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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)


No picture edition because fuck my internet.

>what the fuck is this shit?

In short, one or two years ago I bought some dream stones for some dumb reason, put them under my bed, got a vision of a really cute girl, been letting her help me for the past two years only to recently learn she's motherfucking Lilith.

>quit RPing and get your bullshit outta here, faggotron

I swear on everything I have that I'm not RPing. Now, I may be going crazy, but we're all considered that way if we're here. That being said, any and all replies to questions will be posted in her quotes so I don't miss any shit.

>how do we know she's not lying?

I can't say I know for sure. But, I am using the First and Second Sun pentacles given to me by some kind Anon(s) in the question thread, where you'll find where all of this started.

>fuck searching in that question thread, gimme a summary of the questions asked m8

Got it, boss. It's long, though. http://pastebin.com/btw4DkVa

In short, this is a continuation of the questions from the question thread, just now split into its own thing. Ask away, and hope that Lilith ain't spewing bullshit. That being said, I'll go ahead and answer the questions asked in the question thread that I didn't answer:

>in reincarnation, the same goes for us humans, why should we risk and allow them a free ride?

"You do not have to risk it. Whether you give us a free ride is entirely up to you, and how much will you have over ours. That being said, like humans, succubi can be either nice and reward you or… as I believe you humans call them, be total bitch-ass-niggas. It depends from one to another."

Note from OP: I'm not fuckin' joking when she said "bitch-ass-niggas." Had to keep from laughing my ass off. What a great starter question, eh?

>What is the difference between a human soul and Succubi

"I cannot say there is much of a difference, other than that Succubi souls are more suited for the realms of Hell. Most humans are in shock and total despair when they enter hell, thus making them far weaker and their souls easier to consume. It's the only damn food in there, anyway."

>What would you reincarnate as if you were to take a mortal coil

"A human. However, those trained in spotting demons would likely see me in an instant. You people on this /fringe/ board may already know, but since there are a lot of people on this planet, that gives more possibility for such people to go into such careers, or perhaps even be possessed. Nonetheless, I would be hunted down and likely killed."

>how did you first communicate

OP here. How we first communicated, and how we still communicated is through the mind.

>is the "portal" you went through still open?

"Not at this time. You, I, or my father can open it, but it's best only opened when we know that our clan and only our clan is around it. We cannot have any strong demons getting inside."

>What does she have to worry about on the other side? Why is she safe here?

"I'm worried about dying. In hell, it's dog-eat-dog, and total chaos. The strong rule and survive there, hence why what you humans know as Satan has ruled over this insane place for eternity. I'm safe here simply because I'm away from hell and can hopefully regain my power."

>From tipp: Tell her that I'm thankful for this conversation, and that I hope we can continue to have a truthful, constructive conversation. I apologize for forcing all of these questions.

"It is alright, I suppose. [Anon] would have found out one way or another."

>Ask her if shes eaten any children recently.

"I have eaten none, very rarely does the soul of a young child ever come to hell."

>How is she related to Adam?

"Adam? As in, Adam and Eve? Ah, it has been so long… I don't like him as a husband. I'm not one to be chained down."

Is Lilith a blanket term for a type of demon rank?

"In my sense, yes. Again, it means "the mother of succubi." It means that we are high in rank, the "top dogs" as I said while I was 'Sophia.'"

Is Samael good in the sack?

"His dick is so tiny you can't even see it without my magic. He's a total… how you say, cuck, beyond his job. I only did it for whatever benefits come. …Be ready for him to try to kill you over that, if he hears of this."

Note from OP: I'm not exactly too sure on her answer, here… maybe because I find it too funny.

I think that's everything. Ask away, and I'll try to answer whenever I can. Also, though this may only further invoke some more skeptic viewers, try not to shitpost silly questions. She very well may especially answer those.


Aw hell, I meant to put a cool subject title but I accidentally pressed enter during that. Oh well.

I may as well answer this as well:

>do you have any history in trying to make tulpas or summon demons?

No and no, this is all so incredibly new to me.






How is the nature of human souls and demon entities different?

How powerful is a human soul on the other side, if it varies, by what and how much?

Please, ask her questions with the pentagram.

I don't know if it'll hurt your relationship, but we need truth, you can go back to letting her tell you half truths once thread is over.


