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Esoteric Wizardry


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Aleister Crowley once stated that shattering social taboos is a potent magical and spiritual force.

Today's taboos surround race and gender.

These are exactly the taboos that Trump is shattering.

What are your thoughts on the connection between the two?

Is Trump a savant wizard?


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He is more like a reincarnated general



Retarded bigotry isn't some kind of taboo-breaking wizardry.

Pedophiles aren't the ultimate wizords.




Why throw around buzzwords? Do you think that these third-worlders are suddenly going to be peaceful angels when they cross the border? Europe is facing increasing numbers of rapes since they let in refugees. It is essential to human survival to recognize patterns and groups and treat people in these groups accordingly, race is no different. Muslims are violent semitic people who should not be here. I don't think donald is a wizard or saviour of the white race, but he is defying all the normal political rules and maintaining popularity which is impressive.

>chaos magician

Oh that explains it, you're some tumblr occultist that doesn't know shit.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

he is an actual wizard

see vid, i highly recommend watching it


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Given all of the meme magic from /pol/, they are making him the

>Hero we deserve




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


By the same logic vid related would be a master wizard, right?



A tiny-penised wizard.


>Americans having faith in another puppet



Kill yourself leftypol



>a politician who doesn't accept money from anyone and self funds his own campaign is somehow a puppet

I know you europoors are used to being cucked by your politicians, but not everyone is a puppet



you're a mundane, how can you possibly understand? even if he wins the presidency is not the most powerful position anyways…



Nice goalpost moving faggot



stfu you sheep



Actually talking fully about racism and its effects is taboo, because of the implications of such a discussion. Only 40% believe that minorities and blacks face any sort of discrimination. BLM is very much fringe and disapproved of by an overwhelming majority of Americans. So is gender; the majority of Americans are disapproving of transgender and queer people (they just approve of white, straight-acting gays.)

You're trying to present the status quo as being subversive, to paint yourself as the underdog when you're anything but. You're twisting words to suit your purpose, engaging in linguistic bewitchment.

You're little more than a petty little boot-licker who is engaging in the crudest black-magic. It will ultimately fail, as all black magic does, and then your own demons will come home to roost when the self-aggrandizing ego-balloon you've puffed up pops.



You have no idea…



How can you not believe that whites are becoming the underdog of society? Schools are filled with white guilt lessons, how your evil white ancestors owned black slaves and how your evil white race gassed 6 billion jews. Affirmative action keeps whites unemployed as thousands of foreigners are put in their place. The media runs constant mixed race and gay propaganda to keep white birth rates down.

Whites are not a minority, but whites that really desire a future for white children are. Todays society is filled with effeminate man children, obsessing over star wars and video games, while women act masculine in taking multiple partners and competing against each other.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.


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So very much under the spell. I'll tell you how it plays out. You will hate more and more, it will become an addiction, if it isn't already. Eventually you will want the whole world to be destroyed; you will join the other late-stagers in trying to summon the apocalypse.

Even that won't be enough. You will be forced to take action or implode. If you take action, you will become another Dylan Roof, and if you regain your sanity, regret it for the rest of your life. You will live in hell.

If you implode, all that hatred will go inwards as self-awareness overwhelms you. If you cannot change, you will kill yourself. If you are capable of changing, you will begin to learn to rebuild your concept of self that isn't based on hate. You will learn to accept yourself, and then take steps to turn yourself into a decent human being.

When your implosion comes, remember this post. Remember that there is a way out, but it requires hard work and authentic self-examination. You must be willing to tear yourself apart and put yourself together again. Considering the alternatives, this is the only legitimate option.

This is the most important post you will ever read. Do not forget.


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>This is the most important post you will ever read.

Get the fuck out and never return.



It's bad enough they are allowed to fester on /v/. Why the fuck are they here?



None of this even implies a political orientation, you freaking idiot.



There is hope even for you, he who identifies himself by a swastika. I hope that during your crisis, you are shown compassion.




You think one can not be a balanced Godly, STO, wizard and have white pride?


Do you even know what the swastika means? Or that it is literally a global cultural symbol?



The only out for NatSoc is marriage to have 6+ white children.

The fire rises.




