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File: 1452597307268.jpg (63.54 KB, 339x400, 339:400, 344_1423-hitler.jpg)


Was Hitler Kalki's Avatar?




Kalki is the Third Sargon who is yet to make an appearance.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Every Man “against Time” has, knowingly or unknowingly, foreshadowed Him, and paved the way for His coming. The youngest great race of our Time-cycle on this earth — the Aryan — is awakening in order to bear Him in full consciousness and pride. And the most heroic and the most selfless of all its Leaders, Adolf Hitler, the One-before-the-last Man “against Time,” — more heroic than any of the elder ones, for he fought against the downward pressure of many more centuries; more selfless than the very last One, for he was, contrarily to Him, to reap nothing but disaster, — sacrificed himself and his people — at large in order to give Him; (out of the faithful surviving few) compagnons at arms in the last decisive battle.

And the signs of times proclaim that the day He — Kalki — will appear, is drawing nigh.

He will appear when all but the last and toughest of the natural Aryan aristocracy — His chosen compagnons at arms — have definitely taken the way to the abyss. And all but the chosen few are rapidly taking that way.



He is in fact a she.



>talking without knowing first thing abt hinduism


>puts 'Him' in 'His' place

top kek



Of course not, Kalki must herald a new age, Hitler failed to do that.

He used magic though, probably without knowing it. He was cheered on by his people and felt he was invincible, that saved him quite a few times. When his followers fell, so did he, mentally and physically.



he was a fucking pawn



Who was playing chess then?



what is the man against time?



You forgot that Kalki is supposed to have 3 avatars and the 2 one will be defeated.




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