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Burn in hell for eternity?

Become a ghost, trapped in the astral, unable to reincarnate?


wonderland happens



Put your questions on the question thread. That's the first sticky.

I am sorry everyone but i am going to answer and bump anyway because i suspect OP wants to commit suicide.

>Burn in hell for eternity?

Your personal beliefs, tougths and emotions affects that. You go to bad "places" with negative emotions. Usually suicidal people have very bad emotions and thougths.

Not eternity, but still long a time(Spiritism says about 20 years(?)).

Not really christian hell unless you have that on your mind.

You can improve if your afterlife even long after death if force yourself to have better emotions/toughts/vibrations, but someone like that would not kill himself anyway.

>Become a ghost, trapped in the astral, unable to reincarnate?

I am not sure if it is possible get trapped in the astral in any way. Are yo afraid you will not reincarnate?You will but don't expect that to go easily.

If you want to give up on your bad current life to get a better new one, that's a bad ideia. Your next life will also have challenges and suffering. Maybe even more. And ending your life will prevenst you from learning the lessons you were supposed to learn.

Oh yeah and "there is so much to live for", "think of your family", "think about your friends" etc…



It's physical problems that make me contemplate suffering, my emotions are generally positive. It would be easier to ease the daily pain and end it rather than go on. Despite the pain, my mentality is very positive, so if I were to bring my current mental state over into the afterlife, it would be quite pleasant.



Contemplate suicide*



I only have 3 warnings:

1)Moral dilema. Put on a balance the total amount of suffering from your physical problems until the rest of your life and the suffering caused by your suicide to your family and friends. (Note that someone will mourn over your death eventually) How about all the possible peasures of your life you are giving up?

What is the path of total less suffering?Can the pleasure compensate the pain?

2) Spiritism belives that when we face any big challenges, or pain on our lives, it is because we planned it ourselves before being born to learn a new life lesson.

Did you already learn everything important you could from your life?

3) I could be wrong. Maybe there is no afterlife. You might simply cease to exist forever and the universe is not fair.

If after all, you still want to kill yourself, make sure you don't have any bad fellings against anyone and that you are able to feel love for yourself, strangers and enemies.

Visualize what kind of temporary afterlife you want to have and what kind of new life you want. I recommend somewhere you can work to "pay for" faster reincarnation and a life with a healthy body. don't get materialistic.

Find a painless suicide method on the internet.

I am not telling you what to do. It is your choice

Good Luck.

Can anyone else help suicidal OP please? I don't know waht to do.


You incarnated here, into this body, into this timeline, into this set of experiences, for a reason. To learn a certain set of lessons. Your time may be hard but it's not more than you can handle.

If you check out you'll just have to learn the same lessons later on in a different life. It's just easier to do it now rather than later. If it's painful it just means you need to pay more attention to the why and what of the pain. Question everything, and the assumptions the questions are based upon.

If you are not in an extremely pure mental-emotional state when you leave your body (suicide or no) you may have problems with your mind manifesting uncontrollably (your fears or other thoughts), especially so if you do not have absolute mastery over your mind and emotions.

If you do actually have complete mental-emotional mastery then you are clearly here not to work on that, but master your environment. Become the ubermensch.

Regardless, use your awareness (your mind) to shape reality into your dreams and desires. Until you grow, one way or another, you will be in the cosmic same place.


I always liked to think you are forced to sit in an isolated white room watching a TV screen that plays out all the best moments in your life that you would have lived but now will never get to had you not killed yourself.



and you are forced to do this for eternity.

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