Rule 2
Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread.
Can you read? People like you are the reason all the good threads are gone. People like you are shitting up this board bumping off good content with little or no contribution themselves are usually no more than a single question.
tl;dr You anon are the cancer of /fringe/
Now since you've already wasted a thread slot with this shite…
They are spirits, who have elected to take a human form, just like the rest of us, however their ego can not/will not deal with the reality of that for some reason and the disassociate with their flesh (good) in favor of a different kind of flesh (bad) that is not even physically manifest (really bad). If they legitimately wanted to change they would have to embrace they body the had then magic it different. Like transgenders, hating their physical form only causes them problems and also typically leads to neglect of it.
As a result of the growth path of the spirit, you will move up through higher and more complex physical forms as your spirit becomes ready form them upon each new incarnation. So as animals are simpler life forms, we all where embodied in an animal form at one point, and before then a plant, and before then a mineral. But even assuming they actually recalled their past live of that, to attempt to hold on to that, which I honestly do not think otherkinism actually is, is contradictory to the growth for the spirit.
Now you may on very rare occasion find an non human spirit 'piloting' a human flesh, but that usually only results from people doing really stupid stuff with magic (and/or something extremely traumatic happening).
This anon also has some valid points. Especially relating to the ego.