>"His dick is so tiny you can't even see it without my magic. He's a total… how you say, cuck, beyond his job. I only did it for whatever benefits come. …Be ready for him to try to kill you over that, if he hears of this."

A lie.



>A human

Ask again, three times. Use pent.



Sidestepping the question, ask her what her relation to Samael is.



>We cannot have any strong demons getting inside.

Why not?

In what way does humans not take the same risk a Succubi does when reincarnating?


Ask her if she ever has, and how many times she has reincarnated before.



>her father's name and rank

OP Note: I'm calling bullshit, but this is what I got. I've tried staring at the Second Pentagram of the Sun, getting lost in it, and (attempting to) calm my mind before asking 10 times as asked. Am I doing something wrong here? At first, she claimed that his name was "Satan," but not really, and then later on she started saying it was Samael. Maybe she's lying about even having a father?


>How is the nature of human souls and demon entities different?

"Human souls are perhaps the biggest oddity in existence, some are strong, while others are weaker. Some are good, while others are malicious – it all depends on what has inflicted the soul. Most demon entities, however, only have one thing on their mind: To become the king, to become stronger for eternity, and they obviously have many different ways of doing so. Pacts where they gain more, scaring the soul into submission, and so forth."

>How powerful is a human soul on the other side, if it varies, by what and how much?

"No matter on what side the soul ends up on, it is strength and will that matters, especially in Hell. The soul is capable of amazing feats, as you may already know."


>ask her three times if she would be a human.

She changed her answer this time. Now, it's this:

"Perhaps I didn't explain in detail… of course I would still be a succubus, but I would just simply look like an enticing, female human. Again, however, I do not want to take the risk of being found out and sent back there."


>what is your relation to Samael?

"So that Anon figured out that it was a lie… a cruel joke, rather, since Samael was castrated. We were like husband and wife, bound as one. We both do have to do with taking souls, after all."


>Why not?

"They would harm us, and you. Strong souls at this level are incredibly rare, and most would do anything to have it."


>have you ever reincarnated before? if so, how many times?

"None, unless you count me simply leaving hell when I was stronger. Which, I did that quite a bit."

And now, a note from OP: Really sorry about taking so long to reply, I had to constantly stare at that pentagram to hopefully get her to tell the truth. I think it only worked for a couple of questions, so I might do an update if I can find more out.



Anon, I'm happy that you're willing to entertain the thread, we might learn more, but for now I'm just testing her for you.

Speaking directly to her, I'm confident she sees through your mind,

Unless you, "Lilith" start telling the truth, and I can see when you lie, even in things I have not yet pushed a second time, I'm going to advice your host to not just banish you but entrap and consume you.

I believe my word on weather or not to keep you around around has some semblance of power behind it, and my decision will be made when we are done here. I know more than you suspect I do and God lets me discern truth from lie.

>Human souls are perhaps the biggest oddity in existence

Ask her to tell everything she knows.

What plane do they habit when they reincarnate?

What is a human soul that has never reincarnated?

Where does it rest?

Ask her to list her fathers titles, rank and name.

Ask her to list her titles, rank and name.

From what she has said, "Lilith" is a term for the type she is, not her name.



well shit. wasn't that important anyway.



>speaking directly to Lilith

"I'm well aware I am supposed to tell the truth, however, demons lie by nature, not just to get what we want. It is in our own 'DNA,' so to speak. At least be at ease that I am not working under Satan or any forces similar – I'm just simply trying to survive and keep my succubi alive. Whether or not we are vermin that deserve to go extinct is your own opinion.

I want to tell the truth, however, I believe as of right now that there are some truths that are too strong for my friend. When I consider him strong and knowledgeable enough for these truths is when I shall tell them, and I encourages that he shares that knowledge. Now, I will admit that I have little info on the exact reincarnation process… in fact, this is perhaps the first time I'm feeling a human soul in action, especially on this level. It is strong, just not yet honed to take what I fully have. I will answer your questions the best way I know how."