>Everything that's not some nazi bullshit on securing our children blahblahblah is lefty



>implying I hate anybody

I do not hate other races. I "hate" the black body and culture, the body desiring violence biologically and the culture glorifying it. I "hate" the jewish religion and culture, for turning people into essentially spiritless humans. What my "hate" is, is really just disappointment. Any person of any race can be an exception to the faults of their ego, but not many are.

I already left "the other late-stagers" when Ebola slowed down and so did the support for Ebola-Chan.

My concept of self is not based on hate. Is believing races deserve their own ethno-states to thrive in their own cultures and people, hate? Is believing a race shouldn't be genocided by being outbred in their own countries, hate? Do you not see that incompatible cultures clashing will only end in violence? There is only one solution that would have an overall positive result without mass genocide, and it is segregation.



Trump is a messianic entity.

When a person is worshiped by enough people they become as powerful as god forms.




Every relevant nation in history was an ethnostate at its prime.



Then it could very well be that your implosion is imminent, unless you find something to temporarily pump yourself up again, but there are only so many pumps.

The worst thing for you is if the world gets better, which it will, "magical" forces are at work, nothing spooky but even more profound: fundamental cultural forces. They're actually deeper than that, they are mathematical forces. Cooperation is out-competing competition. The dominance of competition is nearing an end, and as a last-ditch effort it is threatening to destroy everything, including itself, in order to maintain its own survival. It is a memetic mutually assured destruction, thus the summoning of the apocalypse.

Remember these posts when the time comes. There are options. One is the intellectual route, to deeply study the entities of conflict and cooperation to see the fundamental war behind all wars. Then there's the introspective route, to face what has led to your fall, and to reject it as not a part of you, but something alien that has infested your mind. The experiential route would be to try alternatives to see what that provides.



Humans cooperate to compete.

"Cooperation is outcompeting competition?"

No. White people are being out-competed by those cooperatively competing against them. Just as all groups though evolutionary history have cooperated to outcompete others. That is how humans compete. We form coalitions and wage war.

There is no grand scheme at work, just groups competing against other groups.



Look at how readily you fixated on competition, it is truly the God you worship.

What you posted was exactly the apocalyptic inversion I was describing: competition is trying to out-cooperate cooperation, but this "cooperation" is of the lose-lose hostage-taking type. There is no symbiosis, no mutual benefit, just a parasite that has infested so much that its removal would mean death.

But it is going to be removed, it is ultimately self-destructive. This is true on both on the scale of humanity and in yourself. Your personal spiritual apocalypse is bound to come, but it is up to you whether it will be a true apocalypse, or a transformation. This conversation isn't for you now, it is for this time in the future, so remember it, when it comes it is not a curse but a blessing, and will allow you to truly achieve a transformation that makes you a whole person.

Love is wise, hatred is foolish. Remember.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Cooperation is a form of competition.


It will never be removed for it is fundamental to the algorithm of evolution.

The only way for it to be removed would be if a) all life was immortal and b) no life reproduced.

That is not going to happen within any meaningful time frame for our species.



>Using a poor quality wikipedia article without going deeper, and extracting only the conclusions that support your existing ideology of Social Darwinism and evolution-worship.

Entranced by the spell indeed. Our true competitor is the natural world, which includes the tyranny of our selfish genes (which you would know about if you read some of the sauce material, particular Dawkins, instead of skimming a Wikipedia article.) Evolution is literally the dumbest design methodology possible, which is why it works (it is so dumb that all that is needed is a simple set of rules and zero intelligence.)

The whole reason why we have complex brains with abstract thought and learning is because evolution is so retarded that it required the evolution of such to overcome its shortcomings and things it cannot account for. Otherwise we'd be fancy insects, and although insects are vastly successful, they don't have the opportunity to confront the problems we do.

At some point in our evolutionary history, a new replicator arose from the complexity of our brains sometimes called a "meme," learned information replicated from individual to individual, both vertically through generations and horizontally between unrelated people. With the advent of writing, mass publication, radio and television broadcasting, and the internet, the reach of these memes has grown ever more powerful, and during each we've seen profound impacts on human culture as a direct result.

