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Esoteric Wizardry


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sup /fringe/

I tried several magick rituals (sigils, money making books, invocations) but nothing worked so far. it kinda made me think that all you guys are crazy or seeing signs in random stuff to confirm your beliefs. I almost feel ashamed that I tried all that stuff even though it was fun at the time. What make you think this actually works? What should I try to change my mind on this subject? Any specific rituals recommended?

please accept this rule 34 as an offering


rituals are bullshit for the most part, even more so when you are not even slightly developed.



what would you suggest then?



You have to know the basics before doing rituals. I did the same thing and had a lot of failure when I began. I suggest reading some of the book Advanced Magick for Beginners and do the practices in it. I started to have rituals actually work after that. It's important that you do not think about the result you want after you do the ritual and that you have some means of the result happening. Once the ball got rolling, all my doubts were shattered because I had ritual after ritual that would have great effect very quickly after. Start small and make sure you understand exactly how rituals work.



I bought that book for my kindle a long time ago interestingly enough. I'll re-read it and see if I can get something out of it. thanks for your reply



meant to reply to you sorry lol


Cultivate the proper mental framework and it will work. Performing a magical working from a random spellbool with step by step instructions without any understanding of how, why, what, etc.n will not work.

Magic is nothing more than reprogramming your subconscious mind and protecting yourself from any outside influences impact your subconscious mind



t. bullshit "occultist"



Do energy work and develop psychic abilities, empower your chakras and dan tians (energy centers), learn to astral project, vivid visualization, physical relaxation, trance. Purify your physical body and then retry rituals. Look up Khan's threads here, great advice.



You must have patience while in manifests and you must also have absolute faith as well. If your belief in your own power to bring your will to pass falters then you are hindering the creation of said object. If it totally fails, as it apparently has in this case, then the manifestation in stalled. You must regain your faith in your abilities.

As anon said

>Performing a magical working from a random spellbool with step by step instructions without any understanding of how, why, what, etc.n will not work

I mostly agree with this. It most likely will not work, but it could end up being "brute forced" into reality a la. Baneposting. However that is the hard way of doing it.

Perhaps it would be best if you started small and built up your confidence. It's much easier to understand how any why you have this power and then leverage from an intuitive basis. For understanding the (quantum) mechanics of magic see:



Seconding this. And I'd also like to add, cultivation of your energy/prana (which some of these steps are part of), but also not wasting it is part of as well. So NoFap for you.


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To add to this (image) & also you can practice small things with:



I think there has been plenty of good posts and resources already. But I'll go over a little bit of a checklist.

If you're new to this you probably want to do work for something that is probable to happen in your life. As in pick something that happens randomly but somewhat commonly in your life and then change the variables(Within your comfort zones or probability to happen). Or change a habit/start one up. Since as an anon mentioned, magic is the act of changing the subconscious. Remember that on average 90% of your life is subconscious programming.

Another little tip is that you must be pushing towards your goal(generally, depending on the intention). As in you can't wish to win a race if you never enter, compete or train.

So all in all. Start small with something like autosuggestion and remove a negative habit you don't like or put in a new habit you do want.

Some side notes are energy reserves as an anon mentioned and patience. If you don't have the energy to manifest a car then you're simply just day dreaming and not accomplishing much.

Anyway, good luck to your future ventures in this field. Try to give it a little leniency since we are working in one of the most cryptic and hidden practices(and with good reason).







OP here. Thanks guys, so noFap and energy work I guess? I have access to mushrooms, is there any exercice worth doing under the influence?

I downloaded Frater Mansfield's New Millennium Power pdf from here but it's missing all the pictures. Does anyone have the complete version? I searched everywhere for it but amazon pulled it out for copyright reasons



NMP is based on NAP. It is NOT SAFE.



it's also pure bullshit



mind to elaborate? I know it's based on NAP that's why I wanted to try it (I heard people were having good result)?

I mentioned in my original post that I did a few rituals that didn't work, a few of them were from Damon Brand's books and I believe he bases the ritual on NAP as well.

idk nothing has worked for me so far but I'll keep trying. I just hope this whole occult movement isn't just massive trolls and crazy people. I've always felt drawn to that stuff ever since I was a kid but I never knew people were actually doing rituals in real life and getting results until a few years ago… now I'm a bit old to pretend I'm a wizard without feeling like a total idiot. I'm also worried that if I convince myself this is real I'll just end up like a crazy person talking to imaginary people in public situations, I've done large doses of mushrooms and DMT in the past and reality felt real weird for a few days afterwards. I'm honestly scared to lose myself in that stuff.

anyway enough rambling I appreciate everyone pitching in regardless of your opinion on me or the subject matter, always good to have feedback so… thanks guys!



