don't listen to classical music much because it is a bit rich, highly complex, and so I only listen to it sometimes. This is something I was listening to today.


Its French baroque music

This is the composer


Osho said something like music adorns th emind… but not only music. Things like beautiful poems too and things like that.

If I listen to music its usually simpler medieval stuff like the lute which I find very relaxing.


I am currently reading the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Are there any scriptures you are fond of?




This is a very beautiful yantra by the way



chinese classical is amazing as well


this is just one instrument, the erhu, my favorite



Oh that one is very good. I listen to chinese classical sometimes.


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Replace talisman with the word symbol and you've pretty much figured out part of modern occultism and psychology. Corporate brands and logos are symbols. Pictures with meanings behind them. They trigger our subconscious.


I like erhu too anon.




Triggers are keys that unlock doors of experience.





That's where the real magic happens. It's why we can gaze and meditate over occult symbols and pictures to discover new wisdom and knowledge. The tarot, alchemical pictures or baphomet for example.



Do you have any favorite occult symbols or pictures you like to use. I am contemplating maybe using a tarot card for that.



Definitely baphomet as it really shows the basis of what we're doing. Though I do recommend a tarot deck if you're interested in western magic.




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