The problem is that just as we can still succumb to the tyranny of our genes, that is base instinct and emotion rather than rational and principled thought, there is a tyranny of the meme as well. Memes can become parasitic, they can become mind viruses that subvert their hosts. So we are in competition with our memes as well, and memes are in competition with each other; the latter is how it should be, our genes and memes ought to be under us, subservient to us. You are more than just your genes and memes.

Though weakness in your immune system, you have become infested with virulent strains of mind-viruses. You don't need to reveal your darkest secrets, but I'm sure you are aware of how they have affected you, though you may try to lie to yourself to say that the cause of your illnesses is external.

Of course this paradigm is but one of many, and only a sliver of the relevant knowledge. However it may help you because it meshes with your evolution-worship.

Don't take my word for it, and you don't need to: all you have to do is remember that when the time comes, there are alternatives. If you choose the path of knowledge, which seems likely, dig deeper into the sauce of what you posted yourself. Let fully considered and studied ideas compete to their fullest. Obviously it is important to you, so being a dilettante is to be a hypocrite to yourself.




>Cooperation is out-competing competition

That's why islam is coming to first world countries and people are being raped in their own countries, cooperation!

>One is the intellectual route, to deeply study the entities of conflict and cooperation to see the fundamental war behind all wars.

How can I cooperate with niggers who just want to rape, or muslims who refuse demand islam be the one true religion? Cooperation takes more than one person.

I have not fallen. You have fallen. Fallen into the trap of "multiculturalism", worshipping niggers for contributing nothing and gladly destoying your own race so "we can all get along!"

Remember this quote when the time comes.



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>implying you don't have purity, decency, the white race, etc. intensely

Hatred is the flip-side of love.


He who has never loved does not hate. He who hates has loved.


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Pic related. Why the fuck do you want niggers to continue to exist in this world?


The core is exposed, the facade is lifted: bald-faced hate, and a love and full embracing of hate. The fourteen words, a call to action exclaimed and allcapsed, a must, an imperative.

What if your hatred goes unsatisfied? What are the dictates of your imperative then? Will you manifest hate, bringing external destruction, or will the dictate collapse, its appetites having grown so much that nothing more can feed it?

How fearful your hatred has become, throwing up walls to shield yourself: look at the niggers, the muslims, the slimy magical omnipotent super-jews! How frantically you try to love yourself, your insecurity requiring to focus on the external objects of hate to divert your attention.

You will see that what I have foretold will happen: the moment of decision will be reached, you will either explode or implode. You will remember this conversation; paradoxically the alarm-bells of threat that your mind-virus rings off in your head ensures you will.

There is some part of you, however small, that isn't based on hate, but instead authentic love. It has been subverted, locked away by the harshness of the world, yet it still remains. You will remember because this part of you will do all it can to.

This isn't about the external world: it will go on with or without you. If you manifest destruction it will be the most minor blip, and your hate will be erased by the sands of time. This is about what you will become, your destiny as an individual person.



>preaching love

>growing a big head about “showing people they should cooperate"



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>Thinking love of one's own race is based upon hate of others.

If they want truly want to cooperate, they can.

If they want to be destructive, we have a right to self defense as we have as much right to life as they do.

>You will remember this warning

I will hardly remember another uninformed sheep anon.


gtfo /pol/

Politics =/= Power




The best puppet is the unknowing one.


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>Politics =/= Power

that's why there are armies, governments, police and courts, then, right?



I mean we should develop superpowers instead of wasting our time.



You've never experienced this, you're just offering up your close-minded synopsis in an attempt to show that you're enlightened and above it all while you waste away caring for nothing and accomplishing nothing in your pathetic excuse of a human life. Your post was devoid of any meaning or logic, please kill yourself. Fringe is not the place for you.


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>dat worldview


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The very fact that you not only wish death upon me, but command me to kill myself shows your sickness. You choose to diminish me in your mind and in your narrative, to call me a "pathetic excuse of a human life."

I don't wish death or hardship upon you, I wish the best for you, but not if that comes at others' expense. If you are capable of becoming more than a beacon of hate is up to you.

Further hypocrisy is shown by your claims of me being "illogical" while throwing around meaningless claims about me being "close-minded" and putting words into my mouth about me claiming to be "enlightened," which I never have claimed.