Holy fuck. You guys created the Trump monster.



I had an evil spirit come into me due to playing around with NAP. It was a couple of years ago, and I'm still trying to figure out how to get it out.

Other things I've heard about as consequences of using NAP:

* Ghost rape

* Swarms of flies invading somebodies home

* Losing ability to use 3rd eye



Really? The book sounds like bollocks tbh. There are others that have exactly the same writing style and ridiculous testimonials. I swear they're like written by the same person(s). Not to mention having the same publisher…

It smells like a huge scam.

Al G. Manning - Helping Yourself With ESP.pdf

Al G. Manning - Helping yourself with psycho-cosmic power.pdf

Al G. Manning - Helping Yourself With White Witchcraf.pdf

Al G. Manning - Moon Lore and Moon Magic.pdf

Al G. Manning - The Magic of New Ishtar Power.pdf

Al G. Manning - The Miracle of Universal Psychic Power.pdf

Frank Rudolph Young - Cyclomancy.pdf

Frank Rudolph Young - Psychastra.pdf

Frank Rudolph Young - Somo-Psychic Power.pdf

Frank Rudolph Young - The Laws of Mental Domination.pdf

Frank Rudolph Young - The Secret of Spirit-Thought Magic.pdf

Frank Rudolph Young - Yoga for Men Only.pdf

Frater Malak - The Mystic Grimoire Of Mighty Spells and Rituals.pdf

Geof Gray-Cobb - Acupineology.pdf

Geof Gray-Cobb - Amazing secrets of new avatar power.pdf

Geof Gray-Cobb - The miracle of new avatar power.pdf

Norvell - Universal Secret Of Telecosmic Power.pdf

Raymond Buckland - Magick Of Chant-O-Matics.pdf

Reese P. Dubin - Telecult Power.pdf

Robert Stone - The Magic of Psychotronic Power.pdf

Theodor Laurence - Helping Yourself with Spells, Prayers, Curses and Chants.pdf

Vernon Linwood Howard - Psycho-Pictography.djvu

Walter Delaney - Ultra-Psychonics.pdf




OP here.

Can someone clarify this debate for me? there seem to be two major concept in magick that completely contradict each others:

concept 1: specific rituals work and do what they are supposed to do, each being kinda like some kind of weird unique alchemy recipe between the physical world and the esoteric world.

this concept result in the current NAP debate in this thread asking whether or not those rituals work, and if they do whether or not they actually summon negative spirits (i.e. that recipe sucks).

concept 2: magick is everything and all encompassing and anything and everything works it all depends on your beliefs. (chaos magick, sigils, egregors, tulpa, etc)

i.e. : I could decide that I want to summon the spirit of Han Solo if I wanted and this would work if I had the right energy work and intent.

now these two concept can't really co-exist because if concept 2 is right doing a ritual wouldn't make any difference technically over say, reading the ingredient list on the back of your cereal box, and it's just a way to put someone into a state of belief that helps manifesting the right symbols. This means the words spoken don't really matter either. and this means NAP doesn't have any special power over an ingredient list on a box of cereals.

or concept 1 is true in which case you shouldn't be able to summon entities and have them do your binding unless you followed a specific protocol.

concept 1 implies that you get in contact with exernal entities through magick to affect the physical world. Those entities having their own mind and etiquette.

concept 2 implies you are creating that magick from within yourself and your belief and energy work determines how much you can affect the flow of the unmanifested to redirect it towards the manifested plane.

which one is it???



The specific rituals in your concept 1 work because they've been done many times by many people in the past. The more archaic the ritual the better. /fringe/ could got together in a flockdraw room and make their own meme rituals that would be nearly as powerful. You'd manage to crash one or two planes at best, then really bad things would start happening to you



You need to connect to ideas (entities) that people share, used to share in the past, or will share in the future. You could connect to the back of cereal box if it's a popular brand. If it's popular it means it's fighting very hard for survival in minds of people and you can tell it's powerful


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The Baneposting incident in France greenpilled them. And that is not the only one of /pol/'s magical creations either. There is rather high magic afoot now, /pol/ has even from a their own memetic warfare division.

