Ego death is the path I found myself on. I'm a few weeks down the rabbit hole, and as far as I can tell, the worst has passed (hope is a fragile thing, but one would rather not consider the possibility that there are pits to come deeper than those safely etched in distant memory).
Silence is golden, but one takes comfort in the understanding that confidentially is our shared business, and keeping a secret comes far more naturally when the alternative is to have others see you for the madman or monster you know yourself to be. I won't tell a lie; It hurts me immensely sometimes to have nobody to speak frankly to about such matters as these.
I have my suspicions of who amongst my colleagues may be in on the joke, or who may have it still coming to them, but even if certainty were possible in this lifetime, what could possibly be said aloud? Besides; I expect it manifests differently to everyone (but then, who can know know for sure but the dead? And they've been fickle in that respect thus far).
Incidentally, any word on what comes to pass if you violate silence, so to speak? Is it even possible to bring yourself to do it? Like all things, my comprehension is shallow on such matters. Hopefully, with time, I will build up a better picture in my head of just what the fuck is going on.
Additionally, is it our place to try and bring illumination to some of those around us (such as they are), or are such things not left to the whims of nostalgic fools such as myself? One would like to believe that my life from now on is not solely comprised of myself, the dreamer, and I. Do ripples stemming from from the beach reach the sands of distant lands, or have we always walked alone, and only come to realise this when we are made whole?
Though tempted to try, there's really nothing to say that could safely bottle up Truth for any eager wanna-be occultists out there (and I have no interest in giving the game away for those who have not seen the strings), so I shall leave with a riddle as old as the rising moon and the setting sun: you're born, and you die. The magic is what happens in-between.
Honestly, though. Never been less alone, yet never felt so isolated. Is there anyone out there?