What do you truly find meaning in? I'll tell you what I have. It is the shared hope and vision of religious aspiration and secular goodness alike: peace on Earth and goodwill to all. Every person reaching their potential and thriving in a sane and constrictive world. A world where goodness begets goodness. A meaning that isn't constrictive and narrowing, but lets a multitude of ways of being to exist alongside each other.

This dream is shared by billions, regardless of how they chose to express it. You can join us in seeking to manifest this dream, which is becoming a reality more and more, or you can marginalize yourself with your hatred and self-aggrandization and have your own hatred collapse around you.

Remember when the time comes.




>Cooperation is out-competing competition.


Evolution IS competition, competition causes evolution.

Shrewd aggressors are currently abusing the compassion and trusting natures of ethnic europeans, that is all.

But it will not continue forever, there comes a point when even the most peace-loving will anihilate the bully that has been constantly harassing them (1400 years in the case of Islam)

Wicked children need spanking.



He is our god emperor and we are his space marines


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>charlie chaplin

damn your gay lol


>electing a leader that will "fix" your problems

This is literally the most childish thing imaginable. Why do we need leaders anymore? We are Gods. We can do these things ourselves. We have to learn to live autonomously if we want true freedom. If we keep electing leaders then we'll continue to live in slavery.



stop talking like that, you're scaring the slaves



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO "#TrumpRally: The Violent Nature Of The Left Exposed"


On Friday 11 March, Far-Left extremist agitators attacked a Trump Rally in Chicago, Illinois. Among them were Black Lives Matters, Move.org and RevCom.us. All of which are openly Communistic in their foundations. Some even funded by the billionaire George Soros. This collective not only falsely portrays Donald Trump as a tyrant but also declares the very idea of 'Whiteness' as their global enemy. With their billionaire funding, Marxist agitators were able to flood the arena, planning to rush the stage when Trump made his speech but word quickly spread of the possible violence and the Trump team pulled the plug. When the cancellation was announced, the agitators immediately began tearing up Trump signs and grew increasingly hostile towards the Trump supporters within the building. Outside, Trump supporters were unable to leave the arena due to the exists being blocked. Freeways were hijacked and emergency services were attacked and prevented from doing their job. Stories quickly spread of groups of black youths asking people at transportation areas if they supported Trump, intimidating anyone who said they did. Communist flags, Mexican flags and Bernie signs were proudly displayed while American flags was stamped upon. The agitators battled with the police as they sought to spit, harass and scream at Trump supporters attempting to leave. The agitators justified their presence and hostility with out of context quotes taken from Trump while other Conservative candidates weakly defended the Marxist agitators, all for a swipe at their main competitor.

At another Trump Rally the next morning at Dayton, Ohio, Thomas Dimassimo attempted to rush the stage as Trump was speaking but was swiftly put down by secret service agents. Dimassimo, an ethnomasochist Marxist, denies any intentions of doing any physical harm to Trump yet said he wanted to take the mic from him which at least require some degree of force. He earlier replied to a tweet asking him if he would punch him and Tommy replied "We Gone See". Like most Marxist agitators that claim to speak for the working class, Tommy comes from a upper class background yet uses ebonic ghetto speak despite being a well educated actor. Both his parents are executives and his mother is a public official. He also supports Bernie Sanders.

The media has an open agenda against Trump and is trying to spin the scenario around and claim it his fault for the violence. But this is a blatant mistruth: violence is the lifeblood of Communism. Almost never able to win democratic elections, communists throughout history have achieved power through extreme violent insurrection and mass intimidation. This event was no different. This was an attack upon the democratic process, upon people who view the world differently and whose intentions were to intimidate normal everyday people who dared to vote Trump.

In reaction, a grassroots Trump Vanguard was setup to defend Trump supporters from future violence but the loose organization was quickly shut down as its creators was identified and had their family threatened. The notion of #RedCap defenders has not died, some are organizing but it is unlikely that the same tactics of the communist aggressors will work again any time soon.

Regardless, this will likely only be the first of many attempts by well funded upper class communists and their ethnic pets to harass and intimidate non conforming voters. The great divide is growing wider and sides will have to be chosen.There will be #NoMiddleGround.

As always,

Accept Reality,

Embrace Conflict,

Face Consequence.