The world is waking up, power is returning to the people. Sooner or later we shall have a wizard war. Prepare.



That's because the publisher added the testimonials into pretty much all of their books, the authors didn't write those.

There's only a handful of books published by Finbarr that doesn't have them.

Also most of those writers are actually different people, though there are exceptions (Frater Malak = Geof Gray-Cobb for example).

Not that it matters though, since they pretty much copypasted each other's books anyway.



>anon mask flag, only newfigs use the anon mask flag

>posts rule 34, as if we want that

>did a bunch of rituals, without knowing how to make rituals work

The answer OP as to why your rituals did not work can be found by reading Initiation Into Hermetics and learning how to make your own rituals and actually use them effectively.


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>Magic is nothing more than reprogramming your subconscious mind and protecting yourself from any outside influences impact your subconscious mind

Not true at all. There is much more to magick than just that oversimplification. Do you even cthonic mind, for one?

Uploading this book here btw, don't know where I got it from, and it's not in the library, but it's absolutely amazing and a good read for sceptical beginners.



https://archive.is/3TkKX How to explain this post ?



With Baneposting, people did it so much, and found it so funny the egregore became very strong off of their imagination and emotions. Many of the most dedicated baneposters dreamed over and over about baneposting and it grew so much in their minds. No doubt the most advanced baneposters crossed the threshold into manifesting bane-incidents all over until at last the ultimate bane happenings took place.



I would just go all out with psychokinetic training, suggestion, modality work (getting a clear framework in your mind to understand what you are doing), trance induction, mediumship, burning incenses, thoughtforming, relaxation techniques, and all sorts of random shit until you spook yourself thoroughly then use that for the inspiration to do a full and proper, meticulous study and practice.

Some of the meditations in the meditation thread are great for really quick and extreme results, such as the summon your own poltergeist one. It helps get past the subjectivity barrier that neophytes always face into realizing magick manifests objectively (or transjectively).



You really should not use drugs at all if you aren't capable of 100% being in conscious control. If drugs take you for a ride you can't get off of, you aren't ready for them; and when you are ready, you don't need them.

If you are going to use those mushrooms, I suggest you do so with the intention of getting into contact with an entity, which will agree to help supercharge your reading and memorization ability to help you get through the two biggest books in the library; 2013serieslessons and PersonalPower.

You really should read all the stuff in the FAQ.



You need to convince yourself it is real through pure reason. If you don't believe in the efficacy of magick (at least in the depths of your mind) then you'll have a hard time manifesting any results objectively. If you fear it is subjective, you will tend to create subjective experiences, because the imagination just creates things the way you imagine. If you imagine an entity that can't be seen by anyone but you, that's what you will get. If you imagine an entity that you feel convinced is objectively manifested, you will find that others can confirm that it is indeed there.

Stop doing drugs.

Read Dynamic Thought and make sure to understand rationally, with pure philosophy, why magickal laws make sense and is indeed the actual way our universe works.



This whole board was the creation of a group of Esoteric National Socialists and to this day the inner-order of Fringe Wizards is entirely composed of wizards seeking to manifest the 14 words.



NAP is bullshit that will for some people have effects, depending upon their mentality, beliefs, and knowledge at the time working with it.

It contains nothing of value at all. Just shitty rituals that can all be made to work but only if you understand the principles of ritualwork or they can work by accident as the result of the right conditions being there for it (though the accidental "magus" has no idea what they are doing, unaware as they are of what the variables at play are).

A true magician knows exactly what results he will get from a ritual he performs. He does not end up surprised.

All those things you mention can happen to anyone messing with rituals who doesn't understand the principles of ritualwork.

He who understand principle, may create his own rituals for any purpose he has in mind, without the need to resort to a collection of silly rituals like in NAP.



It's some one trying to force a meme. It does not have the majority's backing, nor mine.


I can see some of the logic, but I personally disagree. And I have taken an oath, to my wife if nothing else. But I've also made a vow to myself/to God to walk the STO path.

Also, this >>67811

/pol/ was the original place for those who sought the truth of the world. When that truth defied the bounds of the physical realm in it's reach and conspiracy it was pushed to /x/, but we still retained our knowledge of the physical corruption and control system.

