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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So, I became very intrigued with Kali the Goddess of Death for reasons I will touch on in a later post. After doing a little research, I am learninging about Vishnu as well.

Vishnu intrigues me because of the serpent depicted around his neck. Vishnu seems to be working with this serpent, not fighting or killing it. I wonder was this the origin of the biblical "Satan" always depicted as the serpent? Why does Vishnu carry the serpent around his neck, while Christ is always depicted crushing the snake? Without darkness there is no light, yin & yang, balance and harnony etc.. Why has Christianity failed miserably to teach these basic spiritual principles? Will some patient wise one explain all of this to me in a manner that an idiot will understand?

I feel as though Vishnu holds more truth than any other religion I see practiced. I am still just learning about Vishnu, and I have many questions. Such as, why is the skin almost always depicted as blue? Is Kali related to Vishnu? Can anyone tell me the true origins of these beings?

Please watch the video I will embed. It is a song honoring Vishnu and the images made me cry the first time I viewed them because of such heavy synchronincity.

Have I finally found the truth? Do any of you have more images like the ones in the video?



Blue skin = Indigo child = cold bloated or in control

You find your true , is cool

The universe is infite there's is not final true instead there are infinite trues or personal trues



You do know that's Shiva, right?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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i do know that now. i find it odd that Vishnu, Shiva, Kali, and Durga have such similar depictions….

pics related:

Vishnu, Kali, Durgas, Shiva [at least that is what the descriptions say]


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can anyone explain the significance of the elephant's trunk?


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Ganesha's original head was cut off by his father Vishnu (who didn't realize Ganesha was his son).

Vishnu had to find a replacement head, and eventually found an elephant who was willing to sacrifice himself to give his head to Ganesha.

When Ganesha was 'reborn' with his new head some of the personality and aspects of the elephant remained and became reconciled with his previously youthful, brash self.



That's so disgusting and surreal. Religion is full of shit like this.



Read Kali Kaula by Jan Fries, then, once you got yourself acquainted with basics of Tantra and Kali worship you may want to do your own research based on original tantras.

Never had much love for Vaisnavas so can't help you with that.




y r people so fking retarded and post shit without basic research? even the most cursory search will tell u Ganesh is the son of SHIVA, not Vishnu, and u have to understand principles of dharma before discounting it as 'disgusting and surreal'. stupid fags who'll never understand the beauty of sanatana dharma.



That's because Shiva and Vishnu are different characteristics of the same God.

The other depictions are very similar due to cultural preferences.


File: 1452773661383.jpg (2.09 MB, 5312x2988, 16:9, 20160112_131538.jpg)

I was raised in Hinduism and was given the name "Varuna." Also was born in the year and month of the water monkey. Does I am god?



Yeah, sure! You should reveal yourself



When the times right!





Shiva is Enki, Enki is Melek Taus, Melek Taus is Satan etc.


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the serpents are incarnations of God called śeṣa ananta https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shesha which support innumerable universes

god in his Vishnu incarnation rests on the bed of snakes beyond the material world

śiva has a snake around him because śiva is an avatar of God within this universe

the Hebrew/Christian version of reality is a nonsense (although they are correct to be afraid of śeṣa

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serpents_in_the_Bible#Ancient_serpent )

यमाहुरस्य स्थितिजन्मसंयमं त्रिभिर्विहीनं यमनन्तमृषयः

न वेद सिद्धार्थमिव क्वचित्स्थितं भूमण्डलं मूर्धसहस्रधामस

yamāhurasya sthitijanmasaṁyamaṁ

 tribhirvihīnaṁ yamanantamṛṣayaḥ

na veda siddhārtham ivakvacitsthitaṁ

 bhūmaṇḍalaṁ mūrdhasahasradhāmasu

"All the great sages accept the Lord as the source of creation, maintenance and destruction, although He actually has nothing to do with these activities. Therefore the Lord is called unlimited. Although the Lord in His incarnation as

śeṣa holds all the universes on His hoods, each universe feels no heavier than a mustard seed to Him. Therefore, what person desiring perfection will not worship the Lord?"

even a cursory contemplation will tell you that God cannot be afraid of a mere serpent, no matter how powerful - especially when the serpents are an incarnation of God that gives rise to the material universe.

besides which, all beings are subject to māyā, which is a small fraction of God's power that bewilders, traps and confuses all adversaries.

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