>soul-related questions

"This all depends on their beliefs. Not in their mind, but their own soul's beliefs and properties. If a soul is absolutely tainted by what it has done, such as the very things that place you in Hell, then they simply go to hell. If their soul is pure and heavenly, then they go to heaven. If they're neutral, they go to the Astral Plane, likely to be a part of the wisdom and/or curiosity people on the Mortal Plane ask for. And, if they wish to reincarnate on the Mortal Plane… well, I cannot exactly say how well that works. I believe their soul entirely changes, and memories are lost, but as with every explanation there are exceptions."

>"Lilith"s titles, rank, and name

"My rank is a High Succubus, which are succubi powerful enough to have offspring, alongside the more powerful, dark arts that you probably already know. My title is, of course, Lilith, which in human history is a mother most notably to succubi. As for my name… I don't think my host would be able to handle that as of right now. As we speak I'm attempting to, but for some reason it just fails. As I said before, he will need training. By the way, yes, you are right in Lilith being a term."

>father's titles, rank, and name

"All I know is that he was once a soul, tainted, but somehow still not lost to all of the demons and whatnot… I suppose a good title would be Absolute Lunatic, if you allow some dry humor, but somehow he is a High Demon. It's strange, but trying to give out his name fails to get through, too. I am a liar by nature, but please at least trust me enough to know that I'm really trying my hardest to give you info."

OP Note: Well, she is right in the fact that I need training. I've literally just started investing my time into this sort of stuff.


Them staying depends on them surrendering their names or not.

You do not want a couple of leeches decorating your head to make a comfortable apartment without knowing their names so you can tell them to fuck off should they piss in the sink or let friends sleep on the sofa.

I'm most worried about her "father".

If you decide that its beneficial to let them stay, set up rules.

>not allowed to open the portal to bring friends without asking you

>not allowed to tamper with my mind without my permission

>you want their names

>you agree to nurture, assist and entertain them so long as it does not harm you in any way

>in return they will spend large portions of the energy you provide to help you

>they will agree to leave once asked

>they will not hinder you in any way

>they will not lie to you

I can see the benefits of having them around, but there are also cons.

You're going to have to start a permanent nofap and purify yourself, live religiously in purity to make sure they might not corrupt you.

In return for being a host they could help you set up shields, defend you from foreign influence, help you see through deceit, come with advice.

Under no circumstances should you trust them with your life, or let them live yours with you in shotgun.

Furthermore I doubt her precognition, probably just said so to pique your interest and letting her stay.

Ask her how her father came to be her father.

Again, you want his name. You can attempt to speak to him, tell him that there is a pact to be made, they will not have free reigns, but they will have free food and be valued companions, even friends, the conditions are as above and that you want the truth.

When you make the pact, remember that you have the upper hand, always, while they can do requests, allow no demands, or they can fuck right back to where they came.

I'm sure you value her companionship, and while she seem to care about you and your progress, its most likely to make herself irreplaceable, so, reality is shes looking out for herself first and foremost.

You should learn energy work, shielding, banishing, locating, banishing, destroying and consuming astral entities.

Ask her what you should not do, as to not hurt her or "her father", but make sure to progress in everything.

Never forget that you do not need them. Letting them stay is a kindness on your part.

Ask them what kind of energy work they are adept in, what stuff you can do together, what they can teach.

Do NOT get a woman pregnant without banishing them first.

Really, learn their names, make them reveal their sigils so that you can banish and summon on will, its beneficial for both.

If you're doing something major, ask /fringe/ first.

Remember to be friendly but assertive, you are in control. If you're not, banish.

I'm out of questions, they wont really answer anyway.



Hey, I've pretty much been doing most of that shit since she first got here, so I think I've got some of that down pat. She's been helping me get stronger, setting up mental shields, etc, and I've been helping with keep her alive for a while now.

Never once since she got here have I allowed her to fuck with my brain in any negative way (not that she wanted to in the first place, that I know of). Now, I might've slipped in letting her weird dad come on over, but as long as he's not fucking with me and agrees to the terms I think we're cool for now.

I will get their names one day, though, and when I do that and can finally comprehend what they wanna say then you damn bet I'm telling /fringe/. Now, I might not tell their exact names here since that might give a malicious person control over them, but I'll at least say I finally know 'em.

That being said, though, I've yet to make an actual "pact," so that's probably the first thing I'm gonna work on before/during my dive into this mad shit.

