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I am Thelemic student with a high amount of experience with the Holy Ghost. I have been requested a Q&A from a third party and have decided this would be the best place to host it. I will try avoid speaking in code as much as possible. Please ask what you wish to.



Who is the third party?

Why would third party want a Q&A instead of simply asking you the questions directly?

Aren't all entities just tools for magick to reach the subconcious mind when directly imposing your will upon reality is possible and a purer form of magick?

Can please you ask Holy Ghost to get me a gf?



I'll see what he says :)



are entities or thoughtforms in general able to manipulate matter?

Pls don't be roleplay



Generally speaking, no, only perception. If your perception is open (ie believing/faithful) towards higher entities then they have a higher chance of being able to do so, in this category we're talking about benevolent forces. The other category would be due to mental illness or other forms of negative karma/energy, in which case demonic/otherwise unhelpful forces can overtake your perception. There may be exception to this, please understand that I'm only a student.



>Who is the third party?

>Why would third party want a Q&A instead of simply asking you the questions directly?

I can't say exactly, apparently they've decided not to show up. Pity…

>Aren't all entities just tools for magick to reach the subconcious mind when directly imposing your will upon reality is possible and a purer form of magick?

Positive "Angelic" entities will train and enlighten the individual rather than simply bestow will. They are conscious and awake, and have their own capability of free will. I hope this answers your question.

Please understand that ultimately all spiritual forces are forces of good, if not in the direct sense then out of a sense of "Justice" (karma). The well trained ("good") individual will harness a demonic force as well as he would an Angelic one, and to him there would be little difference outside of their effect.



but that's wrong, you can make elementals that make the air warmer or colder that other people can feel too



I was speaking more in regards to dense matter. You're correct in that regard.



Entities can affect matter, blow candles, mess with electricity and magnetic fields, moove incense, make noises, make shit fly a la poltergeist and much more.

Yeah, they can affect matter.

However, they need a matrix for them to manifest in.

It can be the triangle of art, in which you put energy in, for them to manifest in, or it can be a voodoo doll, the room you are in, your mind, your body,…

Depending on where it manifests it's going to be called channeling, invoking, evoking, sorcery, necromancy,…

All an entity wants is enough energy and you are a physical being with a lot of what they need, if you play your cards right, you can get everything you want for extremely small amounts of blood, sperm or minor services.

But yeah, most people are stupid af and thinks entities are more powerful then them, thus, they get played by them.



I don't see why they wouldn't be able to affect dense matter, though yes I believe it would take a little longer than just instantly the way you could make a place colder or hotter, an entity made for changing the etheric bodies would be able to change dense matter


>However, they need a matrix for them to manifest in.

It can be the triangle of art, in which you put energy in, for them to manifest in, or it can be a voodoo doll, the room you are in, your mind, your body,

does this apply to self-made thoughtforms too? I guess if you project the thoughtform in your mind to exist in your room is kinda the same thing right?



Yep, entities can possess a thoughtform and manifest through it, it's the easiest way to do poor-man's evokation (with no silly toys). Thoughtforms manifest on the astral/etheric plane and the entity borrow's the body to talk with. This is a simple and powerful method when mastered because you can also "sacrifice" that toughtform to the entity, as in, the entity keeps the energy of the thoughtform, so by doing this type of evokation, you kill two birds with a stone and pay the entity with the same tool you manifested it in.

Of course, no entity will tell you that, he/she has their own goals and agendas, if you know it an dedicate that thoughtform as an offering to it, you payed it already and through a "karmic bond" it has to obey to you and fulfill the contract.

This also circumvents the "need" of animal/human sacrifices when evoking powerful entities. Sacrifice a tulpa for them and they like it the same.



Is there any real difference in terms of results when you call an entity and when you just make a thoughtform to do it for you?


1. What exactly is the Holy Ghost

2. What exactly is your experience with the Holy Ghost



Oh yes, a major one… Entities are way more powerul.