I still don't know why people think Trump hasn't struck a deal with the deep state yet.

He literally wrote a book called Art of the Deal. You're telling me he hasn't made the most important deal of his life with the people that actually run the US?

All this reaction against Trump is just those that orbit the deep state. He's going to clean house if he gets in, that's why everyone who is "in power" is attacking him. They don't want the status quo to end. Nothing is going to change, just the leadership.

Now I'm not implying that this is a bad thing, I personally want Trump to win for the lulz and the circus that would ensue. Basically we go full commie with anyone other than Trump or we go full authoritarian with Trump being a charismatic front.


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Will we ever have a libertarian world where people are just allowed to go their own way?



not until literally everyone is enlightened. and i don't think that's the point of earth so



>video removed because of copyright infringement

lol all these haters gettin mad


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I legitimately understand what you are saying, as I have been there(and in some ways, I still am), but it is not necessarily the case for so many people. A true desire for annihilation is one thing, but there is nothing wrong with righteous anger resulting from crimes done.

Righteous anger is a positive, constructive emotion that can easily turn negative, but there are few people better suited to prevent that negative turn than those here.


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>yes, voting has always worked. elect a leader. he will solve all your problems. just do nothing and vote.



You can both vote for someone you believe will benefit your country, and improve yourself without blaming others, you know?




I've been researching the timeless struggle between the various occult forces that rule this world from the dark…

>mfw I found out the middle ages were the reign of terror of a dark god

>then a group of jews managed to reverse his victory, led by satanic worship and elaborate manipulation and schemery dating from the templars to bavarian illuminati to the present families of jew wizards that own the entire capitalist system.

>mfw I found out Hitler was also related to these families and every single conflict from that point on has been nothing but a plan to create a world government.

Btw, these rogue satanic and now billionaire jews are against worshipers of the other dark god which includes other jews and muslims probably. They got you hating them too

>mfw an entire nation once again rallies to follow an avatar of darkness, thinking he will bring them salvation when he's also related to the same jews they claim to hate. He's a merchant, you know…

Only this time his banner unites neo-nazism, racism, judaism, muhricanism and hate to a level I only remember seeing at the beginning of WW2

Then they give him all this massive amount of power in the form of memes…

>mfw I realized whether you suck his cock or hate him, all energy feeds him because the's a powerful dark wizard.

This is definitely another master blow by the powers behind the power, and I remove my fedora to them in respect.

>mfw none of this matters as hate only makes them stronger, and the alternatives are becoming a sheep or ignore all this shit and keep working on my personal evolution

Fuck this shit. I'm out.jpg



>someone you believe will benefit your country

found your problem


More like a sacrifice…


>Is trump a wisard?

Oh fuk, yes, and he perfectly knows what he is doing, dont any of you faggets remember when he went to some NLP talks about the power of the subconscious bla bla bla around 2000? and then in the same year also went to some guru and searched not for spiritual equilibrium, but spiritual power grow, he also wrote in one of his books (i dont remember wich one right now) that the experience with the guru was the most important thing to ever happen to his life and it changed everything for good.

after that he never talked about occult/spiritual things ever again, but i do believe that doesn't mean he stopped practicing magik every now and then.

The folks on Coast to Coast AM also talked about this and had a guest that confirmed it because he was there in the NLP and guru reunions.



>You've never experienced this

Top fucking kek

Listen im really aware of how white culture is currently trow under the bus and fueled with SelfGuilt galore by far liberals fenimist and cultural marxist… but the thing is, your parents and grandparents did the same shit your are experiencing to other people and races. Sure is so fucking unfair that the Sins of a man pass to a child that did nothing, but to claim that 'You dont know what it feels like' is the same fucking shit people around the world has been saying to white suburbs with high income, but the nationalism of that era was so high that mostly none one would care for 'the others' outside.



^Underrated post



What about white people who live in suburbs and genuinely care about helping others regardless of where they come from? What about anarcha-feminists who have marxist views but don't feel cultural guilt for the sins of their ancestors? You seem very eager to view others as simple statistics and demographics, but I imagine the people you are broadly referring to have much better and more informed opinions than you may realize.


okay dude whoever made me have dreams about this bullshit is gonna pay

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