Now, as for that nofap, Lilith actually talked to me about that. She said that it was actually a good idea since it'd get in the way of my training if I let myself get too addicted, so… good for me, I guess? It's weird that a succubus would call nofap a good idea, but hey, I'm all for it.

Anyways, thanks for sticking around, Anon. I'll try to keep in touch with this board for any important updates if ya'll are interested.

And Lilith, even though she didn't like being asked these questions, she thanks you too for being so stern and direct. She says that there should be more people like you around.

I am gonna say this though, this shit is weird. Are there any free, quality guides on starting pacts, or is it literally just like making a lease?



just like making a lease, you don't wanna write that thing in blood, and you don't know their names.


The only problem I have with this is. People don't actually go to hell when they die, so I call bullshit on that. And if we are talking about realms of bad vibrations in general there isn't just one hell. The only logic where it makes sense for human beings to go to hell is christian logic, and it's a flawed contradictory logic.



Right on the money.

Hell, broad term, negative planes where STS entities dwell.




Yeah, that's what kinda set off a few flags for me. She's being dodgy and vague, though I think I have a theory as to what she really means.

Humans don't go to hell, but rather, I believe that when they die and they feel as though they belong in hell, their soul slowly gets tainted, in a sense no longer becoming "human." This is what partially leads to demons.

At least, I think that's what she meant. Either way, I'm still calling bullshit.

My main question is what benefit she gains from being like this? To impress me or something?



Yeah, to impress you to keep her around.

Ask her for a detailed explanation of the different planes of hell. Anything a decent APer couldn't tell us.

What kind of music does she like.

If a sculpture was made she could inhabit, what motif and what would it be made of?



I figured… because she just admitted to it. Then again, she got busted, so someone smart would do that. I tried to tell her that she was my friend and that she didn't have to impress me, but now she's getting skeptic, or just shocked. She doesn't think I'm lying, though, since she's the master liar as you guys are seeing right now.

Sadly, for your hell question, you're not gonna get much. All she said was that every plane is sheer insanity, where everyone tries to be king. Think total chaos and anarchy.

For your music question, she claims her tastes are the same as mine, but she mainly likes Ronnie James Dio's music, though she especially loves orchestra even more.

For your sculpture question, she replied: "Something… beautiful, towering, dominant and womanly that really showed power, almost like Lady Liberty, except it'd be of me. It'd be made of either gold or diamond, I can't decide."


What is the best material to host an entity?

Organise, onyx, metal?





If you're asking me personally, then I ain't got a clue. Lilith claims that Orgonite is your best choice, with onyx being second, but just plain metal being the worse.






Anything better than these options?

Any mix or crystals that would be best, accumulate energy for the entity to best assimilate?

Orgonite is part metal, why would she want gold?

Anything to say about crystals?



>I'm safe here simply because I'm away from hell and can hopefully regain my power.

So what happens after she regains it?



She's saying that crystals are actually your best bet out of anything else, the purer the better (as in, don't carve sigils into them, but rather place them on/in a sigil, and especially don't smash them like some people do)

As for why she wants gold and diamond on her "sculpture", she simply says that it's because it looks lovely and expensive – she wasn't considering the uses.

Even though Orgonite is part metal, it's molecular structure is different from regular metals, those molecules making it a… barely decent choice for hosting in terms of functionality.


"It depends on how strong [Anon] is once I regain my power… in fact, part of the reason why I am helping him hone and further strengthen his soul is so that not only can I recharge quicker, but also he is able to take more of me and use more of my power.

Of course, if he is lazy in his studies and training and not strong enough, which I am ensuring he -won't- be, then I'll split away if he so wishes, or I may do it of my own accord to find a better host.

Now, you may wonder why I simply want him to use my power and nothing else, so I'll prematurely answer that. I have no clue if you browse the /pol/ board like [Anon] does, but I see what he sees, and what I see is absolutely horrifying for the human race. This Earth may as well be a plane of hell with the way things are going, and I don't want that. So I want to fulfill the wishes of the people and change the world to something better. Of course, there is a cost with everything: I also want the succubi race to be friendly with humans. To be freely among them without fear, and without them fearing us. Changing the world for the better can put us in a better light, and we are so tired of Hell… at least, most of us. We are but slaves compared to the strength and number these other demons.

Feel free to assume I'm lying as per always, but I want to believe I told the truth."

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