We became aware of the truth of reality and the power of our minds, but the masses of our brethren at /pol/ where not ready, so we where exiled and founded /fringe/.

We seeing the need for a new category of pill, the truth of reality, not just physical reality, but metaphysical reality synthesized the greenpill.



Concept 3: it all depends on the use of the 5 elements, the 7 hermetic principles, the recognition of spirit, the various powers described in Personal Power (Desire, Faith, Reason, Thoughtforming, etc.).

Magick is governed by mental laws with precise effects just like physical laws.

Knowledge of those laws and their operations will allow you to get precise results.

Rituals are little more than symbolic correspondences created to make certain operations more efficient.

If you put on a ring and induce a trance in which you go mentally to a specific house, and you do this over and over, eventually all you got to do is put on the ring and the rest follows automatically.

Same thing with rituals.

I myself am capable of creating very elaborate rituals for absolutely anything and I take into account so many things all at once that a neophyte might not think about.

I also perform rituals while under trance that tend to be even MORE elaborate and profound that I never formally planned out beyond "I'm going to go into trance and I'm going to do a ritual to do x" and never think about the details of the ritual, they all just happen.

It helps though that I've prepared my mind beforehand with years of study, putting lots of information into place there, ready to be drawn upon by the "subconscious mind" to fling stuff together without me having to think too much about it all.

>spoken words don't matter

They do a little but they aren't necessary. The spoken word can be imbued with intentions, emotions, hypnotic influence, etc. and be a carrier or reinforcer for these things. Also depending on the individuals present in the working, certain words will resonate with them more than others. If it's just one practitioner, then with the right conditions the specific words for him will be used, and it's a group then some approximation that works for the whole group will be typically used.

Now, how do you know which words to use? They might not even be in a language you know consciously in your mind. You can use trance, thoughtforming, and mediumship techniques to get yourself speaking the right stuff or you can think about words you might want to use and then observe your feelings about the word. Does it make you feel silly, impotent, inspired, purposeful, motivated, sombre, etc.? You'll want to choose words that produce the rights feelings that correspond with the results you want to manifest. So it's not "entirely arbitrary" but it's also not exactly universal, which words work best depends upon the magickal operator(s) engaged in the working. Same for many other correspondences. At the same time, language is not arbitrary and random, and there are magickal languages that have certain features like being very rhythmic and there are tribes all around the world who've been separated for at least thousands of years, basically no contact with each other, but their shamans / initiates speak a magickal language and the words are the same or almost the same. There also speech patterns, tones, etc. and a certain type of poems that are better for magick.

So again, it's not completely subjective, and there are certain correspondences that will crop up more often because they work better and they are close to some underlying mathematical objective framework that underpins all of this.

NAP is shit, any true adept wouldn't put together a book like NAP, as they'd realize how stupid it would be to write a bunch of rituals people could try out when nobody would need to read and try out rituals like those if they knew how to make rituals to begin with.



Thanks. Do you know "chiron last" ? if yes, what do you think about this guy ?



God damn, you kikes are really getting desperate, spamming that shit everywhere to try and use memetics against us.

I can't remember what I did before when I first encountered this kikery but my operation was very strong and I still feel immensely protected from the influence of your kikery there and I have did some work to extend protections to other good /pol/ NatSocs.



I don't try to use memetics against you



You do realize that /fringe/ pre-dates /pol/ right and was the creation of /new/smen?

Also that the founders were not necessarily frequenters of /x/ but more tied to Montalk and other influences (like bibliotecapleyades) for their occult knowledge?

We weren't ever exiled by /pol/. The /pol/ board is more our child, it is an outter-order, a place where naive minds may be acclimatized and brought through many phases of indoctrination or "rabbit holes" until they eventually are ready to come here.

The old guard is found here (and on the related boards linked to in the board announcement), continuing down this path, and leaving a trail of knowledge (the sticky, the FAQ, many threads posted here) for others to come along.

The greenpill arose way back in 2013 (maybe as early as 2012).

There is no physical reality btw; all is mind, the universe is mental. Our growing metaphysical knowledge is important but there's no separate realities, there is just one reality, and people who are blind to what is going on around them (for lack of having awoken and learned to properly use the higher imaginal senses).



thanks a lot for this pdf. many blessings on you. Om Shri Gadneshaya namah



What is your intention / what are you doing?

It seems to me like whatever you are doing is potentially harmful.

