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Hay /fringe/ technically I'm braking rule two but I have to shear what just happened.

>Last night I decided to try some sigil magic.

>Found a piece of of paper that with a heart on it that my previous girl friend made.

>thought of a desire and an emotion connected to said desire, in this case it was the desire to attract something into my life and the corresponding emotion of affection and happiness.

>I didn't put that much energy into the process because it's was just a test run.

>I drew the sigil while putting energy and my desire into it.

>held it and put a bit more of energy and desire into it.

>placed it by my window and released the magic by setting the paper on fire.

>I felt an eminence power flow threw my being and my room, not sure if that was just in my head or not I shrugged it off and went to bed.

>The dream I had was unusual for me, I felt extraordinary amount of pressure where my third eye is in comparison to normal pressure I get there.

>get up the next day and open my window to let the smell of smoke out and then go to neighboring town; the place i live in doesn't have any crime, I live with my mum in a old unremarkable house so the likelihood of being robed is almost nill.

>I meet some people new people and hang out with them for most of the day; having the inability to socialize well I put this pleasant endeavor down to the sigil.

>A few hours pass and I get a call from my mum freaking out about how my window was left open, I told her it was me and then she told me that the fly wire was detached from the frame of the window and on the ground.

>Oh fuck there go's my cool shit; as my mum checked the house to find that nothing had been taken not even the money I had sitting on the table in my room.

>I come home and confirm nothing has been taken.

>My room still feels the way it did last night.

This is why I know it's not a brake in:

Every thing else in the house was locked except my window.

The hinges on the fly wire have to be loosed from the inside in order to take the thing off, it can't be pulled off with force with out damaging it.

No damage has been done to the fly wire.

nothing's been taken and nothing's out of place net even my bow placed at the bottom of the window witch they would have moved if they cam in or exited from the window.

I'd like to think that there is another explanation but I just can't think of anything.

Dose any one know what the bloody hell is going on?



Op here I have no experience in magic other then sending people energy to change there current emotions.



Are you sure you closed the window after letting the smoke out?

Can you tell more details about the dream? Did you remember some clues?

You probably have summoned a succubus mate. They are drawn towards these things.


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As for the window I don't think I closed it but as stated there's no way the fly wire could have come off there wasn't even any wind today so that couldn't have done it.

Well the dream that was abnormal was the first dream it started out with my vision being really hazy and my third eye feeling immense power and pressure, what I could see was similar to the picture attached but with out the colors, in the middle of the hazy vortex is a silhouette of a girl or at least I think.

The feeling I got from it was more calming but it didn't seem like a very positive energy.

it's hard for me to sell I'm just use to feeling people feelings and energy (or what ever you want to call it I'm not familiar with the correct terminology) in waking life not in my dreams.

I'm having trouble fining info on succubi.

What exactly are they drawn to?

I'll update tomorrow if any thing happens.



I tried the same sigil again and the result was when I tried to go to sleep I felt unusually aroused but I did not succumb to temptation.

What do you guy's think is going on?



congrats you summoned a succubus


You are not breaking rule 2 silly. Have you even read rule 2?


The Lord approached the hermitage of the Brahmin Rammaka where a large number of monks happened to be sitting, talking about Dhamma. The Lord stood outside the porch waiting for the talk to finish, and when it had, he coughed, knocked at the bar, and the monks opened the door. He sat down on the appointed seat and asked: "What were you talking about monks? What was the talk that has just stopped?"

"We were talking about you, Lord."

"It is good for you who are young men from good families, who have gone forth. from home into homelessness, that when you meet together you speak either about Dhamma or observe noble silence."

It may be understood by a person's conversation whether or not he is competent to discuss things. If, on being questioned, a person evades the question, changes the subject, displays anger, malice or sulkiness, then he is incompetent to discuss things. If a person does not do these things, then he is competent to discuss.

Yet again, it may be understood by a person's conversation whether or not he is competent to discuss. If, on being asked a question a person loads scorn on and beats down the questioner, laughs at him and tries to catch him up when he falters, then he is incompetent to discuss things. If a person does none of these, then he is competent.



>there's no way the fly wire could have come off there wasn't even any wind today so that couldn't have done it.

Are you sure it wasn't just gravity? Maybe you carelessly hit something when opening the window and it loosened it, and something shook it out? I know it's a rather mundane explanation, but it seems most likely to me.


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Uuuh ummm… it seems I only read part of rule 2


I'm still skeptical but some thing did sauced me last night in my dream and had sex with me

what are the consequences of letting a succubus do that to you?


I thought of this but…

Pics 1, 2 and 3 show you where my hands are placed when I open the window and the ring I have to put my fingers threw to open the window as you can see it would be quit difficult to turn both of these thing while opening the window.

Pic 4 shows one of the two thing's that if both are turned you can remove the fly wire

Pics 5, 6, 7 and 8 features the positions of the nails and groove dug into the window sill to keep the fly wire in place.


From what I can gather the monks are incompetent to discuss things.


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Do you happen to have a pet of some kind OP?



Yes, my cat but we let her out in the morning.


Op,with an update and theory.

Consider that my ex girl friend used the original piece of paper to draw a heart on it for me.

Could the lust she had for me be stored in the paper and upon burning/ releasing it could it have become a lustful thought form?

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