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Posting this because the sticky thread is fucked up, also because I wanted to ask a question but the damn thread wouldn't let me.

Is it possible to have a natural trait for healing, is this even a trait, or am I being dumb? I've done very little diving into this, but so far I'm simply trying The Book of Knowledge's Quiet Mind Meditation and similar meditation techniques, just for context, and this also comes up in a similar question.

As an example of what I mean, when I was a child my mother, one day, got incredibly upset for no reason. A sudden impulse within me made me gently put my little palm on her cheek, and in not even a second she was relieved and fine. Looking back on it now, I thought that y'know, this was just the bond between mother and son, but now here's a recent example:

My mother, one day, had a rather severe headache. We couldn't get any meds because poorfag + no gas in the car, but that sudden impulse hit me again. I gently put my palm on her head, and told her to focus and close her eyes, just like I was doing. As we focused, though, I suddenly felt a fuzzy feeling on my hand, but paid no mind to it once she felt better. From her perspective, the pain went down from an "11 to a 5 out of 10."

The same thing happens to my forehead when I attempt to meditate, or sometimes it just hurts like a bitch. Nonetheless, I can feel that fuzzy sensation slightly spread just over my eyebrows as well.

Apparently my mother, my grandmother, and my great-grandmother have/had the exact same "trait," though sadly that's as far as my roots go since the oldest one was adopted, plus it's hard for me to find old files like that.



There is genetic passing down of abilities, physical and metaphysical.

As one evolves, grows, and develops their soul's energy field altered and DNA is encoded with their changes. Which both, in part, are passed onto their children giving their children the same abilities, plus what ever growth their parents achieved, as a predisposition.

In this way training and perfecting yourself, conscious evolution, is passed to your children. This is how lineages of mages or witches come about and why "breeding with muggles (or mundanes)" is generally looked down upon (as it dilutes the bloodline's aculminated power)



Well shit, I wouldn't be surprised if one of my ancestors was an actual priest or something if this power goes that far back.

Though, I can't help but believe that my mother (at least) did breed with a mundane when she had me. Is there any special way to restore that power, or is it simply regained through training just like them?

Lastly, are there any recommended books for going down this sort of path, or is The Book of Knowledge enough?



You can't restore somenthing you never had, but don't worry about it. Genetics is not that important.

Keep training and you will progress (relatively) fast.

Book of Knowledge is very good. But one book is never enough.

Dragon Book of Essex is also very good for begginers. There is a thread about it somewhere a few pages back,

After that, try to find especific books for what you want to do.

Also the sticky tread is fine. Sometimes 8ch is buggy, just refresh the browser and try again.


Since the other thread is at limit now, for the sake of the board, I vote that this thread is made the new questions thread.


Training, and you may have additional things to overcome from the mundane influences as well. I had thoughtforms that where passed on via birth to me, some of them (before I really know what they where) took years to deal with. Then you just have master yourself.

Part of why it was so slow for me was since part of my family, despite having these predispositions, became bluepilled somewhere along the line and lost all knowledge of what it was or how it use it. As a result I awoke as a wizard in an entirely otherwise atheist family who rejected these things.

I had almost 2 decades of wandering before I found a light on the path.

>Book recommendation

BoK is great, but one book is never enough. Here are my personal recommendations.


After this go read anything & everything else, but don't forget to practice too. The more perspectives you have, the closer to theoretical truth you will be able to get, but that is why actual first hand experience on the path is extremely valuable, because at it's core, what you are dealing with is beyond the realms of a metaphor as weak as written/spoken word.

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