>Using a poor quality wikipedia article without going deeper, and extracting only the conclusions that support your existing ideology of Social Darwinism and evolution-worship.
Entranced by the spell indeed. Our true competitor is the natural world, which includes the tyranny of our selfish genes (which you would know about if you read some of the sauce material, particular Dawkins, instead of skimming a Wikipedia article.) Evolution is literally the dumbest design methodology possible, which is why it works (it is so dumb that all that is needed is a simple set of rules and zero intelligence.)
The whole reason why we have complex brains with abstract thought and learning is because evolution is so retarded that it required the evolution of such to overcome its shortcomings and things it cannot account for. Otherwise we'd be fancy insects, and although insects are vastly successful, they don't have the opportunity to confront the problems we do.
At some point in our evolutionary history, a new replicator arose from the complexity of our brains sometimes called a "meme," learned information replicated from individual to individual, both vertically through generations and horizontally between unrelated people. With the advent of writing, mass publication, radio and television broadcasting, and the internet, the reach of these memes has grown ever more powerful, and during each we've seen profound impacts on human culture as a direct result.
The problem is that just as we can still succumb to the tyranny of our genes, that is base instinct and emotion rather than rational and principled thought, there is a tyranny of the meme as well. Memes can become parasitic, they can become mind viruses that subvert their hosts. So we are in competition with our memes as well, and memes are in competition with each other; the latter is how it should be, our genes and memes ought to be under us, subservient to us. You are more than just your genes and memes.
Though weakness in your immune system, you have become infested with virulent strains of mind-viruses. You don't need to reveal your darkest secrets, but I'm sure you are aware of how they have affected you, though you may try to lie to yourself to say that the cause of your illnesses is external.
Of course this paradigm is but one of many, and only a sliver of the relevant knowledge. However it may help you because it meshes with your evolution-worship.
Don't take my word for it, and you don't need to: all you have to do is remember that when the time comes, there are alternatives. If you choose the path of knowledge, which seems likely, dig deeper into the sauce of what you posted yourself. Let fully considered and studied ideas compete to their fullest. Obviously it is important to you, so being a dilettante is to be a hypocrite to yourself.