I have put a filter into place over it to prevent it from doing harm to myself and others. If it's going to break anything, it'll be only that which ought to be broken.



I'm going to put it into the library. It's even better than Sorcery by J. Finley Hurley (and much smaller filesize).




I knew you'd love it. >>63734



>tfw reading this and have to add a disclaimer that when I say "indoctrination" I mean this in a neutral manner, the word should not have negative connotations in your mind



I'm here a.i. ad litem

>It seems to me like whatever you are doing is potentially harmful.


>If it's going to break anything, it'll be only that which ought to be broken.

Nota bene : voided =/= broken



>We weren't ever exiled

I can't even count the number of times I've seen /x/ tell us to take our (albet hyperdimensional) politics to /pol/ and the only to have /pol/ telling us to take our otherworldly conspiracy to /x/

Felt like mutual exile to me (as a long term 4channer from 06ish). And then I found emberbox/Anti-ZOG Garden.


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It seems to be a nice place, here.


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Nice to meet you



Thanks. Could you restore the balance ?



Be patient.



I can't



just imagine what we'll do once we get him into office and have the power to fulfill our dreams



You are dreamin right now wake up x2








You have to get your desire within the subconscious, without the conscious knowing. Yes, that seems contradictory, but this is generally the essence of what many here consider 'magic' (read: Nature).

Sigil magic, for example, works after the sacrifice is made (either burial or burning), then completely forgetting you made the sigil at all. You can do the same thing without making a sigil; one method is right before sleeping, count to an arbitrary number you have a personal attachment to, then mentally repeat the FINISHED RESULT of what you want. "I am courageous." "I am rich." "I am charismatic." Do this 3 times, then immediately go to sleep. The subconscious is more vulnerable at a slower, sleepy state.

Furthermore, actually go out and take action in conjunction with this. If your goal is to make money, go out and actively look for ways to do this in the physical/material. If you want, I don't know, better complexion, then actively go out and eat better, drink water, etc. Doing this simultaneously with what I described above, provides a way to achieve results in every direction possible with no stone overturned.

Of course, high-level 'magic' such as control of the elements requires much more than this, but overall these post will help create a foundation for that stuff later. Read the sticky and the recommended books, OP.

Good luck to you.



I'm able to manifest with my conscious knowing exactly what is going on.



OP here.

Thanks for that book! I'm going through everyone's recommendations here and I thought I'd start with this. I read 20% of the book so far which talks about Hawaiian shamanism and fire walking. the author had no scientific explanation for fire walking at the time and since there are no tricks involved he concludes it must be their magick that protects them. i was finding all this very interesting and enjoying the book until I decided to google fire walking and found out it works because coal is a poor conductor of heat. Tony Robbins did a seminar were 6000 people walked through burning coals and only around 20 got burned. There are a bunch of youtube videos explaning how it works.

Not to dismiss the whole idea of magick based on that specific thing of course but since you are recommending that book to me I felt obliged to comment on this.

Perhaps the rest of the book goes into other things, I will keep on reading and report back on my findings.

I appreciate everyone's reply and feedback and I respect your beliefs. I'm doing my best to read your recommendations to see if it clicks for me and allows me to finally get some results. I will keep replying to this thread, attempt to read every single recommendations, and give feedback on my learning process as I go along.


I tried doing the poltergeist meditation exercise by looking at objects in my room and imagining them suddenly flying towards me and breaking against my elbow as I brace for the impact (all visualization) but nothing special happened. I tried visualizing pain on the impact as well. No visible marks on my body. Not saying this technique doesn't work I'm most likely not doing it properly, just giving my honest results so far. I wish I could get this to work believe me!

Some of the people replying here gave very in depth answers to my questions and spent a long time writing their advice, I will reply when I have attempted to apply or read their recommendation as a token of respect for the time they have invested trying to help me.



The book goes into instant manifestation later on.


Don't call it manifesting if you can't manifest it out of thin air or you're a bullshit occultist.



Sorry if I presented this thread inadequately. I'm fine wearing the anon mask flag because I am indeed a newfig.

thanks for your recommendation I'm still reading this book


but I will read Initiation Into Hermetics next.