However, you can make your own egregores, your own personal "entities" and through using them a lot and developing them and making them more powerful, get pretty awesome results and depending on your experience, get better results then the "classic ones".

This is fun and offers you a lot of control, but you also have to maintain this egregore/entity and make sure it doesn't just run wild on you through various methods and bindings… It's the best strategy game there is, but when you fuck up, shit get's real deep, kek.

Entities is pretty much an "out of the box" experience, the being has already matured and developed o a stable state. While egregores is much of a "from scractch" one. you have to create and help the being develop, yourself. If you don't want to make major life fuckups the best advice is still to deal with a lot of powerful entities before making yor own "pantheon", if there is a need for it. Just like LFS, it's a fun learning experience and you get absolute of control over everything which allows you to create nifty, new concepts and creatioon.

For example, the goetic daemons are pretty much egregores of the catholic church who inspired themselves and their influences from shamans of the past and the demonology texts and apocryphes of the bible.


AuntWatermelon is the Donald Trump of /fringe/.




I don't know the thelemic terms and mythos, so I may no be suited to answer that (aka, not OP), but I believe it's the equivalent of the higher self, higher guardian angel and so on…

Interested to hear from your peronal experience too OP, are you refering to the ritual(s) of Abramelin the mage?



I was warned multiple times that using blood was dangerous. Do you know why ?

Also how do you use blood?



>Please understand that ultimately all spiritual forces are forces of good

Correction: Subjectively human perception of what is good.



Blood is extremely powerful and rich in energy. Thus, it is well more suited for making "Big things".

I use it in fluid condensers, most of the time. (1 drop of blood for 1-2 liter of liquid, preferably of herbal nature, at best, the universal fluid condenser).

You can also use it for blood pacts. Remember, a drop of blood is worth A LOT, you are worth A TON. I won't get into the details of how to make one, because there is no need to. Once you have the required skills to do it, you will know how to do it too. It's just like making a contract between two humans.

You talk together, make an arangement, seal it properly and make sure he does his work and he will make sure that you fulfill your part of the contract, if one of the parts fail, you simply stop to fulfill your part and it's all good. No need to give your soul or ridiculous amounts of blood.



>ridiculous amounts of blood

To clarify, ridiculous is more then three drops, a drop a month can pretty much get you everything you would ever need. this guy get's it:


Three drops is if you are dealing with something really powerful and really want it to work for you, extremey well on time with rigorous deadlines. More then three drops a monh is just pure stupidity.



Is this blog legit? Seems it.



Yeah, if you forget about the preconceived notions and ideas you may have about a certain culture or group of individuals, this blog is golden. Probably one of the best websites on the internet.

Just read it and test these ideas and information for yourself, you'll see…



Where can I find information on these Goetic pacts?



>Where can I find information on how to make a contract with someone?

1. learn to talk to that person. Gain his trust.

2. ask yourself why you want to make a contract with that person.

3. find a common ground where both participants would benefit from that agreement.

3. make sure that the contract reflects the common interest and is explicit and not open to interpretation

4. Make sure both parts are willing and sign the contract

That's it, you'll have to get used to have no "hands holding you" in matters of magic. Yes, the real truths are still kept as secret as before. The day you'll truly realize why they are still "sikret arcanas", even in the 21st century, where everyone has access to all the information, there won't be any more secrets for you.



So pacts with demons are identical in nature to a contract I would write with another human? Good thing I took a class on contract law once. Usually though contracts revolve around actions and payment for those actions. What are forms of currencies for demons? Blood intuitively seems to be the "golden" currency, but are there others? Can demons break these contracts, and if they do are there repercussions for them? Do I have to specify how long I want their services to last, I read in that blog you posted that you just stop paying them, but that's not how contracts here on Earth work usually.



You are thinking of this in the lawyer way. That'll get you attached to "the law" and the "justice system" and all kinds of middle mens. The "if you don't do this, dady will come and be mad at you" mind set.

