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File: 1452114144660.jpg (58.28 KB, 386x600, 193:300, Schreck.jpg)


I woke up an hour ago from this dream set in what looked to be an old haunted house. I was fighting trying to escape this evil dream entitiy that was trying to possess me and take over my mind or feed off my energy. I've had 50-100 of these types of dreams over the years, where there is an entity with a strong pulling force that prevents me from waking up, and sucks my awareness into it. I have to fight them from sucking me in and taking over my dream body. When I do manage to wake up from the dream, I fall back asleep and enter the same dream with the same storyline and demonic presence.

In 80% of these dreams, I've managed wake up and grab hold of my rose quartz crystal, and every single time that wards off the entity. One time I fell back asleep after grabbing my quartz, and was in a sleep paralysis like state, and saw this huge black entity sitting next to my bed with a white triangular head. I saw a vortex of energy coming out of my crystal, and the entity jumped across my bed and took off, seemingly scared or pissed.

Anyway, at the end of this dream I just awoke from, this entity screamed "THE ORLOX". I don't think I've ever heard this name before, so I googled it. The Orlox is based on the story of an old romanian vampire who lived in a castle in the early 1900s named Count Orlok. I can't find any other information other than that.

Does anyone have any more information on this demon?

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