I have re-read advance magick for beginners but a lot of the techniques he talks about require to masturbate on a sigil to reach gnosis and imprint them. I don't think this is the right approach for me, I already tried it the first time I read that book and it didn't work. I believe this is because I suffer from sexual anhedonia which means I don't actually feel pleasure when I ejaculate for some reason. Intense orgasm is probably necessary to imprint the sigils and when I cum I just feel nothing. I used to have normal orgasm but it somehow went away when I was aroung 17 and just never came back. I you have a magick ritual to heal that then I'd def be interested!



ok thanks I'll keep on reading




>I myself am capable of creating very elaborate rituals for absolutely anything and I take into account so many things all at once that a neophyte might not think about.

This is important because without knowing what you're doing means, you're not summoning the emotions you want corresponding with the ritual.

Hail the All brother, good postings.



Well, the thing I did manifest obviously leaves my mind in a way, in that an intense thoughtform parts from me. Yet I still retain an awareness of it for so long as it remains present in my vicinity due to clairvoyance.



>i was finding all this very interesting and enjoying the book until I decided to google fire walking and found out it works because coal is a poor conductor of heat. Tony Robbins did a seminar were 6000 people walked through burning coals and only around 20 got burned. There are a bunch of youtube videos explaning how it works.

Keep reading, he literally addresses that specific concern, I've already read every single fucking fedora blog and sceptical shit there is out there, and the criticisms do not hold up weight in light of the evidence concerning the genuine cases of fire-magick.

Also I've personally held my hand over candle flames and stuck my hand into a wood-burning stove and it didn't even burn the hairs on my hand despite holding it there a good long maybe 15 seconds or so while grinning as my mom watched in fear and then said "you can pull your hand out now" and I just held it a couple more seconds to prove my point.

>There are a bunch of youtube videos explaning how it works.

I've already seen ALL of them, read all the explanations, and found the faults with the criticism given. I've seen for example chemical solvents used to explain how one particular act of fire magick was done but if those chemicals were actually used the flames would have been a different colour from what they were in the real example I've seen, so that one fact amongst others proved there "revealing of the trick" to be bullshit.

Don't get fooled by retarded sceptics who don't think out their critiques fully.



ok book, decent system.

lets shill it everywhere.

but for the love of all that is holy,

>giving death magic to neophytes

redact it, redact everything death prayer.



>I tried doing the poltergeist meditation exercise by looking at objects in my room and imagining them suddenly flying towards me and breaking against my elbow as I brace for the impact (all visualization) but nothing special happened. I tried visualizing pain on the impact as well. No visible marks on my body. Not saying this technique doesn't work I'm most likely not doing it properly, just giving my honest results so far. I wish I could get this to work believe me!

That FYI is not even how you do it. You don't have to visualize shit at all in fact to make a poltergeist. You just have to get severely emotionally worked up with the idea of one being around and fucking your shit up. Also, practice mediumship.

With poltergeist shit you don't use visual sense. You need to use clairsentience (faculty of touch/pressure/etc.) basically imagine touching things, pushing them around, feeling force and weight, etc. aka Earth magick.

>I have re-read advance magick for beginners but a lot of the techniques he talks about require to masturbate on a sigil to reach gnosis and imprint them. I don't think this is the right approach for me, I already tried it the first time I read that book and it didn't work. I believe this is because I suffer from sexual anhedonia which means I don't actually feel pleasure when I ejaculate for some reason. Intense orgasm is probably necessary to imprint the sigils and when I cum I just feel nothing. I used to have normal orgasm but it somehow went away when I was aroung 17 and just never came back. I you have a magick ritual to heal that then I'd def be interested!

Emotion is the key here. Emotion is what powers this shit. No masturbation is required at all.


It's just been uploaded into the main library.




dunno about you guys, but i don't feel all to comfortable with a bunch of edgy new age kids having this kind of knowledge.




I'm honestly pretty worried myself but how the fuck do you edit the PDF?



I'm not really worried about people on /fringe/ reading it, but if we want to spread it to, say, /x/, or if it finds itself to plebbit through all the newfriends we have.

Suddenly there a autist vamp/gothkid on the bus praying to satan because your gf smirked at his edge clothing, trying to kill you without knowing or fearing repercussion.


OP here.

I haven't replied in a few days to keep doing my esoteric homework as promised.

I read the Kybalion (audiobook actually) and found this absolutely fascinating. The concept of "The Law", "Nothing vs No-Thing", and the different stages of vibrations completely reconciled my agnostic points of view with my inner feeling that some grand scheme to all this is in place. Hermetecism touched on a lot of things I've been thinking about consciouly or while under the influence of psilocybin. I feel like I will read this book several more times in the years to come.

