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RIP freedomboard.kirara.ca.
The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

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File: 1452460826930.png (143.01 KB, 396x254, 198:127, UsSAKl41.png)

If not, they still make for some great fap material.


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Is the question thread real?


yes they are real


They are real, real like the existence of furries.



Yes and No.

I am inclined to say that it is just a tumblr thing.

Otherkin are relatively new so there is not much content about them

Most reincarnation literature/culture (e.g. Allan Kardec, Buddhism, Star Seeds) accepts that dead animals can reincarnate as humans as part of spiritual evolution.

But retaining characteristics, urges or personalities of their former species is not a thing.That would be like really liking spicy food because you were Indian on your past life. Or being gay, because you were a woman.

If they really were animals on their past lives, that means they are recently created(or stubborn) souls and not very spiritually evolved.

Another hypotheis is that Tumblr egregore is making it easier to shapeshift your astral body into animals.

(and weird genders, aparently)

I think otherkin community exists because:

>sense of bellonging


>"snowflake syndrome"/desire to feel special.

On a side note, considering social networks as egregores, What would 8chan and /fringe/ be up to?


Rule 2

Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread.

Can you read? People like you are the reason all the good threads are gone. People like you are shitting up this board bumping off good content with little or no contribution themselves are usually no more than a single question.

tl;dr You anon are the cancer of /fringe/

Now since you've already wasted a thread slot with this shite…

They are spirits, who have elected to take a human form, just like the rest of us, however their ego can not/will not deal with the reality of that for some reason and the disassociate with their flesh (good) in favor of a different kind of flesh (bad) that is not even physically manifest (really bad). If they legitimately wanted to change they would have to embrace they body the had then magic it different. Like transgenders, hating their physical form only causes them problems and also typically leads to neglect of it.

As a result of the growth path of the spirit, you will move up through higher and more complex physical forms as your spirit becomes ready form them upon each new incarnation. So as animals are simpler life forms, we all where embodied in an animal form at one point, and before then a plant, and before then a mineral. But even assuming they actually recalled their past live of that, to attempt to hold on to that, which I honestly do not think otherkinism actually is, is contradictory to the growth for the spirit.

Now you may on very rare occasion find an non human spirit 'piloting' a human flesh, but that usually only results from people doing really stupid stuff with magic (and/or something extremely traumatic happening).


This anon also has some valid points. Especially relating to the ego.



You don't know shit.


Otherkin existed before tumblr. Ever heard of LiveJournal? Probably were otherkin groups back in the days of BBS, even. Hell, even otakukin predate tumblr (see also: soulbonders).

Going out on a limb into crazyland here, but the idea that one has the 'soul of x animal' that has incarnated into a human body just seems dumb to me. A soul is a soul, you don't have wolf souls and ferret souls and dragon and unicorn and Cloud Strife souls. My personal theory is that self-identified otherkin incarnated as whatever animal in the past, whether directly before this life, or lived an especially traumatic life as the animal so as to ingrain something of an imprint. Sort of like writing on a pad of paper; if you press really hard, you can see things that were written on previous pages. If you use a sharpie, ink bleeds through and leaves blotches on the pages underneath.

I've honestly seen nothing of tumblr otherkin, but I doubt they're much different than those that dwelt on LJ before them: part crazy furry, part confused new ager, 100% special snowflake.

I'm a dragonkin.



Much inpsiring, such constructive. Do you honestly feel like you are contributing?

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