Think about a honest contract between two individuals. You both agree to do something, the spirit offers you material and spiritual gain and you offer him a drop of blood every month. If you don't receive the specific gain agreed upon, at the moment of the contract, you simply stop giving the spirit your blood. If you don't give the spirit your blood, the contract dissolves.

No, nothing is better then blood, nothing even pales in comparison.



I was referring to the golden rule of contracts that makes them not open to interpretation, but I agree completely. It's why I only took a single class and why I didn't make it into a profession. So when I summon a spirit and create a contract, do I have to pay him a drop a blood during the summoning? And more importantly, where and how do I "give" the spirit my blood?



These are quite specific questions, you would be able to answer them on your own by doing some evokation and cultivating your astral senses.

As I said, I don't really want to give the whole procedure, step by step,because it doesn't work that way, there is an inner understanding that has to be triggered before this whole procss to be succesful.


Whats with the thread hi-jacking?



Classical case of OP not delivering…



It doesn't seem very specific at all since if I don't know how to pay for something, I won't get anything.


Q&A with Aunt Watermelon.

It's been a good read up lol.

But yeah with the evocation thing it's not a "bake a cake by the book" kinda deal(unless you go of rails and bake a rainbow cake with a world of its own). It's kinda like a jazz jam session where you let your intuition take over and do what you "need" to do at that time.

Really just something you need to "feel" out and get the jist of. Then it becomes pretty simple and innerstood. Eventually this stuff looses the "magic" and just becomes work hahah(well, not all the time.).



I was talking about your questions, being specific, they are multiple ways to do what you asked and thus, that's why I suggest you find your won answers by doing some evokation and clairvoyance training.



When someone breaks out of the neophyte stage that description applies to pretty much every magical practice tho, not just evocation.

Thanks for the read Aunt Watermelon, I already knew most of the stuff ITT but at least now I know that the anons in the question bread didn't praise you for nothing.



That's true. That's how magic is being an art and a science.



>magic is like a jazz jam session

This should be in the #deep thread, along with, "Life is like a box of chocolate".

lol, very true :D



i want to get into a university program that i have been rejected from. the semster hasn't started yet so i still have time to make changes. which demon should i evoke? if u won't tell me the exact steps, can you atleast tell me his/her sigil and other required materials? i was thinking of evoking the hindu god Ganesh, breaker of obstacles, but they might do white magic like 'showing me a better way for my development' but for personal reasons, i want this specific program and a demon will give me exatly what i want for a little of my blood. thank you!







he's listed here under money. does getting in a program to fulfill a personal desire constitute money? also his sigil is not present on the website, can you tell me that?

didn't link this - >>67529 right in ealier post - >>67879




he's listed here under money. does getting in a program to fulfill a personal desire constitute money? also his sigil is not present on the website, can you tell me that? also, would Belial be equally suitable for my purposes?

P.S - didn't link this - >>67529 right in ealier post - >>67879



Belphegor gives access to discovery and inventions.



Belial is too vicious



discovery of what? a solution? i want to magucally receive an email saying 'u have been accepted in X program', don't have time for much else, semester starts soon. as far as i can tell no inventions are involved. or am i taking their roles too literally? i haven't summoned a demon before, just worked with 'good deities'. i don't care about danger, just powerful results in my favour.



black raven faust pdf



this - http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONOLATRY.html says not to bind them but treat them respectfully. i also intend to provide a few drops of my blood. just reassure my how Belphegor is right for my purpose, it will help me keep faith in the ritual.



assuming ur the same person as >>67888

the black raven pdf traets them as malevolent beings to be coerced. which should i trust?


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Oh god…

In advance:

I'm sorry to all of those, who will have to bear the consequences of what I have done. I may have portrayed this process as an operation simpler then it really is, which may lead to foolish and uncaring acts.

Friendly reminder that brain surgery is only about "cutting and removing some of the parts of that gray thing that we don't like, and not forgetting to clean the junk afterwards." and that, playing the guitar is only about "pinching a couple of cords the right way to produce some sounds we like"

>pic unrelated?



Could you link to some books or resources about thoughtforms?

Preferably none with demonic influence

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