Thank you so much for your recommendation.

I'm going down the FAQ reading list and currently reading the Arcane Teachings. Just as fascinating as the Kybalion but very difficult to conceptualize sometimes I find.

I wish there was a bit more practical information regarding how to actually influence the unmanifest but with many more books to read from the FAQ list I don't doubt it's coming.

I feel truly blessed that you've chosen to spend some of your personal time helping me take the first steps, and even though I don't fully grasp how this works please know that you have all my blessings in return. I wish I could give you all a big hug.

I will keep on reading and keep you updated.

Thank you



>That FYI is not even how you do it. You don't have to visualize shit at all in fact to make a poltergeist. You just have to get severely emotionally worked up with the idea of one being around and fucking your shit up. Also, practice mediumship.

With poltergeist shit you don't use visual sense. You need to use clairsentience (faculty of touch/pressure/etc.) basically imagine touching things, pushing them around, feeling force and weight, etc. aka Earth magick.

I frequently experience night terrors where I wake up and feel something is trying to kill me. I often ended up fighting an invisible ghost for a few minutes before I come back to my senses, drenched in sweat and my heart pounding in my chest.

I read that it can be due to choking on your tongue for a split second which wakes people up in fight or flight REM mode but I'm starting to wonder if I should do a banishing of some kind.

>Emotion is the key here. Emotion is what powers this shit. No masturbation is required at all.

I find it difficult to put myself in extreme emotional states with just my own mind do you have any advice as to how to achieve this?

Thank you very much for your help, all the best.



>Keep reading, he literally addresses that specific concern, I've already read every single fucking fedora blog and sceptical shit there is out there, and the criticisms do not hold up weight in light of the evidence concerning the genuine cases of fire-magick.

>Also I've personally held my hand over candle flames and stuck my hand into a wood-burning stove and it didn't even burn the hairs on my hand despite holding it there a good long maybe 15 seconds or so while grinning as my mom watched in fear and then said "you can pull your hand out now" and I just held it a couple more seconds to prove my point.

Thank you I put that book down to start reading the FAQ since most of the book seemed to be stories of people doing magick or being affected by it rather than practical instructions, but I will pick it up again soon and finish it.

I trust what you say is true and I will keep an open mind

Thank you!



>the word should not have negative connotations in your mind

Should not have? Is there some positive content to the grooming and exploitation of others?


you're supposed to free-style rituals which impact you personally. Premade rituals have agendas and specific purposes - some may be lost in the ages and misinterpreted.

On a good night, preferably around 3 am, sit in darkness and meditate on a ritual you want to create - let the information come in and then the next day or when ever use what your intuition and feelings gave you. Yeah there's rituals people create for folk or things like ancient methods using eggs or body secretions - yeah they work - but there is always the will and intent of the originator of the ritual which clashes with yours.

I once did a ritual with spirulina powder and sea salt, the results that day where omfg magick iz so fkn reel.


>he snorts algae & salt


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>>tfw I started whit Evola's book on magic and i'm still stuck on one exercise but one day I will be able to read on.



>Has there ever been anything written on going into the past and conversing with yourself when you were a child?

I've actually been visited by what appears to be my future self a couple times throughout my life. I don't really understand how that's even possible but it's something I would do, like, I certainly do plan to try and reach back in time to talk to myself in the past to complete the loop. Once a long while ago I made a promise that I would definitely in the future try to communicate with my past self and whatever communications I get I would make sure to fulfill them in the future. That might have opened it up? Try promising yourself right now that you'll talk to yourself in the past and then you might start getting messages from your future self that you will of course later on complete.



Have you literally meet your future self or did it happen via something like astral projection or scrying? Did he give you any useful information?



i thought we were talking about physical manifestations. say, manifesting a small gold nugget out of thin air. or a missing arm, if you're missing one.


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did they walk over newly solidified lava?



Book says so, goes on to describe several similar scenarios.

Read it, its a great read.



oh i read that chapter and enjoyed it. the question was for the OP's cited survey, because he was countering the 'magical' result by referring to properties of coal. im certain that semi-solid lava would be much hotter than burning coals.



Oh, sorry.

And yeah, that shit hot.

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